Read What Donovan Wants (The Accidental Series, Book 4) Online

Authors: Tina Martin

Tags: #love, #true love, #unrequited love, #heartbroken, #moving forward, #the one that got away

What Donovan Wants (The Accidental Series, Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: What Donovan Wants (The Accidental Series, Book 4)
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“Um...’round five.”


“I just figured I would disappear before you got up.
I took up your whole night...didn’t want to rob you of your
morning, too.”

“Oh, please. You could’ve stayed.”

“Nah...your friend Lori probably hates me

Kamila giggled.

“I knew it,” Donovan said.

“No, she doesn’t hate you, silly.”

Kamila swiped the card to unlock her room door. She
dropped her bag on the couch.

“So what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
Donovan asked.

“I’m supposed to link up with Lori in...” she
glanced at her watch. “Twenty minutes, actually.”

“That’s cool.”

“What about you Don-Juan? What you got going

He laughed at her silliness. “I’ll probably go
swimming, eat more calories than I have all year and spend money on
outrageous things I have no intentions on using. That’s what
cruising is all about, right?”

“Right,” Kamila said, giving him a thumbs up. “Well,
I’m sure I’ll see you a little later,” she said, heading for the

They both stepped out into the hallway.

“If you want to see me later, you will,” he said,
giving her a hard, penetrating look.

“What does that mean?”

“Means what I said. If you want to see me later, you

“O-kay....ah...tell you me here at

“You’re not going to stand me up again, are

“No. I promise I won’t.”

“Okay. I’ll see you at eight then.”

* * *

Kamila met Lori at four as they had planned and
played a few more games, grabbed a bite to eat and sipped on a
couple of drinks while they listened to a comedy show. Before she
knew it, the time had escaped her. It was already after nine and
she was supposed to meet Donovan back at her room at eight. She
promised him...

She parted with Lori, explaining that she had
promised to meet with Donovan. Lori gave her the side-eye again and
said, “I can’t believe you done came on this cruise and snagged a

Kamila grinned and said, “Bye, Lori,” then strolled
to Donovan’s room. She tapped her knuckles against the door.

“Who is it?” she heard him say in a raised,
authoritative tone.

Is he mad?
“It’s Kamila.”

After a few passing seconds, he opened the door and
said, “You stood me up.”

“” she stammered, because, yes, she did
stand him up and she couldn’t tell if he was upset about it by the
stoic look on his face, or if he was testing her to see how she
would react if he was
upset. But skip that – the man
came the door shirtless, showing off his flawless chest, ripped abs
and smooth, milk chocolate skin, rocking a pair of saggy, black
jogging pants that showed off the top portion of his Calvin Klein
boxers. “I’m so sorry...I totally lost track of time.”

“That’s okay. I mean, if you want to go kick it with
your friend—”

“No. I see her all the time...probably won’t see you
anymore once we get off this ship, so put on some clothes and let’s

“Okay...give me a minute. You want to wait in here
or out there?”

Kamila gave his body a once over and said, “I’ll
wait out here.”

He grinned. “Be right back.”

Donovan took a plaid Polo shirt from the couch, and
picked up his jeans off the floor, quickly getting dressed. Once he
took his keycard and wallet from the nightstand, he opened the door
and said, “So what’s on tap?”

“Um...I don’t know. I have the last day blues...but
at the same time, I think we should do something memorable and


“Yeah.” Kamila took him by the hand. “Follow

“Jeez. Now what?”

“Hush, and come on.” She led him to a chapel in the
ship and said to the minister, “We’re here to get married.”

“No we’re not!” Donovan said adamantly with raised

“Oh, come on, Donovan. Free yourself.”

“Okay, you have seriously lost your mind.”

“But think about how cool it would be to tell your
friends and family you got married on a cruise.”

“I don’t see your point.”

“It’s about freeing’re afraid of
marriage and I’ve never been married.”

Donovan frowned. “I’m not afraid of marriage. I was
married before.”

“Yeah, and you don’t want to do it again because of
fear. But no worries...I’ll sign a prenupt.”

Donovan scratched his head. She couldn’t be serious,
could she? “Okay, it was nice meeting you and hanging out with you
and all, but this is where I say, deuces.” He turned around to walk
out of the room.

“Donovan, please just do this for me. Please?”

be serious right now, Kamila.
Marriage isn’t a game. It’s serious and—”

“We can get it annulled as soon as we get off the



Donovan looked into her longing eyes and said, “All
right, but this isn’t real. I’m just doing this for you.”

She smiled and took his hand, walked up to the
minister and repeated vows. When the minister asked them to
exchange rings, Donovan said, “I’ll be right back.”

“You’re not leaving me at the altar are you?”

“No...I’ll be right back.”

After about five minutes, he came back with a
diamond ring. Why he felt the need to buy a brand spanking new
diamond ring for this one-day marriage was beyond him, but he was
caught up in the moment of it. It was exciting, something
exhilarating and spur-of-the-moment crazy. He took her left hand
and slid it on her ring finger. “There. That’s perfect.”

“You may kiss your bride,” the minister told

Donovan grinned. “You don’t really want me to kiss
you do you?”

“Yeah. Go for it,” she said staring at his lips.

“Okay.” Donovan bit his bottom lip, then tilting her
chin up with the touch of his index finger, he leaned down to plant
a peck on her soft lips. Something about the feel of them set a
blaze under his skin, something he didn’t expect. It scared him to
feel this way, to want a woman who, in his opinion, would
inevitably break his heart. That’s what women did – broke hearts
like it was a game. And even though Kamila was beautiful, innocent
and harmless, he still looked at her with a suspicious glare. Yet
and still, he couldn’t deny that he wanted her.

Kamila opened them when their lips separated. “Now
let’s go celebrate.”

“Celebrate where?”

“Let’s go where we first the top deck.”

Donovan followed her up there. Somehow, he felt
they’d come full circle, that they returned to the exact spot that
started their official introductions to each other.

Kamila twirled around happily and said, “This has
been a nice, little vacation...the vacation of a lifetime. Hasn’t
this been fun?”

“Did we really just elope?” Donovan asked. “I didn’t
really do that did I?”

“Yes you did, hubby.”

“That wasn’t a real ceremony, though.”

“It was. We signed documents.”

Donovan thought for a moment then said, “I mean, it
wasn’t real for us...something you just wanted to do, right.”

“Oh stop being a big baby about it.” She wrapped her
arms around him and squeezed. “Let’s dance,” she said, swaying her
body side to side.

“You’re crazy,” Donovan told her.

“And you’re stiff. Get it together, Donovan.”

He did as she asked, loosened up and spun her around
in so many circles, she couldn’t stand up straight.

Kamila pulled herself into his chest and rested her
head against him. “This is nice,” she said, but felt herself become
sad at the thought of leaving tomorrow without ever seeing Donovan
again. He hadn’t bothered to give her his cell phone number or any
contact information which led her to believe he only enjoyed her
company on the ship, but the chances of them ever seeing each other
again after debarkation were slim to none.

Donovan squeezed her, then closed his eyes. Why was
he feeling something now? Something that caught him by surprise?
What was this woman doing to him?

“Come on. Let’s go,” Kamila said.

“Where are we going now?”

“To my room.”

“You’re tired already?”

“No. I just want to relax for a minute.”


Donovan followed her to the room, watching the way
her hips swayed from side to side when she walked. He wondered what
her expectations were, if she even wanted to see him or talk to him
again when they went their separate ways and back to their everyday
lives. Would he miss her? Think about her constantly the way he
used to daydream about Shayla?

She opened the door with her keycard, then walked
over to the bed, sitting there while watching Donovan make himself
comfortable on the couch.

“Now what?” Donovan inquired, rubbing his hands

“It’s our honeymoon night. What you wanna do?”

“Um...” he laughed uncomfortably, not sure of what
she was suggesting.

“Come here, Donovan.”

He did as she asked, and sat next to her on the

Kamila stood up, took some lotion from her night
stand and said, “Take off your shirt.”

Donovan hesitated for a moment, but when he thought
about how good it would feel to have her soft hands rub lotion all
over him, he went with it. What did he have to lose? He’d already
told her he didn’t want a relationship and she seemed to be
understanding and okay with that. So he pulled his shirt over his
head and tossed it to the couch.

Kamila stared at his bare chest, down to his
well-sculpted six pack. He was in excellent physical shape and by
the cocky look on his face, he knew it.

“Okay, lay face down,” she instructed.

He did as she asked and when her hands touched the
flesh of his back, he trembled. He hadn’t been touched like that in
a long time.

“Are my hands cold?”


“Okay.” Kamila squeezed some lotion into her hand
and massaged it on his back, staring at the diamond ring sparkling
on her ring finger. She was surprised he’d bought it for her and
she wondered if it meant anything. Or was he just going along with
the ceremony, trying to make her happy? Give her memories?
Something to share with her girlfriends at brunch? She heard him
moan and exhale deeply. “You okay?”


“You sure?”

“Yeah...why do you keep asking me that?”

“Because you’re keeping all kind of noises and

“My bad...I haven’t been touched like this in a long
time,” he said, closing his eyes.


He grinned. “I’m not lying.”

“ don’t remember us getting massages
yesterday. I didn’t hear you moaning then.”

“I wasn’t getting rubbed down by my wife either.
Forgive me if it feels good.”

Kamila giggled uncontrollably. “You’re

“Shh. Your hands feel like silk, girl. Keep

Kamila smiled and squeezed more lotion into her
hands, rubbing him down again, pushing her hands down deeply as she
massaged him. Then she moved up to his neck, massaging the area
around his shoulders, hearing him moan again.

“You want me to massage you anywhere else? I’m
taking requests.”

“Uh,” Donovan said, feeling himself so turned on and
relaxed, he could barely think. Did he even hear her question?

Kamila lounged on the bed next to him, watching him
roll over to face her.

“Your turn,” he said, taking the bottle of lotion
from the bed. “Take off your blouse.”

“No, I’m not taking off my blouse.”

“Yes you are. You gave me a massage and I’m giving
you one.”

Goodness, he’s bossy
, she thought, and she
loved every bit of it. “Okay,” she agreed, and undid the buttons on
her blouse, exposing a cream-colored, lacey bra underneath. Then
she laid face down, cringing when she felt Donovan’s large, strong
hands grip her back, sending a shiver down her spine.

In one swift, quick motion he spun her around so she
was lying face up. He wanted to see her eyes, scrutinize her
actions to determine if his initial thoughts were correct – that
this is really what she wanted. If she wasn’t with it, then he
wasn’t either.


“Yeah?” she answered, softly.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I’ll stop if you
want me to.”

“I don’t want you to stop, Donovan,” she responded,
gently rubbing her French-manicured fingernails across the back of
his head.

Donovan closed his eyes, responding to a touch he
missed so much and then they lie in bed together, bodies
intertwined, making love.



A while later, Donovan rolled off of her, back onto
the bed, then pulled her close to him. Why had he done that? For a
man who didn’t want anything serious, he’d made some dumb decisions
in the last six hours. He’d married a woman he’d known for less
than a week, then made love to her, honeymoon style. He hadn’t made
love to a woman since Teresa and had to admit now that he missed
the connection of being this close, this intimate with a woman. But
still, that didn’t mean he wanted anything long term, because that
wouldn’t work out in his mind. It never did, so there was no need
in starting over.

He did, however, enjoy the time he spent
with Kamila. She was younger than him, but she was carefree and fun
to be with. And feeling her naked body against his made him feel
whole again, like she was the missing piece of his life. And for
the first time in a long time, he could rest and feel happy and
wanted, even though he knew a relationship is not what he wanted –
at least not now.



Chapter Eight




Kamila closed her
eyes and dreamed about being with him, not just
for a few days on a cruise ship but permanently – visiting his
home, meeting his family and being his woman. But he’d made it
clear that he wasn’t interested in a relationship. She couldn’t
tell that by the way he made love to her – so tender, passionate
and personal.
he was a family man. She always wanted a family. She wanted a
family with Tony, but he was busy planning a family with another

BOOK: What Donovan Wants (The Accidental Series, Book 4)
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