When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All) (7 page)

BOOK: When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)
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Kevin enjoyed the feel of her softness. Heat coursed throughout his loins as he felt the rapid pulsation of her heart beating against his chest. The close contact also afforded him the pleasure of feeling every deep breath she took that made her full breast rise and fall.

A smile curved the corners of his full lips. “Are we friends yet?” The question came out in a low, husky whisper against her ear.

The hot, seducing whisper snapped her out of her trance. As she attempted to break the intimate contact, Kevin held her tight. He needed to hold her just a second longer.

“Huh?” Her voice came out in a breathy whisper.

Before Kevin could respond, a tight voiced Nick clipped out, “Starr.”

When he playfully flung her into Kevin’s arms, he hadn’t expected him to practically make love to her standing up in front of everyone! Good grief! Although there wasn’t any music playing the two were sensually fused together in a Tango hold. Spinning on her heels, wide eyed, she gawked at Nick. “Yes?”

Jerking his head to the other side of the room he said, “Summer wants you.”

Summer had also spied the pair in a heated embrace. Making eye contact with her husband, she motioned for him to “break it up!” As much as she loved Kevin, she thought the last thing her friend needed right now was to get tangled up with a man like him.

“Oh, okay.” She dared not turn around when she heard Nick hiss through clenched teeth, “Man, what the hell is your problem?”

Not hearing Kevin’s response didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Kevin Dawson had made her feel good. He made her feel gorgeous and desirable. Something she hadn’t felt in a very, very long time.





Chapter 7


“Come on man. You still trippin’ over that?’ Kevin asked annoyed as he sat in the casino lounge drinking a beer.

“Dude, I peeped you looking at her during the entire ceremony,” Nick coolly stated. He couldn’t understand Kevin’s sudden interest in his wife’s best friend. The man watched the woman all night like a fox outside a chicken coop.

He wasn’t about to deny it. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When Starr walked into the chapel, Kevin had to remind himself to breathe. She was absolutely, breathtakingly gorgeous in the strapless dress, the color of bubbling champagne. Her smooth cocoa brown skin shimmered with sparkling dusting powder from her delicate shoulders, down to her French pedicure feet covered in strappy high-heel sandals perfectly matching her dress. “Man, even you have to admit Starr looked hot tonight.”

His friend nodded his head in agreement. “True dat. But I’m warning you my brotha to… leave… that… alone.”

A smirk on his lips, he shot back, “Who said I was trying to mess with that.”

Nick chuckled. “Kev, man, it’s me you’re talking to.”

Feigning offense, he questioned, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Man, I know you’re not that dense. It means you’ll hit it as long as you can, and then when you get bored you’ll be out.”

No longer in a jesting mood, Kevin’s face became tight. Nick was beginning to piss him off. He was acting as if he wasn’t a playa until Summer came along. They both knew if he wasn’t married and didn’t love his wife be somewhere right now between some woman legs
hittin’ it

“Like you used to do?” Kevin threw back in a clipped tone.

Shrugging broad shoulders, what could he say? He mastered the art of hittin’ it. “All I’m saying is Starr is good people. She’s a sweet girl. I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

“First of all man, she’s a grown woman, not a girl. And you’re making this out to be deeper than it needs to be.” Taking a swig of beer, he set the bottle down. “I don’t plan on hurting anybody.”

Nodding his head, he gazed directly into the other man’s eyes. “Cool. That’s all I want to hear.” The last thing he wanted or needed was a hysterical Summer ranting and raving when the crap hit the fan if Starr and Kevin were to get involved and things didn’t work out.

“Are we done Daddy Nick?” Kevin asked as he grinned. Just as quickly as his irritation had come, it vanished. He could never stay upset long with his best friend, his brother.

Nick chuckled, “Yeah son. Come on let’s go shoot some pool. I haven’t spanked you in a long time.”

In good nature, Kevin slapped Nick on the back as they left the lounge. “Whatever you say old man.”


Tiptoeing back into the living room area of the suite in the luxury hotel, Summer plopped down on the soft, plush sofa next to Ava. “Whew, I’m tired. I thought those little rug rats of mine would never go to sleep.” She commented stifling a yawn. It had been a chore getting NJ and Autumn to bed. The tots were still keyed up from the day’s events. Both were still excited about being part of their grandparents’ nuptials.

Everyone in attendance cheered as NJ, just as handsome he could be, carried the rings down the aisle on the satin ivory pillow. Autumn was just adorable, receiving her fair share of cheers as she dropped one rose petal at a time on the white runner. Because of all of the attention, NJ and Autumn were wearing Summer out with, “We want Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop to get married so we can be in the wedding.” When she tried to explain to them that Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop were already married, Autumn wide-eyed and innocently suggested, “They can get married again like Grandma Joan and Grandpa Henry.”

Ava smiled. “I know you are. I thought my godchildren would never go to sleep.”

“Girl, tell me about it.” Starr took a small sip of her white wine spritzer, and then set it down on the coffee table. Now that the children were asleep, she could freely talk. “Do you think Starr is ever going to come out of her funk?”

Ava shrugged a shoulder. “Don’t know.” Pausing for a second, she let out a small groan. “I think she’s still mad at me.”

“Av, you know Starr isn’t one to hold a grudge. I just think she’s going through a tough time now and needs her space.”

“I know, but she has never distance herself like this from us before.”

Summer put a comforting arm around Ava’s shoulder. “Don’t take it so personal, honey. Maybe it’s hard for her to be around us. She’s not only avoiding us, she hasn’t been calling Karen as often either.”

Ava screwed up her face as if to say,
It was no secret the two sisters were tighter than tight. If she was avoiding her own sister then she must be hurting in a bad way. This made Ava feel even more horrible for the words she had so carelessly spoken to her friend.
Stupid, stupid, stupid me. I didn’t make matters any better by spouting off at the mouth.

“Yep, Karen and I talked a few nights ago. Starr finally told her everything the night of the shower. She confided in Karen that it’s hard to be around us because we have kids.”

This made Ava feel a smidge better. At least it wasn’t just her feeling left out in the cold. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Ava said grabbing Summer’s hand and gently squeezing it.

Returning the squeeze, “It’s okay. I understand. As much as she loves Autumn and NJ, they are painful reminders of what she wants, just as Alicia and Kyle are.”

Silence fell over them. A crucial element of the group wasn’t there. It was like a missing arm or leg. As the festivities of Henry and Joan’s nuptials drew to a close, the lovebirds were eager to be alone. Bidding everyone farewell, the honeymooners skipped out to their love nest.

Everyone else had paired off into their perspective groups. Nita and James made a beeline to the casino. Nita wanted to hit the slots and James the blackjack table. Nick and Kevin wasted no time heading to the nearest bar for a beer. It was naturally assumed that the trio would hang out, laughing, and catching up on the latest like always. However, Starr turned down their offer to “kick back and chill.” Her excuse had been, “I’m tired. I want to get some sleep so I can be ready for our big day of shopping tomorrow.”

As much as it bothered Ava and Summer, neither wanted to challenge her. It was barely ten o’clock in the evening. So to keep the peace they each gave her a hug and wished her a good night’s sleep.

“Well, at least she didn’t cancel on us for tomorrow.” Summer offered with a weak smile. Honestly, she wasn’t so sure Starr would show up. She had stood her up for dinner twice last week.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

Bringing an end to the silence, not feeling much like company, Ava let out a deep breath. “Summer, I think I’m gonna head back to my room.” Replaying the evening in her mind, she began to feel some kind of way. Was it her imagination, or was Starr talking to everyone else but her? She knew she had overstepped her boundaries with the whole artificial insemination thing. How many times could she apologize for being an insensitive jerkette?

Sensing Ava’s mood, Summer coaxed, “Come on sweetie, stay just a little longer. There’s no use in you being alone, too. Stop worrying, you’re gonna make yourself sick. Besides, you’re taking this way too personal.”

Ava let out a deep sigh. Was she taking this too personal? She didn’t think so. Although she and Starr had numerous disagreements over the years, they had never put a strain on the friendship like this one had. She just prayed that they would be able to get over this little snag in their relationship.

“If it makes you feel any better, we only talk because I call her. It’s not like she’s calling me. And when I do call, half the time, she let the call roll over to voicemail. I know that heifer is home when I call.”

A small smile touched Ava lips. Maybe she was taking things a little too personal. “Yeah?”

Summer lightly slapped Ava on the thigh. “Mmm hmm, now stop all this moping. One sad friend is enough!” Getting up, she went over to the wet bar and filled two glasses with white wine and club soda. Picking up the wine glasses Summer made her way back over to the sofa.

The cool liquid splattered over the rim of the glass as Summer handed it to Ava. “Oops. Girl, take this before I spill it all over you.”

Ava giggled. “What you trying to do? Get me drunk?

“Nope I’m trying to get me drunk! Those little monsters wore me out! I need to sleep real good tonight.”

“Stop calling my babies names! They ain’t gonna be too many more rug rats and little monsters.”

Laughing, Summer caught the pillow Ava threw at her in mid-air before it could wallop her upside the head. “Fine, godmother of the year, you take them back to your room tonight so they can wake you up at zero-dark thirty.”

“I don’t think so. You know I need my beauty sleep.”

Playfully, nudging her friend, she told her, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

The heavy, oppressive gloom that threatened to cast a heavy shadow was replaced by an air of giddiness as the young women continued to indulge themselves and watch an old Eddie Murphy comedy.

Somewhere around midnight, lightheaded and tipsy, Ava staggered to her room. The last thought she had before passing out was
I miss my buddy Starr.








Chapter 8


“Oooh, my head hurts.” Starr moaned from the unrelenting pounding.
Had too much to drink.

Pulling the covers over her head, Starr never wanted to get out of bed. The pouring rain made her want to stay right where she was. In bed all day long.

Lazily she stretched, rolled over and inhaled deeply, followed by a slow release of air from her mouth.
Mmm, that’s strange,
sniffing the air,
I smell a man’s cologne... A man’s cologne!

Bolting up into a sitting position, throwing the covers off of her body, she shrieked, “Oh my God! Where are my clothes?”

To her horror, Starr was booty butt naked as the day she was born.

“Where are my clothes? Where are my clothes?” She nervously chanted as she leaped from the bed. Spotting her bra, panties, and denim dress haphazardly scattered in various areas on the floor, she nearly twisted her ankle as dizziness overtook her as she stumbled retrieving each discarded item.

Starr’s body froze as her eyes widen in shock. The pouring rain came to an abrupt end. Not wasting another second, she hurriedly pulled her dress over her head and jetted out the door.

BOOK: When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)
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