Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)
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Dax‘s tongue still danced in her mouth as Saki‘s focus shifted to the movement between her legs. His finger explored her. Her hand brushed the part of her that only an hour ago had brought her such pleasure. His finger pressed the cotton cloth into the folds of her labia.

Saki struggled for breath. The intense feeling that she had in the shower was back, but this time it was more intense. Saki held Dax with both hands gripping into his lean flesh.

When the Dax removed his finger from between her legs, Saki felt her breath leave her like she was falling from a cliff. She felt so abandoned. She needed his touch. She need anything from him and in any way.

Dax pulled apart her legs with his knees. Something warm and hard press against her nub. She didn’t know what it was. But the more it poked her, the more it prodded at her innocent flesh, she began to understand. This was going to be the moment that she changed forever. This was the moment when she would no longer be a child.

Dax’s finger slipped into the edge of her panties and pulled them to the side. Something the size of a knuckle dragged along the swollen edge of her lips. It pressed hard against her, probing, pushing, pulling back, and then pushing again. He was looking for her virginal opening and with each move he was getting closer.

Saki was scared, but each feeling felt better than the last. When his warm manhood was on the precipice of her opening, she prepared herself.

Only another moment
, she thought. When it happened, when he found it, her chest heaved from the electricity that raced through her.

Saki let go of her grip on his ass, hoping to slow him down. It hurt, but it felt good at the same time. Knowing he found it, he pushed harder, wanting it to give in. It resisted and sent a shot of pain through Saki in defiance.

It was then that she felt it. His hand, still lodged between her back and the chair, gripped into her flesh. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was sharp. It pierced her flesh. With both of his hands digging into her, he thrust forward, penetrating her virginal opening, pushing more of himself into her than she could have imagined.

Saki screamed at everything. She didn’t know what was cutting through her flesh on her back, but it was too painful to feel good. As his oversized manhood filled her orifice, she needed relief.

Saki felt lost in a dream. She felt out of control. She wanted him, but wanted everything he was doing to stop. She opened her eyes hoping to wake up, but what she found only terrorized her further.

It wasn’t Dax on top of her but something else. She couldn’t explain it. Everything was dark around them, but she couldn’t find his lightly tanned face. His blond hair was gone as well. All she could recognize of Dax was his brilliant, blue eyes. But they were surrounded by a dark emptiness which could have been hair. Saki screamed again and fought to get free.

Whatever it was pulled itself away from Saki and retreated to the other side of the Jeep. Saki pushed it away, feeling herself sliding out of the seat past the missing door. When she was more than an arm’s length from it, she tried to get a better look. Instead, she rolled out of the car onto the cold grass near the entrance of the cave. Orienting herself to the ground, she crawled backwards as she heard the Jeep startup and pull off.

What was that?
She wondered.
Was that Dax? What is he? What just happened?
She asked herself, trying to figure out where she was.

Feeling a sharp pain in her back and between her legs, she reached for her back. She touched the wound, and it stung like she had been cut by a razor blade. Stretching her arms around her body hurt. Lightly touching the raw flesh hurt. As she moved her legs, her torn hymen hurt.

Although she didn’t cry, Saki lay still as saltwater streamed from her eyes. Everything hurt too much to move, much less scream. Trying to make herself invisible to the passing cars, all she could do was wait for the blinding pain to pass.



Chapter 5


It was well past midnight by the time Saki had walked home. Her mother said she couldn’t come back, but where else could she go? She didn’t know anyone else on the island.

Perhaps she had a relative she could visit if she thought long enough about it, but no one was closer than what she had run away from. To her surprise, when she tried the door, it opened. The TV was on, and she found her mother on the couch.

Saki didn’t close the door behind her because she wasn’t sure if she’d be allowed to stay. When her mother didn’t look at her, she locked the door behind her and slowly walked to her room.

“You don’t sleep there anymore,” her mother announced. “You sleep on the couch now.”

Saki turned back to her mother, who still hadn’t looked at her. Her mother had one arm resting on a pillow which sat on top a set of sheets. When her mother got up, turned off the TV, and headed through the kitchen toward her bedroom, Saki moved toward couch.

A part of her couldn’t help but think her mother had planned it this way all along. She had always wanted her precious twins to have the two bedrooms and now they did. Saki had nothing of her own, and she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was tired and sore, and all she could think about was getting to sleep.

Saki moved slowly to the couch, grabbed the pillow and one of the sheets. Lowering herself slowly as sharp pains from the scratches burned through her, she got as comfortable as she could get. It only took a few moments for her to fall asleep.


Saki never slept well on the couch, but she didn’t wake up until her sister Marnie shook her. Even then, all she could do was acknowledge her presence before falling back asleep.

Maddie made the second attempt, and when that failed, her mother tried. Her mother’s shake came with a command to get up and get dressed for school, but Saki groggily replied she didn’t feel well. In fact, she felt very sick, dizzy, in fact. If she stood up, she knew she would throw up.

The conversation ended when she felt her mother’s hand on her forehead. Saki wasn’t sure what her mother found, but it gave her enough time to fall back asleep.

The next time Saki woke up, the house was empty. She still felt groggy, but she was also very thirsty. She laid staring at the kitchen for what felt like 30 minutes and then concluded that she had to get up.

Her first move sent a shock of pain through her body. She considered giving up but knew she had to drink something. Slowly, she worked herself to her feet, and she immediately felt nauseous. With each movement, she felt dizzy and had to pause before taking another step.

By the time, she approached the edge of the kitchen, she had to make one final dash. She was experiencing moments of blackout, and she was sure the next one would take her. Moving as quickly as she could, she reached the fridge, opened it, and promptly fell to the floor.

She looked up at the jug of water only a few feet away. If she just stayed there for a moment, she could gather the strength to reach it. As the cold fridge air cooled her, her strength rebounded quickly.

The cool water pouring down her throat was a godsend. It gave her energy. After another five minutes of no movement, she grabbed the dish of leftovers from the second shelf.

Eating a cold pork chop with her fingers, she felt life returning to her. The mist cleared from her brain. When she couldn’t eat or drink anything else, she plotted her path back to the couch.

By the time her mother and sisters made it back home, she was again half-asleep. Her dreams, however, were disturbing. She dreamt that Dax had spent 20 minutes staring at her through the window. It wasn’t Dax as she remembered him at school though; it was the thing that she had seen on top of her.

In the light of day, she was willing to consider that she had imagined animal Dax. Certainly, none of that could have been real. She couldn’t explain it, but clearly, it couldn’t be real.

As her mother entered, she placed her palms on Saki’s forehead. “Are you feeling better?” she asked.

Saki felt too sick to sustain her anger, but she was too tired to respond. She shifted on the couch instead. She noticed less pain as she moved.

“Did you eat all of the leftovers, Saki?” Her mother asked from across the room. “There were three pork chops left.”

Saki had. She had been incredibly hungry. Once she had started eating, she couldn’t stop.

“Mum, can I turn on the TV?” Maddie had asked.

“Don’t you see your sister laying there? Ask her.”

Saki was surprised at her mother’s response, giving her control over the TV. In this household, the TV was the most prized possession.

“Saki, you mind if I turn on the TV?” Maddie asked.

Saki nodded her head in agreement and scooted forward, making room for her sister on the couch. She didn’t have the strength for a power struggle, and part of her wanted to let her mother know that she hadn’t made a mistake in her allowance. Saki opened her eyes and watched along with her sister in silence.

By the time dinner was ready, Saki was again strong enough to get up. All of them sat in the usual spots, but unlike the night before, they all ate in silence. When dinner was done and Marnie had cleaned the dishes, they all gathered in front of the television for the night. Unlike any of the previous nights, they all retired early. Saki stretched out, turned off the TV, and fell asleep.

In the morning, Saki felt fully refreshed. The scratches barely hurt to touch and the wounds had already scabbed over. She could still feel the remnants of Dax inside of her, but they, too, had diminished. She was feeling much better, and for the first time in a long time, she was feeling mentally sharp. The colors of their drab rental house were crisp and the scent of the flowers outside was strong. For some reason, she felt very alive and very awake.

When Saki again stepped foot on campus, it all looked different. The grass seemed greener and the red flowers of the Poinciana tree seemed more vibrant. Even the students seemed to glow a little more. For some reason, she felt like she was walking a little taller.

Heading to her homeroom, she realized that she would see Dax again. Normally, that thought would have made her anxious, but it didn’t. She was almost looking forward to seeing him and getting some sort of explanation. In fact, if the explanation was good enough, she might even consider allowing him to have a second chance at her. After all, in hindsight, the entire situation was very hot.

Walking down the sidewalk to her room, she realized how silly it was that she was waiting for classmates to talk to her. After all, friendships did go two ways. She could just as easily introduce herself to them. Tiffany sitting by herself on the concrete bench in front of their homeroom presented the perfect opportunity to do so. Saki introduced herself, and Tiffany, a dark-skinned, skinny girl with two puffy ponytails that reached her shoulders, introduced herself back.

“Where are you from?” Tiffany asked.

Saki explained how she had gone to a school in the Bahamas for elementary and had left for North Carolina for high school. After that, Tiffany introduced Saki to Lynette and later on, to her friend Germaine. Saki had noticed this group of girls earlier, and just like that, Saki felt like she belonged.

As Torque  approached, Saki looked up. As before, Torque ‘s eyes locked firmly on Saki, but this time, Saki didn’t look away. Perhaps because she was surrounded by her new friends, she didn’t fear her anymore. What was more, as she approached, Torque  didn’t seem interested in bothering Saki. So when the bell rang, Torque , the bad boy, and all of the rest of their crew entered the classroom without incident.

Saki was feeling good. Entering behind them, the only person she had left to confront was Dax.

Saki took her seat in the front of the class and waited. As the second bell rang, all of Dax’s boys ran in, but he was not with them. Saki waited through the announcements, and when the final bell rang sent everyone their first class, Dax still hadn’t arrived. Saki wondered why.

As Saki wandered from class to class, she noticed many of the boys were staring at her. It didn’t bother her, but she couldn’t help but wonder why.

Had Dax told them that they had had sex?
She pondered.
Is this the way that all boys stared at girls who had sex?
If it was, Saki knew that she should feel self-conscious, but she didn’t. She almost felt empowered. When she saw Torque  and passed by her without making eye contact, she knew a new day was dawning in her school career.

As Saki sat in homeroom at the end of the day, she could feel the stares of the boys behind her. Dax’s friends were all on one side. Even when she looked back, they couldn’t take their eyes off her. On the other side, the bad boy and his friends all watched her intensely. It was then that Saki first noticed, really noticed, how attractive the bad boy was.

Something about him was undeniable. He had strength that showed in the way he carried himself. Without meaning to, Saki caught herself wondering how it might’ve been different if it was him on top of her the night before instead of Dax.

Saki waited for Mr. DeMarco to look down at his desk for her to get up and talk to Tiffany. “What’s his name?” She asked her new friend.

“Who, Lane?” Tiffany asked.

“Yeah. What’s the deal with him?”

“He’s not really anyone you want to hang out with. He’s in trouble a lot and he skips a lot of school. I’m not sure, but I think he sells drugs or something. And he and his gang are always fighting with Dax and his group.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Sakina, back to your seat,” Mr. DeMarco ordered.

Saki went back to her seat thinking only of Lane. She knew that she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it. He intrigued her. With Torque  finally off of her back, she considered fulfilling her curiosity—maybe not now, but soon.


When the bell rang, Saki was the first one out of the classroom. She deposited her schoolbooks in the locker room as usual and headed for the cross to wait for her mother. On her way through the quad, she felt a strong grip on her arm. She turned and looked up into the face of Lane. Without a word, he escorted her down an adjacent sidewalk to the grass on the side of the building. It was the most private spot that existed on campus.

“You smell different,” he said, gently pushing her against the wall. It was a weird opening line, but it brought to her attention the way he smelled. He smelled great, but she wasn’t going to allow him to push her around because he smelled good.

“Get off of me, you freak.”

Lane backed off, surprised by her aggression. “Was it Dax?” He asked without context.

He did know
, Saki realized.
Dax told everybody we had sex

“What are you doing tonight?” He asked unapologetically.

Saki gathered all of her strength and pushed him off of her. “None of your fucking business,” she spat angrily. Saki had never cursed before, but she felt it was warranted. “You guys are disgusting.” No matter how alluring he smelled, she wasn’t going to give herself to him like some slut.

“You don’t understand,” Lane continued.

Both Saki and Lane turned around when they saw Dax‘s crew at the edge of the building. Lane backed away from Saki, stared at her with what could have been compassion, and then headed toward the other boys. He grabbed the first one by the collar while the others grabbed at Lane, trying to get him to release their friend.

“No one from school. Do you hear me? No one from school,” he growled angrily.

When one of the other boys responded, Lane shook himself loose and walked away looking back at Saki. One by one the boys turned toward Saki not saying a word. Saki turned the other way and stalked off. Saki should be angry that her reputation at her new school had been disgraced so quickly, but she couldn’t deny that a part of her wondered what opportunities would be presented to a girl with a loose reputation. She looked around at the boys walking past her and wondered what each of them would look like naked. As she did, Lane slipped back into her mind. There was no denying it, he smelled great.


As the day turned into night, Saki felt more and more on edge. At dinner, she waited for one of the twins to say something so she could bring up the little matter of her room being taken away. She was looking for any excuse, but no one offered one. Even though it was her night to do dishes, one of the twins did them, and everyone, including her mother, went to bed early. Alone in the living room, Saki watched TV and thought about Dax and Lane.

The later it got, the more she regretted not taking Lane up on his offer. She had a burning desire to feel a touch like she had the night before. Even the scratches seemed appealing to her now. With it getting harder and harder for her to breathe, she slowly slipped her hand onto her thigh and then between her legs. She inhaled sharply at the sensation.

“Saki!” She heard a voice outside say. She recognized it immediately. It was Lane. She rushed to the door and peeked outside.

It was Lane. He stood just outside their front gate wearing a worn gray T-shirt and what looked like board shorts. His mocha complexion highlighted his eyes, which seemed to glow white. His great smell, which she had previously only noticed with him next to her nose, wafted to her from 20 feet away. She could barely resist him.

“What’s do you want?” Saki demanded.

“You need to come with me.”

“Like hell I do. You want to come here and make me?” She challenged, hoping he would.

“You don’t understand, you have to come with me. There are things going on that I can explain to you.”

Saki boldly walked down her front porch toward her front gate. She wasn’t about to give herself to him so easily. She wanted him work for it. Maybe, she thought, if he was good, she would relent. “Why don’t you make me? Do you have it in you?”

With that challenge, something about Lane shifted. At first glance, Saki couldn’t tell what it was, but it was something. She was sure of it.

Lane looked down at his watch. “Look, Saki, we don’t have time for this. We have to go, now.”

BOOK: Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)
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