Read Untamed Fire Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #western historical romance, #alpha hero, #spirited heroine

Untamed Fire (27 page)

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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“I love it here, Isabel. The peace and
quiet, the friendliness of the people, the willingness to help one
another—I find it a good life.”

“I agree with Dona Isabel,” Louisa said. “It
is boring and empty here. I’d love to visit Spain, perhaps even
live there someday. Louisa’s attention was focused on Ignacio, and
he returned it with a charming smile.

“And if you come I shall escort you to all
the gala events, perhaps even present you at court,” Ignacio said,
feeding Louisa’s fancies.

“It is a shame your father couldn’t come
tonight, Louisa,” Dona Maria said, interrupting the exchange. “I
hope his illness won’t keep him from the special night of
festivities we have planned tomorrow for the Galvezes’ visit.”

“I doubt he will be able to attend, but I’ll
be here,” she assured everyone with a smile.

“Festivities? How delightful, Maria, and
kind,” Isabel said. “Tell me what you have planned.”

“Mother,” Rafael interrupted. “I think this
would be a good time for the ladies to retreat to another room. I
don’t think the gentlemen are interested in discussing such things.
And it will leave us free to enjoy some fine tobacco and

“Of course, Rafael,” she said.

The men stood and assisted the women from
their seats.

“After you tell me of these festivities,
Maria, I will delight you and Louisa with a few more tales of
court,” Isabel said, walking from the room.

Rafael noticed the way his mother’s
shoulders suddenly stiffened, and he could have sworn he heard her
say she had a throbbing headache.


Rafael was grateful his guests were tired
from their journey and wished to retire early. He had sent a few of
his vaqueros to escort Louisa home and made certain the hacienda
was secure before he headed for his quarters.

His stomach clenched as he approached his
room. Would Gaby obey his orders? He smiled, shaking his head. It
was extremely doubtful, but he could hope.

He entered. Everything was as it usually
was. His wine poured, his candles lit, his bed ready... and empty.
Gaby was nowhere in sight.

He slipped out of his jacket, throwing it on
the chair. He loosened his shirt at his throat, opening it to the
middle of his chest. He grabbed the glass of wine, downed it in one
gulp, and walked out of the room to find Gaby.


Gaby needed to be alone. She had no doubt
Rafael would attempt to find her, and she wanted to make certain he
wouldn’t succeed. She had gathered her blanket and carefully made
her way to the stables, sneaking amongst the shadows so no one
would see her.

One stall in the back of the stable was
empty. She lit a lantern, placing it on a small stool to shed
light. She then went to work fixing herself a bed of hay. A few
swings of the pitchfork and she had a soft mountain to place her
blanket on.

She put the lantern in the corner of the
stall, arranged her blanket, and sat down in the middle of it with
her legs crossed. She reached for the book she had brought with her
to keep her mind busy, her thoughts off Rafael.

Rafael found her that way, concentrating on
the book pages, the flickering light causing shadows to dance
across her body. He had searched most of the hacienda after
discovering her gone from her room. He had been incensed by her
attempt to flee from him. He had thought she had succeeded when he
couldn’t find her. His fury had grown as he combed the area, and he
had been about to wake his vaqueros and begin a search for her when
he had entered the stables and spotted the light at the far

He was quiet, exceptionally so, as he
approached, just in case it wasn’t her and he found himself
disturbing a lusting couple. He was relieved when he peered around
the side and saw her sitting there. Her dark hair was free from the
confines of the usual braid she wore. It hung in waves over her
shoulders. Her legs and feet were tucked beneath her skirt. He
stared; she was simply beautiful.


She jumped, startled by the soft, yet harsh
tone. She watched Rafael enter the stall and lean insolently
against the wall. He bent his one leg resting his foot back against
the wall and folded his arms across his chest. He appeared the all
imposing don.

“We have a few things to discuss.”

“I don’t think so,” she said as calmly as
she could.

“I do!” His voice was firm.

“Really,” she said, snapping the book closed
and placing it to the side. “And what are the things you wish to

“For starters, what was Sanchez doing
beneath your skirt this afternoon?”

“He was helping me,” she said and couldn’t
stop herself from smiling.

Rafael didn’t care for her smile this time.
“Helping you do what?”

“Find something,” she teased.

He pushed himself away from the wall and
walked closer to her, looking down upon her from his full height.
“What had you lost?”

She was overshadowed by the sheer size of
him. The raw power she knew him capable of made her quiver and
faded her smile as she spoke. “A way off the roof.”

He furrowed his brow as though he hadn’t
heard her correctly. “What?”

“I needed assistance in getting off the

“You were on the roof?”


“Why and how did you get up there?”

Gaby explained the whole story to him. “I
should have given more thought to my instincts. I didn’t really
think it was a good idea.”

“It wasn’t,” Rafael agreed. “You should have
sent Nieto for me.”

“He was worried you’d yell at him about his
hat. He fears you.”

Rafael bent down and captured her brown eyes
with his hot blue ones. “And do you fear me, Gaby?”

She didn’t fear him. She feared her feelings
for him.

He didn’t wait for her answer. “You must
fear me if you thought to run from me.”

“Run from you?” she whispered. She was
afraid to speak or move. He was too close to her, much too close.
She could feel the heat of his body, see desire in his eyes. He
wanted her... and she wanted him.

“I ordered you to my room, my bed...
want you

There it was; what she already knew. Her
flesh tingled and he hadn’t even touched her. She had to fight
this, or at least try. “This isn’t right, Rafael.”

, it’s very right,” he
murmured, but still he didn’t reach out to touch her.

She shook her head rapidly. “No. It is

“No! It is not sinful. When I kiss your
breasts, when I slip inside you, it feels so good, so right. Tell
me it doesn’t. Tell me right now you don’t want me, never want me
again. Tell me!”

With each word she shook her head harder and
harder against his command. Never to have him hold her, love her,
the dreadful thought tore at her heart.
God, she loved him so

“Tell me,” he demanded, reaching out,
grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Tell me you don’t want

Tears pooled in her eyes. Their color
resembled the fresh earth after a rainstorm, rich and bountiful.
Her bottom lip, the plump one, quivered, and her head fell back
away from him as if attempting one last escape.

He wouldn’t have it. He wanted his answer.
He slipped one hand around her waist and the other grabbed the back
of her head forcing it up toward him. “My answer,

His grip tightened on her hair and she could
almost feel the kiss that lay in wait. It would be full of fury and
force. She could see it in the coiled muscles of his arms, chest,
and legs. It was there waiting... waiting for her.

“I— I—” She fought with indecision. He
didn’t love her, but she loved him. Would her love be enough for
the both of them? “Oh, Rafael,” she cried and fell into his

He held her tightly, wanting to ease her
hurt and pain. He couldn’t speak of his feelings just yet. They
were too new, too raw, and the time wasn’t right. There was only
one way he knew how to demonstrate his love. He only hoped she

He lifted her chin. Her eyes sparkled with
tears and he kissed them away before his mouth covered hers.

She had been right. His fury and passion
were entwined and his fiery kiss proved it. He was an avenging
warrior; she his captive and he wanted— demanded— total

She tried to do as he bid, but it didn’t
seem to be enough for him. He wanted more. And then when she
thought certain her lips were bruised beyond repair, his kisses

He eased her back upon the blanket,
following her.

“I want to play with you,” he whispered. His
hushed voice was suggestive and sensuous. He didn’t wait for an
answer. He braced his hands on either side of her head and pushed
himself up, but not before he kissed her soundly.

He shed his shirt and undid his pants, then
knelt between her legs. “Take off your blouse, Gaby.”

She did as he said and was about to do the
same with her skirt when his words stopped her.

“No, leave it.”

She looked at him strangely, unsure of his

He grinned, a terribly evil grin, and
slipped his hands beneath her skirt, running them slowly up her
thighs. “I want to play,” he repeated.

“Where?” she asked, her breath short and

“Beneath your skirt.”

By the time Rafael lifted her skirt and
began to play, Gaby was wet, hot, and ready for him.

She hadn’t known that making love partially
dressed could be just as exciting as making love completely naked.
The rub of his pants against her heated skin, the feel of her skirt
against her belly, it excited her, it thrilled her, and it made her
explode in blinding passion.

Gaby lay against his chest, her arm draped
across his waist and her legs snuggled between his two powerful
ones. She felt content, safe.

Rafael laid quiet, caressing Gaby’s arm. “I
was demanding tonight. I did not hurt you, did I?”

The concern in his voice touched her heart.
“You did not hurt me... you brought me the most amazing

He smiled. He was glad she was the type of
woman who wasn’t ashamed of her passionate feelings. He liked when
she told him how much she enjoyed their lovemaking. A sudden
thought struck him.


“Yes,” she murmured her voice weary with

“No one but me shall ever touch you.”

His words were adamant and strange to her
sleepy ears. Was he telling her that he wanted them to remain
together forever?

“No one!” he repeated adamantly.

Funny, she thought, drifting into a peaceful
slumber, he sounded like a man in love, but that wasn’t possible...
was it?


Gaby had been busy since sunrise. Dona Maria
was beside herself. She wanted everything perfect for the
festivities tonight. Fifty guests, influential rancheros, would be
attending, many she hadn’t seen since her husband’s death.

Senor Serra was one of them. Gaby smiled as
she walked toward the vegetable garden. Senor Serra had become a
regular visitor to the hacienda. Every Sunday he would come and he
and Dona Maria would sit in the courtyard talking.

She was pleased that Rafael’s mother had
regained her strength and wasn’t ill any longer. Not that she was
ever physically ill, it was mostly emotional, feeling she wasn’t
loved or needed anymore.

Actually, Gaby had worked herself out of a
job. The first month she was there Dona Maria needed her constant
attention, but as time passed and her strength grew, Gaby found
more of her duties were directed to the house and helping Lupe and
the staff.

She didn’t mind, she’d do anything as long
as she was kept busy. She couldn’t stand to be idle, do

She stopped a minute before entering the
garden. She had been here just over three months. Her term of
punishment would fast be coming to an end. What then? Rafael had
spoken often of her staying on, but she realized that wouldn’t be
possible, not under the circumstances.

Tell Padre Jose!

Lupe’s voice kept nagging at her. Still, she
didn’t know what to do. She picked up her basket and walked into
the garden picking the fat squash Lupe had specifically

The rustle of the bushes on the outskirts of
the far end of the garden caught her attention. She heard noises,
but they were indistinguishable. She walked toward the sounds
wondering if someone was in trouble.

As she approached the bushes, the noises
stopped and so did the rustling. She was about to turn around,
thinking it was an animal hunting for food when her eyes caught
sight of Nieto’s hat lying near the far edge of the shrubbery.

She didn’t hesitate; she ran towards it
scooping it up. It was crushed and smudged with dirt. Gaby grew
angry. If those boys had harmed him, she’d beat them silly. She
marched around the bushes calling out his name.

The area was so dense with undergrowth and
trees that there was barely a path to walk along. Some of the
bushes had thorns and they tore at her bare arms, leaving long red

She stopped a moment to check her
surroundings. That’s when she heard the rushing noise, like
pounding feet running rapidly toward her. She didn’t turn around,
something warned her against it... and so she ran, shoving at the
branches that continued to rip at her skin.

Her breathing grew heavy. Her chest felt as
if it would explode from the awful exertion. She didn’t know where
she was headed; she just kept going, not daring to take a glance
back. Until something hard and solid slammed into her back, sending
her toppling to the ground. Her face smashed into the dirt and
leaves. Her body was pushed down as her assailant sprawled on top
of her, pressing roughly against her. Her unseen assailant grabbed
a handful of her hair and yanked her head back. A shiny blade was
held in front of her eyes.

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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