Read What She Wants Online

Authors: BA Tortuga

Tags: #Menage Romance

What She Wants (8 page)

BOOK: What She Wants
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He could take her again, right this second. Hell, he could watch Packer do it. Packer had always made his mouth dry. Had always made him feel reckless. Add the two of them together and he was in trouble. Like real, serious trouble.

God help him, it would be a great way to go if it killed him. Adrian tugged off another piece of cake, licking frosting.

Packer's eyes cracked open, the man smiling lazily. "Chook."

"Hey, mate." That smile got to him every time, made his heart speed up. He loved Pack’s dark, dangerous eyes, that crooked mouth.

Packer's fingers moved over Calleigh's back, and Adrian watched her nipples tighten.

"Your woman is something else."

Adrian nodded. "I know. I was just thinking that."

"Come give me a taste of that, now."

"Hmm? The cake?" Adrian took the plate with him, going back to the bed to feed Packer a bite.

Packer's free hand wrapped around his neck as soon as he got in reach, dragged him down for a wild kiss. Adrian moaned, feeling like he was in a dream or something. They were just crazy for each other.

"Yeah, Chook. Nuts, this thing here."

"No shit." Adrian kissed Packer again. This was as insane as starting his thing with Packer had been.

Packer fucked his lips like they hadn't come twelve thousand times in the last twenty-four hours. Adrian climbed on top of Packer, pushing him down on his back and humping. He needed it a little rough, a little dirty.

Packer's hands landed on his hips with a slap, making him buck.

"More. Come on, mate. Gimme." He bit at Packer's shoulder.

"Oi. Fuck!" Packer dragged him closer.

Calleigh's chuckle was pure evil, proving she was awake.

"Don't laugh, baby girl." Adrian would get her in a minute.

Fingernails trailed over his ass, scratching, teasing. "No?"

"No..." He grunted, his cock slapping against Packer's.

"I want to watch him take you, Ades." Her tongue slid around his ear when she spoke.

"Oh, fuck, baby." He loved it. A man probably wasn't supposed to admit it, but he loved it when Packer fucked him.

"Mmmhmm." Calleigh's fingers dragged over his skin, over Packer's.

"Mmm. Gonna put on a show for the lady?"

Calleigh leaned away, grabbed a bite of the chocolate. "Mmm. My own personal porn."

"You know it. Adrian is always like a good porno. Hot as desert noon." Packer smacked his ass again, and Adrian jumped.

"Somebody get the lube and stop talking so much,” Adrian demanded.

Calleigh's laughter filled their room, made them both stop and smile. "Well, where is it? It's not like I ever needed it before."

"Over on the table over there." Adrian jerked his head to where Packer's kit bag lay open.

Calleigh slipped out of the bed, easing her last remaining stocking off before rummaging around, her pretty ass swaying as she looked.

"Such a pretty lady."

"God, yes." He and Packer could surely agree on that.

She turned, the little dangling jewel bouncing on her belly. "Found it!"

"Good girl. Bring it on." Packer pulled Adrian up to straddle those lean hips.

He leaned down, took Packer's mouth again, revving them up, tasting those lips. He could taste his girl there, and chocolate and coffee.

Cool, slick fingers slid against his bare ass, and Adrian cried out, his hips rocking back. "Calleigh?"

"Mmmhmm. Is this okay?" The touch came again.

"God, yes. Get me good and wet. Packer's big." He was going to explode. Boom.

"He is." Her lips brushed his shoulder, her fingers circled his hole then pushed in, not tentative or shy at all.

His toes curled, his cock rubbing along Packer's. Packer moaned along with him, arching up.

"Chook. Fucking amazing." Packer was watching Calleigh, then him, eyes burning.

"I-- Pack. Calleigh." He was losing the ability to talk.

"You're hot inside." Those fingers pushed deep, pegging his gland unerringly, Calleigh surprising him.

"Fuck!" His spine threatened to snap. "How did you... Baby."

"Masters in nursing. Dork." She pegged him again.

"Oh." Well, he would feel like an idiot if it wasn't so fucking perfect. Then Packer's finger joined Calleigh's and Adrian thought he'd just fucking die. He sure hoped their neighbors at the hotel were out. Or heavily asleep. Shit, he didn't even know what time of day it was.

Hell, he wasn't one hundred percent sure what day it was. He just hoped they didn't have to ride soon. His ass might never recover. "Please. Pack. I need you to fuck me. Help me, Calleigh."

"I'm right here." Calleigh's fingers slipped away and Packer's eyes crossed seconds before the heavy cock tip nudged his hole.

"Oh." It was a long, drawn out sound, and he opened up and took Packer right in.

Calleigh stayed close enough he felt her breath, her moan.

Adrian arched, wiggling, trying to take more. He loved it, loved having his wife watching. Loved having them both here, together, touching him.

"Tight, Chook. Tight and hot." Packer pulled him down, then helped push him up, hands like clamps on his hips.

"Fuck, yes. Pack. Pack..." His fucking head was so heavy, he could barely hold it up, barely see.

"I got you. Come on, girl. Feel where we come together. He loves to be stretched, to really burn."

Her touch was slick, almost cold, but then on Packer's next thrust up, he took her finger too, his head snapping back at the extra stretch. His mouth opened, but he was pretty sure no sound came out. That was okay. Packer's shout was enough for both of them.

"Oh, god. Y'all..." Calleigh moaned.

He could smell Calleigh, tell how she needed. "Baby. Packer... oh, mate. Jesus." He didn't know who to kiss, who to beg. He just knew if he didn't come soon he might die. Calleigh's hand found his prick, wrapped around him and pulled with that surprising strength she had.

"Uhn." This obscene sound popped out of him, and he smothered it by kissing Packer. His ass clamped down on Packer's cock, and he could feel the man jerk beneath him.

Calleigh's thumbnail zinged across the tip of his prick and that was it, all she wrote.

Adrian came so hard his vision blurred out a little, his breath coming in tiny gasps. He kept moving, needing Packer to fill him up. He felt Calleigh shift, then Packer arched, hips slamming up into him.

"Yeah." Oh, hell yes. Packer gave it up so good, and Calleigh was right there, pressing against them. Heaven. He heard Packer grunt, then heat filled him, those fingers bruising his hips.

"God." His head dropped a moment before Adrian turned to smile at Calleigh. "Baby?"

She kissed him, eye makeup all mussed.

"Mmm. What do you need, baby?" Adrian asked.

She laughed for him, her eyes shining with happiness. "Another bite of chocolate."




Chapter Five



Calleigh sipped her beer, pretended to watch the short go, but she was watching Packer and Adrian get ready to go. Both of them had ridden yesterday, today. They were looking good.

Adrian was going to ride second to last, Packer was in the lead, and the announcer was already going on about the Aussie invasion. She liked to think that she'd had something to do with that. She'd followed them to two events -- played and laughed, teased and goofed off. It had been amazing.

They'd accepted her with open arms, too, which she hadn't been so sure would happen. Adrian had told her a long time ago that Packer was a generous lover, an open, happy man, but she had to admit she was a little amazed.

Adrian was slapping his face, bouncing up and down, focused on the bull. Packer was wandering, whistling lazily. A little, redheaded cowboy said something to Packer, and he burst out laughing, which was wow.

"Adrian looks good." One of the buckle bunnies with a bun in the oven smiled over at her.

"He does. Thanks."

"Hope he rides."

Yeah. So did she.

"How long have y'all been married?" the girl asked.

"Nine years."

"Wow. Forever..." The little girl pinked a little. "We thought he was divorced. You haven't been around."

Calleigh arched an eyebrow. "No. I was working. I got laid off."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I mean, I didn't mean..." The girl trailed off, and Calleigh almost felt sorry for her.

"No big deal. It's fun, to get to see the guys."

She watched the gate open, Ballbuster whirling out, Cotton on his back. She could hear the bullfighters jabbering, calling, keeping the bull focused.

Cotton made it to seven and a half seconds. Then he popped right out the back, his hand blown out of the rope. She clapped for him, a little disappointed, but not totally. It would rock if Adrian took the event. There were three more riders before Adrian, and wow, one of them went down hard. That always took the wind out of the sails. The crowd got all quiet.

Calleigh chewed on her bottom lip, praying a little.

Please let Adrian be okay

Adrian bounced and bent, holding the rail and dropping it like it was hot. Which it was. He never looked at her, but Packer did, one eyebrow lifted as his eyes looked over her cleavage, her tiny tank top.



Packer's grin this time was slow and evil. Damn him. Then he turned on his heel and went to pull Adrian's rope. She leaned forward, eyes on the chute. This was the best part -- the scariest, sure, this is where things could go so wrong -- but the leather, the resin, the rope, the pulling and straining.


There was talking, too, which she'd never noticed. Once Packer had pulled the rope and stepped back across the chute, one of Packer's hands stayed on Adrian's chest, and the man talked a mile a minute. Right into Adrian's ear.

Adrian's teeth bared, the look the most masculine, sexy thing she'd ever seen. At least in hours. Packer let go, Adrian put his mouthpiece in, and then her Adrian nodded, the gate swinging open like a shot. The bull was solid, spinning out into Adrian's hand. She counted under her breath. Two, three, four.

Eight. Oh, thank god. Maybe it wasn't as good as Packer's ride, but it was a high score, no doubt.

"I think he's gonna do it!" The little gal beside her was bouncing, and Calleigh's fingers were crossed.

"I hope so." She grinned over. The kid was pretty sweet, really. The scores came up and Adrian's ninety two tied him with Packer. The lights went crazy, and Adrian bowed to the clown in the middle of the arena.

She bounced up, clapping hysterically.

That was it. Adrian and Packer were going to split the night, and Adrian was going to win the event. Oh, god. It was good to be her. Adrian looked up into the stands, winked at her, and she waved. He was grinning from ear to ear and looking hot as hell.

She headed up with the crowd, knowing full well the guys had to make nice, sign autographs, shake hands. She'd just be in the way and she could have another beer. She'd just wait for them. Adrian would call her cell. Which had just beeped with a text. She slipped to one side, out of the way, and checked it.

It read, "Woo. We win."

She chuckled, texted back. "Aussie Aussie Aussie."

Adrian sent back, "Oioioi CU soon."

Every event he texted her. Every one. She patted her phone, slipped it back in her purse. Her phone beeped again, just about the time she let go. One eyebrow arched as she checked to see what Ades wanted.

It wasn't from Adrian. It was from Packer. It just said, "Soon pretty lady."

She looked across the arena, searching for Packer. He was standing back, watching her, and she smiled, nodded. "Soon. I'm ready,” she sent back.

She could see his sudden grin, the little thumbs up, and she had a feeling it was going to be a good celebration tonight. Calleigh got a few random congratulations, then she headed down to where she knew they'd be waiting for her. She gave her name to the security guy and they waved her through into the crowded maze of cowboy hats and jeans that was the riders' room.

She got a couple of waves there, too. She had known a lot of the wives, but a lot of the ladies she'd known had husbands who weren't on the tour anymore.

It was always a little weird, being the wife of the Aussie, being the working wife. Being the wife with no kids. She didn't get much time to dwell on it, though. The riders started trickling in, some of ones she knew stopping by to congratulate her. She did a lot of nodding and smiling, did a little grinning as some of the wives commented on how she'd toned up, changed her hair. She wasn't sure if it was admiration or jealousy, but she'd take it.

"Hey, lady." Packer didn't call her luv in front of the crowd, but that was okay. His expression said it all.

"Pack." She went to him, hugged him. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." He hugged her back and rubbed on her a little where no one could see. "You want to go to dinner with us and skip the bar?"

"Yes." That was easy.

"Good. I need to go change, but I didn't want you to run off." He winked, kissing her cheek before turning back toward the concourse.

She freshened her lipstick and leaned, just waiting on them. At least she did until she heard, "Well, Calleigh Roberts. I heard you were here, but I thought for sure it was a lie."

Brandy Collins, head of the I-want-to-fuck-Adrian-but-can't club and daughter of Adrian's biggest sponsor. Goodie.

Calleigh bared her teeth. "Well, now you can apologize to whoever you were maligning."

One perfect eyebrow went up. "Oh, I'm sure they'll forgive me. Everyone does. Why aren't you cleaning up blood and puke again?"

"Because I'm here, watching my husband win." Little bitch.

"Oh. You're not separated, then."

Calleigh was going to slap the little...

"Hey, baby girl. You ready?" Adrian had changed, but not showered. He smelled like sweat and animal, but it wasn't unpleasant at all. He nodded tersely to Brandy.

"Yeah, Ades. You did so good." Calleigh lifted her face for a kiss.

"Thanks, baby." He kissed her hard enough that her toes curled. Hard enough that she barely heard Brandy huff off.

She blinked up at him, swaying a little bit. "I... Hi."

"Hi. Better? You were looking grumpy." He took her arm and turned her toward the exit, ignoring the hoots and hollers. Cotton he flipped off.

"I'm good." She found herself tucked in the crook of his arm, held close. "Packer said dinner instead of the bar."

"Yeah. No one will miss us, really, and we'd rather not share you."

Oh. Oh, wow. "Sounds perfect, Ades."

"Good." His hand slid down to the top curve of her butt.

"Don't get me all hot and bothered here, now."

"Why not?" He leaned close. "I won't leave you hanging."

"Ades..." He got her so revved up.

"Mmm. I’m so glad you came to the event, baby girl."

"Thank you." She let him pull her into the shadows, set them together. "It's been good, to see you, sleep next to you." Fuck like bunnies.

"Yeah. It's been real good." Adrian kissed her, his mouth hard on hers, his tongue demanding entry.

His thigh pushed between her legs, rocking up into her, and Calleigh moaned, hips rolling in time. God. He could get her off, just like this. Adrian knew it, too, damn it. He was smiling, kissing her neck, her chin. Asshole.

"Evil tease."

He let his thigh move, side to side. Oh, fuck. "Not teasing, baby girl. Well, I might be teasing me, but you get to come." His leg pushed up against her, then backed off, over and over.

She panted against his lips, a dull ache building in the pit of her belly.

"God, baby. You're so good. I could eat you up." He nipped at her earlobe, just like he needed to prove it.

"Driving me crazy." Close. She was so close.

"I know. Just think how it will be later, when Packer has his mouth on you."

"Adrian..." She slammed their lips together, her orgasm hitting her hard, making her shudder.

Adrian moaned into her mouth and held her while she shook, his hands like steel on her skin.

"Tch-tch-tch. Chook, look at you two, not waiting on a man." Packer slipped in behind her, kissing her neck. "You come so pretty, luv."

"Ad...Ades' fault. Oh, y'all."

"All Adrian's fault, and I missed out. I might have to punish him later."

Adrian groaned and Calleigh's lips parted. "Can I play, too?" she asked.

"Absolutely. I think we'll make him pay and pay." Packer pressed against her, letting her feel him.

She rocked back and reached out, touching Adrian's lips. God, she loved him. Adrian smiled against her fingers, sweet as anything. Her man.

"We need to get out of here, y'all. Feed my event winners."

"Mmmhmm. Come on." Packer pulled them apart, laughing when Adrian groaned. "Be good, Chook."

Her fingers brushed his cock as she moved. "He's good."

Packer laughed out loud. "He's always good. Just wait. It will get even better."

She dared to cup Packer's balls, gently, quickly. "Promise?"

Packer grunted. "Fuck yes, luv. Fuck yes."

"Excellent." She hooked her arms in theirs, feeling beautiful, sensual, loose in her bones. It was amazing what walking out with the two hottest men at the event would do for a woman's ego.




Packer figured taking second was just okay, but if he had to do it, he might as well come in second to Adrian. Look at that man strut. Packer grinned. The event was over, they didn't have to ride again for a week, and Packer had plans for that ass.

They'd had supper, Calleigh's choice. She'd settled on barbecue, which Packer approved of. All that finger licking. Now they were on their way into the hotel, and Packer was ready for the next course.

Adrian had been teasing Calleigh -- tickling and playing, making her laugh, making her sparkle. God, they were pretty together. So fine.

"You two want a beer or..." Calleigh's hand cupped his ass, squeezed.

"We've got some in the room if we need 'em." No way was he losing the momentum they had.

"Cool." Her hair was coming down from the heavy ponytail, strands framing her face. His fingers itched to touch it, and as soon as they were in the elevator, he did. Packer pulled the elastic free, letting her hair spill down.

She looked up at him from the heavy mass, smiled, and Adrian hummed. "Love the way your hair smells, baby girl."

"Just good shampoo."

"Bah. Some people don't smell right." He goosed her ass.

She squeaked and jumped, breasts rubbing against his arm.

"Mmm. You now, you're like Adrian. You smell good."

"He does smell nice." She leaned back, almost in a back bend, and kissed Adrian's chin. That rubbed her sweet body along his leg, her pussy hot through the jeans. Christ, she was flexible. Woo. Packer watched, pushing his thigh up to give her more leverage. One more kiss and the elevator dinged, and he lost the damp heat against him.

Damn. Still, they were almost to the room and then they would tear Adrian's ass up. He goosed that, too. Adrian rumbled at him softly as they headed to the room.

"Mmm. Don't worry, Chook. I haven't forgotten what we promised earlier." He'd been delighted when he found out that Adrian was just the tiniest bit kinky. And terribly into ass play. Add that naughty sheila to the picture and Packer was in Heaven. The door clicked shut behind them, and everyone sort of paused, waiting to see what came next.

Then Calleigh leaned down, slipped those amazing heels off, giving them a long look at her ass.

Adrian made a little noise and started toward her, but Packer stopped him. "Ah-ah, now. You're in trouble."

BOOK: What She Wants
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