Read Unlikely Lovers Online

Authors: Anna Kristell

Unlikely Lovers (8 page)

BOOK: Unlikely Lovers
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“Ravish me all night long?”

“Definitely...let’s go or you’ll never get your surprise.”

He drove her to one of the nicer hotels in Lawton, where he had booked a suite for the evening.
As he parked the truck and led her inside to the beautiful lobby, she looked around and asked, “What are we doing here, Cody?”

“Your surprise, pretty lady, is a night of passion in a luxurious suite and anything else your heart desires. There
’s nothing too good for my pretty lady’s homecoming.”

“Can you afford this, Cody?”

“Don’t you worry about that, all that overtime I’ve been working down at the plant made for some pretty good paychecks.”

“Okay, lead the way.” She allowed him to guide the tour for the rest of the night.

He checked in at the front desk, took the room key and led her to the elevator. Once inside, he pulled her into his arms. They were still kissing, locked in an embrace, when the elevator door opened. An older couple stood outside the elevator and they smiled at the lovers as they stepped out into the corridor. Giggling like school kids who’d been caught kissing in the hallway, they walked down the hall until they found their room. He used the card key to open the door and led her inside. Entering the suite, she glanced around at the tastefully decorated white and gray room, taking in the couch in front of the fireplace and the television that was hidden inside a beautiful oaken armoire which matched the headboard of the inviting king-sized bed. She saw that there was a bottle of champagne chilling on the bar and a bowl of fresh strawberries, along with a large bowl of whipped cream.

She laughed as she said, “Now I can think of many things to do with this whipped cream, Cody.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he teased. “Would you like to go down for dinner?”


“Jessie, you are insatiable.”

“And you love it
,” she said as she began to walk toward the bed.

…” He looked at her with love in his eyes, as he reached for the strawberries and whipped cream before joining her.

Later, after showering, Cody ordered room service and
they relaxed on the couch in front of a roaring fire with flutes of champagne. It was the most romantic thing Jessica had ever experienced. Dan would never have planned anything like this, she thought. Cody’s just different from any man I’ve ever known, in so many ways.

, I’d say you should go away more often if you’re going to act like this when you return, but I don’t want to be without you for two weeks again,” he teased as he gently touched her face.

“We have two whole weeks to make up for…so eat your steak and get your strength
up, because the night is young, big guy.”

“Don’t worry about my stamina, pretty lady, I’ll be just fine.”

Their meal arrived and as they sat down at the table to enjoy the perfectly grilled filet mignon, baked potatoes and steamed vegetables he had ordered for them, they talked about the past two weeks and how each of them had spent it.

“I went to work and stayed at home watching TV every night except one. I went to the bowling alley with Andy one night. He’s been with Missy a lot, so it was one night she had something else going,” Cody told her with his easy grin.

“Pick up any chicks at the bowling alley?” she teased as she took a sip of champagne. “You’re pretty good at that, you know.”

“Jessie…how can you ask that?”
He feigned surprise.

“Well, I did nothing but work and study except
for one night when I went to a dance club with some co-workers. That was the night I ducked out early and called you, you know the night we had a very stimulating phone conversation.”

“I remember it well
.” He grinned.

Smiling, she asked, “How’s Andy? I haven’t talked to Missy, anything going on there?
You said he’d been spending a lot of time with her.”

“Andy’s fine. They’re just good friends. With her leaving soon
to start a new job in Kansas, of all places, I doubt anything will develop now. For never having done the deed, they’re very close, though. They go out together a lot, but just casual dates from what I gather.”

“She thought he was so hot
when they first met, I still can’t believe they aren’t lovers.”

“He was getting over a bad relationship and she knew she was going to be moving,
so they didn’t want to start anything, from what he’s said. And the relationship he was in really was a bad one. It’s probably a good thing Missy came into his life when she did, if only as a friend. That was probably what he needed the most.”

“Still…if the attraction
was there, how could they not?”

“Not everybody
’s like us, pretty lady. I can’t keep my hands off you, haven’t been able to from the start and apparently, you feel the same way. I guess they have more restraint than we do. But look at what they’re missing out on.” He reached over and tickled her playfully.

“We certa
inly do make fireworks together.” She giggled as she squirmed away from the tickling.

“Ready for more of those I need to order more whipped cream?”
he asked as he pushed his plate aside.

“No, I think we’ll move to something else, are you game?” She got up and walk
ed to the bed, attempting to straighten it, wiping a sliver of whipped cream, grinning as she remembered how it got there.

“With you, I’m game for anything
,” he said as he took the room service tray to the door, placed it in the hallway, hung the
Do Not Disturb
sign on the door and walked over to her. Pulling her to him, he kissed her while his hands began their familiar roaming. Her robe dropped to the floor, revealing the sexy red teddy. He pushed her away to admire it, perusing her from head to toe.

“I want you in every way imaginable tonight, Jess
ie. I want to know you inside and out. Tonight is our night. We’re going to shut out the world.”

“I want you
, too,” she answered softly.

Later, he gently brushed her long brown hair back from her face and asked,
“Ready for a nap yet?”

“Maybe a short one,” she
whispered as she positioned herself in his arms.

They slept soundly in each other’s arms until around midnight
, when he awoke and began moving his hands along the length of her body. She woke then and stared into his beautiful chocolate drop eyes.

“Don’t stop
,” she murmured. “You want me again?”

“Always, baby, always.
” He kissed her passionately and murmured in her ear, “Jessie.”

“Cody…” she
started then she was lost in his kiss once again.

Much too soon, the night came to an end. The homecoming celebration had been a perfect night of passion but now it was morning and the real world
waited for them outside the door of the suite. They had succeeded in shutting it out for one night, though, one perfect night. After breakfast, they hurriedly gathered their things together, checking out of the room just at check-out time.

He kissed her as he helped her into his truck
. “Where to now?”

“I should go home. I know work will be hectic tomorrow.”

“I think I’ll go see what Andy is up to then.”

Dropping her off at her car, he gave her a long, lingering kiss.
“Sure you don’t want to come in?” he asked mischievously.

I’d love to, but I’d better go home for a while. Call me later.”

“You can bet on that, pretty lady.” He waved as he pulled out of the driveway and she soon followed.


He drove straight to Andy’s, who was surprised to see him. “I thought you’d be spending the weekend in bed. Didn’t your lady come home?”

“She did. And we had a night of mind blowing sex. She went home to rest.”

“Does she know you like to kiss and tell?”
Andy laughed as he handed Cody a beer.

“Like she’s not telling your pal Missy the same thing right now?”
Cody popped the cap and took a long swig of the golden liquid.

“What the hell is going on with you guys, man? Is it just the sex or are you serious about this one?”
Andy looked at his friend questioningly.

“I’m not sure. I need to talk to you about that.
That’s the main reason I stopped by here today. Last night has me really confused.”

“Well, talk away, buddy. I’m here to listen.”

Cody took a seat in the moss green chair in Andy’s living room as his friend plopped down across from him on the matching couch. As he popped open another beer can, he began, “It started out as fun and games. I thought we’d have a brief affair and that would be it, but now we can’t seem to get enough of each other. I think about her all the time, man, and the two weeks she was gone, I nearly went out of my mind missing her.”

“Missy and
I’ve discussed this. She thinks it’s more than a casual affair for both of you. She says Jess is different with you than other guys she’s dated in the past.”

“I’m going to play it slow, I think.
” Cody took another long drink of the cold beer then set the can down and looked at Andy.

“I hate to tell you this, but you’re way past slow. You slept with her the day after you met and have been
having crazy hot sex with her ever since. That’s not slow, Cody. Hell, Missy and I have never even had sex and look how close we are.”

“She’s an obsession,
” Cody observed.

“You’re gone. Way gone,
buddy. You’re in love, whether you can admit it to yourself or not.”

“I’m not going to jump the gun. If it’s real, I want to be sure. If it’s not, the sex will die off, eventually.
Isn’t that usually the way it goes?”

“Somehow, I don’t see that happening
,” Andy told his friend as he pointed to his beer can indicating it was time for another one.

No, thanks, I’m good. And how is it by the way that you’re still not bopping little blonde haired, blue eyed Missy? That’s what Jessie and I can’t figure out.”

just different with us. We’ve built a beautiful friendship and I’m not sure either of us wants to mess that up with sex. She’s moving soon so maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t get it too deep. She came along at a time in my life when I wasn’t sure I ever wanted a relationship again and she was planning on leaving this area so she told me up front she didn’t think it was good idea. She did mention being friends with benefits once but somehow I couldn’t do that with her. Not that I wouldn’t love to take her to bed, just not like that.”

“So you really aren’t immune to her charms, you would take her to bed if the timing was right?”

“Oh, believe me, the more I get to know her, the more I wish she were staying here in Lawton. I would definitely make a move on her.”

“When’s she moving?”

“In a few months,” Andy said sadly.

“That’s too bad, man. Maybe you should do something about that.”

“Yeah, maybe I should,” Andy said thoughtfully.

“Well, I’m going home now, thanks for listening.” He stood up and shook his best friend’s hand.

“Anytime, take it easy, Cody.” Andy watched as his friend got into his truck and drove away.

Chapter 11

Jessica entered her apartment, set down her overnight bag and touched the face on her cell phone to call Missy. She really needed a friend right about now.

Hey, Jess. You’re back?”

“Yes, got in last night and went to Cody’s, he had a surprise for me.” Jessica smiled as she remembered the evening and how sweet it had been.

“Which was?”

“A night of passion in a hotel, complete with room service, champagne,
strawberries and whipped cream.”

“Did you tell him yet?” Missy asked apprehensively.

“No, why ruin a perfectly good night of sex with the most wonderful man on earth?” she asked flippantly, although she knew by now it was more than a night of good sex drawing her to Cody.

I’m going to ask you again, are you falling for him?”

“I don’t know. All I know is I can’t get enough of him, in or out of bed. I want to spend every minute with him and the sex is the best I’ve ever had. He makes me feel
more loved and cherished than I’ve ever felt before. My short term rebound affair can no longer be called that, I’m afraid.”

You’re gone, completely. What the hell are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know.” She began to cry. “Missy, I don’t know. I do love him, more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life. What have I done? What am I going to do?”

“Think about it long and hard, your future depends on it, my friend.”

“I know, Missy, believe me, I know.” She wiped her eyes and continued, “Well,
I guess I’d better go. I need to get ready for tomorrow so I’ll see you at work. Thanks for listening.”

BOOK: Unlikely Lovers
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