Read Twisted Fire Online

Authors: Joanne Ellis

Twisted Fire (3 page)

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Jared decided to go to the clinic early, with the hope that Dr Shaw would be able to fit Max in, seeing as he didn’t have an appointment. Moments after walking into the clinic an incredible blonde strode in from the back and he became instantly stupefied. Her hair tinged with strawberry was curly and unruly. An intense urge to bury his hands within it overcame him.

Her large eyes were the colour of liquid chocolate and her wide full glossy lips were the shade of cherries. The desire to taste them became his strongest emotion. She was tall and slim with legs that went forever while her skin, the colour of malted milk, evoked an urge to discover the silkiness. Lust, an infrequent emotion for Jared, stirred in the pit of his stomach.

Hey there, handsome,” he heard her say. “What’s your name?”

Her deep husky voice mesmerised him for a several seconds.

Um, Jared Mon … ” He stopped when he realised she’d crouched down. He’d been upstaged by the dog. “His name is Max.”


* * *


The sound of his bass-filled voice continued to stupefy her and Charlotte found herself unable to string any words together, a strange and uncommon occurrence for her as being over-talkative was her usual, natural response to a handsome face. Where was her quick wit and flirtatious side when she needed it? The easiest way to stall for time and gain her composure was to continue to play with Max.

Well, hello, Max,” she cooed. “What seems to be your trouble?”

As ready as she was ever going to be, she stood up and stuck out her hand.

Hi, I’m Charlotte.”


* * *


He took her long slim hand and hoped his palms weren’t sweaty. She was stirring strange and unfamiliar emotions within him.

I’m Jared and you’ve met Max.” He smiled. “I’m a little concerned. He’s not eating and seems a bit listless.”

Well let’s take him through and see what’s up.” She smiled and his heart lurched.

As he followed her through to one of the consultation rooms, his eyes were drawn instantly to her amazing legs. He found himself incapable of looking away. She picked up Max and sat him on the examination table. He watched her as she continued to pat and cuddle him. For the first time since getting Max, Jared became envious of the attention he was getting.

OK, Max,” she said. “It’s time to take your temperature. Now I know it isn’t pleasant, sweetie, but I promise you a cuddle after.” Her affection towards Max caused his mind to cloud over with continued envy. He wanted to feel her long slender fingers on him.


* * *


So, big guy, what you do?” she asked Jared while waiting for the thermometer.

I’m a fire fighter.”

Wow, so you have a big hose then?”

Yes,” he replied in a serious manner. “But I don’t think fire is something to joke about.”

Of course not,” she said a little surprised by his tone. Men usually didn’t resist her charms. “Sorry, pretty lame joke, I know.” She felt her cheeks warm. “I guess you’ve heard that one before.”

She removed the thermometer and checked the reading.

His temperature is normal.”

She took out a pocket light and checked his eyes and all was well there too. Charlotte proceeded to check his mouth.

Aha,” she said while peering in Max’s mouth. “I have found the culprit. He has a loose broken tooth in the back that is probably causing some pain. It will need to come out.”

Sure, whatever you need to do.” Charlotte avoided his eyes as they spoke, her embarrassment and sudden shyness wanted to evade the scorn which seemed apparent in his voice.

Would you like me to give him a local so it doesn’t hurt when I pull it out?”

Whatever you think is best.”

OK,” she said giving him a fleeting, puzzled look. His expression was unreadable and his voice filled with contempt. She wondered why he seemed to have taken an instant dislike to her.


* * *


She went about preparing the local anaesthetic and the tools needed to remove the tooth. While she did this, Jared studied her. Even though she was extremely beautiful, she appeared to be a little flippant and he concluded she probably wasn’t what he was looking for. Even as he was telling himself this, he couldn’t help but notice how intriguing she was, despite this. The way her curls bounced as she moved, the long stride in her lean legs and the rosy colour high in her cheeks sent shockwaves of desire through his body.

OK, this might sting a little, Max.”

When she gave him the injection, Max hardly flinched.

We’ll just give that a minute to work.” She paused. “So, Jared, what do you do when you’re not fighting fires?”

Not much really, spending time with my family. I like to cook too.” Her eyes met his for the first time since entering the room. He kept his face impassive as she furrowed her brow briefly as though confused. Then colour rushed to her face again. His heart threatened to leap out of his chest.

I like a man that can cook,” she said. “I burn water.”

I find it therapeutic.”

That is how I feel about shopping.”

I’m sure you do,” he said to her caustically.

Shallow and beautiful, what a surprise.

Let’s pull this tooth shall we as you seem eager to get on with your day,” she said frostily. Her brow crinkled.

She pulled out Max’s tooth and he appeared not to notice. This was preceded by a lick to her face from Max as she gave him cuddles for being brave. His heart went in his throat and the slow burn of desire surged through him again.
I have to get out of here before I do something I regret.

Well done, Max. All finished.”

She lifted him off the table and he danced around friskily.

He seems his normal self again, Charlotte, thank you.” His mind yelled, get out but his limbs remained steadfast.

You’re welcome.” Her confident stride took her towards reception and he decided it was in total contradiction to the blush in her cheeks.

As he followed her out the front, Dr Shaw came in the door.

Hey, Jared, how are you?” Dr Shaw said. “Is Max ok?’

He is now, Dr Shaw, Charlotte fixed him.”

Thank you, Charlotte.” Dr Shaw smiled at her. “No charge for Jared on Max’s visits.”

Oh, OK, no problem. All done then. I’ll just go and clear up out the back. Nice to meet you both,” she said before crouching down to have another cuddle with Max. “You come and visit me again soon, handsome.”

For the third time he was struck down with jealousy. She stood up and Jared’s gaze followed her discretely as she disappeared out the back. He chatted with Dr Shaw for a few minutes, wanting to catch another glimpse of her. When she didn’t resurface, he decided to leave.

As he headed to Nathan’s he found he couldn’t shake her from his mind.

Jared pulled up at their large stone front house before walking around the back to deposit Max in the yard. His knock on the back door was answered by Carrie who bestowed him with a big hug.

Well, hello, it’s my favourite brother in law.”

I’m sure you say that to Mitch too.”

I do, you’re both my favourites,” she said with a wink. “Come in, I’ve just made coffee.”

Nathan strolled into the kitchen from the study as Jared sat down at the table.

Hey, little brother, how’s things?”

Pretty slow actually. I’ve been using the opportunity to clean out the guys.”

So still the card sharp, then. That is why I stopped playing with you years ago.”

What can I say, you’re easy to read, big brother. How are Mabel and Tommy?”

Same as always, loud and beautiful,” Carrie said, bringing a smile to his face.

How’s Max?”

Good now. I had to take him to the vet this morning. He needed to have a tooth removed.”

Oh, poor thing. Did he fight it?”

No the vet was very gentle and he didn’t seem to notice.”

Dr Shaw was gentle?”

No, he has a new vet working for him,” he said cautiously.

Was she pretty?” Nathan asked him, grinning.

How did you know that?”

I know when you’ve met a pretty girl. You have that guarded look about you. I can see right through it.”

OK, she was beautiful but she appeared a little too superficial for my liking.”

You really don’t like girls flirting with you, do you?”

No, I don’t. From personal experience I have found they are usually shallow and have no real substance.”

Just because she seemed that way, doesn’t mean she is. Besides you can be unfriendly and difficult to talk to,” Carrie informed him.

Pardon?” he asked her with one eyebrow raised.

Don’t take that tone with me. Just because she may flirt a little doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t something else beneath. You’re very abrasive on the outside but you’re not really like that. What if everyone took you at face value?”

That’s telling him, honey,” Nathan said, laughing.

You might be right but until I see differently, I’m not interested.”

She got to you,” Carrie observed.

It was just because I was attracted to her. I’m attracted to a lot of women.”

If you say so,” she said handing him a mug.

Anyway,” he said, wanting to change the subject. He didn’t understand his feelings towards the delectable Charlotte and he was certain he didn’t want to discuss them. “How are Lucas and Chelsea’s wedding plans going?”

Great. I’m going shopping with Chelsea this afternoon to pick out a dress. I can’t remember the last time I went to a wedding. I’m so pleased my brother is happy again.”

Chelsea is definitely a great girl. Just the kind I’m looking for,” he said pensively.

Don’t let Lucas hear you say that,” she said with a laugh. “She has a sister you know.”

No matchmaking, Carrie,” warned Nathan.

Is she like Chelsea?” he asked, his interest sparked.

Yes and no. She is kind and compassionate like Chelsea, but sassier and blonde.”

Yeah, blonde I like, sassy not so much.”

You did with Emma.”

Yeah and that is how I learnt to stay away from women like that.”

After they finished their coffee and caught up on other news, Jared said he had some errands to run and would try and catch-up with the kids on the weekend.

Once he’d gone Carrie remembered something Chelsea told her.

Oh my God, Nathan,” she cried. “Charlotte is working for Dr Shaw. Do you think that is who he met today?’

A flirtatious, beautiful blonde? Absolutely.”

Well maybe he might do sassy after all,” she grinned.


* * *


After the unfriendly but handsome Jared left, Charlotte was kept busy for the remainder of the day with her new patients. By home time she was exhausted.

When she walked in the door, she heard Chelsea and Lucas talking and laughing in the kitchen. She felt a familiar tug at her heart again.

Hi, guys,” she said striding into the kitchen.

Hey there, Dr Summerville. How was your first day?” Chelsea asked.

Great.” She paused. “I met
hottest guy today.”

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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