Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Donovan groaned, obviously picking up on his thoughts. He leaned over Sogarn to wrap the leather around his wrists and then flipped him onto his stomach and spread each arm across the massive bed. Sogarn felt his arms pinned, stretched so taut that he could barely lift his head to keep Donovan in sight. His werewolf strength meant he’d be able to easily break the thick leather bonds, but with everything that Donovan promised, Sogarn found he didn’t want to.

“Relax, Sogarn. I’m going to make you feel good.” A warm hand cupped his ass cheek, massaging the tensed muscles. Donovan moved again and then lifted Sogarn around the middle, almost as if he were a rag doll, and slid a couple of pillows underneath him.

Burning now with embarrassment, Sogarn tried to slow his breathing as he imagined the sight in front of Donovan’s eyes. He felt completely and utterly exposed, yet his cock leaked pre-cum and his anal muscles pulsed, begging for attention.

Donovan’s callused hands roamed over his ass, his back, his shoulders. Sogarn couldn’t quite stifle the groans as he felt muscles that had been tense for years finally begin to relax.

He jumped as a stinging slap landed on his ass, and almost laughed out loud when he realized he should’ve expected it. Donovan loved to spank a woman until she screamed his name and shook in release. Instead of feeling worried, Sogarn actually found himself wanting this, wanting his ass smacked until he bellowed and shot his load.

Donovan chuckled as he slapped him again, the blow much harder than the last. Sogarn gasped for air even as his cock throbbed against the pillows. Mindlessly, he started working his hips against the soft fabric, moaning when Donovan smacked his ass twice more, draped his weight over his prone body, and demanded in his ear, “Come for me.”

He did. Every nerve ending in his body screamed with sensation as Donovan’s heavy weight pressed him into the bed, trapping him in place, magnifying the feeling of helplessness. He felt his cum squish between his body and the pillow at the same time that Donovan’s massive cock pressed against his crack.

Donovan slid his hard shaft up and down the crease of Sogarn’s ass, mimicking what he wanted to do. His voice was rough. “Sogarn, I really need to fuck you now.”

Sogarn nodded, barely able to breathe at the thought of being fucked by his best friend. He was almost disappointed when Donovan unclipped the restraints and rolled him onto his back. He nudged the pillows onto the floor and pushed Sogarn’s legs open so that he could lie between them.

Sogarn could feel his cock pulse back to life as Donovan’s erection pressed against his thigh. Donovan leaned over to the bedside table, snagged the oil, and poured a generous amount onto his fingers.

“Don’t let me hurt you,” was all he said before he lifted Sogarn’s knees and forced them back toward his chest. A slippery finger teased his virgin hole, swirling around, pressing lightly but not quite breaching his ass. Sogarn tried to wriggle himself onto the finger that he wanted so badly, but Donovan chuckled and moved his hand away.

“Let me prepare you properly so that you can enjoy this.” Sogarn nodded eagerly and then let his head fall back onto the mattress. He concentrated on relaxing his muscles so that Donovan could indeed prepare the way. The finger swirled around the tight opening once more, this time pressing hard against the puckered muscle.

“Breathe out and push down for me.”

Sogarn tried to concentrate on Donovan’s instructions, bearing down as the finger pushed through the tight ring of muscle. He groaned at the intense sensation, his shoulders lifting off the bed in an attempt to grab Donovan and drag him into his body. A large hand landed on his chest, pushing him back, pinning him to the bed as a second finger joined the first. The sting lasted but a moment, and then ecstasy flooded his senses once again.

Donovan held him down, playing with his ass, stretching the muscles as Sogarn writhed and groaned against the mattress. He felt Donovan move as he took his fingers away, quickly replacing them with his cock. A quick push lodged the head of Donovan’s massive hard-on in the entrance of Sogarn’s ass, and he gasped in both pain and ecstasy. He could feel Donovan monitoring his emotions, listening in to his most intimate thoughts, and Sogarn felt more turned on that he would ever have imagined.

Sogarn nodded in answer to the question Donovan didn’t ask. One hard thrust, and he had Donovan’s full length crammed into his virgin hole. Donovan held him still, stopping all movement so that Sogarn could adjust to the invasion.

Within moments, Donovan began to slowly rock into and out of Sogarn’s ass, his hands framing Sogarn’s hips in a tight grip. Sogarn watched his best friend’s face as they fucked, glorying at the fact that he could affect Donovan as deeply as the man affected him. Sogarn worried when sweat drops formed on Donovan’s brow as he controlled his thrusts. He could feel Donovan holding his full strength back, restraining his rampaging desire so that he wouldn’t hurt him.

“It’s okay,” Sogarn said as he lifted up to kiss the big man tenderly. “You don’t need to hold back. You don’t need to use the control that’s necessary when you fuck a woman. You won’t break me.”

As if something snapped inside him, Donovan smiled tightly and then began pounding into Sogarn’s ass, pushing harder, pumping faster, hammering a spot in Sogarn that sent excitement streaking through him.

Donovan lifted himself back onto his knees as he moved Sogarn like he weighed nothing and then slammed into him even harder. The feral look on his face proved they did indeed need each other. They could never have tried this violent sort of lovemaking for fear of hurting a female, but together they mated wildly.

Sogarn opened his mouth to groan, but the sound faded as Donovan grabbed his cock in his tight fist and started pulling and stroking Sogarn’s already-straining erection. Donovan leaned forward and opened his mouth over Sogarn’s throat, the sharp scrape of his fangs raising his desire even higher. “Please,” Sogarn whispered, pushing his neck harder against Donovan’s mouth.

Donovan pulled back quickly, apparently having been unaware of his actions. “I can’t claim you,” he said in a tortured voice. “We’ll be banished from the pack.”

“Claiming doesn’t work like that,” Sogarn said breathlessly, trying to sooth his lover’s worries. “You weren’t born a wolf. I would have to claim you first.” He pulled Donovan back to him and pressed closer, forcing his flesh into the other man’s mouth. He shuddered as sharp fangs grazed over his skin once again.
“Please, I promise it’ll be okay.”

Donovan nodded, his absolute trust in Sogarn flowing through their connection, his thrusts growing harder, his mouth opening wider, his teeth finally sinking into Sogarn’s neck. The incredible sensation sent electricity forking through his entire body. Sogarn felt Donovan’s cock swell even more just before he shot his load, his teeth still embedded in Sogarn’s neck.

Donovan pressed hard against him as he jerked the fist wrapped around Sogarn’s cock. Sogarn’s balls pulled impossibly tight, his breath caught, his eyes rolled back into his head as Donovan sucked harder on his throat and forced him to climax.

Breathing heavily, Donovan fell forward, blanketing Sogarn’s body with his own, the heavy weight making it feel like it was impossible for Sogarn to move. Fortunately, he couldn’t imagine anywhere he would rather be.

“I love you,” Donovan said as he stroked his face.

Sogarn smiled almost shyly at the man who’d been his best friend for the last ten years, and who was now his lover. “I think I’ve always loved you. It may have taken a while for me to see that we could have a physical relationship as well as an emotional one, but I know without doubt that you are the most important person in my world.”

“And you are the most important person in mine.”

Sogarn lay there on the bed, covered in his own cum, Donovan’s cock still embedded in his ass, and couldn’t imagine anywhere else he’d rather be.

Chapter One


“Look, Polly, our silver friend is back.”

Wendy moved slowly, not wanting to spook the beautiful wolf that stood at the edge of the forest. She wasn’t silly enough to go out there—it was a wild creature after all—but she hadn’t seen it in over a week and had begun to worry. It was probably silly to fret over creatures in their natural habitat, but she’d noticed this wolf and one other long ago and had begun to think of them as “her wolves.”

“Stupid wolf, stupid wolf, stupid wolf,” her parrot said, hopping from one leg to another.

“Wolves aren’t stupid, Polly,” Wendy said absently. It was a familiar “argument.” Intellectually she knew that the bird was only parroting words it had heard over the years, but there were times when it seemed so much more than just another bird. It boggled the mind to think on how old the parrot—a white-and-yellow cockatoo—actually was. Apparently forty-four wasn’t unheard of for this particular type of bird—but it was nearly twice her age.

“Can’t talk. Stupid wolves. Can’t talk.”

“True,” she said with a smile at the bird, “but I’m sure he could swallow you in a single bite.”

“Wouldn’t dare. Wouldn’t dare.”

A little surprised by Polly’s newest phrase, Wendy tried to remember when she’d used those particular words as she turned her gaze back to the wolf. She’d always believed that animals were more intelligent than most people gave them credit for, but these particular wolves seemed even smarter than most.

She was still lost in thought when she heard a car pull into her front yard. As isolated as she was, it wasn’t often she got unexpected visitors, so she quickly rushed through the house to see who had arrived. The car wasn’t familiar, but the man who stepped out of it was.

And the word “unwelcome” came to mind.

“What do you want, Brian?” she asked through the front window. She was not opening the door. The whole reason she’d chosen to move here, eventually inheriting her grandmother’s mountain home and the parrot that came with it, was to get away from this man.

“Don’t be like that, baby doll. Is that any way to speak to the man who’s come to rescue you from boredom?”

“I’m not bored.” She crossed her fingers as she uttered the small lie. She missed her grandmother dearly, and the place felt truly empty without the old woman’s zest for a simple life, but she was happy here, mostly. Living in such isolation was taking a toll—no matter how well it worked for her writing career—but Wendy wasn’t going to admit that to anyone. Especially not to this asshole.

He laughed in what she’d once thought of as his charming tone, but now knew was really just a nonverbal, derogatory insult. Brian considered himself better than everyone around him and never hesitated to make sure others knew their place—beneath him. It was hard to believe she’d ever thought herself in love with this man.

“You’re not being very polite,” he said in the sort of reprimanding tone an indulgent parent might use on a precocious five-year-old. “I’ve come a long way to talk to you. The least you can do is open the door.”

Her left eye ached just at the memory of the last time she’d opened the door to this man. He’d just lost another job, again apparently through no fault of his own, and had been in a foul mood. He’d yelled at her for wasting her time writing when he was working his ass off—conveniently forgetting the full-time job she worked each night. When she’d finally gotten published, he’d been supportive all the way up to her first lousy royalty payment. Annoyed as hell that her books weren’t making the money he’d been expecting—thereby forcing the need for him to find another job—the argument had gone on long into the night. Eventually, and very stupidly as it turned out, she’d tried to calm him down and had instead gotten close enough for him to literally pound her with his frustrations.

Fortunately, she wasn’t stupid enough to hang around. She’d packed her bags, moved here to live temporarily with her grandmother, and had never left.

“I’m sorry, Brian,” she said, suddenly realizing just how vulnerable she was here alone, “but there’s nothing for us to talk about.”

“Of course there is,” he said in that cajoling tone of voice she’d once thought so cute. “Come on, baby doll. I don’t want to do this through the door.”

“Do what?” she asked in confusion.

“Ask you to marry me,” he said, standing close enough to the open window that she took a step back.

“Marry you?”

Stunned didn’t begin to describe her reaction. Fuck, was this guy for real? She’d left him because he was an abusive asshole. What the hell would make him think she’d marry him? Unfortunately, the answer was fairly obvious. Her latest book had just hit
The New York Times
Best Sellers list.

“Yes, baby doll, marry me.” He seemed confident that she would open the door now. He actually stepped close enough to try the handle. “Come on, Wendy. Open the door. Let your soon-to-be husband in.”

She was literally lost for words. Her hands were shaking so hard that she had to clasp them together just to be able to think. For a long time she’d dreamed of this man proposing to her. When she’d believed him to be a hard-working, decent kind of guy, he’d seemed like a good choice for a husband. Even his temper, while volatile on occasions, hadn’t really concerned her until that final day. She was still embarrassed by the fact that it had taken him getting physically violent for her to finally see the selfish, self-centered asshole underneath the false charm.

BOOK: Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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