Read Warrior's Wife Online

Authors: Evanne Lorraine

Tags: #Erotica

Warrior's Wife (8 page)

BOOK: Warrior's Wife
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“Maybe.” His lips quirked and his focus locked on her breast.

She followed his line of sight to a dark, wet, engorged nipple. The graphic evidence of his attentions pulled the knot of tension in her core tighter.

“You’re good.” The husky words belonged to a strange, wanton woman.

His mouth moved closer to the moist tip. “With you, paying attention to your reactions is my pleasure, believe me.”

As he spoke, puffs of air caressed the sensitized peak, making her needier—bolder. “It’s okay for you to surprise me.”

That jerked his attention to her face, his tone rasped with sincerity. “Good to know. Remember you can stop me any time if something bothers you.”

Tori captured his face in her hands, making sure he understood her. “I trust you.”

Marcus moved slowly, skimming down her ribs then caressing her waist. He paused to circle her bellybutton three times and test the skin over her hip bones by rubbing his rough thumb pad across the tender spot. Dropping lower, he traced the line where hip and leg met. Finally he petted the seam of her sex.

He inhaled with a hiss as his questing fingers slipped into her folds. “You’re so sleek—as smooth as triple-milled titanium, as soft as orchid petals and so fucking wet.”

A thick digit slid into her core and she clamped around the invader.

His gaze flew back to hers while his thumb found her clit and pressed. “You’re so tight. You feel too good to be real, beautiful.”

“Have you been with lots of women?” The moment the words slipped from her tongue she regretted asking. The past had nothing to do with them and she really didn’t want to hear about hot future chicks.

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever touched like this.” His face held nothing but the high color of an aroused man and a whole lot of candor.

Wow, just wow.
“You’re a natural at seduction. You make me feel totally special, humble, and like I’m going to die if you don’t take me.”

“That’s the best compliment ever.” The glow of adoration in his eyes disconcerted her. She dropped her lashes and flushed from an odd craving to please him.

The lack of hands-on experience definitely hadn’t slowed Galahad’s smooth action. He worked a second finger into her molten core and pumped in and out with a slow, firm stroke guaranteed to drive her crazy. “You please me more than I ever dreamed and I dreamed big.”

A minute ago she’d been in charge. Now pleasure he definitely controlled shivered through her body. She whimpered and rode his hand, wordlessly begging as she spun out of control—lost in the enchantment of his expert caresses.

He varied his touch from featherlight to almost painful pressure, keeping her constantly off balance and wildly excited.

“Show me how beautiful you are when you come.”

Marcus’ command was all it took to tip her into the maelstrom of ecstasy that left her limp and quaking as aftershocks washed through her core.

He continued to pet her, easing her sensitized folds with gentle caresses. Grateful for his soft touch, she sank into him, letting him take her weight.

Time passed while she drifted in and out of awareness. Lost in a sensual trance of pure sensation, she slipped into bliss over and over again. When full consciousness returned, her head rested on warm, thick pads of muscle. A steady heartbeat drummed a song of reassurance. Strong arms held her safe. She straddled an impressive erection, granite hard, covered in hot silk. The broad-ridged head nudged her soaked entrance.

As his plump crown breached her feminine walls, stretching the delicate skin, her eyes watered from the sting. She slowed her breathing to help ease the burn as her body clamped down, fighting his possession.

He stilled, thumbed away her tears and began to pull out. “Why didn’t you tell me to stop?”

She leaned forward and captured his lower lip between her teeth and nipped hard enough to get his attention. “’Cause it hurts so good.”

He seized control of her mouth, claiming every corner as his own. Lost in his passionate kiss, her tight walls eased around his thick cock and her pussy flooded with fresh cream.

He slid almost completely out until only his broad cock head remained in her sheath. Then he plowed back inside in a single measured, forceful stroke that made her cunt ripple with bliss. A groan of sheer male pleasure heightened her arousal. “Just when I thought nothing could be better.”

“You’re already perfect, gorgeous. Can’t get better than that.” He nipped her ear, sending tender bolts of erotic fire straight to her core.

Then he gripped her, tilting her pelvis so the hard ridge of his crown rubbed across her sweet spot with each long, powerful thrust of his hips. “I want you to come for me until you have nothing left.”

Aftershocks from her last climax rolled through her with gathering strength. Her core tightened and the sensation spread to the rest of her body until she shuddered against him in short, frantic jerks.

“Right there. Oh my God. Don’t stop.” She clutched his shoulders, digging in hard enough to draw blood.

Marcus varied the pace of his strokes from fast and hard to devastatingly slow. He was big and strong and tireless. Only his hold on her hips and her grasp on him kept her from losing herself in the erotic pummeling. Then even that wasn’t enough to keep her grounded. She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t come and couldn’t speak to beg for permission to climax.

At last he ground against her rigid clit and tugged on her nipple. “I want your hot honey soaking my cock. Come for me, beautiful.”

A second before, she would have sworn her overstimulated pussy couldn’t possibly produce another orgasm. His explicit words and firm demand shattered her old multiple-orgasm barrier and left it drowning in a sea of ecstasy.

* * * * *


Horace circled the house, stopped to hike up the front steps and retreated from the entrance only to repeat the circuit. At his current pace the exercise provided a decent cardiovascular workout. It didn’t get him anywhere near Tori.

A recheck of his internal chronometer confirmed Marcus’ turn had been over for eight minutes.

“Go ahead and knock. Hell, bud, march in there. Your hour’s down to fifty-one minutes already.” Gideon gave him a shove toward the front door, widened his stance, folded his arms and waited for him to act.

He mentally hitched up his pants and pounded on the entrance. It sounded as if Marcus whispered, “Go away.” Fuck that. Horace twisted the glass knob. The door swung inward. He accepted the invitation and strode into the dim room. The sex hung so thick in the air he breathed musk.

“Keep it down, bud. She’s sleeping.”

Tori was sheer naked perfection. Delicate bones, slender muscles and surprisingly lush breasts filled his vision. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from tight coral nipples and the creamy curve of her hip. The rest of the room didn’t even register, except for the massive hairy limbs supporting her.

“What did you do to her?” Horace snarled in a rough whisper.

“Nothing that wasn’t a hundred percent consensual.”

Marcus stood with Tori in his arms.

Horace’s lips pressed to a tight line and he narrowed his gaze at Marcus. When the mech handed him Tori, his irritation vanished. He placed a tender kiss on her temple.

“I’m fine.” Tori wound her arms around his neck, yawned and nestled into his chest without ever opening her eyes.

“A hot bath and salve for her sex might make her more comfortable.” Marcus yanked on his uniform and gathered his boots. “Want me to start a tub before I go?”

“No. I’ll take care of her.”

“One more thing, this place is way too convenient. The farm could be a trap. Gideon and I’ll watch the outer perimeter, but stay sharp.”

Horace nodded a little, ashamed of his earlier jealousy. Marcus had as much right to protect Tori as he or Gideon. They needed to work together.

Logic dictated the master suite would be on the second floor. Careful not to jostle Tori, Horace moved them upstairs. The third door he tried opened to a king-sized sleigh bed and plenty of elbow room. He sniffed, detecting nothing but freshly laundered bedding and clean air.

All right, Marcus’ point was vindicated. This place had serious weirdness. The pandemic had happened more than a year ago. Maids-R-Us weren’t making the rounds anymore. They were in the middle of a whole lot of decomposing corn and not much else. Yet the grounds and buildings were pristine.

He settled Tori on the covered mattress, tucked the pillow under her head and covered her with a green throw that had been folded at the foot of the bed. The sheer lace curtains filtered the autumn sunshine but protected her privacy. Satisfied she was resting comfortably and safe for the moment, he peeked inside the first of two interior doors and found an empty walk-in closet. The second door concealed a luxurious bathroom with all the amenities right down to fluffy towels. Strange didn’t cover the situation.

Horace u-turned, not letting out his breath until he was certain Tori slept peacefully. He pulled out his disrupter and eased onto the mattress to keep watch.

The primal need to protect and cherish his destined wife was the only thing keeping him from peeking under the soft green throw covering her perfection. Even being fully occupied with guard duty didn’t keep him from thinking about her and longing to touch and taste his dream woman.

Obviously his throbbing cock had missed the no-action message. The steady stream of imagining him lapping her sweet cream didn’t help, but he couldn’t stop.

The fine art of cunnilingus had been his favorite part of the seduction classes. He’d never had the chance to practice, but he knew he’d love to do so. More important than his lack of actual mouth-on experience, this was something Tori wanted. Thanks to her private journal, he knew she had never experienced oral lovemaking. He thanked God and the stupid men of this era. Because of their ignorance there was an important intimacy he would be the first to share. His chest swelled with fierce passion.

Sitting close to Tori kept his arousal buzzing at a slow, steady burn. She might wake up if he moved. He stayed put for half of his hour. Then risked edging off the bed to start the bath Marcus had recommended.

He turned the hot knob and waited skeptically. Steamy water poured into the tub, he added cold so it wouldn’t scald her tender skin. While the bath ran, he wondered about the house’s power source. Acting on impulse, he flicked the light switch. The vanity fixture glowed to life. Electricity and hot water were standard conveniences pre-pandemic, but since the contagion not likely.

Once he judged the deep tub full enough, he tossed in some fragrant crystals, stripped, and retrieved Tori.

She burrowed into his chest with a sleepy sigh.

“How about a bath?”

Her lashes fluttered. “A real one?”

“An actual hot water, soaking-tub-type bath awaits,” he solemnly promised, smiling on the inside.

“If I’m dreaming, don’t wake me.”

That time she’d teased him, he was almost sure of it. “Of course not.”

He stepped into the tub and paused, expecting her to object. Since she stayed quiet in his arms he carefully lowered them into the steamy water.

“Jasmine, my favorite.” She inhaled deeply and her lashes drifted closed, making thick, dark crescents against her pale skin.

“I’m glad you like it.” The sound of his voice was significantly thicker and deeper. A side effect of intense arousal he’d read about, but never experienced.

Something tickled the edge of his thoughts. He twisted her hair off her neck, found a claw-style holder and pinned the mass of auburn curls out of his way. Recognizing an irregular shape resting on the edge of tub as a sponge, he dipped, squeezed and squirted liquid soap on the damp clump of surprisingly resilient dead sea creatures. Then he applied the sponge to Tori’s neck and shoulders.

She moaned. “That feels wonderful.”

A grin teased his mouth again. Hard not to be happy with her round bottom nestled against his erection and her tight nipples flirting with soap bubbles. He inhaled more of the faint floral scent and sniffed the sponge. The liquid soap was jasmine scented too, Tori’s favorite.

Then he remembered what had been teasing his mind. One of Tori’s diary entries mentioned how much she liked a jasmine-scented bath set. Gideon had found a holo-graph that included the aroma and brought it to the next class. Only the triad leader had both the knowledge and the opportunity to prep the farmhouse for her seduction.

Gideon must’ve made a separate trip to the past to arrange the elaborate setting. Horace marveled the mech got permission. Time travel was both expensive and hazardous. Horace tested his theory against the known facts, including the defective mind link. He lacked absolute proof, but he was certain the triad leader had set the stage for them to win Tori’s heart.

She wasn’t going to hear about it from him. The reward for such devotion was Gideon’s to claim or not.

Horace applied the sponge in firm strokes to her back, marveling at the delicacy of her bones before turning her around to attend to her front. The sponge lasted for one pass across her beaded tips then it floated away, replaced by his gentle fingers.

BOOK: Warrior's Wife
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