Who Killed Stella Pomeroy? (29 page)

BOOK: Who Killed Stella Pomeroy?
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“None of the servants saw a big car,” objected Miller, “and, as you see, their windows look out this way.”

“They do, but have you ever seen a house full of maids in a thunderstorm? They run to cover, preferably under a bed or in a linen closet. The storm was a stroke of luck for our murderers.”

Vincent was silent as they walked back to Miller's car. When they had taken their seats he asked: “Have you made any enquiries at garages down the Bath Road about a car with a dinted offside wing? Garage hands notice these things.”

“Not yet,” replied Miller half apologetically. “We had so little to go upon.”

Vincent relapsed into another silence and then he said: “If the man was shot in the car there must be a bullet mark somewhere at the level of a man's head. That theory might be worth pursuing.”

Miller was spared from answering this remark by the sight of a small car drawn up before the police headquarters.

“Hallo!” he said. “What's this?”

He was not long left in doubt. A young man, whom Vincent recognized as having been one of the witnesses at the inquest, jumped out of the car and made a sign to Miller to pull up.

“We have something that will interest you, Inspector, and we brought it back from a garage a few miles down the road for you to see.”

“What is it?”

“A car window with what looks like a bullet hole clean through it.”

Published by Dean Street Press 2016
All Rights Reserved
First published in 1936 by Eldon Press as
Death in the Bathroom
Cover by DSP
Introduction © 2016 Martin Edwards
978 1 
911095 78 1


BOOK: Who Killed Stella Pomeroy?
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