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Authors: Kannan Feng

Under the Skin (8 page)

BOOK: Under the Skin
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At first Padraic thought that he was going to get pushed away, and then it seemed as though the Inoue heir would never let go.

"Nice,” Padraic murmured appreciatively.

Minoru let Padraic pull off his shoes and socks clumsily, and then his sharp black trousers were discarded on the floor, where they mingled with Padraic's clothing. Under Padraic's searching hands, Minoru's skin was smooth and unmarred, and when Padraic put his tongue to it, Minoru moaned, wordlessly begging for more.

The feeling of being in control thrilled Padraic, and he kissed Minoru more firmly, tilting his head to bite at Minoru's earlobe and then to nibble along his strong jaw.

Padraic kissed the scar on Minoru's face, the one that ran from his lip to his chin. Minoru flinched, and Padraic wondered if he was sensitive about the imperfection.

"It's beautiful,” Padraic said softly, and even if Minoru flinched a little, he returned Padraic's kisses with a passion that took Padraic's breath away. Padraic's fingers tangled in Minoru's hair, tightening instinctively.

Pull harder
, Minoru had said, and Padraic suddenly couldn't stop himself from doing just that. He pulled back until Minoru's throat was bared to his mouth, and then he couldn't get enough of that either. Padraic could feel Minoru's pulse underneath his lips, and it was all delicious, all sweet.

Padraic made a noise, or at least he thought that he did, and suddenly Minoru had him flat on his back on the bed. He found himself staring at the ceiling while Minoru worried at his throat with a ferocity that would have scared him if he could remember that he had a life to be protective of.

Minoru's body was warm, and Padraic had to remind himself that it was nothing but flesh, nothing but soft skin and sweet muscle.

"You're beautiful,” Minoru said, and there was an intensity there that Padraic had never heard before. He wondered if Minoru thought that he was as beautiful as his tech. Then that clever tongue curled around Padraic's nipple before sharp teeth bit, and Padraic half-jumped off the bed.

"Stop...” he muttered, but then he cut it off because that wasn't what he wanted at all. He wanted more and Minoru knew it. Minoru chuckled a little bit and ran a warm palm down Padraic's stomach to grasp his cock firmly.

"Ah, Christ,” Padraic moaned, arching up before forcing his body to be still. Minoru chuckled, sounding a little strained even to Padraic.

"Keep moving,” he said, stroking Padraic firmly. “Show me how much you like it."

Padraic moved fitfully, finally lacing his hands into the headboard behind him and thrusting up into Minoru's accommodating hand. The friction was delicious, and he could hear his own gasps and whimpers. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Minoru touching himself.

Somehow, Padraic found the strength to pull away, and before Minoru could protest, he was on his knees on the floor, looking up at Minoru with a small smile.

"Please?” Padraic said, sounding coy even to himself, and Minoru, looking less and less restrained by the moment, came to the edge of the bed. Minoru spread his legs, but Padraic spread them wider. Minoru grabbed a fistful of Padraic's hair, making him squirm and writhe.

Experimentally, Padraic tried to pull away, and the only result was that Minoru tugged sharply and brought him forward. The sensation managed to blot out any reservations that Padraic might have had about the situation. Minoru's cock was pressing against his lower lip, almost hard enough to bruise, and Padraic opened his mouth and gratefully started licking.

Minoru tolerated the long, wet licks for a few moments, but then he tugged at Padraic's hair again.

"You want to be careful about that,” said Padraic, pulling back and wiping his mouth. “I might bite."

Minoru's smile was cool, but he stroked Padraic's face tenderly. “If you do that, I'll make you wish you hadn't."

"What are you going to do?” Padraic wasn't sure if he was hopeful or not.

While keeping a tight hold on Padraic's hair, Minoru ran down Padraic's chest. Padraic shuddered convulsively when Minoru flicked the capped interfaces, but Minoru's hand kept going until it was stroking Padraic's erection again with deceptive gentleness. Padraic heard himself purr, but it turned into a yelp when Minoru tapped those perfect nails against his hard flesh.

Minoru did it again, and Padraic would have fallen back if Minoru hadn't been holding his hair so firmly.

"You would like it,” Minoru said with just a hint of a growl in his voice. “It would take a little while, but you would like it."

Padraic could recognize a threat when he heard one, and he thought about making Minoru prove it, but when he swallowed he could still taste Minoru on his lips and against the roof of his mouth. He was ready, more than ready, to be a good boy. Willingly, he settled down again, and there was no teasing this time. He took Minoru straight down his throat, swallowing to take more than he thought he could, and he was rewarded by hearing Minoru groan.

He knew that he would gag if he let himself think about it too hard, but he couldn't seem to stop himself from doing just that. The thought of having his throat full, of letting Minoru fuck his mouth, was wildly arousing, and blindly he reached for his own erection, stroking in time with each thrust of Minoru's hips.

Padraic could have made himself come, but for some reason he held off. He wanted to see Minoru climax first. He didn't want to miss seeing the man that out of control, that needy, and for a moment, pulling with his lips and nearly choking, he thought he was going to get it.

With a deep growl, Minoru pulled him off, and there was a hiss of pain when Padraic inadvertently drew his teeth too hard across the sensitive skin.

"Your own fault,” Padraic said when Minoru had to breathe for a moment. He regretted it when Minoru looked up with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Not like that,” Minoru said with that same precise diction. “Not down your throat, not right now."

The direct way he said it, and the calm, matter-of-fact way that he reached for the tube of lubricant by the bedside, made Padraic stammer a little.

"Safe sex?” was all he could squeak out, and he was gratified by Minoru's raised eyebrow and slightly scornful look.

"Please,” Minoru said, already sliding a condom on his cock. “I was fucking in the soaplands when I was eighteen."

"What was that, five, six years ago?” Padraic said wryly.

Minoru frowned, for all the world as if he were being told something he didn't want to hear about a new software program or that he couldn't get a table at his favorite restaurant. It didn't seem like a look that he should have had on his face when he was sleeking a palmful of lube on his cock.

"Hm, I don't think I like your attitude toward my age,” Minoru observed mildly, scrubbing his hand on the bedspread before resuming his grip on Padraic's hair. Padraic's eyes closed, but Minoru wasn't handling him roughly. Instead, he brought Padraic's face up for an insistent kiss.

"Safe is good,” Minoru said. “It's just fine..."

Padraic started to climb back on the bed, unable to keep his body from pressing against Minoru's As urgent as they both were, Minoru paused to kiss him firmly on the mouth. It melted him, and suddenly he was clinging to Minoru, stuttering and completely unable to tell him what the other man wanted.

"It's fine,” Minoru said soothingly. “I'll give you want you want..."

Could you tell me what that is first?
Padraic thought, and then he was being pushed onto his back. Minoru eased his legs open. He found himself staring straight up, and then Minoru was gently demanding his attention again with nips and bites on his neck and chest.

The feel of Minoru's body against his, the weight of Minoru's body on top of his, so lean and hot, made him lightheaded. Padraic pressed up, rubbing his erection against Minoru's, relishing how slick it was.

"You're beautiful,” he murmured, and then he whimpered as Minoru's slicked fingers pressed against his hole. Padraic had an image of Minoru's fingers, nails so neatly trimmed and prim and yet still doing something so sexy, and he forced himself to relax.

"That's right, just like that,” Minoru said, and soon he was fingering Padraic faster and harder. “Surely you can take more than this..."

Minoru's encouragement made Padraic want to do exactly that, made him want to be a good boy for Minoru, and soon he was writhing, showing Minoru how much he wanted it and how good he was..

Minoru's hand was surprisingly hard on Padraic's hip, and Padraic's legs flailed ungracefully in the air for a moment before locking tight around Minoru's waist. He could feel the head of Minoru's cock pressing at his entrance before thrusting in, fast and hard.

"God, oh God, fuck...” Padraic moaned, and Minoru's grip tightened savagely on his hips.

"Should I stop?” Minoru demanded, and Padraic could only grin at the half-murderous, half-tormented look on Minoru's face.

"Not for the world,” Padraic promised, and he grabbed onto the headboard behind him.

This display of willingness and submission made Minoru's eyes go dark with lust, and he started pushing into Padraic with a kind of desperation that made Padraic's whole body respond. Minoru's movements were smooth and experienced, but his mouth was unexpectedly soft.

With the blood pounding in his ears and his body bent to offer Minoru everything, it took Padraic a moment to realize that he was hearing the word “please” over and over again.

Though Minoru's hair covered his eyes, Padraic could see that lovely proper mouth shaping those pleas. If possible he wanted to give Minoru even more.

He came hard, clinging to the headboard, feeling his own come on his belly. It had lasted a long time in his head, but when he looked up, Minoru was still moving over him, filling him, and he felt a smile spread across his mouth. Minoru looked up sharply, and Padraic could barely quiet the laughter that was bubbling up in his throat.

To take the sting out of it, Padraic wrapped his arms around Minoru's shoulders and pumped his hips up against the other man encouragingly, wanting to give Minoru the same release that Minoru had given him.

When Minoru came a moment later, Padraic purred encouragement into his ear.

* * * *

With his eyes closed and his breath rough from climax, Minoru looked younger, and for the moment, almost innocent. Minoru had eyelashes so long they brushed his cheeks, and lazily, Padraic reached out and touched a small freckle that graced his cheekbone.

What a strange thing to notice
, he thought, but he was feeling too good to care.

Under Padraic's touch, Minoru murmured softly but didn't open his eyes. Padraic's hand traveled from the other man's cheek down his chest to his lean stomach. Padraic smiled at the fact that the skin on the back of his own hand was paler than Minoru's belly.

With his eyes open, Minoru was as sharp as a sword and aggressively striking, perhaps too much so to be really handsome. Sweet and quiet like this, he was beautiful. His mouth was surprisingly soft and pink from their kisses, and Padraic couldn't help but brush him again.


The word drifted like a malicious wind through his mind, and Padraic shifted uneasily. With a soft, annoyed sound Minoru draped an arm across his chest, possessive even in sleep.

The gesture made Padraic nervous. He got even more nervous when he realized that he wasn't nearly as scared as he should have been.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

The beauty was still there, so much so that it was heartbreaking, but all he could see was that ice-cold core of Minoru, that refusal to bend. Minoru was so sharp and so brittle that it was a toss up whether Padraic would be cut in half or Minoru would shatter.

I wouldn't mind seeing him shatter
, Padraic thought, and he knew that he had to get Minoru out of there.

The entire situation was crushing, and he didn't know if he wanted to cling to Minoru and hope that neither ever had to leave the bed again, or whether he wanted to shove Minoru right out. It was ridiculous, it was absurd, and he started laughing so hard that it woke Minoru with a start.

"Are... are you all right?” Minoru asked, sounding more uncertain than Padraic had ever heard him.

"Fine, fine,” said Padraic, wiping his eyes. “Don't worry, I'm not really laughing at you in a bad way."

Minoru stilled, and that smooth mask was back on. Padraic wondered if the Inoue heir was used to being put on his guard like this.

"Is there a good way to laugh at someone?"

"Of course.” At Minoru's dubious look, Padraic's smile grew slightly rueful. “Or at least I didn't mean for it to be malicious. It's just..."


"Just then? When you were still fucking me? It wasn't the tech you wanted."

Minoru stared at him, and this time, Padraic met his gaze levelly.

"It's okay,” he said gently. “Go on, I'll see you tomorrow."

* * * *

Padraic was almost getting used to the wakeup calls, and even though this one came around four a.m., he only flailed for a moment before quieting.

Instead of the completely unmemorable suits that he had been wearing up until now, Jenner was dressed in dark clothes that clung to his body. After a moment, Padraic could see the tell-tale smartwire that wove through the dark fabric.

"Time to go.” The flatness of the tone made Padraic look up, unsettled. In the dim light, Jenner's eyes were dilated, black and buttonlike.

"You're flying on something,” Padraic said, even as he started pulling on a pair of pants.

"The best high Denebrian Jet has to offer.” Jenner grinned. “Now get dressed and make sure that you don't leave behind anything that you can't spare."

At Padraic's questioning look, he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, do you think the Inoue are gonna be happy when we prove your boyfriend right?"

Padraic frowned. “He's not my boyfriend."

"He's also right outside the door, so get your ass in gear.” Whistling, Jenner waited while Padraic got dressed, and then they met Minoru at the door.

Minoru was showered, but he was dressed in the same version of the bland suit that he always wore. He looked a little askance at Jenner's get-up.

BOOK: Under the Skin
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