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Authors: C.E. Hansen

Where I Found My Heart (9 page)

BOOK: Where I Found My Heart
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Chapter 20


I heard Libby’s voice in unison with her footsteps.

“I have coffee people!” she called out.

And as if the pied piper played his flute, I heard a few doors open and the inhabitants slowly emerged from the confines of their offices, me included.

“Just what I need. Thanks Libby.”

“Oh Reny…you may want to take this one.” She pointed rather flamboyantly to the cup next to the one I was reaching for and I nearly fell over.

“When?!!! Oh my God, congratulations Libby!” I grabbed her hand in my own and she beamed as I gazed at the beautiful diamond engagement ring she was sporting.

“Last night…it was totally out of the blue. I was totally shocked.”

“It’s so beautiful.” And for a change I had tears of joy in my eyes. “You are going to be the most beautiful bride. Have you guys set a date?”

“We’re tossing it around, but Josh wants a fall wedding which,” she looked at her watch, “doesn’t really give me too much time.”

I laughed, as if she can measure months by her watch…crazy right?

“I could seriously use your help Reny.”

“You know I’m always here for you.” I squeezed her hand, “Always.”

I hugged her, very, very tightly and we both jumped in place like two girls from Junior High who found out they had dates to the prom.

“What’s going on?” Dave asked.

“Libby is getting married. She’s engaged.” I shouted as I nearly pulled her arm off her to show Dave.

“About time. Where’s Josh?” He pulled Libby into a big bear hug, “Congrat’s sis.”

“Thank you Dave. He’s at work, but he’ll be by later today.” She smiled brightly, “It’s your turn next.”

“Thanks for the notice. I definitely think it would help to have a girlfriend first though.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get to work on that.” Libby admonished.

“Right. I’m on it.” He saluted before taking a cup of coffee back to his office. “Thanks for the java Lib and congrats again!” he called out over his shoulder.

Teresa and Dani stepped up to have a look at the sparkler on Libby’s finger, both congratulated, hugged and kissed her. She was positively glowing and it made my heart feel good to see her so happy. She’d put her life on hold to deal with her brother’s death and grieve and now, now she was finally getting on with it.

“Hey, how about lunch today?” she asked, “We can talk about dresses and venues… all that fun stuff.”

I suddenly remembered I had a ‘date’. “Oh Libby. I can’t today. I have a lunch date with Mark.” I thought about it for a second, “I can…”

“You can have lunch with me tomorrow.” She cut me off before I could tell her I’d switch the date until the next day. “That explains why you look so nice. Sorry for not noticing.”

“Yeah, like you had nothing on your mind.”

“Seriously Ren, you look really nice. Where are you guys going?”

“I don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me. Said it was a surprise.”

“I absolutely love surprises!” she said holding her hand in front of her as she perused her huge diamond again.

“I can see you do!” I giggled. I have to tell you, getting used to that sound can be a bit uneasy, especially standing where I was.

“I can’t wait to plan my wedding with you.”

“So we’re on for tomorrow?”

“Duh, of course. I would say let’s do dinner tonight, but Josh made plans for us to take his parents out and spring it on them…the engagement.”

“That sounds like fun. I always liked Rich and Marie. You’re lucky, they’ll be great in-laws.” I suddenly remembered the first time I met Dylan’s parents. They, Evelyn and Joe, were so excited to find out that Dylan and I were dating. Libby told me they fell in love with me when I worked there and secretly prayed Dylan would too. Ah, good times.

“I am a very lucky girl.”

“You certainly are.” I looked up into her eyes, “and I’m damned lucky to have you as a sister-in-law Libby McAdams.” It was more of a proclamation but also gave me a little perspective, and gave my life a little balance. We both knew, no matter what happened in the future, we would always be there for each other…sisters…always.

“You’re going to make me cry.” She hugged me again.

“Look who’s talking.” I said as the tears slid down my face.

“Don’t…don’t.” She laughed, “you’ve got a hot date today. Can’t have you crying.”


Libby shook her head, “again.”

I took my coffee and followed her into her office. There was time to go through my office, no need to take a walk down that road right now. Especially when I needed to get my head in gear for my lunch. I had to admit, I was more than a little excited.



Mark, as expected, was right on time, and I had to admit, I was happy he was driving his own car. Not that I don’t like limousines, but I do find them somewhat intimating. I walked outside and looked up at the crystal clear sky. It was beautiful, the air crisp and clean.

“Wow.” He said as he walked up to me.

“Wow what?” He had a strange look on his face.

“Every time I see you, it seems you get more and more beautiful.”

“Really.” I was skeptical.

“I’m dead serious. You look amazing. I feel very lucky.”

“Oh, stop. You’re making me uncomfortable.” I know I was blushing. I didn’t need to look at a mirror to know that. The telltale sign of heat crawling up my neck to my face assured me I was right.

“I’m sorry, but I won’t take back a single word. You are…well…beautiful. Although I think that word can use an update.”

“Oh do you now?”

“Yes. The dictionary would benefit for a much more selective adjective.”

“Well, okay professor.” I said trying to change the subject, “I’m ready. Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” He said as he opened the car door for me.

I climbed inside and looked around, then into the backseat, but saw nothing that would give anything away. I looked at him as he climbed into the driver’s side. He, like me, was wearing a pair of black jeans and a button down shirt. The color, such an intense blue, had nothing on his eyes. If anything, his eyes out shone his clothing by a mile. Is there such a saying? I don’t know. All I knew was he was an extremely handsome man. His almost black hair, was straight and styled. His clothing was crisp and perfect. It was like he was the opposite of Dylan in every way, but still there was that something so attractive about him, apart from his good looks, that captivated me.

That was the only way I could explain my agreeing to go out with him when I was clearly not ready to be ‘dating’ again. Maybe I was afraid to lose him. Like losing him would make the hurt twice as difficult. I couldn’t explain it. All I knew was I liked his company. I felt at ease with him and I became more like my old self. And that was somehow enough.

I looked straight out the windshield as we drove up into the mountains.

“So, you’re not going to tell me what we are doing for lunch? Or where we are going?”

“You’ll see in a few minutes.” He smiled and something in my chest jumped. I put my hand up and rested it over my heart, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from dive bombing into my stomach.

“I’m…I’m not great with surprises.”

“I’m sure you’ll like this one.” He said as he pulled off the road and drove up the winding lane until we came to an opening in the trees.

“Oh. Wow. It’s beautiful.”

Thick green grass stretched out as far as the eye, doted by enormous trees. They must have been a hundred years old by the size of them. Their branches rose to the sky. The contrast of the dark green leaves against the clear blue of the sky Well…there is just no words to describe its beauty.

Tall, willowy wild flowers framed the large patch of grass. Dotting the thick green with shades of pink, purple and yellow. It was like a place from a dream, so beautiful and perfect. I was afraid to shut my eyes in case it would disappear.

Mark got out of the car and walked around to my side. He opened the door and helped me out.

“Where are we?”

“This is land my family’s owned for generations. I always thought I’d build a home here, but…” His thoughts left unspoken, “just haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

“Well, it’s probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.”

“I’m glad you like it, I thought you might.”

He walked to the back of the car and popped the trunk. I turned to look at the field again. I didn’t notice him beside me until he spoke.

“It’s a perfect day for a picnic.”

Did I think that or did he say that?

“What…what did you say?”

“I said it’s a perfect day for a picnic. Don’t you think?” He looked over at me, “It’s absolutely perfect.” He declared looking up to the sky.

No I wasn’t hearing things. Suddenly, I didn’t know if I could do this. If I could simply sit and
with this man. That was Dylan’s and mine. I mean I know in my head other people picnic. I knew other people have declared a day as gorgeous as this ‘a perfect day for a picnic’. So was I being silly? Didn’t matter, my body reacted before my brain could tell it otherwise.

I almost fell over. I could feel the color drain from my face and I swayed. I know my legs gave way a little because Mark put the basket down and pulled me to him in a matter of moments.

“Are you okay? Do you need to sit?”

I shook my head, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I just…” I closed my eyes and Dylan’s smile flashed on my eyelids like a second long movie.

“I’m fine.” I said looking up into Marks face. I wanted to reassure him I was fine, that everything was as it should be, but I couldn’t. So I lied. Not something I typically do but in this case I considered it a necessary lie, or fib, if you may.

The worry in his eyes faded and then…it was the smile I think was my undoing.

“You sure?” His voice was full of concern.

“Really I’m fine.” I said it but I wasn’t sure if I really believed it.

“Okay.” I could sense he was wary.

I smiled up at him. He reached down and picked up the basket and with his free hand held mine as we ambled away from the car. I looked around and took in the beauty of the landscape as we walked a few more seconds.

I could feel his eyes on me the entire time.

I felt like an idiot. I was embarrassed by my reaction to those simple, very common, words. But I knew with every step we took he was studying me, watching me.

We finally stopped and Mark set the basket down. Opened the side compartment and pulled out a large tablecloth. He flipped it up in the air and I watched as the muscles in his shoulders and back, not to mention his arms flexed, as he let it fall silently to the ground. I removed my shoes and placed one at the two corners closest to where I stood. Mark followed suit.

“Please sit.” He pointed. “Make yourself comfortable.”

I sat down cross-legged on the tablecloth and watched as Mark opened the top lid of the basket and pulled out a bottle of wine. It was in a strange looking bucket. One that looked like one of those iceless ice buckets I’d seen in a Sharper Image catalog or the likes. He lifted the bottle and I watched the beads of condensation slowly drip down the side as he inserted a corkscrew opening it. Then reached in pulling out two wineglasses pouring us each a glass.

“Pinot Noir. I hope you like it.”

“There aren’t two many wines I don’t like.”

Spoken like a true Irishwoman.

I took the glass from him, and his fingers brushed lightly against mine. I squeezed my eyes closed and physically held back the shudder I was on the verge of having. It knew I’d had a visceral reaction to the warmth of his touch and I lowered my head and sipped the wine before he noticed I was blushing yet again. “It’s very good. Thank you.”

“I thought this might be a little nicer than sitting in a restaurant.” He took a sip of his wine. “It’s far more quiet and definitely more casual.”

“It’s beautiful.” I thought for a second before continuing. I looked up into the sky, “Now I see why there needs to be a better adjective than beautiful.”

BOOK: Where I Found My Heart
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