Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Good shot,” Parker said as they traded places on the wooden stand set up for today’s competition. “Almost perfect.”

“Almost. Hopefully good enough for today’s match, given what’s at stake.” Drew pushed out a long breath of what he suspected would be imminent defeat.

Parker stepped up to the shooter’s mark and smiled like a man who had the world by the tail and knew it. “Guess we’ll see.”

Drew almost didn’t want to watch. But he clenched his teeth together and waited to see what would happen.

Sabrina was behind them. He didn’t turn around to check and see if she was happy or sad by his final determining score. Parker took his sweet time lining up his shot. Drew wanted him to hurry it up. And to miss.

The rest of the day’s competition had gone exactly as expected in Drew’s mind. The two of them each won very high marks in their
rodeo event and not as well in the other. But none of the other competitors had come close in either event, so the shooting competition had truly come down to only the two of them. Just like he expected it to. Just like he’d practiced at the shooting range for.

Drew held his breath and watched as Parker settled in and readied to fire his rifle. He suddenly wished he’d spent a few more hours at the gun club. He should have also gone there a few more times. But it was far too late.

Parker finally took his shot. The loud crack of the rifle report sent Drew’s heartbeat skyward. When the smoke cleared, Drew put a hand up to shade his vision and see where the bullet had hit.
. Parker’s bullet had hit almost exactly the same spot on the bull’s-eye, only on the opposite side of where his had gone. If they held the two up, they’d likely be a mirror image of each other.

The judges were sent down to the two target stands to get a better look. They gathered both targets and studied them for quite a long time. The buzzing of the crowd around them got louder and more lively as time went on. He wasn’t surprised when one of the judges pulled out a small tape measure.

After ten long minutes, the judges finally strolled back to the shooting stand. Sabrina greeted them and handed the lead judge the wireless microphone to make his determination of the winner.

An elderly man with a cotton-white beard laughed a bit through the microphone at first. Then he said, “Well, folks. As best as we can figure, it’s a tie.”

The uproar from the assembled crowd drowned out the expletive Drew uttered.
. Now what?

Did they
get a date with her? Parker stood next to him. They turned, looked at each other and shrugged.

Sabrina took the microphone back. “Well, I guess that means that you two get to split the five thousand dollar pot. And I just got two dates instead of one. I think
the winner here today.”

The people in the audience laughed. Someone in the crowd called out, “Or you could go out with them both at the same time.”

Who said that?

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, with a gracious smile to the audience.

Drew smiled, but he didn’t care about the monetary winnings for this competition, or splitting them. He wanted the date with her. Or rather, he

She handed the microphone to one of the announcers and headed in their direction. Music and food was next on the agenda for the day. The crowd was directed accordingly to the food and away from the shooting range.

Drew wasn’t hungry, and he wasn’t in the mood to listen to music. His hunger involved a certain blonde with tempestuous gray eyes.

Sabrina’s beautiful smile was what Drew focused on as she approached them. The crowd was moving away toward the sounds of banjos and guitars tuning up. They headed over to a stage set up where live music from a small band readied to play. Beyond that area was another being set up for a western feast. The sweet scent of barbeque and grilled hamburgers filled the air around them, but Drew only had eyes for Sabrina.

“Congratulations to the both of you,” she said. “I’ll have to get another certificate made up, and another trophy. I promise to take care of it very soon. You aren’t upset about splitting the money, are you?”

Parker shook his head. “I was truly more interested in the date with you.”

“So was I,” Drew chimed in.

“To that end, what happens now? We each get a date, right?” Parker asked. He stepped closer to Sabrina. She didn’t retreat. Drew also took a step in her direction.

Her gaze darted quickly to Parker first and then to Drew. “Well, that’s an interesting idea. However, why don’t we discuss it tonight? I’ve got to go help with the meal, but I have a private place the three of us could get together to talk about our options going forward. What do you say? Are you both free this evening?”

Parker put his hand to her chin and tilted her face upward. He kissed her lips. “Just tell me when and where. I’ll be there.”

She swallowed hard and handed him a piece of paper. “It’s a small place on the property north of this one in a quiet little cabin not too far from here. You’ll have to go through the guard gate, between the properties, but I already cleared your entry with Clay. I thought we’d meet in a couple of hours. Say at eight o’clock tonight?”

Drew moved forward and crowded her other side. He leaned in and kissed her sweet lips briefly. He resisted the urge to kiss her like he wanted to, which was hard, deep, and wet. “So all three of us will meet there to discuss a

“Yes.” She barely got the word out loud enough to hear. Her eyes were bright with what looked like extreme excitement. She handed him a piece of paper just like she had given Parker.

They caught each other’s gaze for a count of three before they both nodded at her.

Sabrina looked suddenly very relieved. “Great. Good. Go over and get a little something to eat, enjoy the music, and I’ll meet the two of you at the cabin later on this evening. We’ll talk more then. Okay?”

They both nodded and she moved away toward the picnic feast across the way.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Parker asked him quietly.

“Hell if I know. What are you thinking?”

He shrugged. “Nothing. Guess we’ll find out together in a couple of hours what she wants from us.” Parker moved away.

Drew pushed out a long sigh. He wondered how far he’d be willing to go for a date with Sabrina. The more time that went by and the more he considered what he thought she might be up to, made Drew realize he’d be willing to go pretty far. It was obvious to him that Sabrina was interested in them both.

Just the creative image in his head of having sex with Sabrina tonight made his libido sing. The notion of watching Parker have sex with her made his libido crack a high note he’d never heard before. Sharing her was not something he’d ever planned on, but he was game.

The only question left was if Parker was a willing participant in this unusual date.

Drew hoped so.


* * * *


Sabrina was so energized about the possibility of getting together with Parker and Drew later in the evening that she almost couldn’t focus on helping, Stella, with the dinner.

She was grateful when Stella told her to go on home halfway through serving the meal. Sabrina wanted to get the rest of everything ready for her evening of seduction. She’d done as much as possible in advance, but still had a few finishing touches to make. She planned to take a quick shower so as to remove the smell of barbecue smoke permeating her skin after helping to serve dinner. Plus, she had to change into her fuck-me-raw lingerie and the black stiletto heels she’d bought.

After a very successful contest, resulting in a shocking tie, it turned out that she didn’t even have to worry about one of them feeling bad about coming in second. Sabrina soon headed to the cabin and hoped like hell he two of them would show up to join her.

She’d asked Clay to set her up with this place. He also graciously allowed the two men she desired entrance to the DRMC land for this one special night. Perhaps there were mythical threesome vibes wandering around the DRMC land to help her in her quest to have sex with these two men.

Once inside the cabin, she set the music in the living room to her favorite rock and roll music with a sexy, slow beat. She then got dressed in a scandalous whisper of a nightgown meant to inspire the two of them. She cued up a sexy threesome video that they could watch if things got that far. And finally, she pulled the sheets back on the oversized king bed hoping things would progress to this level later on.

She didn’t expect them to want to try double penetration—her ultimate goal—tonight, but had everything she needed just in case. Now she just needed to convince them she wanted them both equally.

Sabrina expected they would each want to have sex with her. She wanted them to watch as the other man pleasured her. Wanted to them to participate to the level of their comfort, if there was such a place within them.

Her worst nightmare would be if each of them turned her down. Or if they issued an ultimatum and told her to choose between them, she’d also be miserable. She could very well end up alone with both of them mad at her forever, but she hoped not. They hadn’t said anything discouraging when she’d kissed each of them at the Celebration Town party goods store in the parking lot. But maybe they’d been in shock. Or unwilling to make a scene in public.
She might end up all alone tonight. She pushed out a long sigh.

Then again neither man had balked when she kissed them each directly after the competition. Surely they were at least curious about tonight.

The sudden peal of the doorbell made her almost jump out of her barely concealing nightgown. Forcing herself to calm down, Sabrina slowly sauntered to the door and opened it.

Both Parker and Drew stood at the door, side by side, awaiting entrance.

“Hi. You both came together.” She hadn’t really thought about them arriving at the same time. She decided it made things much easier.

Drew entered first. His quick head to knees gaze took in her limited attire, and his eyes widened appreciably. He didn’t say anything, but she could have sworn the space below his belt formed a cock shape all of a sudden. She hid a smile.

Parker moved slowly over the threshold and drank in her appearance as well. The small smile lifting one corner of his luscious lips made her want to lick him there.

The negligee she wore left absolutely
to the imagination. Her nipples peaked so hard with sudden desire, they practically poked holes in the skimpy fabric across her chest. She’d opted not to put on the accompanying scanty thong included in the outfit, so they could also see that she’d trimmed her pussy hair for tonight’s sexual adventures.

Sabrina was so turned on, her pussy clenched and ached. A rush of fluid escaped her lower lips, and she had to take a calming breath as she closed the door behind them.

Both men removed their cowboy hats as they moved farther into the living room space of the cabin.

“Nice place,” Parker mentioned casually. He glanced down at her attire again, and his eyes widened as if he hadn’t realized the extent of her near nudity with his first fleeting look at the sheer garment she wore, but he still didn’t comment.

“Whose place is this?” Drew asked. When he got a second good look at what she was wearing, his gaze stayed with her. His eyes glanced up at her tits and down at the juncture to her legs. Up and down once more, only quicker. A choked gasp issued from his lips.

“It’s a cabin no one was using this evening,” she said, and took each of their hats and placed them on the hat rack by the door.

She turned and led them into the den. It wasn’t terribly cold this evening, but she had a fire going anyway for ambiance. She seated herself in the center of a sectional leather sofa facing the fire as it crackled in the hearth. Each of them took a place on either side of her.

The scent of them drove her libido completely insane. Sabrina tried to think of something to say that didn’t involve the words “sex” or “now,” but nothing came to mind.

She forced herself to calm down and said, “What sort of date did you each have in mind for winning the competition? Let’s start with that.”

Parker cleared his throat. “Given that there are two of us here and after only one look at the sheer, ball-aching nightgown you’re almost wearing, I’d say we’re already
the date you wanted.”

“To the point. I like that.” She turned to Drew. He had a mischievous smile on his face.

“I agree with Parker. This one time, anyway. Especially about what you’re wearing. The better question is what do you have in mind for the two of us? What is it that you’re after, specifically?” His gaze strayed down to her nipples momentarily.

“Well, the truth is I most desperately want the both of you. I don’t know if you understand what the Double Rider Men’s Club is all about. Perhaps I should explain it.”

“I never gave it much thought, but given the acronym you just explained, I now have a pretty good idea,” Parker said quietly. He didn’t seem upset about it. She hoped they were both intrigued.

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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