Read Twisted Up Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

Twisted Up (2 page)

BOOK: Twisted Up
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That’s where he needed her.

He pulled his hand away a little, enough that she protested with a high pitched “No”. Looking up, he found her eyes were closed tight, her mouth slack, and he lifted his head, pressing his lips to hers, sinking his tongue inside and uttering a moan of his own when she threw her arms around him again and anchored herself to his body, fusing their mouths in a kiss as potent as poison. She could kill him with her kisses. She could render him weak and unable to form a thought when her tongue slid against his.

But he wouldn’t let that happen. Not yet at least. He needed the control.

She sank lower, seeking more contact on her clit. She liked a solid pressure, and she liked to rock back and forth hard until she got the orgasm she was craving. He wasn’t going to let her have it. He wanted to, but he couldn’t afford to let her gain that upper hand.

“Nuh-uh, baby, not yet,” he murmured against her lips. His cock ached to be inside her, be in her mouth, or hell, at this point just the touch of her fingers would do. He wanted it all as much as she did. He wanted the release that would flow through him and into her. But just as he was denying her, he was denying himself.

“Please, Justin,” she pleaded. Her breathing picked up and her voice had those hungry and aroused panic tones again.

He let go of the crotch of her panties and dragged the tip of his fingers through her slit, teasing her clit between two of them, urging frantic whimpers from the back of her throat. She bucked against his touch.

“Yes. God yes, Justin… Right there… Oh…”

He slid the fingers away from her clit slowly and swallowed her cry of dismay. He pressed those same two fingers inside her, and then a third, fucking her in a delicious simulation of what he wanted to do with his cock.

Her hands clutched at his shoulder, and she bounced on his hand. “So close, Jus… I’m so close…”

“I know. Do you want it, El?”

“Oh God yes, please.”

“How bad?”

“So bad. Don’t. Stop.” Desperation laced her voice.

Justin lifted his head and looked down at the woman against the wall, impaled on his fingers. Her hair was mussed and sticking out at odd angles. Her pink lipstick was smeared. Her cheeks were flushed, along with her neck. Her clothing was wrinkled beyond repair, unless she got out the iron. She was more beautiful than he remembered and he loved seeing her come undone like this, giving into the needs of her body.

Their weekends… She might think they were all about sex, but they weren’t. He’d been falling for her for so long, and when she finally made a move, that rainy night outside the bar… It had taken months for her to give over to him, to give into the sexual attraction between them, but once she did and they walked through that hotel room door… Damn, he’d never been fucked like that.

Once he’d gotten her to orgasm for him that first time, to believe that he wanted it for her as much as she wanted it, to believe that he didn’t care how wet she got or how wild and loud she got… She didn’t seem to stop coming after that, and he only wanted more.

Hell, he’d been half in love with her by the time they fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning and by the time he got in his truck to head home to Texas, he still wanted her, still craved her.

All these months later, nothing had changed in the way he felt about her.

It had all started innocently enough with weekly trivia and beer in the downtown Birmingham bar. Justin eventually had given her his email address, and they’d chatted online late into the night when neither could sleep. Then there were the text messages, online trivia and word games, some flirting. Each connection with her drew him like a moth to a flame.

Every now and then, her naughty side would come out and it’d make him smile and ache in ways no other woman in recent memory had. Those months of getting to know her, of learning about her, of her opening up and letting him in while she rediscovered herself…that was worth every bit of effort he was willing to put into this. All he wanted was a chance to be more than her sometimes weekend lover. All he wanted was for her to let him in again.

Now, he had her in his arms and she was quivering, on the brink of coming for him. She still had her pretty green eyes tightly closed and her swollen-from-his-kisses bottom lip pulled once more between her teeth.

“Ella, baby,” he whispered before licking at her lips. She moaned and nodded her head. “I want to take you back to Texas with me for a few days.”

Her eyes flew open, and she stopped moving. “I can’t,” she protested immediately, albeit a bit breathlessly.

He didn’t stop thrusting his fingers inside her, didn’t stop staring at her. “You can.”

She shook her head even as she started grinding on the invasion of the digits. She pinched at her own nipples, pulled and tugged, and then let go, and he was mesmerized by the gentle sway as they bounced. “Please let me come, Justin.”

“Say you’ll come to Texas with me and I’ll let you.” He wouldn’t, but he was hoping she’d take the bait. He lowered his head and took a nipple between his teeth and gave it the same rough attention she’d given it with her fingers. She hissed her breath out between her teeth and groaned.

“Y-you know I can’t.”

Justin pulled his fingers from her soaked, hungry pussy and stepped back. He began stroking his cock as he watched her try to regain her senses. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound or words came out. Her eyes were still wide, staring.. He’d wait her out again.

They made a lewd picture. Horny and wanton, half undressed, facing off in her entryway.

“I can’t believe you did that to me,” she finally managed, though her gaze had dropped and was glued to the movement of his hand on his cock. He tried not to smile. Tried very hard. She loved his cock, he knew that. From the first moment she’d seen it, uncut and hard, she’d been fascinated, unable to take her eyes off it. The uncut part always caught women off guard. Some liked it, some didn’t. Ella went after it like a starving woman.

And he was always hard when it came to her, whether he was thinking about her or within touching distance. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

“You can’t force me to go with you.”

He could, but… “No. You’ll come willingly enough.”

Her head shot up. “And you think that, why?”

“You want me and I want you. This is real, Ella. You know it, you feel it.”

“Sex, Justin.”

She didn’t even believe her own words. He could see it in her eyes—hear it in the lack of conviction in her voice. “More than.”

Her gaze searched his face then drifted down his body to his hand on his cock again. She licked her lips as he stroked the skin over the shaft. He wasn’t sure she was even aware of it or that she moved her own hand up over her belly to her breast. She toyed with a nipple for a few seconds then stopped. She shook her head and looked him in the eye.

“I can’t come to Texas, Justin. I’m on my way out to catch a flight for New Orleans.”

“But you don’t have to be there for your training classes for another couple of days, right? I’m guessing Tuesday or Wednesday.” She started to say something but shut her mouth. Justin smiled. Caught. “You forgot you’d told me about that, didn’t you? That you like to get to the location early to prepare yourself, to gauge the hotel’s surroundings, observe its clients and traffic?”

She nodded. “But Justin…”

“You haven’t given me one good reason, Ella. Not one. I want to take you home with me. I want to see you in my bed. I want to wake and see you snuggled so cute under my blankets.” His voice dropped low and deep, the drawl slow and smooth, just the way he knew she liked it. “Here’s the deal. Either give in and cancel or change your flight today, or…” He reached into his back pocket with his free hand and pulled out a piece of rope he’d coiled before knocking on her door and let it unwind in front of her face. “I’ll have to tie you up and take my hand to your sweet ass until you agree.”

“You wouldn’t,” she whispered.

He raised a brow and smiled, just a lazy stretching of his lips. “No?”

“Dammit, Justin.” She stomped her foot. “This isn’t how friends behave.”

“Friends? That’s what you think we are?” He stalked forward again and pressed her into the wall with his body. He let his cock rest against her belly and put both his hands on the wall beside her head. He leaned in and allowed the rope to dangle between her breasts. “We are so much more than friends, Ella. Your body knows that, even if your brain is unwilling to admit it.”

She was silent for so long, just stood there between him and the wall, her breathing erratic, her fingers toying with the edges of his shirt, every so often brushing against his skin. The bright green rope alongside the pink of her bra and the spring colors of her clothes did dirty things to his mind. He loved the innocent, sweet outward appearance she presented, but when he stripped her to her bra and panties and even further to her nudity, she was more sex kitten than he’d ever imagined. She was his fantasy.

The rope turned her on. The thought of him spanking her until she gave in turned her on too. He didn’t need her to tell him that. Not again, at least. They’d emailed at length about those naughty desires after their first time together. They’d explored them a little the next few times they met up. Being kinky in those swanky hotel rooms she’d gotten them into at no charge because she worked for the company was like a dirty little secret.

She knew he wasn’t teasing about tying her up. She knew it was more than sex between them too. He’d made his feelings for her clear countless times over the last nine months they’d been seeing one another and every once in a while she’d slip up and drop the walls around her heart, admitting she had feelings for him too. For some reason though, she’d put them on hold, her feelings and her relationship with him. He couldn’t figure out why and that’s what he needed to find out.

He was hoping that having her in Texas would give him some advantage over her, give him some way to bring out her vulnerability, break her defences down enough to figure out what in the hell spooked her so. He knew about her failed marriage, her divorce, but both were done and over with. At least, that’s what he thought. Maybe feelings for her ex still lingered.

The groan that inadvertently slipped from his lips brought him out of his thoughts. He looked down to find that she was caressing the head of his cock with her thumb. Drive. Him. Insane.

One minute guarded and defiant. The next trying to get her way. “Naughty girl, Ella.”

“Please, Justin. Just let me come once, please and I’ll go with you.” Her voice was a breathless whisper against his chest, her teeth nipping at his right nipple.

He tightened his lips and grunted. She played so damn dirty and he was so proud of her for it. “You’ll go with me regardless of whether we screw once or half a dozen times before we get out the door. But, you’re not in charge here.” He brushed his lips against the edge of her hair at her temple and carefully stepped back again. It was harder than he thought. He wanted that touch so bad he could literally taste it on his tongue from her last kiss.

“You’re impossible,” she grumped.

He grinned. “That’s what you said the first time you saw me naked and looked down.”

“That’s not what I mean.” But she was fighting a grin too.

And she lost. From ear to ear, her lips split into a beautiful, toothy smile. That’s what he wanted, that’s what he’d come for. Her happiness. “So, are you going to make me tie you up and spank you into submission, or are you going to come willingly?”

She jerked her bra in place over her breast and started to button her shirt. “You’re the one who deserves a spanking,” she grumbled.

“If you’re real nice, I might let you,” he offered before he even knew what was going to come out.

Her gaze zoomed in on his, her mouth going slack. Heat flared in her green eyes, and she licked her lips. Damn. He was in trouble now. He winked.

She huffed and untwisted her panties then straightened her skirt. His cock grew another few degrees harder at the fleeting sight of her fingers against the bright lime lace of her underwear. “You’re the worst sort of tease.”

“I’m nothing of the kind. I mean everything I say to you.”

“You would never let me spank you.”

He tucked himself, painful as it was, back inside his jeans and reached for her. She didn’t fight him and melted into his body as he fisted his hand in her disheveled hair and brushed his lips against hers. “Do you really want to? Do you really want me to let you spank me?”

“I might,” she murmured.

He didn’t have the heart to deny her anything. “I’ll let you, but…”

She pushed at him but his hold remained firm. “See, I knew you wouldn’t let me.”

“But,” he started again. “Only after you let me remind you what it’s like between us.”

Her gaze met his, open and completely defenseless. “I’m scared, Justin.”

“I know. I wish you’d let me help.”

They stayed that way, him holding her for long moments before her arms wrapped around his back and she laid her cheek against his chest. She was strong, beautiful and vulnerable. He wanted to care for her, take care
her, wipe the shadows from her eyes.

“I have to be in New Orleans on Wednesday.”

Inwardly, Justin was fist pumping. Outwardly, he was just holding her close. “You will be.”

“I can’t promise anything beyond that.”

“I know, but I can.”


He shook his head and squeezed her tight. He spoke into her hair. “Call and take care of your flight. I’ll make sure you get to Louisiana when you need to be there.”

“Why are you doing this?” she sighed.

“You know why. I’m not going to spell it out for you. Not yet at least. You’re just going to have to accept that you need me to show you more than you need the words.”

“I like words,” she said softly, rubbing her cheek against his nipple.

It was his turn to hiss a breath out between his teeth. “You like filthy, naughty words, but in the case of other kinds of words, you need action. Action you’ll believe.” She turned and bit his nipple again, though harder this time, and a yelp flew from his lips. “Dammit, woman.”

BOOK: Twisted Up
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