Read What a Wicked Earl Wants Online

Authors: Vicky Dreiling

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Historical, #Regency

What a Wicked Earl Wants (23 page)

BOOK: What a Wicked Earl Wants
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He pushed her hair back and sucked on her neck. Her shattered breathing let him know she enjoyed it. Then he pressed her to her back and pinned one of her wrists above her head. This was how he’d imagined her that day on the wrought-iron bench. “Guide me,” he said.

Her lips parted and her eyes held a lethargic, sated look, but he meant to awaken desire in her again. As she guided him inside her body, he hissed in a breath. At first he took his time, but the lust took over and he rocked into her faster and faster. She locked her legs around him and cried out. Her rhythmic contractions felt so damned good and then wave after wave of pleasure shook him. He strained and spilled his seed inside her. Then he wrapped Laura in his arms.


He awoke to the sound of birds chirping. A crack in the drapes showed it was dim outside, but dawn was not far off. He turned to face Laura. Her lips were slightly parted. Ribbons of her blond hair fanned out on the pillow. She looked younger and a little vulnerable to him, but he knew that was an illusion. Laura was a strong woman, and even though he knew she could manage on her own, he still felt protective of her.

He’d never felt that way about a woman before, but then, he’d never known a woman like Laura.

He wanted to make love to her again, but he would be considerate and let her sleep a little longer. It was a new experience for him. He’d never stayed all night with a woman, because he’d feared the blasted nightmare would return. Yet, he’d not even thought of it when he’d brought her here. All of his thoughts had been centered on her.

She’d been anxious and unsure what to do, but she’d laughed at his silly rules. He’d worried a bit about her nervousness, but the moment she’d opened her arms to him, she’d let go of all her inhibitions.

He’d let go of his own inhibitions about the nightmares, and deep down, he knew it was because of her. A peaceful feeling settled over him as he watched her sleep. He wished they could stay abed all day, but the light filtering in from the crack in the drapes was growing brighter. “Laura,” he said, and kissed her cheek.

Laura rolled over and blinked at him as if she couldn’t remember where she was. “Andrew?” she said.

She had never used his given name before.

“Your beard is scratchy.”

“Sorry. I have to take you home soon,” he said.

She gasped as she clung to the sheet. “What time is it?”

“Let me check.” He fumbled with the flint box, managed a spark, and lit a candle and squinted at the clock on the bedside table. “It’s five-fifteen.”

“It’s early,” she said, holding out her arms for him.

Of course he couldn’t resist. “How are you?”

She blushed. “Wonderful.”

“I watched you sleep.”

She gave him a sleepy smile. “You didn’t snore.”

He couldn’t resist teasing her. “You did.”

“I did not.” She sat up and the sheet fell, exposing her beautiful breasts.

He cupped her breasts and circled his thumbs around her nipples.

She inhaled.

“I want you again.”

“I don’t want to leave you,” she said. “But I must return home before Justin awakens and finds me gone.”

“I will let you go on one condition,” he said.

“What condition?” she said with a slight frown.

“That you will come back again,” he said.

“I want to, but I must be careful.”

“We’ll be discreet,” he said. “Don’t say no yet. We’ll figure out a way.”

“I won’t be able to resist you,” she said.

He grinned. “Good.”

She pulled the sheet over her breasts. “I should dress.”

He cupped her cheek. “There is something we have to discuss.”

Alarm flitted in her eyes.

“I don’t want you to worry too much, but I accidentally spilled my seed inside you once. I hope there are no consequences.” If there were, they would be in a tight spot.

“I doubt there will be,” she said. “I’m…irregular and I never conceived during my marriage.”

She pleated the sheet with her fingers and looked a little sad.

He remembered the baby gown she’d been embroidering for her sister. And because he didn’t know what to say, he kissed her cheek. He was relieved that they didn’t have to worry about pregnancy, but he knew that her inability to conceive must have devastated her.

“I’m reluctant to let you go, but I don’t want you to be late arriving home. I’ll have a servant bring up hot water so we can wash.”

“There is no time for that,” she said. “My butler will wonder if something has happened to me.”

“He is a servant. He won’t question anything.”

“But my maid will know as soon as she sees last night’s ball gown.”

“Shhh,” he said. “Another half hour will make no difference. As for your maid, she’ll guess you were with a lover, but she will say nothing because she needs her position.”

He walked naked over to the bell and rang it. Then he donned his drawers, trousers, and a banyan. “Wrap this around you,” he said, handing her one of his banyans.

She pulled it on. He rolled up the sleeves for her. “It swallows you.”

“I do not want your servants to see me.”

“You could hide under the covers.”

She swatted him.

“Just turn on your side when the servant brings it up,” he said. He didn’t tell her that the servants had seen a number of women pass through the doors here.

The hot water took twenty minutes to arrive. He managed to shave without cutting himself. She looked uncomfortable as she faced the washstand. He found her shyness a bit endearing. “I’ll slip downstairs for a cup of tea and give you privacy.” She looked grateful as he closed the door.

After he left, Laura hunted for her hairpins, then washed and twisted her long hair in a simple roll in the back. She slipped her shift on and knew she would be embarrassed when her maid saw her. Now she would have to wait for him to help her dress. Restless, she walked over to the bed where she had lain with him. Deep inside, she could feel where he’d joined with her last night. She wanted to experience his lovemaking again, but she had to be cautious, because she could not risk discovery.

A light tap sounded at the door. He opened it and smiled at her. “We’d better dress you.”

Her one night was over, and she wasn’t ready for it to end. The servants would know no matter what time she arrived home. Dear God, was she really thinking of lovemaking again?

“Laura?” he said, closing the distance between them. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “What are you thinking?”

“Wanton thoughts,” she whispered.

“Well, then.” He shrugged off the banyan. Then he lifted her onto the mattress. She started to scoot back, but he pulled her hips to the edge of the bed and lifted her shift up to her waist. “I’ve become shameless,” she said.

“I’m glad to hear it.” He caressed the folds of her sex. Her breathing grew labored as he inserted two fingers. “You’re hot and wet again.”

She watched as he unbuttoned the falls on his trousers and untied the ribbon on his drawers. When he sprang out, she grasped the sheets.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he said.

When she did, he took his cock in his hand and teased her all along the damp folds.

“Do you want it?” he said in a rough voice.

“Yes,” she said.

“How badly?” he said.

“Please,” she said.

He inched inside her. “Slow or fast?”

“Fast,” she said.

He held her hips and thrust inside her over, and over, and over again. His blue eyes were intent on her as he moved faster and faster. “You like it like this?”


His eyes lowered. He was watching as he pushed in and out of her. Then he reached between them, caressing her, and she arched up to his touch, seeking the peak, and suddenly she was contracting all around him. He stilled and she could feel him throbbing. Then he suddenly withdrew, spilling his seed on the sheets.

She lay there bared to him and breathing hard. He leaned over and kissed her. “I wish I could keep you here all day and night.”

“I can’t believe I did that,” she said faintly.

He laughed. “Stay there.” A moment later, he returned with a damp cloth. When she tried to protest, he laughed. “Sweetheart, it’s a bit late to go shy on me. Come along, we’ve got to dress you and take you home.”

He helped her dress and donned his own clothing. By the time they were ready to leave, more than an hour had passed.

Her guilt set in as soon as his carriage rolled off. Laura worried her hands. He finally grabbed them in his palms. “Be nonchalant.”

“My maid will see me in last night’s ball gown.”

“She is a maid and will perform her duties with an impassive expression. What she thinks is of no importance.”

“But servants gossip, and what about Justin? Oh, never mind my son. He will sleep until noon.”

Bell laughed. Then he kissed her deeply. “You were wonderful.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Really. I cannot wait for tomorrow night.”

“We shouldn’t. I worry that we’ll be seen.”

“I’m not letting you go now,” he said. “All we have to do is be discreet.”

“Walking into my town house in a rumpled ball gown is not discreet.”

“The sun is not up yet.”

“It’s getting lighter by the moment,” she said.

“We’ll be more careful with tonight’s gown,” he said. “Speaking of tonight, what are your plans?”

“I’m attending the theater with Lady Atherton,” she said.

“I will visit her box,” he said.

“Bellingham, I don’t want her to know about us.”

“Andrew, when it’s just us. As for Lady Atherton, she may suspect, but she’ll say nothing. You can leave the theater with me.”

“In front of all those people?” she said.

“Laura, we’ll arrange to meet separately in the foyer. It’s done all the time.”

“I fear one of Montclief’s friends will report that we were seen together.”

“First of all, I won’t let Montclief rule our lives. He has no proof about us. Don’t forget I’ve been seen giving your son fencing lessons. Lady Atherton can vouch for the interest I’ve taken in Justin. Do stop worrying.”

“I shall try,” she said.

“Good girl.” He gazed into her eyes. “Do you know I’ve never stayed all night with a woman before? I never wanted to. In case I forgot to say it, you were magnificent.”

She blushed. “I don’t know what came over me.”

His blue eyes glinted with mischief. “Me.”

“Oh, my stars,” she said. “You are incorrigible.”

“Admit it. You like it.”

“I think my morals took a boat to America.”

He laughed.

When the carriage slowed to a halt before her town house, he kissed her on the lips quickly. “Come now. I’ll escort you to the door.”

“No, that is not a good idea,” she said. “The neighbors might see us.”

“I imagine they’ve seen me before.”

“Not with me in a wrinkled ball gown. I had better go now.” She looked into his eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she kissed him deeply. “I already miss you.”

He opened the carriage door and helped her negotiate the steps. She blew him a kiss and hurried to the door.

aura felt conspicuous as she joined Lady Atherton in the theater box. Justin had plans to play cards at Lady Norcliffe’s home. Of course, Sarah was the chief attraction.

She had hoped for one of Shakespeare’s plays, but this play was not one she’d ever heard of. “Do you know what it is about?” she asked Lady Atherton.

“Nobody pays attention to the play, my dear,” Lady Atherton said. “It’s all about seeing and being seen.”

“I had just convinced myself that I was imagining others staring at me,” she said.

“Curiosity about you remains rampant,” Lady Atherton said. “You look radiant tonight.”

“It must be the gown,” she said, smoothing the sheer lavender overskirt.

“Last night, I thought your strange engagement had somehow leaked to the scandal sheets,” Lady Atherton said.

“I was terrified,” Laura said, “but then it all turned out to be about the charity.”

“Well, you do look in much better health tonight. I hope Bellingham was a gentleman when he escorted you home. A scamp like him would not waste a golden opportunity all alone in a dark carriage with a beautiful lady.”

She had to deflect her friend. “We talked about Justin,” she said.

“I might have known,” Lady Atherton said as if she were disappointed.

“Bellingham is a good role model for my son.”

Lady Atherton lifted her quizzing glass to look about the other boxes. “I’ve heard others say that he is too blunt, but I think he has an ability to see through a person’s veneer, if you get my meaning. That talent has served him well in his political career.”

They remained silent for a few moments, and then Lady Atherton spoke again. “What do
think of Bellingham?”

He is a superb lover
. She told herself not to think of her wanton behavior last night or her face would give her away. “When he wishes, he can be quite charming.”

Lady Atherton lowered her quizzing glass. “I think he pours on the charm for a certain pretty widow.”

Laura grew uncomfortable and changed the subject. “Most of the ladies are wearing tall feathers in their hair. I never cared much for the fashion.”

“Fashions come and go,” Lady Atherton said. “Now it is my turn to change the subject. You’ve said nothing of Montclief. Has he written?”

“No,” Laura said. “I rather hope he never does, but that is wishful thinking on my part.”

“What will you do about the secret engagement?” Lady Atherton asked. “It seems to me that you and Bellingham could easily find yourselves in hot suds if that information ever came to light.”

“I sometimes fear that Montclief might reveal the engagement out of spite. It would be a disaster.”

“The worst that can happen is that you and Bellingham must marry,” Lady Atherton said.

Laura couldn’t breathe for a moment. “How can you say that in such a detached manner? You forget he is a determined lifelong bachelor. An enforced marriage would only create resentments on both sides.”

“Well, if you are found out, he would have no choice. His honor and yours would be at stake.”

“No, that cannot happen,” Laura said. She had fallen in love with Bellingham, but she knew that if he was pushed into marriage, it would breed acrimony. And she feared that Bellingham would refuse. She thought of his words:
I never met a rule I didn’t wish to break.

Laura felt anxious and decided she’d better discuss the situation with Bell. They had to prepare in the event that Montclief threatened to expose them.

Footsteps sounded. Laura turned around and her heart beat faster. “Lord Bellingham.”

Lady Atherton rose, and Laura only then remembered her manners. She stood and a dizzying feeling rushed through her as she dipped a curtsy.

He smiled. “I saw you from across the theater.”

“Do join us,” Lady Atherton said.

“Thank you, I will.”

He took the chair next to Laura. “You look ravishing tonight.”

Laura felt the blush rising to her cheeks. She wasn’t adept at concealing her thoughts and worried Lady Atherton would somehow guess that she and Bellingham had become lovers.

Sure enough, Lady Atherton regarded her with a knowing expression.

“It is a pleasure to see you again,” Laura said to him.

His blue eyes gleamed. “And you as well, Lady Chesfield.”

“Your visit is timely,” Lady Atherton said. “We were just discussing your dilemma.”

Laura regarded Lady Atherton with a warning look.

“There’s no point in avoiding the issue,” Lady Atherton said.

“What issue is that?” Bellingham asked.

“Your secret engagement, of course. What will you do if Montclief threatens to expose you? He may very well try to use your secret to take the boy.”

“I made plans in the event he does,” he said.

Laura looked at him, the question unspoken.

“If he tries to blackmail us, I will counter with my own information, which I hope to get soon.”

“But what if you do not find anything?” Laura said.

“I will,” he said. “Whatever happens, I won’t let him take your son. He’s shown no inclination to do his duty to the boy, and I will not hesitate to make that known if necessary.”

“But Montclief is his guardian. Legally, you can do nothing to stop him,” Lady Atherton said.

“If, as I believe, he is in serious debt, his creditors are probably hounding him. I can put word out that Montclief is on the verge of fleeing the country. The creditors will descend on him like locusts. The last thing he’ll want is another mouth to feed.”

“But then he will be desperate,” Laura said. “He’s likely to demand money in exchange for Justin.”

“I’ll bribe him if necessary,” Bellingham said.

“I cannot allow you to do that,” Laura said.

He gazed at her intently. “I was under the impression you would do anything to keep your son.”

“I don’t like this,” she said. “I have a terrible feeling it will all blow up in an awful scandal. You should not have to bear the consequences.”

“He treats you and Justin abysmally,” Bell said. “I will not allow him to ruin your lives. But we speak of worst-case scenarios. My instincts tell me that Montclief has some dirty dealings he doesn’t want anyone to know about. The only reason he threatened you in the first place is because his friends discovered he was shirking his duty to the boy. My guess is Montclief is nervous about his own reputation, because he likely has something to hide. Once I have all of the information, I will use it to keep him from ever bullying you again.”

Lady Atherton regarded Bellingham with a satisfied smile. “I might have known you had planned for any contingency.”

“It is the way of politicians,” he said. “Lady Chesfield, I beg you not to worry. I know you are vexed, understandably so, but I believe we will resolve this matter before the season ends.”

“I am appreciative,” she said. “But you made all of these plans without consulting me.”

“I wanted to plan it all carefully before presenting it to you. It’s the way that I work, nothing more,” he said.

She didn’t really believe him, but she didn’t want to argue the point in front of Lady Atherton any longer. “We will have to take it one step at a time,” Laura said.

“Your main concern is keeping the secret engagement a secret,” Lady Atherton said. “But you must both prepare yourselves for the possibility that it may be divulged. Then you’ll have no choice.”

“There are always choices,” Bellingham said.

“Well, we are here for entertainment,” Laura said. “And we will not resolve the issue of Montclief tonight.”

Bellingham gazed into her eyes. “Yes, I weary of him when there are more pleasurable diversions to be had.”

A warm flush spread to her cheeks. She busied herself by smoothing her skirt to conceal her blush from Lady Atherton. But his words were like a seductive potion making her yearn for more of his touch. She remembered the heady sensation of making love to him and squeezed her thighs. The spurt of pleasure made her eager to join him tonight.

Voices sounded outside the box. Laura unfurled her fan to cool her face. Dear heaven, she must learn to hide her feelings for him, but it wasn’t easy when he was so near.

“Ah, there they are.”

Laura rose with everyone else at the sound of Harry’s voice and saw Colin as well.

“We wanted to greet you, Princess,” Harry said.

Colin elbowed him. “And you as well, Lady Atherton.”

Lady Atherton snorted. “What mischief have the pair of you planned tonight?”

“Colin’s father threatened to cut off his allowance if he didn’t make himself agreeable to Angeline this evening,” Harry said, grinning.

“It’s impossible,” Colin said. “If I try to compliment her, she pinches me.”

“Oh, dear,” Laura said. “But, Colin, why does she dislike you so much?”

“She doesn’t,” Colin said. “She loathes me, and I loathe her. Our families are blind to it all. When they see us quarreling, they call it a lover’s spat.”

“Surely the two of you can be civil to one another,” Lady Atherton said.

“I beg your pardon, Lady Atherton,” Colin said, “but in all honesty, it’s hard to be civil to a lady who threatens to stab her fork in your leg under the table.”

Everyone laughed. As the conversation continued, Bellingham leaned down and said to her, “Meet me in the foyer after the intermission.”

“I will,” she whispered.

Bell left with his friends. As he walked away, Laura found herself anxious for the intermission.

When she returned to her chair, Lady Atherton remarked, “You look very much like a woman in the first blush of love.”

“He is a friend,” Laura said.

“He looks at you as if he’s already made the conquest.”

Laura fanned her face. “I would have to be inhuman not to find him handsome.”

“You’re lovers,” Lady Atherton said.

“We are friends,” Laura insisted.

“My dear, you know my thoughts about grabbing life’s opportunities. I do not disapprove, but you must learn to conceal your feelings for him. From the moment he walked in this box, you lit up like the lanterns at Vauxhall. For the sake of your reputation, you must learn to adopt a cool façade in his presence.”

Laura lowered her fan and toyed with it. “I don’t know how to do this.”

“No need to worry with a man like him. I’m sure he knows a dozen ways to Sunday how to pleasure a lady.”

Laura gasped. “Oh, my stars.”

“You’ll get over the shy stage.”

Laura wafted her fan. Lady Atherton was certainly blunt about intimate matters.

Lady Atherton shook out her own fan. “He made arrangements to meet you, I assume.”

“Yes,” she said. “After intermission.”

“I will leave the box at the same time to visit friends. To those in the theater, it will appear we are leaving together.”

“I’m sorry to involve you,” Laura said.

“There is no reason to apologize. You’ve been alone for many years and put all of your energy into your son. You will not regret this
affaire de coeur
.” She sighed. “I would add that you should guard your heart, but I see very well that I am too late.”

“How could I not love him when he has done so much for Justin and me?”

“He is a fool if he doesn’t make an offer for you,” Lady Atherton said.

“You know as well as I do that he will never marry. I cannot allow myself to even contemplate it, because then I might hope.”

“Then live in the whirlwind and do not let guilt interfere. You’ve given to everyone else but yourself. In years to come, you will be glad that you lived in this moment.”


Laura’s nerves jittered a bit as she descended the stairs to the foyer. There were still a few people walking about, but she didn’t recognize them. When she stepped onto the marble floor, she looked around for Bellingham and saw him talking to an older gentleman. She walked over to a painting, pretending to admire it. As much as she wanted to be with him, this secretiveness troubled her, and yet it was very necessary to guard her reputation.

“Lady Chesfield, I thought I saw you in Lady Atherton’s box.”

Laura’s hands trembled upon hearing Lady Rentworth’s voice. She turned and said, “Hello, Lady Rentworth.”

“Are you waiting for someone?” Lady Rentworth looked past Laura. “Is that Bellingham?”

She looked over her shoulder. “Yes.”

Lady Rentworth’s smile spoke volumes. “I have heard your name in connection with his on several occasions. He’s reportedly been at your town house many times.”

Laura’s heart felt as if it had fallen to her stomach, but she had to remain calm. “He gives my son fencing lessons.” If Montclief heard similar rumors, he would take Justin.

Lady Rentworth laughed. “He is an expert with a sword, is he?”

No one could miss the obvious double entendre, but Laura refused to let the nasty woman engage her in a prurient discussion. “Please excuse me.” Laura felt nauseous as she walked over to the ticket desk. “Can you please hail a hackney for me?”

“Yes, madam. Do you have a wrap stored?”

She had kept her shawl, thank goodness. “No.”

“Please wait here. I will call for you when it arrives.”

Her mouth was dry. “Thank you.”

She didn’t look at Bellingham. Instead, she stood near the door waiting. Humiliation made her chest burn. This was her punishment for daring to enter into a liaison with him. Behind her, she heard Lady Rentworth greeting Bellingham. At least he would know the reason she’d left. But it did not matter. She was done with this illicit business. Shame overcame her as she thought of her son and all that she’d intended to risk for a man who would only offer his bed.

Lady Rentworth had obviously guessed her intention. Now all Laura wanted to do was flee this place, but she must wait until a hackney arrived. The minutes ticked by and still Lady Rentworth chattered on. The other man with Bellingham said something she couldn’t hear.

The clerk entered. “Your hackney is here, madam.”

She rushed out into the night. The driver opened the door, and she almost fell in her haste to board the hackney.

“Careful, madam,” the driver said as he handed her up.

BOOK: What a Wicked Earl Wants
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