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Authors: Sky Corgan

Unmatchable (31 page)

BOOK: Unmatchable
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I'm starting to feel better but not much. It has been a week since I broke up with Colton, and Alex has proven to be a trusted friend. Despite my initial fear that he would try to pounce on me, he has offered nothing but support and not once has he made a move on me.

With him by my side, I've begun to think that everything will be okay. I'm just not sure how I'll handle things once he leaves town. That time is quickly approaching.

Alex decides to have his going away party early. Party is an exaggeration. He just asks me out to dinner, but it feels like a going away party. There are only a few days before he leaves Texas for Louisiana. Even though he'll be less than a day's drive away, it feels much farther than that. Not like I plan on going to see him or he plans on coming back here. In that respect, I suppose distance doesn't matter. He could be halfway across the world. It just makes me wonder when or if I'll ever see him again. For as much as I thought I didn't care about that at first, I do care. Ever since I pushed Colton out of my life, Alex has been the one to ground me. Will I be able to stand on my own two feet once he's gone? I suppose I'm about to find out. I suppose I have no choice.

It's Saturday evening. Alex said he had errands to run beforehand, so he has me meet him at the restaurant. I had expected him to pick Taco Bell since it has significant meaning to us. But instead, he chooses somewhere in the Heights that neither of us has been to before.

I step through the doors of Down House and walk up to the hostess. The place is cozy and has a hipster vibe to it. After giving the hostess Alex's name for our reservation, she walks me to his table. On my way, I admire the lavender painted walls. The place is minimally decorated with an old bike up on one wall and not much else besides a few small prints.

When we get to the table, I find it empty. The hostess says that Alex must have gone to the bathroom and seats me anyway. A few minutes later, a waiter walks up and asks me if I'd like to join their private drinking club. Apparently, you can't drink here without being a member.

I nod, and he asks me for my ID. At the same time, he tells me to place a drink order and that by the time my drink is ready, I'll be a member. I take a quick look at the drink menu and decide to order a Queen B, which is a mix of dry gin, champagne, fresh lemon, and violet liqueur. It looks interesting enough. Hopefully, it tastes good.

With nothing else to do, I read the menu while I wait for Alex to return from the restroom. I'm halfway through the entrees section when something slips over my eyes, and everything goes dark. I smile and giggle, reaching up to brush Alex's hands away.

Guess who?” A husky voice whispers into my ear. When I realize it doesn't belong to Alex, I begin to internally panic. The hands drop as soon as I apply pleasure, and when I turn and see Colton's face looking at me with a half-cocked smirk, I feel a mix of emotions, though the most prevalent is definitely still panic.

What are you doing here?” I watch him round the table to sit across from me.

You don't sound as happy to see me as I thought you'd be.” He leans back, his smirk fading.

Alex is meeting me here.”

No, he's not.” Colton shakes his head.

What do you mean he's not?”

I set this up. Well, we set this us.” He pushes his chair in, getting more comfortable.

I don't understand.”

He props his elbows up on the table and looks at me. The cool confidence in his expression reminds me of when I first met him. He's well put together, wearing deep purple slacks with a white dress shirt and a gray cardigan on top. Sexy as always.

I had Alex tell you to meet him here. I came in his place.”

I still don't understand.” I wrap my arms around myself, feeling the need for protection even though he has never wronged me.

Listen, Ember. Alex told me everything. He told me that you lied to me about the two of you sleeping together. He told me that you just said that to scare me away because you think I deserve better.”

My eyes begin to water, and I'm not even sure why. Part of me is angry at Alex, but another part of me is happy that he went so far as to track Colton down to tell him the truth.

He had no right,” I say between clenched teeth.

Colton furrows his brow. “Was I wrong to assume that you wanted to see me again? Was he the one who lied to me?”

My heart sprints in my chest. This is my chance to get him back. Isn't it? Isn't that what he's here for? It's everything I want, but my guilt is still gnawing at me.

He didn't lie to you,” I confess.

Colton looks around the restaurant. “This place used to be a bank. They converted it into a restaurant. It's not as spectacular as the church that I took you to, but I thought I would keep the theme going for as long as I can.”

The first tear spills down my cheeks as I stare at him in disbelief. After all I've put him through, he's still being sweet—still being perfect.

You really think you can put up with me?”

Ember, I want to put up with you.” He gazes across the table at me. When he reaches out for my hand, I don't hesitate. I slide mine into his, yearning to feel the warmth of his touch. “I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but I kind of like you. A lot. In fact, I more than like you. I adore you. I would even go as far as to say that I lesbians you.”

Lesbians me?” I guffaw. It was such a romantic moment until he said that. Maybe I gave him too much credit when I thought he was perfect.

Baby steps.”

Baby steps.” I nod.

His expression goes serious. “If you don't want me—if you don't want this—tell me now, and I'll disappear. I want to be with you, but I don't want to keep chasing you. Chasing gets old, and it has done a number on me emotionally.

I can understand if there are times when you need your space, but I need to know that you're not going to do this to me again. Honesty is important to me, and while I'm glad that you lied to me, it still hurts that you did. I don't want to be put through that again.

So I need to know right now. Either you want me back or you don't. It's as simple as that. Don't factor in what you think that I deserve. Only think about what you want. I want to know what Ember wants.”

There's no doubt in my mind what I want. It's what I've always wanted—what has made me feel selfish.

I want you.”

Is that really what you want?” He gives my hand a gentle shake, drawing my attention to his face.

Yes. There's never been a point in all of this when I haven't wanted you.”

Then you shall have me.” I can physically see the relief washing over him. “And I shall have you. Tonight. In my bed. Screaming my name enough times to make up for all of the nights that I missed hearing it.”

I pull my hand away from him and roll my eyes, quickly reminding myself that this is the pervert that I fell in love with. He definitely can't keep the romantic moment going forever. It's just not him.

The waiter delivers my drink. It tastes better than I had hoped it would and the presentation is beautiful with an edible chrysanthemum garnishing the top. I'm thankful for the alcohol, because even though things are going well, I know I need it to still my nerves. Everything seems so surreal. I can't believe that Alex would go out of his way to get Colton and I back together like this. I'll have to thank him for it later, because ever since the breakup, I've felt like a complete idiot for what I did. Regretted it every single day.

I order the roasted beets and Colton orders a Kimchi burger. We spend most of the meal catching up on what's been going on since we last saw each other, though there's really not much to say on either end besides discussing how miserable we both were. I can't apologize to him enough.

After dinner, Colton tells me to go home and freshen up. He gives me two hours before he sends his driver to fetch me. I'm not really sure what he has planned, but I decide to wear the lingerie I bought before the gala under my clothes, having a pretty good feeling that I'll be needing it tonight.

Standing outside of the door to his loft, the butterflies in my stomach won't take a rest. I'm more excited than I was the first time we slept together. This night is special. This night I need to make up for everything that I've done—show him that I love him with my body.

When he opens the door to me, I can't help but feel shy. He looks down on me like a predator about to pounce. In fact, I barely have time to say hello before he's wrapping his arms around me and drawing me to him.

My breasts press against the hard wall of his chest, and he steals my breath with a kiss. His mouth moves hungrily on top of mine as he pulls me into his loft, softly whispering about how much he missed me.

I missed you too,” I giggle against his lips.

The inside of his loft is darker than normal. It takes a moment for me to realize that there aren't any lights on. Candles line the walls and tables. Dozens of them.

Fire hazard,” I tease him, refusing to give him the pleasure of thinking he has me swept up in the romantic gesture.

Oh, I'll show you a fire hazard.” He picks me up with ease, making me squeal as he carries me towards the bedroom.

My heart skips a beat when I see the rose petals strewn all over the bed. For me being the one who fucked up, he's pulling out all of the stops. There's a bucket on his bedside table with a bottle of champagne sticking out of it. Colton lays me down on the bed before he pulls the bottle of champagne out of the bucket to fill the two glasses sitting next to it.

Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, Mister Larsen?” I smirk at him as he hands me a glass.

If that's what it takes to keep you from running off again.”

The comment strikes at my heart. I set my glass down and take his hand into mine.

Colton, I am truly sorry. Knowing that I hurt you like I did...”

He places his fingertip beneath my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “Stop. I'll hear no more of that tonight.”

But I can't say it enough.”

Stop,” his tone is firm. “You can make up for it tonight.”

Tonight,” I parrot the word.

And all the nights after it.”

And all the nights after it.” I nod, smiling.

Let's start right now.” He begins to undress.

I'm so mesmerized by him that I almost completely forgot my own plan to seduce him. Especially when he starts unbuttoning the front of his shirt. My God, how I've missed this.

Get it together, Ember. Everything you do tonight needs to be for him. You can't be selfish.

I kneel and try to be as sexy as I can while I unbutton my own shirt, revealing the sexy lingerie beneath. As soon as Colton sees it peeking through, he slows down to watch me. His eyes never leave me as I remove one item of clothing after another until all that's left is the lingerie.

Mm. Would you look at that?” He crawls up onto the bed beside me. “It looks like you brought me a present. Should I unwrap it.” He tugs at the flyaway part of the babydoll.

You can do whatever you want to me tonight.” I slide my arms around his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles beneath. He's so solid. So incredibly desirable. How could I have ever walked away from him?

Whatever I want, huh?” The wolfish grin he's wearing makes me immediately regret those words.

Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into.”

Exactly.” He chuckles against my neck, causing a shiver to race across my skin.

Whatever you want.” I decide finally. The realization that I want to be at his mercy is a bit thrilling. I do trust him. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Not in a bad way, at least.

What if I just want to make love to you tonight?” he whispers into my ear.

No matter what you do, it will feel like making love to me.”

Is that so?” He kisses a trail up the side of my throat.

That's so,” I practically hum, craning my head for him.

His mouth never leaves my body as he carefully undresses me the rest of the way. The lingerie comes off piece by piece, and he makes sure to lavish affection on every inch of exposed skin. I whimper when he takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and then making a popping sound as he moves to the other. My fingers play through his hair, feeling the strands slip between them. I want to hold him against me, want to absorb him so that we'll never be apart again.

BOOK: Unmatchable
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