Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1)
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“I thought you and I could party, baby. Just like old times. I’ve missed you,” skanky queen pipes up.

“He can’t do that,” I interrupt before Max can say anything.

“Oh yeah, why’s that?”

“Because anything he puts in you isn’t coming near me, and I’m pretty sure that’s a deal breaker for him.

“Who the fuck are you?”


“Mine,” Max’s voice rings over the top of anything I can say. It’s cold and chills run down my back, but I don’t let on that I’m afraid it’s me Max is upset with. No, I stare down the cunt-cake in front of me.

“Hey, I don’t mind sharing. Blaze here can give her a go,” Jenna whines, and it is a whine. Suddenly I want to slam my fist in her face over and over until I’m satisfied her crooked ass nose is smashed in enough that it doesn’t annoy me.

“Yeah man, that’s good with me, I think I could show…”

“No one touches Tess but me, ever. Got it, Blaze?” Blaze holds his hands up in the universal no-harm-no-foul gesture, but I’m still disgusted.

“I wouldn’t want any other man, after having Max. They’d just pale in comparison, what’s the point?” I say and make sure my voice is thick with contempt. “Besides, I wouldn’t dream of hurting Jinxy like that. That’s something one girl shouldn’t do to another unless of course you’re just a skanky slut-whore…”

“Why, you bitch!” Jenna says jumping after me, but I was expecting it, so I punch her hard in the throat. She staggers back, and I get ready to scratch her damn eyes out when she comes after me, but Blaze holds her back. Max grabs me.

“That’s enough!” Max growls and his voice is deadly cold.

“Max, baby…” Jenna starts, and I jerk against his hold; ready to go after her again.

“Shut up Jenna and Tess, stop now,” he growls. “Jenna, I have an old lady now, and I’m no longer on the market. Respect my woman, or I’ll let Marcum know.”

“Whatever. Your ass will be locked back up soon anyway. I guess your time in the big house made you like skinny bitches. Hell, you probably been bending over for…”

Max has my hands, and he’s not letting go of me, but I know where the bitch is going, and there’s not a fucking way in hell she’ll finish that thought. I still have on Max’s uncle’s boots because Cherry couldn’t find shoes to fit me. Suddenly I’m very glad I’m still wearing the hard steel toes. I’m far enough away that I can get a good angle, and that’s the only thought I have in my head when I do my old cheer coach proud and kick out, catching Jenna between her legs. She cries, crumpling to the ground and Max jerks me further away from her. Jenna lies there whining, with tears running. Bitch.

“Tess, go to our room and wait for me!” Max orders, and yeah there’s no doubting he’s pissed at me big time now. I figure it was worth it.

He turns me loose, and I want to spit on her, but I resist. Barely.

“Fine! I guess I should be glad her skanky snatch didn’t swallow my foot,” I huff. That’s when I hear the laughter. I look over my shoulder, Marcum and Cherry are there laughing, same with Topper and Babs. The only one that isn’t laughing is Jinxy. She does give me a tight smile though, and I try to return it.

“Now, Tess.”

“Yes, Max,” I say, figuring I’ve caused enough trouble for one night and more than a little embarrassed that we’ve attracted so much attention.

“And Tess?”


“Make sure you clothes are off, and you’re bent over the bed waiting for me.”

I gasp and nearly swallow my tongue. When I look up at him, I can tell he’s not joking. A quiver of nervous excitement curls in my stomach. I don’t respond but walk on to the room.





watch Tess walk away with a warring sense of pride and shock. I knew she had more fire than any woman I had ever known, but what I just saw here was something else entirely. The woman was jealous, fucking hilariously jealous. She was so panicked over staying in the Vipers compound, and she has no idea how well she fits in with them. Hell, she could rule over the old ladies easily after the stunt she just pulled. She even has Cherry’s respect now; I can see it in the other woman’s eyes.

“It seems your muffler bunnies have forgotten their place, Marcum.”

“Yeah, I see that. What do you want me to do with her?”

“I’d have her wash clothes and wait on Jinxy and the other women hand and foot,” Tess calls out from down in the hall.


“I’m going, Mad Max, I’m going. I’m just saying…”

“Too damn much…” I grumble while the other women are agreeing with Tess and giving Marcum a headache. I think it’s time I said my goodnights. “I’ll talk with you boys tomorrow.”

“That sure is a saucy little piece you’ve got there, Dawg,” Topper says.

“I’ve noticed,” I answer, not turning around. I’m not sure I want them to see how big I’m smiling.

“Going to take a lot to tame that one,” Marcum agrees. “You’re a lucky man, Maxwell,” Marcum adds, and again I don’t argue. For once, at least in this minute, I feel lucky—maybe even the luckiest son of a bitch on the face of the Earth.

When I make it to the room, Tess is sitting on the bed, still fully clothed. That’s damn disappointing.

“Before you start bitching, she’s lucky I didn’t do worse,” she grumbles.

“Why do you still have your clothes on?”

“I mean the nerve of her and what kind of woman would just sleep with...What did you say?”

“I said, why do you still have your clothes on?”

“I well…uh…”

“I gave you an order, Kitten. Now explain why you ignored it.”

“You weren’t serious though, that was just for show out there in front of everyone, right?”

“I never put on a show for anyone, Tess. I gave you a direct order.”




“Are you defying me?”

“I thought you were taking me back home?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“So you’re just going to sleep with me, and then get rid of me? That’s classy, Max. Real classy.”

“No, first I’m going to smack that ass, then I’m going to fuck you raw, and then when you’re able to walk again, we’ll talk about when you want to go home.”

“When I want?”

“Marcum is going to put us up in a safe house the club owns, for a few days. While I figure out my next moves. It’s entirely your decision, Kitten, but I’d like you to stay with me a little longer.”


“I don’t want to give you up yet, Tess. I don’t want you to go. Though, after what’s happened the last couple of days, if you feel it’s best for you to go home, Marcum and the boys will see to that too. I know I can’t offer you much, but for however long we can, I want more time with you.” That’s it. That’s as honest as I can be with her. I’ve laid it out, and the next move is entirely in her hands. I don’t think I’ve ever been nervous before in my life, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m feeling right now. She leaves the bed and comes to stand in front of me. There’s something in her eyes that I can’t read.

“What happened to my caveman?”

“He’s giving you one chance to leave.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’m bending you over this bed and fucking you so hard that you taste me in the back of that pretty little throat of yours.”

She takes a couple of steps away from me, and I’m preparing myself for letting her go. When she pulls the sweater up over her head, I start breathing easier.

“This is crazy,” she says throwing the sweater down on the ground. “We’ve only known each other a couple of days,” she continues, undoing her bra. Her small, perky breasts are pebbled so hard; they look physically painful. I love her tits. The perfect size to tease, or suck. Hell, I could almost suck them in my mouth entirely. Her nipples are pink, round and close to the size of a dime. They make my mouth water. Everything about Tess makes my mouth water.

“For however long we have to steal from fate, Kitten, we don’t worry about that shit. Because I can promise you, it feels as if you’ve always been a part of me.”

Her hands stall on her pants after she unlatches the button and zipper. Her eyes find mine, and there are tears swimming in their depths. “I felt that way, Max, from just reading your file.”

My stomach rolls and I wish yet again, I had made different choices. Then again if I hadn’t, I might never have met Tess. Fate is a fucking bitch.

“You’re taking too long,” I have to clear my throat to just get the words out.

“I have a problem,” she says and before I can respond carries on, “Your Uncle’s boots are seriously ruining the sexy striptease I wanted to do here.”

She huffs out the last part and sits down on the bed. I’m as surprised as she is when the laughter escapes me. I lower down on my knees in front of her. “Yeah well, they might not be sexy, but they came in handy when dealing with Jenna.”

“Do not mention her name in here if you want to get lucky, Max.”

I fake a heavy sigh as I finish taking her boots and socks off. My fingers brush over her ankles before taking one foot and using my thumbs to massage the balls of her feet. “I’ve been slacking,” I tell her, picking up her other foot to repeat my actions.


Her head goes back, and she moans as I massage her feet. Tess is so innately sexy in her excitement that she steals my breath at times.

“In your training.” I put her foot down and then stand, waiting.

“You’re training me? For what?” She asks, as she gets up from the bed, licking her lips—tempting without even knowing it.

“Me,” I answer as my hands wrap around the side of her neck, bringing her lips to mine. It feels as if I haven’t tasted her in months. I have no way to explain what Tess does to me. I wasn’t lying when I said it felt like she had always been a part of me.

Her hands push under my shirt, her touch feels like she injects electricity into my body. Her nails drag up my stomach marking a path as clear as the way she has marked my soul. I feel everything. My tongue duels with hers and owns her mouth. Tess’s pulse jumps under my hand on her neck, and I flex my thumb back and forth over it. When her nails slide to my back, and she pulls me closer, I know I need to move away. She digs those claws into me, and that small sting of pain makes my balls grow heavy and ache, with my need to release. I’ve fucked a lot. It used to feel the day was a failure if I didn’t have a woman to sink into before I crashed. Tess is different. She’s like finding a part of myself.

We break apart and drag oxygen back into our lungs. Tess is breathing so heavily her body quakes with the exertion. I’m not far behind her. I look into those emerald eyes that own me and the need reflecting back nearly unmans me.

“Pants…” my voice is so gruff I breathe and try again. “Take your pants off, Kitten.”

She’s naked in front of me, and my cock is demanding attention. Damn thing is so hard and ready; it’s physically painful. I love her like this, face flushed with excitement and hair falling softly around her face, kiss

ing her shoulders. Her breasts are moving with her breathing; the hard, pebbled nipples are straining, needing attention. Her pussy is bare and already glistening from her excitement. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

“You’re sure about this, Kitten?”


It’s one word, but one word that seals our lives and joins us together. There’s no turning back now; maybe there wasn’t from the beginning.

“Undress me.”

Tess’s eyes widen in surprise and then a soft smile spreads her lips. She starts with my shirt, easing her hands under it and slowly pulling the ends over me. I bend down to help her get it off, and it joins her clothes on the ground. She kisses my stomach, creating a line of fire wherever her lips touch. Her tongue teases my nipple, wrapping it and pulling it into her mouth, I groan. My hands tangle in her hair, and I apply pressure, demanding, not asking, that she go down. I need her to kiss lower; I need more than she’s giving with this slow, delicious torture.

She looks up at my face, her eyes glued to mine and lowers slowly, accepting my command. With each delightfully wicked inch, her tongue drags against my skin, searing me. When she hits her knees, her hands undo my belt and pants, and I exhale my relief as she slides my pants down and gives my cock room, from the bite of the zipper. My cock bounces free, stiff, hard and ready for action. Her hand wraps around the base, and I nearly come right there. When her tongue flattens, bathing my shaft and she licks the head, spreading the moisture there and adding some of her own, my knees nearly buckle.

“I’ve missed having you in my mouth, Max,” she whispers before taking my cock directly to the back of her throat.

“Oh fuck…”

Her mouth creates a tight, hot, wet cavern that I’m dying to fuck. My hand is wrapped in her hair and on her third stroke down

Tess swallows down every inch of me and my cock hits the back of her throat; it takes everything I have not to use the hold I have on her hair and fuck her mouth fast and hard. Instead, I find myself pulling her off of me. She whimpers and finally lets go of me with a soft, wet, popping noise.

“Not yet. You still have to finish undressing me, Kitten.”

Her wicked smile is my answer.

BOOK: Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1)
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