Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
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“I was.” He reached out and snagged her hand once again. “But I’m wondering why you don’t believe me capable of a romantic walk.”

“Oh I didn’t say you’re not capable of it,” she teased. “I said I didn’t believe that was your only motive. I suppose I actually alluded to that more than said it. Or were you just trying to get me alone so we can go make out behind those trees like horny teenagers?”

He laughed. The low husky sound was pleasing to the ear. She was surprised to realize that she was willing to say something silly just to see if she could get him to laugh again. Then he tugged on her hand, breaking into a jog and practically dragging her behind him.

Toni gave up trying to resist and lengthened her stride to keep up. Once they’d cleared the top of the hill and the trees, Dimitri stopped. He pulled her deliberately into a shadowy spot between two large leafy, low hanging branches.

“Horny teenagers?” he said mockingly. “I’m not sure I ever
one of those.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps there’s always time.” It occurred to her that she was actually baiting him into kissing her. Why?

Then he slipped his arms around her and it no longer mattered what her motives were. Dimitri’s lips took hers in a long, lingering kiss. He coaxed her mouth open. When his tongue slid inside to rub against hers she moaned and leaned into his hard body. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back with abandon. Her eyes were closed and every fiber of her being was focused on this moment and this man. Right here and right now it no longer mattered what had happened to her mother. Her father’s motives were ash, and she was free.

Dimitri’s hands slid down to cup her ass. He pulled her flush against his body and she felt the hard ridge of his erection nestle in the vee of her pelvis as though it was meant to fit there. Everythign south of her navel tingled with excitement. Her core grew hot and wet. She stood on tiptoe and deepened the kiss. She pressed her own tongue to his, tangling them together as the two of them fought for dominance. This was what she wanted. To lose herself in this man and forget for a moment that there was anything in the world that could ever keep them apart.


Dimitri stepped away as though burned. He moved so quickly that Toni was left kissing air. Thankfully at the last minute he grabbed her or she would have face planted into the ground. She was about to give him hell when she realized that Katya was standing about ten feet away, staring at them.


DIMITRI COULD NOT tell if his sister was amused or angry and that was most likely due to the fact that he could not seem to get a grip on his own emotions. He was everywhere right now. His arousal was so fierce that he was certain his cock must be tenting the front of his trousers in a most embarrassing manner. Yet he was feeling fiercely protective of Toni as well. He gazed at his sister, practically daring her to say something negative about Toni, but the censure never came.

“So,” Katya said conversationally. “I guess I wasn’t the only one who decided to get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful evening.”

“Apparently not,” Dimitri murmured. He noticed that Toni’s face had turned bright red. But something in her expression suggested it wasn’t embarrassment that had her tongue tied. He shoved it aside for now and focused on what he needed to know from Katya. “Since you’re not willing to just spill the entire story. I’ve decided I’ll just come ask you questions as I think of them.”

“All right,” Katya murmured, her gaze growing wary. “What do you want to know?”

Dimitri took a deep breath. He hated the idea that he might injure Katya’s feelings, but he needed to get some facts straight. “Did Rustikov promise to marry you?”


“So why have a baby with you?” Dimitri demanded. “It makes no sense.”

“He wanted a son. His wife was unable to provide him with one.” Katya shrugged.

Something still bothered Dimitri about this ridiculous plan. Several things actually. “If he wanted a son, why take the chance that you might have a girl?”

Katya shrugged. “That was a chance he was willing to take.”

“And now that he’s decide he doesn’t want the baby at all?”

“You and Anatoli are the only ones having a problem with that,” she said sharply. “I don’t know why the two of you won’t accept that I have
no problem
with the decision that Boris Rustikov made. This is my baby. I’m excited about it.”

Dimitri shook his head. “You’re an unwed mother. It’s disgraceful.”

Toni gave a derisive snort. “What century are you living in?” she said irritably. “Honestly, if the girl wants to have a dozen children with different fathers, it doesn’t matter as long as she loves and them and can provide for them.”

“She has no man to provide for her,” Dimitri pointed out. He waved his hand at his sister. “She has no job and no money. How is she supposed to raise a child?”

Katya wasn’t speaking, but Toni wasn’t done. “I’m sorry, but doesn’t a third of the Alkaev holdings belong to her as a dowry or something? I thought that was how it worked.”

“Dowry,” Dimitri snapped. “For her husband when she marries.”

“What if I don’t want to marry?” Katya put in quietly. “Ever. Wouldn’t the dowry become mine?”

“Exactly!” Toni said eagerly. “If she wanted to stay right here on this property in that cozy little house and raise her child without a man bossing her around, why shouldn’t she?”

Dimitri had no answer for that. In fact he felt as if the two of them had ganged up on him. He held his hand out to Toni. “Let’s go back to the house.”

“No thanks.” She put her hand up, palm out. “I think I’ll find my way back without the suffocation of your male chauvinism to keep me company.”

Katya actually giggled. Her eyes were sparkling and it was the first time in ages that Dimitri had seen her looking something close to happy. Perhaps he should just cut his losses and go back to the house. For now.

Chapter Ten

Dimitri entered his bedroom without turning on the light. He navigated by memory, setting his wallet, keys, and phone on the top of his chest of drawers. Then he turned and pulled his shirt off over his head. He was busy replaying the frustrating conversation he’d spent the last thirty minutes having with Anatoli. His brother was convinced that they needed to act against Boris Rustikov now. Anatoli had no patience, and no desire to play a long game of revenge. He wanted his justice and he wanted it now.

Something moved in the corner of his bedroom. Dimitri whirled around, peering into the corner and trying to see what was making the rustling noise. His eyesight began to adjust to the darkness and he realized that he was looking at a very familiar, feminine profile. Just the knowledge that she was in his room was enough to sent a jolt of hard core lust through his system.

“You really need to stop pissing me off,” Toni told him in a husky voice.

Dimitri took a deep breath and tried to find the threads of his control. “Why is that?”

“Because it seems to have a profound effect on my self-control.” She was moving closer. Then he realized that she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. “It makes me desperate to fuck you.”

“Please.” His mouth was dry and his cock was already fully hard. “Don’t let me get in the way of your pleasure.”

“Oh I won’t let you get in the way.”

Dimitri barely had time to brace himself before Toni flung her arms around his neck and leaped up to wrap her legs around his waist. He cupped her bottom in his hands and held her in place as she devoured his mouth in a deep, drugging, kiss.

The two of them grappled for control, fighting for dominance even as he walked her backwards toward his bed. Dimitri lay her down on the mattress. He took a quick step back and unfastened his pants. Getting rid of them quickly, he wondered if there was any quicker way to destruction than this. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure he cared.

Climbing up onto the bed, he put his knees on either side of her hips. He gazed down at her. The scent of desire clung to her skin. He lowered his lips to her breasts and gently teased her nipples into hard little points. Laving his tongue around each one in turn, he was gratified by her intense response.

Toni stabbed her fingers into his hair and drew his head closer. She arched her back and pushed her breasts into his face. It was as if she desperately needed what only he had to give. He latched on, licking and sucking and drawing as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. Then he lowered his hips to rest between her spread thighs. His cock nestled against her sex and he felt the heat of her arousal bathe his shaft in her cream.

“I want you, Dimitri!” she gasped. “Please, take me. Make me yours.”

He could feel her moving her legs restlessly against his. Her feet caressed his calves and the insides of her thighs brushed the outside of his. His cock was throbbing. Precum spilled from the tip and he was more than ready to sink inside her. Still, he waited.

He kissed her again, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth to mimic the rhythm of sex. And this time when he felt the tip of his cock probe her damp entrance, he pressed forward. Still kissing her, he sank his shaft deep inside her body until his balls were pressed against her backside and he felt the tip of his cock rubbing against the sweet spot inside her body.

Forcing himself to go slowly, Dimitri made deliberate strokes in and out of her pussy. He felt the tightening of her inner muscles. He watched the way her face grew taut as she climbed closer and closer to her peak. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and he reveled in the pain. This was what he wanted, the raw, primal sensation of joining with Toni. He knew there was no better drug in existence.

A low thrumming sensation began in his veins. He closed his eyes, unable to keep them open as the onslaught of sensual delights overwhelmed him. A fine sheen of perspiration coated their bodies. Their skin rubbed together and the only scent in the room was the combination of his essence combined with hers.


DESIRE PUSHED TONI to the stars. She reached up, cupping his cheeks as she watched the emotions flit across his expression. Her body was on fire with the need to feel this man come inside her. She arched her back and pushed into his thrusts. The resulting zing of sensation made her gasp with pleasure. His shaft skidded across the pad of muscle just inside her pussy entrance. The friction was perfect. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust as he sent her spiraling toward completion.

She reached above her head and twisted her fingers in the sheets. It was as if she were coming apart at the seams. Every fiber of her body was tuned to this man and this moment. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock. The wait for climax became excruciating. Still, she wanted to hold off. She didn’t want this to end. Then she felt a tremor begin in her lower back. The tingle spread through her legs and then her arms until even her fingertips were alive with sensation.

A gasp slipped out, and then a scream. She heard high pitched moans and screams in the room and she barely realized that she was the one making the noise. Each stroke of his cock into her pussy was pleasure and pain combined until finally she felt the cresting wave and knew she was poised on the edge of bliss.

“Come for me, Toni,” Dimitri said roughly. “Take me with you. Make me come. I want to feel you fall apart all around me.”

His words seemed to push her over the precipice. Intense waves of feeling made her shout and gasp as her orgasm hit hard and fast. She trembled, her entire body quivering as the most intense climax of her life left her breathless and almost incoherent.

She felt Dimitri surge inside her. The warmth of his seed spilled into her body and she savored the feeling it gave her. She loved the idea of his marking her as his own. And when he finally shuddered and collapsed on top of her, Toni wrapped her arms around him and gently threaded her fingers through his hair.

Tenderness stole through her and she felt the strangest sense of longing. She didn’t just want this man on a physical level. She wanted more. It seemed so insane given everything that had happened. Their lives were so tangled. In fact, they were entwined in ways she wasn’t sure she understood quite yet. But that didn’t—no it couldn’t—change what she felt for him.

“That was amazing,” Dimitri said quietly. His cheek rested against her chest and each time he exhaled she felt the air whisper over her sensitized breast.

She certainly couldn’t argue with his assessment. “Yes, it was.”

“So every time I make you mad, you just want to fuck me?” He seemed to be thinking that through. “You do realize that is the most powerful incentive to piss you off there is, right?”

Toni laughed. “I guess that’s true enough. I don’t know what comes over me. You say something or do something that bugs me and I just feel this overpowering urge to take it out on you in a very physical way.”

He waited a moment, but she could sense the question brewing. “What did I do to make you mad?”

“When Katya caught us kissing, you dropped me so fast I nearly fell flat on my face, Dimitri.” She couldn’t believe he hadn’t even noticed what he’d done. “You don’t remember doing that?”

“I suppose I didn’t realize it, no.” He seemed to be thinking it over.

Toni took a shaky breath. “Are you ashamed to kiss me?”


“Are you ashamed for your family to know that we’re in a physical relationship?”


Okay. His answers were even more frustrating than the not knowing. She felt off balance and maybe even a little rejected. She’d felt rejection plenty of times before. Her father always rejected her. When he wasn’t parading her around like a trophy, he was angry with her that she wasn’t the boy he’d wanted. Now she was sleeping with a man who made her feel the same way. Apparently she had some serious psychological issues.

“Toni, that wasn’t what I intended to do at all,” Dimitri assured her softly. His fingers gently stroked her cheek. “I’m a little sensitive around Katya simply because she’s been through so much. I don’t want to alienate her any more. And yet I feel like every time I open my mouth I’m badgering her for more information. I suppose I just didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.”

BOOK: Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
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