Unexpectedly Mated (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): An Alpha male. A curvy but sassy BBW. A trip to Sin City neither will ever forget. (Sassy Mates) (8 page)

BOOK: Unexpectedly Mated (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): An Alpha male. A curvy but sassy BBW. A trip to Sin City neither will ever forget. (Sassy Mates)
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Jake had always been Ellie’s sexy brother. With a body built for sin and a face to match, he had been a fantasy. Fantasies never came true, until now. A relationship could not be built on hot sex alone. Not when the moment she got upset he took off. Not when he didn’t open up about what it was he wanted. Hell, she had no clue they’d mated until she saw the scars on her shoulder.

“Are you still with us?” Ellie hugged her to her side.

“I’m here. It’s hard to process things like what’s going to happen with me and Jake when he’s always been the guy you want from a distance.”

They fell behind, their steps slowing down with the conversation.

“What do you mean from a distance?” Ellie frowned.

“Jake has never been shy about flirting. Neither have I. Flirting and sex talk. That’s all easy.” She licked her lips, hating the way her guts twisted in a slow building panic. “I won’t deny wanting Jake for a long time now. But this whole marriage-love business?” She shook her head. “I don’t think I can do it.”

Ellie’s eyes widened with alarm. “Give it a chance, Nic. Don’t just drop him because you’re scared. Jake wouldn’t have agreed to marry you, to mate you, unless he were sure you loved him.”

“How could he know when I don’t?” she whispered.

“I…” Ellie’s voice trailed off at the sound of
the beep of her cell phone. Her gaze jerked up and the alarm turned to full blown fear.

“What is it?” Nic asked, her own instinct screaming danger.

“Caleb...” she choked out, her eyes filling with tears.

God. They rushed to meet the others at the register. Nic had never seen someone ring up purchases as fast as that cashier when Barbara growled that they had to go due to an emergency.

“What does the message say?” Jordan asked
, jerking the phone out of Ellie’s hand. “Okay, it’s from Nate. He hasn’t seen Caleb in a few days. Things look pretty bad.”

Nic watched Barbara pull Ellie into her arms. Ellie didn’t normally cry. She was usually the one offering everyone else support, words of encouragement and hugs. But the moisture crawling down her porcelain skin was real. And the sadness tightening around Nic’s chest for her friend was just as real.

“Should we head back to Blue Creek?” Jordan asked, her attitude drastically changed from fun-loving to Alpha female ready to fight serious.

“No.” Ellie sniffled. “Caleb knows what he’s doing. I’m sure he’ll turn up. I know he will.”

The faith with which Ellie said the words floored Nic. Though she knew Ellie hurt for the difficult time Caleb was going through, she believed in him fully. Could she get there with Jake? Have that certainty with anything he said or did?

“Let’s go back to the hotel,” Emma suggested. “We already cleaned this place out of the fun stuff and Nic has enough to make Jake want to marry her all over again.”

The lighthearted banter was needed at that moment, so Nic didn’t mind.




oker?” Jake laughed
. “This is how you discuss pack business?”

He sat down in one of the chairs around the table and watched Mason deal cards. Aric shrugged and passed him a tumbler with whiskey. “It’s better than running in the desert in this heat.”

True. The last thing his wolf wanted was to run in the desert. His mind circled back to Nic up in her room. He knew his mother and the others were with her. He swallowed the drink in a single gulp, the alcohol burning down to his stomach.

“Damn, Bro.” Mason shook his head. “You look like you had a rough night. Considering you’re the newly mated and newly wedded one here, makes me question what the hell people see in marriage.”

Jaxon, the Alpha of the Golden Falls Pack, and longtime friend of the family, lifted his glass in silent salute. “I’m with you Mase. Why would anyone be crazy enough to want to get married when there are so many single sexy women ready to play?”

Aric slapped
Jake on the shoulder. “Congrats. We heard all about it when we got up this morning.”

Mason threw some chips into the mix and glanced at his cards before grinning like an idiot. “I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t look like the face of a happily married man.”

Jake growled, gripping the cards so tight they bent in his hold. “I would be very happy if I knew how to reach her.”

Aric threw his cards down in surrender. “I’m out. What do you mean reach her?”

Jake thought back. “When we’re in bed, it’s like she’s a whole different woman. She opens up and I can see the deeper emotions in her. But any other time she’s so aloof. So controlled. I want to shake her.”

Jaxon threw some chips into the mix. “I know what you mean, Jake.” He sucked down his drink and grimaced. “I’ve come to a realization that explains it all.”

Jake’s brows shot up. Jaxon was by far a much bigger womanizer than any of them, so it was interesting to hear that he had figured women out. With dozens of single females ready to become his mate, Jaxon had a very big choice to make soon. But he didn’t seem to be in any kind of rush. His father still handled a lot of the duties belonging to the Alpha and that gave Jaxon time to roam.

“What’s that?” Aric asked.

He glanced at each of them before shaking his head. “Women are crazy.”

They all laughed.

Mason shuffled cards again. “That’s nothing new.”

Jaxon opened his mouth at the same time Kel walked in.

“Join the party.” Aric motioned Kel forward. “You look like you need a drink.”

“We have a lot of that.” Mason pointed to the bar that came with the private room.

“Is it me,” Kel complained, “or are all women crazy?”

Jaxon nodded.
“Told you.”

Jake got a message from Ellie. He glanced down at his phone, trying to decide if the idea was good or not. A date. If it would
do to help Nic open up, then a date it was.

A new text came in. Nate was worried for Caleb. He hadn’t seen him in days and the last he’d spoken to him, the rogues had grown in numbers.

“Aric, did you get the same message I got from Nate?” Jake glanced up to see all the men checking their cell phones.

“We all got it
,” Aric’s tone changed from the fun to deep. Serious.

“What do you think this means?” Jake asked, wondering if they’d need to head back and leave the women behind.

“If it comes to it, we might have to send some enforcers back to Nate and Caleb.” Aric ran a hand through his hair. “Things have been so restless and the fight is spilling closer to us.”

“I have people if you need some,” Jaxon offered.

Aric nodded. “Thanks. We don’t really need them, but Caleb does. Only he refuses to accept help.”

Jaxon sipped on his whiskey. “I know what you mean. If he’s going to take over that pack he needs to establish control and leadership himself.”

“Where does this leave us?” Jake asked. “I fought with Caleb. I saw the methodical way he works. He’s not going to stop until he takes all those rogues and Rocco down.”

“That’s true,” Aric agreed. “But we have to watch out for our people.” He glanced around the room. “There’s been word that Rocco is in cahoots with vamps.”

“What?” Jake and Mason said in unison.

“Vamps?” Jaxon asked
with a shake of his head. “That’s serious, right there. Weres and vamps don’t mix.”

“For the right kind of money they do.” Aric frowned. “He’s got a tab on Caleb’s head.”

Crap. That meant they really needed to help. No way in hell any of them would let their friend get hurt.

“Let me call some of my guys,” Jaxon said.
“They’re good. Can give you great backup and that way you don’t have to cut the trip short. We’re not having any problems down south. They’re itching for something to do.”

“Fine,” Aric agreed. “I’ll give Nate the heads up. If we haven’t heard from Caleb in a week, we’re taking matters into our own hands.”

Jake shook his head. He knew Caleb. Had seen him fighting. The man was a machine. Quiet but methodical. He wouldn’t go without a fight unless he had reason to. “Give him time. I’m sure he’ll turn up.”

Aric shrugged. “He’s like a brother. I love him but I won’t put our pack in the line of fire without knowing what he’s up to. He either contacts us or we’re moving in.”

“Now.” Jaxon pointed at Jake. “What happened to you?”

He shrugged. “Nic’s freaking out because we got married and she can’t remember doing it.”

Aric gave him one of those older brother looks. “Is that the real reason why she’s freaking out? Could it be because she’s scared to be in a relationship with you?”

“Why should she? I’ve never treated her badly.”

“So maybe she’s just a commitment-phobe,” Mason said. “I got one of those. Emma refuses to admit she’s mine. I’m seriously considering tying her up again to get her to say the words.”

“Again?” Jaxon asked. “I like where this conversation is going.”

Mason grinned. “She’s not your usual type of woman. Trust me. She’s got more balls than a lot of men, which makes it hard to protect her.”

“I like women with some sass
.” Jaxon nodded. “Got any more like that so I can get my own?” He made a face of disgust. “I’m being asked to get a mate. It’s kind of hard to do when the women in my pack are all so...”

“Agreeable?” Aric supplied.

“Yes. Agreeable. Whatever happened to giving you something to chase?”

Jake rubbed the back of his neck. “Be careful what you ask for. We all wanted women with sass and have ended up having a hard time getting them to accept being our mates.”

“No, we just have a hard time getting them to understand we won’t let them go off and do all kinds of crazy stuff just because they’re independent women,” Aric added. “Whoever the hell invented independence needs to be shot in the balls. I’m getting gray hairs every time Jordan goes for a run in the woods.”

“Better to have a sassy woman, I think.” Jaxon picked up a new round of cards. “I like a woman who answers back and tells me what she really thinks. Makes life more interesting.” He grinned. “And the make-up sex? Un-fucking-believable.”

Jake chuckled. He was right. Though any sex with Nic was hot as hell.




Later, when she
stood in her mother’s massive living area, Nic’s thoughts still centered on Ellie and Caleb. If he didn’t take over his pack soon, he might never get them back. As it was, his uncle was hiring a lot more rogues to back him up. Giving the lawless men the pack’s women had gotten Caleb’s uncle Rocco a new flood of dangerous wolves ready to take down anyone who got in their way. Including the Wolfes.

“There you are!” Nic’s mom said as greeting.

She hadn’t seen her mother in a few years. But nothing about her had changed. Her hair was still in that perfectly sharp, shoulder-length cut. She wore one of her favorite couture evening gowns.

“Are we expecting company?” Letty asked, glancing down at her work clothes.

Luckily, Nic had dressed for her date with Jake, so she had on a pretty black dress. She’d gone the naughty route and worn garter and hose to tempt him later. Just because she wasn’t sure about her feelings didn’t mean she had to abstain from his body. His body was much too sexy for her to ignore.

were expecting a guest,” her mother said and eyed Nic up and down with a raised brow. “You did know you were coming to visit, didn’t you?”

The condescension in her voice was usually something Nic ignored. Today, however, she wasn’t feeling like playing the part for them.

“I came to see you. What I wear shouldn’t matter. I’m here, aren’t I?” she snapped.

whipped her head sideways. “Nice one.”

Her mother rolled her
eyes. “I see you are still a spoiled brat.”

“Is this what you wanted to see me for? To remind me how my selfishness meant you didn’t get my trust fund for yourself?” She took a step toward the door. “Because if that’s what we’re here for, I’m not changing my mind. I worked for every penny I earned modeling and whatever
Dad left me will go to any children I have. So, no, I won’t sign my money over to you.”

“What is all this yelling?” Her step-father strolled in from his study with someone in tow. She knew that guy. A hazy image of the same man walking away from her shot through her mind.

“Nicole,” he said with a grin. Only the grin didn’t reach his eyes and something about him didn’t sit right.

“Hi…I’m sorry, have we met?” She knew she had but couldn’t place him.
His face brought back hazy memories of drinking and the elevator.

“Last night.” The man approached her, completely ignoring everyone and stopped before her to lift her free hand to his lips. “You were going to the bar to meet friends.”

Recognition zoomed forward. Not in a good way. “You’re Grady Harris.”

“In the fur.”
He chuckled a deep rumble. The laughter sounded hollow to Nic’s ears.

Letty cleared her throat
. She glanced back and forth between Nic, Grady and their mother. “Excuse me, but what am I missing here?”

“Come, Leticia.
” Dina grabbed Letty by the elbow and tugged. “Let’s get something to drink and leave Grady to talk to Nicole.”

“I’ll be right back, Nic
.” Letty frowned.

Nic watch
ed everyone leave her alone with the very dangerous shifter. Oh, she knew he was dangerous. She saw it in his eyes. Though handsome, there was a deadly coldness to his gaze. It made goose bumps break over her skin.

“I didn’t realize you knew my family so well,” she mumbled, a pathetic attempt at conversation.
This guy wasn’t someone she wanted to be around. What she really wanted was to go back to the hotel and start her date with Jake.

Grady moved to the bar at her right, his steps quiet. “I wasn’t sure you were the same Nicole until I spoke to your step-father.” He poured her step-father’s whiskey into a tumbler and took a gulp. “Now, I am glad we did business together.”

The way he said the words wound around her stomach in a vice of dread. “What kind of business did you do?”

Grady’s eyes flashed. The animal was very near the surface. Then it hit her. The scent of his animal.
An evilness and darkness radiated from him. She didn’t like it. She blinked and then watched his skin tighten over his face, showing off the nearing shift. His eyes only glowed brighter. More dangerous and made her already rising panic shoot skyward.

“They needed money to keep up with their lavish lifestyle
.” Grady’s voice turned so deep it was almost impossible to hear.

She took a slow step back
. Needed to get away from him. From his scent. From the danger he represented. Something told her to get away now or she’d regret it.

“You gave them money?” She blinked again. The room shifted and
she lost focus. Her temperature rose, until she swore they’d turned off the air conditioning. Not a good time to get sick. “Why did you give them money? What’s in it for you?”

BOOK: Unexpectedly Mated (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): An Alpha male. A curvy but sassy BBW. A trip to Sin City neither will ever forget. (Sassy Mates)
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