Read Unleashed Temptation Online

Authors: Savannah Stuart

Unleashed Temptation (3 page)

BOOK: Unleashed Temptation
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As she rode through the last surge of her climax, the jerky movements of her hips

subsided until she was simply trembling against the wall. Her hands fell away from


When he looked up at her, her lips were parted slightly and her hair fell in damp

waves against her head.

He stood, ready to gather her into his arms. As he reached out to touch her she

swatted his hands away and knelt in front of him.

Wordlessly, she grasped his cock at the base and licked the underside of his shaft.

She started at the bottom and worked her way to the head.

Then she repeated the movement over and over, licking him everywhere. His brain

was barely functioning as she ran her tongue and lips over every inch of his cock.

With one hand he reached for the wall and used it for support. The running water

of the shower pounded against his back but he was big enough that she was barely


Not that she seemed to notice, she was so intent on what she was doing. Finally, she

stopped teasing him and took his head fully in her mouth. He tried to bite it back, but a

loud groan escaped as she lowered her lips over him.

As she worked his cock, he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure. What felt

like tiny zings of electricity zapped down his spine and through his legs, all the way to

his toes. He was so close to release, it bordered on painful.

She continued working him with her mouth and pumping him with her hand. The

dual movements proved to be the perfect rhythm. When she lightly tugged on his sac,

the unexpected sensation pushed him over the edge.

His balls pulled up tight and his hips jerked erratically. Before he could even think

to warn her, he exploded. Long, hot streams of cum hit the back of her throat but she

didn’t stop sucking him until she’d taken all he had to give.


Savannah Stuart

Breathing heavily, he waited a moment before opening his eyes because he feared

what he’d see. When he did, he let out a long sigh.

He wasn’t in his shower, but in his big bed.


Even though he’d been fairly sure it had all been a dream, his gut twisted. As if on

cue, the blaring sound of his alarm went off and he groaned aloud. How the hell was he

going to work with Carly and keep his hands to himself after this?

Normally he ran in the evenings, but because of how he felt, he’d need another run

this morning. Throwing off the covers, he opened the sliding glass door that led from

his bedroom to the lanai.

He didn’t bother covering himself as he stepped outside. His pack owned miles and

miles of private beach in the Key Biscayne area. He wasn’t worried about anyone but

the seagulls seeing him naked. Many werewolves and shifters preferred the mountains,

but after years of living in mountainous terrain all over the globe, his father—his

Alpha—had decided to settle in Miami.

As long as they had a place to run free, the pack could live in peace. Changing was

a part of who they were. If they weren’t free to change on a regular basis, they’d have

no control over themselves and would eventually go crazy or get sick and die.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon so shadows danced off palm trees and

other foliage. As he glanced along the beach, his gaze narrowed when he saw a familiar

dark wolf standing by one of the sand dunes.

Without pausing, Nick changed. The pain was inevitable. It would hit like

lightning, then fade just as quickly, blending into something much more pleasurable.

As his bones shifted and broke and realigned, he focused on the rush of rapture that

surged over him once he was in animal form.

Bounding over to his brother, he knocked Stephan down in a playful gesture.

are you doing out this early
? he projected with his mind.


Unleashed Temptation

Stephan jumped up and swatted at the sand with his paw, kicking up the grains.

just got off a late shift and need to blow off some steam.

Nick loved his brother but the last thing he wanted to do now was talk.
Think you

can beat me to Aunt Caro’s house?

In response, Stephan leapt away from him and darted toward the harder, wet earth

lining the beach.

Nick chose to run along the softer sand as he raced down the shore. It was harder

on his muscles, but it kept him in shape. In wolf form, everything was intensified. The

salty smell of the ocean, the crisp breeze, the sand underneath his paws. As his muscles

strained, a much-needed calmness rolled over him. An extra run is exactly what he



Savannah Stuart

Chapter Two

Carly glanced at herself in the rearview mirror of her car one more time before

getting out. A wave of heat immediately greeted her. First day jitters hummed through

her body as she walked toward the glass door. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten a job so

quickly. Interviewing at Nick’s Auto Shop had been part of her plan to get used to

interviews again. As a way to ease back into the job-hunting game.

For some reason she couldn’t get rid of the queasy sensation in her gut. She’d never

been nervous about a job before. If only her new boss didn’t have that tall, dark, and

sexy thing going on. Dark hair, pale gray eyes, bronzed skin, and incredible muscles.

The sleeves of his mechanic jumpsuit had been rolled up yesterday, revealing corded

arms and a couple interesting-looking tattoos. She usually dated lawyers, CPAs or other

white-collar guys and while most of the men she’d been with were in decent shape, no

one had ever compared to the hulking Nick Lazos.

Not that she should even be thinking about her boss in that capacity. She’d been so

nervous in the interview yesterday she hadn’t been able to stop herself from rambling.

At least he hadn’t seemed to notice. Hell, he hadn’t seemed interested in one word

she’d said. That’s why she couldn’t believe he’d even hired her.

Nervously she smoothed a hand down her wrap dress then inwardly gave herself a

pep talk. She was really good at what she did. Working in an auto shop was something

she’d never done before but numbers were numbers. Didn’t matter where she worked.

So even if he intimidated her, she knew what she was doing.

The little bell jingled above the door as she entered. To her surprise, Mr. Lazos—

Nick—stood behind the main counter. She’d assumed since he was the owner he’d

come in later.


Unleashed Temptation

Immediately her stomach clenched as they made eye contact but she managed a

smile. “Morning.”

“Morning.” His gaze seemed to penetrate right through her.

Thank God he couldn’t read her mind. If he could, she’d be in serious trouble. As

her thoughts strayed to what lay beneath that jumpsuit, she cursed having the

complexion of a redhead. She could actually feel her cheeks heat up.

“Hot out there,” he grunted.

“Yeah. Still getting used to this weather.” She unhooked her purse from her

shoulder as she walked around the counter.

“All your references had great things to say about you. Why’d you move to Miami


“Needed a change of scenery.” She avoided his gaze as she brushed past him

toward the small office. “Should I just put my purse in here?”

He followed her in so that she had no choice but to lean against the desk.

“Yeah. Listen, my last assistant left without any notice. I’ve already turned on the

computer for you and that stack over there is everyone’s time cards. Payroll needs to be

finished by Friday.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. What program do you use?”

When he rattled off the name of an accounting program she was familiar with, she

breathed an inward sigh of relief. She’d been expecting someone to train her, but it

looked like she was going to be doing everything herself.

He continued. “From what I can tell everything looks in order, but if you have any

questions, don’t hesitate to grab me from the pit. In a few weeks I’ll have you help out

with the phones but for now, I’ve forwarded everything to the pit. I just want you

focusing on payroll.”



Savannah Stuart

“Oh, you get an hour for lunch. Take it whenever you want, just let me or one of the

guys know.”

She nodded and he left before she could think if she had any questions. Okay then,

looked like she really was on her own. She was thankful he wasn’t a micromanager, but

she was still a little nervous that he was trusting her with so much. Tucking a strand of

hair behind her ear, she looped around the desk and sat.

At least the office wasn’t as messy as yesterday. Once she’d gotten used to her job,

she was definitely cleaning this place up. And maybe she’d hang up a couple of

pictures. It’s not that the room was dirty, just unorganized and bland.

As she pulled up the program and got to work, relief coursed through her as she

started cross-checking the time cards and employees. It would be time-consuming to

get caught up with everything, but for the most part, everything was preset.

Three hours later, she was massaging the back of her neck when a female voice

caused her to glance up.

“You must be the new girl.” An exotic looking brunette wearing one of the blue

jumpsuits stepped into the office.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Hi, I’m Alexandra but you can call me Alex.”

Carly stood. “I’m Carly. I didn’t know there were any female…” She stopped,

realizing how sexist she sounded.

The other woman grinned. “I get that all the time but I grew up working on cars.

I’m about to head to lunch. You want to come with me?”

“Sure.” She grabbed her purse from under the desk and followed Alex out.

The petite woman opened the glass door that led to the pit and shouted that they

were leaving to eat.


Unleashed Temptation

Once they were outside, Carly automatically walked toward her car but Alex

stopped her and motioned across the street to a one-story Cuban restaurant. “Want to

go to Molina’s?”

“Uh, okay.” Even though she’d been in Miami a couple weeks, Carly hadn’t had as

much time to get used to the area as she’d hoped.

“So why’d you move to Miami?” Alex asked as they waited at the crosswalk.

“I wanted to be closer to my grandmother but I also needed a change of scenery.”

“Because of a man?” Alex’s teasing voice instantly put her at ease.

She shrugged and decided to be honest. “That was part of the reason.”

“There are plenty of men here. Just don’t date anyone at the shop. They’re all pigs.

Well, except Nick. He’s my cousin though so I kind of have to say that.” Alex stepped

onto the road as the light changed.

“Trust me, I don’t plan on dating anyone for a while.” Getting settled into a new

place and a new job was enough to take up her time without worrying about jumping

back into the dating game.

trust me
, you’ll change your mind once you see all the hot men on South


She couldn’t disagree with her there. “I actually got to check out the beach last



Carly bit back a grin. “Okay, you’re right. There were a lot of good-looking men but

I don’t want to date a man who works out more than me.”

Alex chuckled under her breath. “Stick with me and I’ll introduce you to all the

eligible men worth meeting. My brother’s birthday is this Friday and we’re having a big

party at my parents’ house if you want to come,” she said as she opened the door to the



Savannah Stuart

Carly avoided answering as the hostess greeted them. Alex was really sweet but she

also looked like she was barely twenty-one. Something told Carly she was still into

partying and clubbing. Carly had definitely done her share of partying in college, but

staying out until three in the morning didn’t interest her anymore. Still, she couldn’t

help but wonder if Nick would be there.

* * * * *

Nick glanced up as Alex strolled back into the garage. He was bent over the open

hood of a ’65 Impala, but he pushed up. The other guys were still at lunch so he nodded

her over. “Alex, got a sec?”

“What’s going on, boss?”

“How was your lunch?”

Her dark brow crinkled. “Fine.”

Okay, so she wasn’t going to make this easy and he couldn’t make his attraction

obvious. “Do you think Carly’s going to work out?”

His cousin nodded. “I hope so. She’s a little quiet but I really like her. Oh, I invited

her to Phillip’s party Friday.”

Phillip’s party? He frowned, trying to remember what the party was for. In their

family, there was always a birthday or anniversary to go to. Considering most of the

pack was at least a century old, that was a lot of events to remember.

“Don’t tell me you forgot! It’s his birthday.”

“I didn’t forget,” he muttered.

“Yeah, right.” She cleared her throat and glanced over her shoulder toward the

office. “Boss, I know everyone else can’t smell you but good Lord, tone it down. If you

don’t, even Carly’s going to know you want to jump her bones.”

Damn it.
Alex was from a much younger generation and she was still learning to

BOOK: Unleashed Temptation
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