Whisky Lullaby: Rock Star Romance, Step-brother New Adult Romance (Tennessee Romance Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Whisky Lullaby: Rock Star Romance, Step-brother New Adult Romance (Tennessee Romance Book 1)
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Ashley bit her bottom lip as she stared at his face. A smile curled from her lips as she held up his banjo pick. “How about you kiss me now, before the show starts?” Her breath came out in small gasps, and her breasts rose and fell with them.

A sharp sound escaped from Logan’s mouth as his eyes roamed from her perky, silky skinned breasts peeking through the top of her blouse to her soft lips.

“And why might I do that, Miss Slater?” Logan turned and ran his hands up her sides stopping at her ribcage.

Breathily, Ashley replied, “Because I’m asking.”

Slowly, Logan brought his lips to hers in a gentle but sensuous kiss. Her tongue met his, engaged in a seductive dance. He tried to be gentle but as she pressed her body closer to his, he crushed his lips harder against hers, wanted to taste more of her.

He unclipped her helmet, letting it fall to the ground, so he could run his hands through her hair. His fingers caught, just as he imagined they would and he groaned against her mouth. Reluctantly, he pulled his lips away from hers, but held her gaze. “What are you doing to me?” Logan swallowed hard.

She gave him a sinful smile, a wicked look in her eyes.

He imagined her in bed, naked and begging. Or would he be the one begging her? It didn’t matter.

Holding Logan’s silver Whisky Lullaby banjo pick, she teased him as she ran her tongue over her lips, tasting him one last time. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Logan Murphy.” Slyly, Ashley slipped the banjo pick into the cavern of her jean pocket. “I’m just another one of your groupie followers.” She winked at him.

As Logan revved the engine of the motorcycle, he laughed. He imagined the looks of the female faces who followed the band as Ashley rushed the stage to kiss him and pass him the pick.

“What?” Ashley asked innocently as she reached down to put her helmet back on. She slipped her hands over his chest and let them run down his taut stomach before her fingers entwined together.

As Logan eyed her, he began to laugh hysterically. Pulling her close against him, he spoke above the roar of the engine, “This is gonna be one hell of a show.”



Chapter Ten

The Cave



White shimmering lights strung from the black awning hung out front of the Cave. Round tables with ornate chairs sat on the patio and there was a long queue of college students standing impatiently in line waiting for the show to begin.

Their black van careened down Snyder Road and came to a screeching halt outside the Cave. From the back Zip, Chris, Dale and Gavin jumped out, instruments and equipment in hand as they darted for the front door of the Cave where the general manager was waiting for them.

When the crowd spotted them, many of the spectators began to applaud and cheer.

“All right, Gavin!”

“Aye Zip! Sign my shirt!”

“Chris! Chris! I love you!”

“Dale baby, did ya leave your girlfriend at home tonight?! I’ll show you a good time! Yeah baby!”

The catcalls continued as the band walked up the path to the door. In a moment’s pause the crowd changed to who was missing.

“Where’s Logan?!”

“Yeah! Logan, where are you?”

“Looooo-gan! Come out and play, pretty boy!”

“Logan! Logan! Logan!”

Gavin shook his head as they scooted inside. He’d never get tired of the crowds. He loved it. He stood at the open door held by the manager. “That’s right Logan, keep ‘em waiting. It only drives ‘em crazier.”

Then, almost as if on cue, the purr of a motorcycle revved loudly over the feverish noise of the crowd.

“Oh, hell. Here he is.” Dale slung his guitar across his shoulder and peered out beside Gavin.

Sure enough, speeding up Snyder Road was none other than Logan Murphy himself, with Kylee’s cousin riding in the back seat gripping onto Logan’s shoulders tightly.

Gavin frowned. He didn’t care if Logan wanted to go on a date, but he did care if he came riding in to a gig with the girl on his bike. They needed to please the crowds, play the game and make sure they secured a spot at Rock Star Royale.

“Good luck, Logan,” the girl said as she kissed Logan’s shoulder blade gently.

Pulling the motorcycle into the reserved parking spot beside the door, Gavin watched Logan grab the girl’s hand as they rushed into the club.

Compared to the brightness outside, the dimness inside the club seemed extra dark. Gavin high-fived Logan as he passed and nodded at the girl.
She’s pretty
. Something about her made Gavin think she wasn’t a single night kind of gal. He scratched his head.
Now’s not the time, Logan. Please, not now.
He followed them into the club.

Inside the bar area, Dale had found Lisa sitting on a barstool, bottles of beer lined up. She handed each of the guys a long neck as they passed. Dale leaned over and kissed her.

“Hey sexy,” Lisa teased as she passed Dale a cold one.

“And look who finally graced us with their presence.” Gavin grabbed two bottles and handed one to Logan. He smiled politely at the pretty girl. “Do you want one?”

“Not yet. Thanks though.” Her accent told him she was a New Yorker.

Logan pointed, “Guys, this is Ashley. Ashley, here’s the band.”

Gavin nodded and shook the hand Ashley offered. “I’m Gavin.”

She shook hands with Zip, Dale and Chris. It seemed like Gavin was the only one not impressed she was there.

“Did anybody bring Cecilia?” Logan looked around.

“Cecilia?” Ashley asked and elbowed Logan in the gut. “That your girlfriend you forgot to tell me about?”

Gavin raised his eyebrows. Maybe she was a one-night stand kind of girl.
Good for you, Logan
. “You could call her Logan’s girl.”

Logan laughed as he covered his eyes with his hand in mortification.

Gavin laughed at the surprise on Ashley’s face. Enough teasing the poor girl. She might be okay after all. Cecilia is Logan’s banjo… And yeah I brought it in. It’s all fixed, tuned and ready to go.” He handed Logan the black banjo case.

“Thanks, Gav.” Logan took a swig of his beer. As he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand he said,

“So Ash, you from New York?” Gavin turned to Ashley.

She nodded. “I am.”

“Have you heard of Whisky Lullaby?”

“I have now.” She smiled not backing down.

“Have you heard of Ashley Slater?” Logan shot back at Gavin.

“Oh, I’ve heard about her,” Dale said as he nudged his girlfriend Lisa.

Ashley smiled and took a seat at the bar beside Lisa as she offered it.

“Couldn’t help yourself, could ya?” Lisa smirked at Ashley.

“What do you mean?” She blinked rapidly and pretended she didn’t get Lisa’s teasing on hot Logan.

“It’s not every day Logan introduces a real live girl.” Lisa winked.

“Oh, I, uh…” She had no idea how to respond.

“Yeah,” Gavin joked. “Last week it was a blow up. Freakin’ embarrassing.”

The guys chuckled, so did Ashley.

“So what now?” Ashley asked as the crowds outside began chanting ‘Whisky… Gimme me some Whisky Lullaby! We want Whisky!’

“They set up, then the fun begins,” Lisa said with a laugh.

“Cool,” Ashley said and reached for Logan’s beer to steal a sip.

Gavin frowned. She was holding a Whisky Lullaby banjo pick between her index finger and her thumb. “Let’s do this.” He turned and headed for the stage, knowing the guys would follow.




The already dim lights went off at 7:59. The Cave was packed to max capacity with revelers, music lovers, and diehard fans of Whisky Lullaby. The hum of the chatter of the crowd rose to a deafening roar as the bar went dark and a single light pointed to front of the club as the band took the stage.

Lisa leaned over to Ashley. They had the best spot in the house. “Mayhem Mondays at the Cave are known to be a bit wilder than the other nights of the week. There’re no rules.”

“Seriously?” Ashley shifted her weight to her other foot, excited to watch them play.

Lisa nodded and reached for her soda. “Bands are encouraged to bring their most uptempo music and put on a show that the crowd’ll remember. In other words… Bring the Mayhem! Whisky Lullaby’s a favorite of the Cave’s because they always guarantee a packed house and a crazy-explosive performance.”

Before Ashley could respond, the owner, Mike McGovern, who had introduced himself to Ashley earlier, took the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention, please!”

All eyes were on him as the roar turned to a murmur. Fog drifted over the stage as a dim purple ambiance spotlight lit up the stage. Ashley and Lisa stood just inches from the stage with bated breath.

“Woooooo!” Lisa called out, adding to the positive energy inside of the club.

Ashley glanced behind her. You could cut the anticipation in the Cave with a knife. The place was crazy crowded.

A mock silence filled the club. As the black curtains parted, a unique sound hit the air. The rip of a banjo, the vibration of fiddle strings, the deep strum of a bass guitar and the pounding of Zip’s drumsticks echoed a simple set of chords. The crowd screamed with excitement.

Ashley, caught up in the excitement, cried out along with the crowd as she waited to see Logan emerge on stage.

“One… Two…. Three…. Four!” Gavin screamed out as the lights went on and Chris’ electric guitar wailed.

Then, as if out of nowhere, Logan skidded to the front of the stage on his knees.

“Get up and dance, girl! I’m in a rock and roll band,” Logan shouted in a perfect pitched song.

Logan’s voice was like velvet as he sung the opening lyrics of Boy and Bear’s song “Bridges”. It was obviously a fan favorite at the Cave, and since the Australian band would probably not visit the Cave, Whisky Lullaby was the next best thing.

As Logan sang, his eyes found Ashley and he watched her with a penetrating gaze. The attention was like a jolt of lightning to her system. She watched as Logan jumped to his feet and waved her on.

“Watch this,” she shouted over the music to Lisa. With a mischievous smirk she plucked the pick from the back pocket of her jeans and jumped up to the stage. She heard Lisa calling her back but ignored the cries.

Logan held a hand out for her, but instead of simply taking the pick, he did something unexpected. Grabbing Ashley’s wrists, Logan pulled her to him and spun her around. Swaying to the beat of the music, Logan danced with Ashley, pressing his lips to hers as the crowd screamed.

With staged exaggeration he stepped back and bowed before taking his pick from her and flashing it to the crowd. Raising the mic, he played the crowd and asked, “Does the lady have a request?”

Ashley heard Gavin swear behind Logan but figured it was because he had to carry the chords as he waited for the next song to start. The crowd cheered as she turned and slyly looked at Logan. “You know I do!” she shouted into the mic as she laid a hand on Logan’s chest.

Logan grinned at her and at the reaction to the people in the club. “Well, don’t be shy, baby. What do you want?”

Ashley leaned toward Logan’s ear and then grabbed his hand and pulled the microphone to her mouth. “You.”

The women in the club screamed in agreement. “Me, too!” “Hell yeah!” “Give her what she wants, Logan!”

Logan laughed. Quickly, he brought his microphone to his mouth. “Baby I don’t know that song!”

Ashley laughed as the crowd cheered on. She turned and shrugged to the crowd, playing them like someone who spent every night on stage. “What do I do?” she mouthed. Then, grabbing the microphone from Logan, Ashley suggested, “What about, Ho Hey by The Lumineers?”

Logan’s reaction was priceless. So was the roar of the fans.

“Damn this girl has great taste in music!” Logan stepped back and set his banjo before turning to his bandmates. “Now that we can do! Can’t we fellas?!”

“Sure can!” Gavin shouted and nodded toward Ashley.

“Hit it!” Zip called out.

“All right, All right!” Chris yelled out.

Ashley moved to get off the stage but Logan pulled her back. “But I’m gonna need your help Miss.” He winked at her. “What’s your name again?”

“Ashley.” She shook her head, laughing at him.

“Ashley! The beautiful Ashley with the luscious lips! I can’t sing this alone! Will you join me?” He kept his hand in hers as he turned to the crowd. “And all of you out there, on the beat I want you to stomp your feet!”

She couldn’t say no. Hell could freeze over and she’d still be on fire with Logan on the stage.

Dale began strumming the strings of his guitar as a smooth voice sounded from his mouth. Soon Logan’s banjo accompanied his friend’s harmony. The audience stomped their feet loudly with every other beat and Logan and Ashley took over the vocals of the song.

Logan, looking right into Ashley’s eyes, sang out, “I belong with you! You belong with me…”

Then Logan pushed the microphone in Ashley’s face with a daring look in his eyes. After a moment of hesitation, Ashley smiled and belted out in a voice as smooth as silk, “You’re my sweetheart!”

Then as the crowd continued to stomp their feet and dance along to the beat, they all sang out, “You’re my sweetheart!”

Ashley laughed and danced throughout the performance and when the song was over she let Logan give her a sweet peck on the cheek. Gracefully, she lowered herself off the stage, grinning from ear to ear.

“Let’s give it up for Ashley!” Logan called out as the crowd cheered.

Lisa clapped her hands and rubbed her shoulder against Ashley’s. “Well played girl, well played!”

Ashley grinned. She, like every girl in the room, was falling in love with Logan Murphy, lead singer for Whisky Lullaby.

BOOK: Whisky Lullaby: Rock Star Romance, Step-brother New Adult Romance (Tennessee Romance Book 1)
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