Read Where There's Smoke Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Where There's Smoke (8 page)

BOOK: Where There's Smoke
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“I only treat you like you deserve.” She rubbed her thumb over his damp lips.

“Let me do the same for you, Ky.” He sucked the digit into his mouth, thrilling her with the heat and pressure of his gentle sucking. “I’ll give you everything I can. I swear.”

“Then how about losing those jeans.” She gulped. “Let me see you again.”

“I’ll let you do a hell of a lot more than that.” He rose and shucked the denim before she could brace herself for the impact of his bare-naked glory.

When his cock fell free, thick and heavy against his thigh, she nearly drooled. The unseasonably balmy night had nothing on the way he made her overheat. If she didn’t do something to cool off she’d explode. “First you’ll have to catch me.”

She sprinted for the edge of the platform and dove into the water, relying on muscle memory from the million times she’d executed the maneuver in their past to guide her. Cool, refreshing water sluiced over her body—face, hands and bare breasts. When her lungs began to burn, she surfaced, throwing her head back to clear the wet hair from her eyes.

“Christ, you look like a mermaid,” Logan muttered from the dock.

She was a little disappointed he hadn’t joined her until he perched on the edge of the structure. Wicked ideas swam into her mind. She tipped onto her back, stroking until she floated by his shins. His skin was tan even in the moonlight.

“Now that’s a sight I’ll never forget.” He muttered oaths and curses into the night.

“Testing the water, Logan?” She teased him for his slower method of entry.

“I’m not sure shocking the boys is the right approach when I’m trying to make a good first impression.” He grimaced at the thought of the cool liquid.

She grinned, letting her legs sink until she treaded water between his knees. Then she walked her dripping fingers up his legs, using him to anchor her. He’d always done that for her. When she reached his thighs, he shivered.

“Whatcha doing, Ky?”

“Playing.” She peered up at him as she buoyed at the surface, her lips now following the path her fingers had taken. “You won’t spoil my fun, will you?”

“Too much of that and you’ll ruin it yourself.” He groaned.

“You can handle it.” She nipped the sinew of his inner thigh. His hands fisted at his side a moment before reaching under her arms to help her stay afloat while she explored. He tasted amazing. Like early summer and salt and man. “Besides, if there are no condoms in your wallet, you might as well let me solve this problem another way or you’re likely to hurt yourself walking home.”

“Never had my hard-on referred to as a problem before.” He scowled adorably.

“Really? Fitting all that inside seems like it would be a delicate operation.” She measured him with a slow circuit using the tip of her finger. “I’ve certainly never been with a guy your size before.”

“We’ll go slow when the time comes. It’ll work just fine, I promise.” He lost his breath as she considered the possibilities.

After reaching up to band her arms around his waist and lay her head in his lap, she hesitated. Near her prize, her breath washed over the incredibly long, thick shaft of his cock. From here she could spot a bead of wetness at the tip. She licked her lips.

“You’re killing—” His declaration ended in a gurgle when she lapped at the head of his erection with the flat of her tongue, savoring the flavor of him. Slowly and sweetly, she dusted him with kisses before drawing him into her mouth. When she’d taken as much as she could without choking, she began to suck in a series of soft, delicate swallows. The thrill of new and different sensations magnified her natural excitement. This was Logan. And it was really happening.

Not intending to race to the finish, she reveled in his surrender and set herself to granting him as much pleasure as she could. Because if she knew him at all, he wouldn’t take for himself very long before returning the favor. A million times over.

Cicadas helped her keep a rhythm. Her head moved delicately over her treat. It amazed her to finally have him in her grasp. And to be thrilling him. Because the noises bubbling from his sexy chest were clear indications he was enjoying himself.


Her hands wandered up and down his furred thighs as she grew more comfortable with his girth, which spread her jaw wide. She kicked her feet lazily to assist her in the natural bobbing motion she required. The cool water and the warm night combined to awaken every nerve-ending in her skin.

At the first flick of her tongue over the sensitive underside of his tip, Logan hauled her upward as though she weighed no more than a legal-sized notepad. He held her suspended, half-submerged, far enough away from him that she had to stop her teasing.

“Maybe I had my strategy all wrong.” Husky whispers thrilled her. Could she really have done that to his voice? “I should have realized that with you, I’m going to need all the help I can get to restrain myself from ending this party before it starts.”

“Don’t hold back.” She wriggled until her belly brushed his erection, encouraging his surrender. “I want to make you crazy.”

“You can check that box. Fucking great.” He scooted closer to the edge and lowered her until she could feed more of his shaft between her lips when she descended again. Still she couldn’t take the whole thing. Instead she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and massaged in time with the ministrations of her mouth. “This is going to be embarrassingly easy for you.”

“Mmm.” She hummed against his shaft, loving the flex that followed the vibrations.

“Damn. Yes.” He twined his fingers in her hair, guiding her in the rhythm he preferred. “Just like that, Ky. Better than I imagined.”

Tracing each vein with her tongue, she studied his topography. Therefore, she caught the difference right away when he grew impossibly harder and the ridges became more pronounced.

“I’m going to…”

She added a twist of her head as she rose off his throbbing cock before plunging down once more. Faster and harder, she suckled him as jets of come blasted from his plum-shaped tip. Water splashed as his legs kicked, his feet breaking the surface when his hips began an involuntary thrusting. His whole body moved sinuously, making her sure she wanted to experience his release from beneath that amazing frame someday. Soon.

His muscles flexed, then trembled. He slumped, breathing as hard as if he’d just carried ten loads of supplies from his truck to a job site on the fifth floor of an apartment building with no elevator.

Petting his flank, she rested against him, smiling while he recovered.

“You look awfully proud of yourself.” If she were a cat, she would have purred when he petted her hair then traced her lips, swiping the last bit of fluid from them.

“Shouldn’t I be?” She peeked up at him from behind her lashes.

“Hell yeah.” He reached for her, drawing her out of the water completely this time.

Droplets rained from her skin, dripping onto him. He seemed to relish the relief from the heat, and tugged her closer until he nearly singed her with his torso. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight to him as he leaned in to claim her mouth.

Kyana had never been kissed like this—tender yet rough, gentle yet insistent, carnal yet sweet. She could have kept going forever. All the while, his hands roamed her back from shoulders to ass, spiraling her need higher until a whimper escaped her.

“You’re pretty when you beg, Ky,” he murmured against her neck before nipping her there just hard enough to have her arching in his hold. Her breasts rubbed against his chest, stimulating her diamond-hard nipples.

“I did no such thing.” She tried to deny it. No use.

“Your body is speaking for you.” He smiled, long and slow. “Don’t worry, I’m listening.”

She sighed when he separated them enough to turn, setting her on the dock with one last deep kiss. Then he entered the pond without a splash. The power and grace of his well-muscled shoulders and ass left her in awe. With him beneath the silvery surface, which glinted in the moonlight, she thought maybe she’d imagined the entire interlude.

Until he rose from the depths like a mythical creature designed to lure her into temptation. A male siren. She’d willingly fall into his trap. Any price would be worth the paradise he promised with a sweltering stare and the curve of his sexy smile as he swam back.

“Come closer.” He tugged on her ankle until she perched with her ass on the edge of the dock. “Lay back.”

She did as he instructed without argument. He might as well have charmed her like a snake in a basket for all she wished to disobey.

“That’s right. Stay on your elbows so you can watch me. I want you to see how much I enjoy pleasuring you.” He lifted one of her feet from the silky water.

Logan tagged a kiss to her arch before beginning a slow press and release of his fingers that quickly turned into a full-on massage. Her toes curled when he rubbed her just right. Having mastered that part of her anatomy, he proceeded to climb to her ankles.

“Will you wear heels for me when we go on our date?” He licked the skin there. “I’m picturing you in a power suit and killer stilettos. Your hair back, no nonsense. I can’t explain how hot your lawyer pictures made me when I spotted them in Rose’s house. Tell me you have some shoes tucked away with all that naughty lingerie you hoard.”

“I might have a pair.” She scooted at least three inches closer when he nibbled on her calf.

“Or twenty, I bet.” He hummed against the inside of her knee, driving her mad.

“Who’s counting?” The question barely snuck past the constriction of her throat and a similar squeeze on her heart. Could he really be here, delighting her?

To reassure herself, she petted his silky hair. So soft, even wet.

“Yeah, I’m not going anywhere.” He read her mind. Then he blew it with a few well-placed swirls of his thumb over the apex of her slit. Not once did she consider closing her legs despite his intimate position, which would have unnerved her with any other man. Good thing awkwardness never entered the picture since he’d blocked the possibility of hiding by inserting his torso fully between her thighs. “I’m dying to taste you, Ky.”

“Do it.” She let her hands slide palms down on the wood behind her. On straight-locked arms, she leaned back. “Please.”

Droplets ran down his chest when he hoisted himself up a few inches higher, enough to seal his mouth over the lips of her pussy, which shimmered in the moonlight, more from his influence than the refreshing liquid of the pond.

Kyana gasped.

His tongue insinuated itself between her lips and teased her swollen clit. A flutter, to preview his skill before he warmed her up with long laps and kisses on the ridges and valleys of her folds. Sure, guys had gone down on her before. None of them had performed with as much gusto as Logan. Never had a man made her feel like he enjoyed the act as much as she did.

Logan devoured her like the starving kid he’d been.

Not some sort of repayment for her blowjob, though she had to admit she’d done her best for him. Hell, he seemed satisfied to drive her wild if his hums of appreciation and approval were any indication.

The drumming of her heels on his shoulders forced him tighter to her core. He took the opportunity to prod her opening with the tip of one finger, pressing inward until he breached the tight rings of muscle at her entrance.

“Oh, fuck me.” She blushed when she realized she’d shouted into the night.

“Next time, sweetheart.” He nuzzled her softness, burrowing deeper with a simultaneous oral and manual assault. “I promise. I’ll be the first guy in line at the pharmacy tomorrow.”

Her giggle turned into a moan when he added a second finger then scissored them while he started that flicky thing with his tongue again. After that, she couldn’t think about anything other than the bliss he instilled in her and the magic of the moment. Holy shit, why hadn’t they done this right the first time? They’d wasted a decade apart.

“Where’d you go, Ky?” Logan whispered against her mound before returning his attention to her—twice as fast, twice as intense.

“We lost so much time.” She felt herself unraveling as he lifted her higher. Euphoria laced with regret made the triumph that much sweeter.

“We’ll make up for it.” He didn’t pause longer than it took to utter the pledge.

Shudders began deep inside her, an early warning sign of the explosion brewing. When he looked up at her to gauge her reaction—or maybe to command her surrender—she got lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. The connection, so strong, pushed her over the edge.

She called out his name as wave after wave of ecstasy flooded her heart and soul along with her corporeal form. Endless pulses of pleasure transmitted ecstasy through her muscles until she’d wrung every last drop of delight from the experience.

And when she had mostly stopped seizing, she realized he’d withdrawn gently from her body and levered himself onto their stage. He collapsed on his back and drew her to his side, where she curled up as if she’d done it a million times before. Sleeping with him the past week or so had ranked high on her list of lifetime achievements. Now his protective hold and his familiar warmth seemed even more welcoming.

“Feel better?” His husky voice proclaimed he knew he’d satisfied her.

BOOK: Where There's Smoke
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