Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (8 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Holy. Shit. I thought I’d died and gone to surfer god heaven. The man coming toward us was breathtaking. Tall, lean, and perfectly tanned with a chiseled face and long bleached hair pulled back in a loose pony tail. Definitely not the kind of man I would normally be attracted to, but that kind of man doesn’t walk by all too often.

“I hope that is my instructor, hot damn,” Sienna crowed, without a care in the world that the man she was currently sleeping with was standing right next to her. I looked to Tyler and he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by her comment.

Bones laughed. “Sorry there, Sienna, Stokes is all for your friend today. He doesn’t usually give lessons, but we had to find some big guns to fill in for Val.”

“Bitch,” Sienna hissed at me.

Bones and I both laughed at Sienna’s response as the surfing god approached.

“Which one of you beautiful ladies is mine for the day?” Stokes flirted, giving his full attention to Sienna and I, completely ignoring Jack and Tyler.

“I raised my hand shyly. That would be me.”

“Damn, I’m one lucky man.” Stokes shook my hand, holding it longer than a normal handshake.

“I hope you go easy on me, it’s my first time.” I hadn’t meant it to come out so flirty, but it did nonetheless.

“I always go easy on first timers. We’ll take our time and go nice and slow.” Sexuality poured out of his every word.

I’m pretty sure I blushed. Jack’s deep voice snapped me out of my momentary bubble with the surfer god.

“Change of plans. You are with Sienna today.” Jack moved closer and put his hand on the small of my back.

I turned and saw Jack’s stone face. His expression and stance clearly left no room for debate. Jack was staking his claim on me and, oddly enough, it turned me on.

Bones shook his head and laughed. “Never thought I’d see the day, dude.” He gave us all boards and Jack carried both of ours down to the water, where we all parked our stuff on two lounge chairs. I slipped out of my shorts and tank and found Jack watching me.

“You like what you see?” I whispered to him as we all changed.

Jack ran his fingers through his hair and leaned in to whisper back to me. “I want to rip that little bikini off and run my tongue from that sexy freckle on the inside of your thigh up into that sweet hole and taste your sweet cream.”

Holy. Shit. Did he just really say that? I looked around to see if anyone was listening but everyone else seemed to be engrossed in conversation and oblivious to us. I felt my clit swell and my nipples harden and I was sure that everyone on the beach knew I was damp between my legs. When my eyes made their way back to Jack’s, he gave me a sexy smile and arched one eyebrow, as if he were waiting for my response. He expected me to respond and I could barely breathe I was so turned on. Instead, I did the only thing that came into my mind. I reached up onto my tippy toes and pressed my body into his and kissed him hard.

It took a minute after I broke the kiss to realize that everyone who had been oblivious to us a minute ago had become silent and was watching us intently. Stokes took a deep breath and slowly looked me up and down, not hiding his seductive gaze in the slightest. “Damn, you sure you don’t want me to give Syd a lesson, dude?”

Sienna jokingly punched him and Tyler laughed. Jack, apparently, did not find anything funny. He grabbed my hand and our boards and pulled me to the water with a murderous look on his face.

We spent the day in the water riding the waves and either Jack was a great teacher or I was a quick learner because I was able to stand after only a few tries. Without having to waste any of my remaining questions, I learned that Jack had patience and was a good teacher. We played in the water together and eventually wound up wrapped in each other’s arms, floating in the waves. On the way back to the resort, I found my mind wandering again. When was the last time I’d felt so happy and carefree before this week? I couldn’t remember. Surely, I must have felt the same type of happiness with Michael in the beginning. I just couldn’t remember when things had changed. Michael and I didn’t do outdoor sports together and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the simple things like bodysurfing at the beach. For a long time I felt like that part of my life was over. Almost as if that type of fun was for kids. But I was beginning to realize that it didn’t have to be that way.

Chapter Six

he minute we entered our room, Sienna began her inquisition. She must have been about ready to burst with all the questions she had stored up for me. “Holy shit, Syd, that man wouldn’t let another man touch you with a ten foot pole! Normally I would think possessive was annoying, but on that man it is sexy as all hell. He’s so into you. And speaking of into you, spill on the sex.”

The honest truth was that I wanted to share with Sienna; I just didn’t know how to do it. I had spent so much time with Michael that I never learned to dish because I didn’t have flings to dish about. Sienna, on the other hand, made dishing a science. She could give a blow by blow of her night that would rival the best erotica novelist. “It was awesome.” God I sucked at dishing.

“Well, I could have told you that just looking at the man!” She wasn’t going to accept my three word summary of my escapades.

“I guess I just don’t have much to compare it to, but if I am comparing it to sex with Michael, it’s like comparing the Rolling Stones to our eighth grade band, Punk White girls.” I might not be good at giving an account of my sexual promiscuity, but I could always get my point across to Sienna with a music analogy. “He’s a bit dominating, but it’s mixed with a hint of a sexy sweetness somewhere down deep, so it isn’t overwhelming. And, it helps that he is well endowed.”

After all of the years we had been friends, Sienna was a master at reading my mind through what I didn’t say rather than the words I spoke. “I knew it, I knew that asshole Michael had a little prick!” We both cracked up on the bed like we were in ninth grade again.

“Just be careful, Syd. This is supposed to be your rebound fling. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.” It wasn’t a lecture, I knew she meant well: I didn’t have much experience with men, especially men like Jack, and I was just out of a bad breakup.

“I will, Sienna. He’s just made me realize that I was dead for a lot of years, just going through the motions and not controlling my own life.” I sighed. “I didn’t know how much I needed this week.”

Dinner with Tyler, Sienna and Jack was entertaining, to say the least. We laughed the entire time and I saw a new, playful side of Jack. Tyler and Jack went back as far as Sienna and I, and their history together was anything but tame. Tyler told stories of them growing up together and all of the fights they got into. Sienna and I told stories of the fights we’d caused.

After dinner Tyler asked if we wanted to go dancing at the resort’s club. Jack answered before I could respond. “Another night, we have plans.” Sienna looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

Tyler slapped Jack on the shoulder. “Whatever, man. You guys have a good night. Just remember the boys own your ass tomorrow for our trip.”

I said goodnight to Sienna and Jack led us out of the restaurant with his hand burning a hole at the small of my back. “So, what plans do we have?” I smiled up at the beautiful man, intrigued at what he had planned.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. “I do have plans for us, but I’m not sure if I’ll make it the next few hours without being inside of you.”

I swallowed. Why did his domineering attitude turn me on, when if Michael had tried to control me I would have fled? “Well, maybe we should do something about that before we attend to your plans.”

He raised his eyebrow in a challenge. “You do realize that I will fuck you right here in the hall if you keep teasing me, right?”

Although it sounded like something someone would say to make a point, I was pretty sure from the way he was looking at me that he would actually do it. I bit my lip and went to say something back to him, then decided it might not be a good idea to poke a pacing lion looking to pounce, and clamped my mouth shut.

“Fuck.” He slammed his mouth into mine and I submitted to the most possessive, wildly sensual kiss I ever had in my life. I was panting and dizzy when the kiss broke. Jack grabbed my hand and I followed him as he sped down the halls, determined to get to some destination. I had to stop wearing such high heels when I was with this man, as he seemed to have a habit of leaving me breathless and dragging me off like a caveman.

Jack opened a door and we entered what must have been a hotel employee’s office. From the look of it, I would have guessed that it was a manager’s office. Before I could get a good look around to really see where we were, he was on me. The passion from the kiss a few minutes before only escalated. His tongue stroked mine and I could feel his heart pounding against my chest as he held me tight to him and I was acutely aware of every hard muscle pressed up against me.

“I need to fuck you fast and hard now, babe. I’ll make it up to you with slow and sweet later.” He was telling me, not asking for permission, although I nodded my agreement anyway.

He turned me around and pushed us to the corner of the room where the desk sat. He bent me forward and leaned my body over the desk, my arms extending forward over the length of the desk. “Hold onto the desk, babe.”

I did as I was told. I was vaguely aware of him pulling up my skirt and then I felt his finger cupping my sex. “You’re so fucking wet for me. God I need to be inside you.” I heard his zipper go down and then his right arm reached around my waist, hoisting my ass higher up in the air and holding me firmly in place. I was bent over a desk, completely exposed and never more aroused in my life.

I felt the head of his swollen cock at my opening and then he thrust into me deeply in one long spear. My back tried to arch, but his arm held me firmly bent over in place where he needed me. My body clenched around his thickness and I thought I might come before he even had a chance to pull back out once. His hips slowly circled, and he gently pulled out an inch and pushed back in a few times. I could feel him straining to maintain his control. “You ready for me, babe?”

My body ached and my mind couldn’t focus on anything but satisfying my body. “Yes.” It came out as demanding and as frustrated as I felt.

Jack pulled out and slammed his thick cock into me. I cried out with ecstasy as he slammed in and out with deep, hard thrusts. My body gave in and my hips pushed back to meet every demanding deep spear. I moaned as I felt my body radiate and begin to tremble all over.

“Fuck, fuck. Come for me now,” he demanded. My body acted on his command without hesitation, a full wave of orgasm ripping through me at his words. I cried out, wild for him, and let my body take him in.

He came with a ferocious growl as he pounded into me relentlessly. I felt his orgasm tear through him.

We laid panting for a minute, his chest leaning on my back. He kissed the back of my neck and my shoulder, sending tingles down my spine. He stood and the cool air hit my damp neck. My body reacted with a shiver. From behind, Jack lifted me up and cradled me, carrying me to a couch I hadn’t realized was there. He laid on his back and cradled me to his chest.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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