Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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His tongue
tease her clitoris and she sprang from his grasp as her cervix contracted with pleasure. But he hauled her back in place and she sank her nails into the couch in an effort to anchor her writhing body against the delicious ripples of pleasure as the merciless plundering of his lips and tongue intensified. Guttural moans escaped her and her body jerked in heavenly bliss as her orgasm slammed through her before she fell against the sofa; boneless, sweat beading on her brow.

He slid his forefinger inside her as her body contracted,
increasing the pleasure as he kissed his way back to her lips and she sighed contentedly into his mouth. He withdrew his finger and hoisted her ankle unto his shoulder, stroking the smooth skin of her leg, with his fingertips.

“Are you ready for me baby?” he murmured seductively
against her lips as he positioned his shaft at her slick opening.

She nodded mutely; h
er heart hammering in her chest.

He groaned as he entered her. “Damn! You’re so tight.”

And she tensed, he was so huge!

He bent to her breast as his
hands stroked her legs and she lost her train of thought as desire coiled in her abdomen. Her taut opening gripped the head of his shaft and he shook with desire, losing all ability to think. He surged forward; stroking his way into her tight folds and she groaned loudly, her nails digging into his shoulders. She was so soft and sweet he wanted to lose himself in her feminine heat.

He withdrew and drove into her: penetraing her to the core and she screamed
in pain but he swallowed it with his lips. He moaned in delight; scorching flames of desire consuming him as he moved inside her. His shallow strokes escalated into deep, frantic thrusts as pleasure burst inside him and his body strove towards completion. He tried to slow his pace; ascertain that she was enjoying this as much as he. But he couldn't begin to contain the raw passion renting him apart.

And when he thought his
lungs might collapse from the unrelenting onslaught of pleasure, he bucked inside her, a harsh cry tearing from his throat as he spent inside her, thoroughly fulfilled. He felt as if he had disintegrated into a million little pieces and was slowly reforming as he collapsed unto her, his breathing laboured.

propped himself on his elbow sometime later and stared down at Paige; their bodies still joined. Her eyes were closed and even in the semidarkness he could see that she was pale. He must be crushing her, he decided, withdrawing from her body and she winced. He froze, the colour draining from his face as he peered closely at a definate crimson fluid smearing her thighs.


He struggled to recall what he had done to wound her like this but all he could remember was the violent desire ripping through him. Panic assailed him. What had he done to her?

bleeding. We have to call a doctor", he could hear the anxiety in his voice. God-damn-it, he hadn’t even used a condom. What if she had some Sexually Transmitted Disease? What had possessed him? He was never this careless.

A spark of colour flared in her cheeks and she covered h
erself with a quilt as he located his jacket and withdrew his cell phone.

fine. Just give me a few minutes and I'll leave", he barely heard her as he quickly donned his slacks and shirt.

He swore when the phone rang without ans
wer; his unease lessening somewhat as he saw her sitting upright on the sofa; the quilt clutched to her breast.

"Sebastian calm down. I'm fine", she was so embarrassed she wanted to curl up and die.

"You should be dressed...why aren't you getting dressed? Oh wait, you need clothes", he spun to leave.


"What!" He whirled to face her, "why are you acting as if this is nothing?"

"Because it is nothing. It's me...I'm a... I was...
virgin”, she covered her reddened face in her hands and he froze as recognition dawned on him. 

“What!” Shock and disbelief warred across his features before hardening into a

He backed towards the door. “I can’t...I can’t do this”.

“Wait Sebastian...” a tear slid down her cheeks as she heard the slamming of the door, “Don’t go...”





donned a fluffy bathrobe and paced her bedroom floor; smacking her head against her palm; repeatedly. What had she been thinking or rather not thinking sleeping with Sebastian? She chewed at her fingernails; an escort and a virgin. She scoffed at the notion. If she could see the absurdity, she couldn’t imagine what Sebastian must be thinking. Probably contemplating whether to call the police or sue her for misleading him.

What was she going to do? She wondered frenetically. She couldn’t return the money as she had already paid a substantial portion
to the the hospital. And Joshua...She couldn’t even begin to consider what would happen to Joshua if things should take a turn for the worst. Sebastian Bradley wasn’t someone to mess with. She shivered at the thought.

She hadn’t seen him since their disastrou
s parting almost a week ago and she didn’t know if she should be worried or grateful. Her body tingled at the delicious reminder; the pleasure was definitely worth the pain. After soaking her sore muscles in a hot bath and donning her pyjamas following Sebastian’s departure, the doctor had arrived. Even though she’d assured him that she was fine, he’d insisted on examining her, ‘as Mr. Bradley had instructed him to do’.

In an effort to get rid of him,
she’d relented, blushing as he performed his task and gave her a gel to apply to ease the soreness as he announced that she should be fine in a day or two. Touched by Sebastian's concern for her, she’d tossed and turned in bed that night; wishing he was by her side and hoping that he was alright. She’d barely left the house all week, except for her visits with Joshua which had lengthened with her current woes. And Frustrated and scared witless, she’d phoned him several times, two days earlier, with no success.

She glanced through the glass doors; it had been snowing since the night
before and according to the weather forecast, there would be a snow storm later tonight into tomorrow. And still no word from Sebastian; all this waiting was slowly driving her insane. She eyed her cell phone on her night table speculatively. Perhaps she should try calling him again; try to explain...

Explain what? A cynical voice whispered in the back of her head. Why she was a twenty one years old virgin? Her girlfriends and herself had made a pack in the eight grade that they would wait until their senior prom to go all the way but everything had changed when her father died. If she recalled correctly, she had spent that said night completing a major school project for Joshua and her so called best friends had forgotten she existed the moment she had missed a few of their daily visits to the mall.

She rang his cell several times but it went straight to voicemail and unease started in the pit of her stomach. Had something terrible happened to him? Her fingers shook and she struggled to control her rising panic as she phoned his Personal Assistant. Fear knotted in her chest as Sophia politely informed her that Mr. Bradley hadn't reported or called into his office in two days.

She wrung her hands nervously; her mind racing with gruesome possibilities as she contemplated what to do. Concluding that if anyone could shed some light on the situation, it would be Helen; she quickly dialed her phone number. Helen must have heard the panic in her voice as she
quickly informed her that Sebastian had revealed that he would be staying at his house in Long Island for a few days when she had phoned him three days ago. After which she laughingly told Paige that Sebastian was probably at the office completing some task or the other. Opting not to worry her further by relaying what she had heard from Sophia; Paige patiently requested the address and ended the call.

She chewed her lower lip worriedly. What was she to make of the situation? It wa
sn’t like Sebastian to be absent from the office for such a long period without as much as a phone call. Had he fallen ill? Had some crazy stalker shot him in his leg and left him in his house to bleed to death? She shook her head vigorously to rid herself of the distressing thoughts and laughed beside herself. She had to do something; she thought as she hauled on a t-shirt, jeans and her snow gears, grabbed her keys and left the penthouse.

Ten minutes later she was on her way to Long Island. She glanced at her watch; three fifteen
and according to her
, the duration of her journey should be one hour and ten minutes and judging by the weather; two hours tops. Thus she should be there and back by nightfall; if all went well...? No! Everything would be fine she told herself staunchly, over and over as she drew nearer to her destination. She had never driven such a far distance on her own before and she had to admit, she found the task a bit daunting, especially as the city faded behind her and the snow fell harder.

She straightened in her seat
; her grip tightening on the steering wheel as she struggled to see the road through the fog smearing the windshield. The car skidded slightly, all of a sudden and she jammed her foot unto the break and the car spun out of control. Her stomach clenched sickeningly as she tussled with the staring wheel in an effort to stop the vehicle. The car crashed into a pile of snow and drew to an immediate halt causing her head to slam, violently, into the steering wheel.

She remained im
mobilized for a few moments; the blood roaring in her ears drowning out all else. She eased, slowly, away from the car steering; inhaling large gulps of air as she poked the tender spot on her forehead to ensure that she wasn’t bleeding. Her eyes flew to the
; half a mile to go. She sighed in relief as she glanced outside the windshield and discovered she was only a short distance from the roadway. Steeling herself, she took a deep breath and attempted to guide the car towards the street but it refused to budge; the tyres skidding in the snow. 

Willing herself
calm; she fished for her cell phone inside her purse only to discover that she had no
. She switched off the car and buried her face in her hands in distress. What was she going to do? She couldn’t remember the last house she had seen on her way in and she was a good distance from her destination. But she couldn’t just sit there. It might be hours, even a day, considering the storm, before anyone came by. She had to find shelter before dark or she would freeze to death in her car.

She unbuckled her seatbelt
, tentatively opened her door and stepped out into the pelting snow. The biting cold stung her cheeks and she snuggled into her scarf; unsure whether she should go backward or move forward. The world sprawled before her in a sea of white and she panicked for a moment. Forcing her legs to move, she forged ahead. At least she was certain there was a warm house ahead.

She trudged through the snow for what felt like miles and still there was no sign of inhabitation. The snowfall
grew heavier until her cloak and hat
was sodden and her body slightly numb from the cold. Her steps faltered and her body felt lethargic as hypothermia began to set in. She was so tired; she thought of resting for awhile but remembered the horror stories she’d heard of being caught in a snow storm and pressed on.

Daylight soon faded into dusk as ice seemed to seep into her blood.
She had almost given up hope when a dim light in the distance caught her eye and she stumbled towards it on partially frozen legs. She could hardly feel her limbs as she climbed the few steps to the front door and her fingers were so frozen she didn’t feel the doorbell as she pressed it. She thought she saw Sebastian open the door but she wasn’t sure as her eyes blurred.



Sebastian began before she interrupted him.

“Cold…” she slurred, her knees buckling and he caught her.

“Damn it! You’re soaking wet”, he scooped her into his arms and kicked the door closed.

She made to respond but her thoughts
seemed jumbled and she struggled to keep her eyes open as he placed her on a chair. He stripped her down to her jeans and t-shirt, swearing when he saw that those were soaked as well and her teeth clattered noisily as she trembled uncontrollably.

“No!” he shouted in alarm
as her eyes drifted closed and she jumped, “Don’t go to sleep”.

He deftly removed every stitch of clothing from her body, placed her on a daybed and threw a thick quilt over her before towel drying the excess water from her hair. He thought of turning up the heat but was afraid she’d go into shock. Fear twisted his gut
as he glanced at her alarmingly pale blue skin as she shivered incessantly. He could call a rescue team but the time it would take for them to get there, under the present weather conditions, could be indefinite. He had to keep her talking so she wouldn’t fall asleep, as that could be detrimental at this stage.

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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