Read What She Wants Online

Authors: Jenna Byrnes

What She Wants (2 page)

BOOK: What She Wants
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Hot Rod
. Lisa smiled at the name and gasped when Brian’s cock pierced her. “Yes! More.”

He wasn
’t timid, never had been. He
considerate about letting her call the shots. Right now, she wanted it hard and fast.

Fuck me,” she demanded in a guttural groan.

Brian pummeled her relentlessly. Lisa watched her fingers turn white, gripping the dresser with all her might. The sharp slap of his body colliding with hers sounded like music to her ears. Exactly what she wanted.



She was re-enacting the action she’d spied earlier
. Only this time,
I’m the one being fucked senseless.
The mere thought sent the orgasm whirling around her clit, straight up to her brain.


Chapter Two


“Behave yourself. And remember to thank Mrs. Johnson for letting you spend the night.” Lisa stood at the front door and watched Tabby pile into a station wagon with three other ten-year-old girls along with a woman who was obviously insane.

Bye, Mom!” Tabby waved, then immediately became immersed in the giggles and chatter of her friends.

Home by noon.” Lisa called, but she wasn’t sure anyone heard her.

Carole Johnson gave a dazed smile and a nod, and proceeded to check seatbelts before backing from the driveway.

When the car drove out of sight, Lisa closed the door and glanced around the empty house.
A night to ourselves
. Tabby had begun attending the occasional sleep-over, and at first, Lisa and Brian hadn’t been sure what to do with themselves. Lisa’s pussy tingled, knowing free time wouldn’t be a problem tonight.

The phone rang and she grabbed it, glancing at the Caller ID screen.

Lisa?” Brian asked.

You were expecting Jessica Simpson?”

He snorted.
“Of course not. But I can’t tell your voice from Tabby’s on the phone half the time.”

Everyone says we sound alike. Sure has cut down on my obscene phone calls.”

And who’s been making obscene phone calls to my wife, may I ask?”

Nobody, these days. I used to get a few heavy breathing, nasty-suggestion-for-later calls from my husband each week.”

Yeah. And then the kid’s voice changed. I’m not interested in accidently making a nasty suggestion to our daughter.”

Well, Miss Tabitha is safely tucked away with the Johnsons for the night. So I’m open to any suggestions you have, the nastier the better.”

All right! Rod and I thought we could get together, order some pizza and drink some wine. We can watch a movie or try one of those board games you ladies are always trying to get us to play.”

Pizza and board games?” Lisa tried to hide her disappointment, but it wasn’t easy. “Sounds like an evening with Tabby. Nothing wrong with it, but…”

Brian chuckled.
“But not the wild, abandoned sex you were hoping for?”

Not if we’re getting together with Kathy and Rod.”

Why not?” He paused for just a second before going on. “We’ve never talked about swinging, but there’s a first time for everything. Hey, I have to get back to work. See you in a couple of hours. I’ll catch a quick shower and we’ll head next door. Love you.” Brian disconnected the call before she could say another word.

What the devil was he talking about? Trading partners, or some big group sex thing? For the next hour, Lisa paced around the house, worried her husband had said something to Rod that would embarrass her when the couples got together. When she was all fretted out, she climbed in the shower and cleaned up, then redid her make-up and hair. She stood in front of the closet, wondering what to wear for a normal, casual evening with friends, which suddenly didn’t feel so normal.

She chose jeans and a silky, low cut blouse that showed some cleavage. She wasn
’t exactly sure why, but low cut felt like the right choice for the evening ahead.

Lisa, I’m home!” Brian called from the kitchen then joined her in the bedroom. “Wow, you look totally fuckable.” He held up his grease-streaked hands. “I’m a mess, or I’d do you right now.”

Lisa poked a finger against his uniform-shirted chest.
“Really know how to bowl a girl over with compliments, don’t you? Hey, what did you say to Rod today?”

He looked thoughtfully toward the ceiling and peeled out of his mechanic
’s garb. “Well, let’s see. I think it went something like, ‘Hey. Did you see the game last night?’ And later there was, ‘Are you ready for lunch?’ I might have even asked him to hand me a torque wrench at one point.”

Smart ass. I meant about what I saw. Did you say anything about that?”

.” Brian dropped his briefs and swiveled his hips so his semi-hard cock waved in a circle. “Yeah. I told him you peeped at him fucking his wife. Thanked him, actually. Your fantasizing about his pecker gave me some of the hottest sex we’ve had in a while.”

Oh my God!” Lisa’s face drained of color and her heart skipped a beat. She picked up Brian’s shirt from the floor and flicked him. “You better not have said that!”

I didn’t! I didn’t!” He ran for the bathroom, laughing and dodging her make-shift whip. He climbed in the shower and slammed the door shut between them. Brian pressed his face against the smoky-colored shower acrylic and grinned. “I just told him you caught a glimpse of his shlong and you were salivating all night long.”

Brian!” She wiggled the shower door but he held it shut.

He turned on the water and proceeded to ignore her.

Lisa stomped from the bathroom and scooped up his clothes, tossing them into the hamper. It was hard to know what Brian had really said. He and Rod talked about sex, like most guys. Sometimes he brought home snippets of the conversations. It’d always seemed like harmless fun.

She stood in front of the mirror and stared while thoughts raced through her mind.
Is what I’m considering harmless? Is Brian thinking the same thing, or did I misread his comment on the phone?
And just as important,
What are Kathy and Rod going to say if someone broaches the subject of swinging?

The shower stopped and Brian came into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. He used a second one to dry off, and when Lisa looked at him, he cocked it like a weapon.
“I’m armed this time. A wet towel’s going to hurt worse than my shirt did.”

She raised her hands, feigning a stick up.
“I’m not armed. Just nervous, babe. You made a comment about swinging earlier, and it shocked the hell out of me.”

Aw, come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about fucking Rod since you saw him last night. I know you, Lisa.” He scrubbed the towel through his closely cropped hair, which had darkened a little over the years but was still more blond than brown.

She stepped closer to him.
“I love you, Brian. I’ve never thought about cheating on you.”

He lowered the towel and his impish grin faded.
“Who said anything about cheating? If it’s a consensual thing, then it’s all in fun.”

So you’d…Kathy?” She couldn’t say the word.

If she agreed, yeah. Kathy and I would go in one room and fuck. You and Rod could have the dining room table.”

Brian.” She swatted his shoulder, but left her hand there. “Can you cut it out for a minute? This is big time, grown up stuff. I need to know you’re being serious with me.”

He pulled her body next to his and held her tight. He spoke softly into her ear.
“Look, Lisa. I’d never thought about this, either. Sure, I’ve looked at other women, but never actually thought of doing anything. I’m the happiest guy in the world when it comes to sex. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. But I saw your face last night and I’ll admit your excitement turned me on. I’d consider swinging with the neighbors, as long as we both agree our relationship comes first. And if either of us wants to stop at any point, then we stop.”

Lisa couldn
’t pull away to look in his eyes. She replied into his ear, “What do you think Rod and Kathy will say?”

Rod’ll say,’ let’s do it.’ He’s a horndog from way back. Kathy, I’m not so sure about. She seems open to suggestions. You know her better than I do.”

She bit her lip.
“I’m not sure. She’s always thought you were cute.”

Really?” He pulled back, eyebrows waggling.

She smacked his shoulder again.
“But this is a big step. If they’re shocked at the idea, it could ruin our friendship.”

It could.” He nodded. “Somehow, I don’t think it will. We’ve been through a lot together over the years.”

So, what should we do?”

What should
do, you mean. This is on you, baby. I’ll be there to back you up, but you have to open the discussion. They might be surprised, because everyone considers you the quiet one of the group. But who knows what they’ll think? I’d suggest plying them with lots of wine first. It can’t hurt.”

Thanks a bunch.” She rolled her eyes and walked away so he could get dressed. The conversation made her pussy damp, and she could tell by Brian’s semi-erection he was getting aroused, too. If she stayed in the room much longer, they’d already have fucked by the time they reached the neighbors’ house. Lisa wanted to wait. She had a feeling this might very well be
waiting for.


* * * *


Lisa moved around the room, refilling everyone’s wine glass. The men were in recliners with their feet up. She and Kathy had taken the sofa. She placed the empty bottle on the coffee table and returned to the couch while Kathy finished her story.

So this couple is looking for a house with a pool
a hot tub, for under two hundred grand. I told them for that price, they’d probably have to pick one or the other. The guy tells me with a straight face, ‘That’s a tough one, because sometimes she likes to do it in warm water, and sometimes cool’. Then he looks at his wife and says, ‘What’ll it be honey? Hot or cold screwing?’” Kathy laughed and sipped her wine. “I acted offended, but I was howling on the inside.”

Everyone chuckled. Lisa swirled the wine around in her glass, definitely liking the direction the conversation had taken. The time felt right. The pizza was history and so were two bottles of wine. Their hosts were sufficiently loosened up.
I have to play this cool
. “What are you going to do about them?”

Kathy shrugged.
“I’ll give them a couple of days, call them back with some places to look at. They like me. It’ll be fine.”

What’s not to like?” Brian raised his glass in toast to her then glanced at Lisa, giving her a slight nod.

Lisa inhaled before blurting out her opening line.
“Hey, I’m sorry about interrupting you guys last night.”

What?” Kathy blinked innocently.

You know, when I came over for a cup of sugar and spotted you doing the horizontal mamba on the dining room table.”

Brian feigned confusion.
“I thought you told me they were doing it doggy-style.”

Rod pointed a finger.
“Doggy-style is definitely one of Kathy’s favorite positions. But you didn’t interrupt us. I never knew you were there. Hell, you should have knocked.”

Rod!” Kathy batted her eyes.

Lisa studied her old friend for a moment. She knew Kathy well, and at that moment, she could tell the woman wasn
’t as embarrassed as she acted.

It looked pretty hot.”

Got her juices flowing,” Brian piped up.

’s eyes narrowed. “In all these years, you two have never talked like this. I mean, Lisa and I have talked about sex. I’m sure you guys brag every morning if you ‘got some’ the night before. But we’ve never talked about sex like this.”

Lisa reached out and squeezed her friend
’s arm. “Stop me if I’m overstepping my bounds. I just got really turned on after I saw you, and Brian got fired up when he realized how I felt. We started talking.” She could tell Kathy wasn’t following her, and squeezed her arm again. “We’d never do anything to damage our friendship. Or his and my relationship. Brian and I are really happy together. We just thought adding another dimension might spice things up.”

Kathy looked at her.
“You want to watch us have sex?”

BOOK: What She Wants
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