Read To Tame His Mate Online

Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

To Tame His Mate (6 page)

BOOK: To Tame His Mate
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She wasn’t sure what was going on, or how this had all come about, but she did know it would only get worse. Her needs would become more demanding…and she needed

“Take my car. I won’t be able to be in it with her and maintain my control.”

Abraham’s nostrils flare as he inhaled again, and Erik growled low, the sound more beast than man and a clear warning. Apparently, realizing what he’d done, Abe plunked the keys on the counter and quickly left.

“Erik?” Her hand was hot against his, burning with the carnal fever rapidly building in her system. “What’s happening?”

“She must have given you a narcotic with that shot. It reacts differently with us,” he explained.

“I’m hot and achy, and I…” Sarah felt a heated blush rush to her cheeks as she snapped shut her mouth and looked away. How could she explain, to a virtual stranger, this sudden need to be touched? Her skin felt too tight, and she was horribly aroused, despite the fact that she’d just experienced some of the most intense pain of her life.

“I know what you’re feeling. I’ve had this happen to me before. You crave things. You want to be touched. You need release.”

Her eyes widened even as her breathing quickened.

“I’ll help you. It’s not exactly how I’d hoped to become intimate with you, but we’ll make it work and without sex. If you choose to mate with me, I want it to be of your own free will and not from a drug reaction.”

Sarah merely nodded. It seemed all she was capable of at the moment. She felt as if she were being stretched on a rack of desire. Having his hand hold hers when she wanted it in about a dozen different places was pure torture.

Her only hope was that the doctor could give her something to counteract the reaction, but she should have known better. After all, it wasn’t as if they could explain the problem without looking completely certifiable. Now, she could only hope to get out of the clinic without making a scene.

* * * *

Twenty minutes later, she desperately tried not to squirm in the passenger seat of Abraham’s SUV as she and Erik tore through the streets to get back to Erik’s home.

“Hold on, sweetheart. We’re almost there.” He was trying to soothe her, she knew, but the scent of arousal in the vehicle, combined with the husky quality in his voice, affected her in very naughty ways. She had the sudden urge to hear him speaking low in her ear, filling her head with dirty little suggestions and fantasies to fuel her lust.

Sarah shook her head. What was she thinking? Her damn lust had enough fuel right now. Hell, she already felt as if she were burning up. Every little bump caused her to bounce, her overly sensitive nipples to rub on the material of her shirt, and her clit to throb. If she didn’t get somewhere private, and soon, she might very well embarrass herself.

She whimpered; the sound wrenched from her throat by her greedy body. Would he object to a little off-road driving? Damn, if she could go down a bumpy road, it just might do the job without her openly masturbating in front of the man who would be her mate.

“Christ, hon, you’re killing me here,” Erik groaned. He sat beside her, looking sexy as sin, a light sheen of sweat on his brow as he clenched the wheel and fought to concentrate on the road.

“Sorry.” But she wasn’t. Not in the least. She loved that she had this effect on him. It gave her hope that maybe she could have a shot with him. A life of freedom…a family. But only if he gave her the freedom her mind, body and wolf craved. Sarah had no intention of allowing anyone to control her, to shackle her into a life of unhappiness.

Her instincts told her that this man, this
, was different, and she always trusted her instincts. She’d been relying on her gut to keep her alive for years now, and it hadn’t failed her yet.

As soon as Erik brought the vehicle to a shuddering halt, he vaulted out the door, sprinted to hers and was pulling her out before she’d even gotten completely free of her seatbelt. She found herself, once again, in his arms as he practically ran for the house.

With her legs held tightly closed and her breasts rubbing against his chest with every step, she could no longer contain herself and released a long, throaty moan.

“Erik, I can’t stand it. This is torture.” An exquisite torture but cruel just the same.

“It’ll be all right. Your metabolism should finish burning it off within the next half hour,” he assured her.

She hoped so. Her body trembled on the edge of an orgasm, so close that if she got just a little more pressure…

The next thing she knew, they were inside and heading down the hall. He kicked the second door open and crossed to the bed to set her down.

They were in a guest room. She managed to deduce that much through the haze of lust that had settled in her head. She also concluded she’d kiss Erik as soon as he turned his head her way. And as he set her down, he did just that.


Chapter Five



Erik wasn’t sure if Sarah’s knee still bothered her or not, but he was mindful just the same. As he settled her, her arms loosened around his neck until just her warm palm rested at his nape. He turned his head to take in her expression and froze. Her eyes, those beautiful balls of amber fire, were so filled with need he felt it as if it were a punch to his gut.

Her fingers tightened, and she slowly, hesitantly, brought his lips to her own. What had started out as a shy exploration, quickly turned into a desperate fight for control on his part. He couldn’t let himself lose focus, damn it. She needed to achieve her release so that she could gain some relief.

He reluctantly pulled back, groaning when her teeth tugged at his lower lip. Good Lord, this must be punishment for some past sin. He was so aroused his jeans nearly strangled his cock.

“Sarah, slow down.” Erik pulled her hands from around his neck and placed them on the pillow above her head. “Can I touch you? Will you allow me to you help you?”

She nodded and shifted her legs, a raspy moan escaping her as she did.

“Jesus, I can’t stand this Erik. I’m going to lose my mind.” Tears filled her eyes as her frustration increased.

“Shh, I’ve got you,” he crooned as his hands skimmed down her arms, to her ribs and eventually to the hem of her shirt. He kept his eyes on her face, prepared to stop if she asked and so damn thankful when she only sighed and closed her eyes.

Erik made sure he grazed her nipples as he passed them in his journey to remove her shirt. She arched, seeking a firmer touch, and he felt her disappointment when he offered none. Once her shirt was tossed aside, he peered at her creamy breasts and the pale pink tips peeking from behind her sheer, lace bra.


His hands gravitated toward the mounds, seemingly of their own accord, and cupped her. He slowly dragged his thumbs over her straining nipples again before tugging the flimsy lace aside to lazily run his tongue over them, only to pull back and blow over the damp flesh.

She panted, her body held so rigid he knew she’d go soon, but he wanted to see all of her. He quickly unhooked her front clasp and spread the material.

“You’re so damn beautiful, Sarah.” Erik smoothed his hands down, over her trim little belly to the waistband of her pants. “Let’s get these off, babe. I want to bring you over now, but I want to do this my way.”

She lifted her hips, and he slid down her panties, as well, discarding both articles of clothing and revealing the thatch of blonde curls at the apex of her silky thighs.

He sat back on his heels next to her and just stared. She looked as if she were a pagan sacrifice. Her hands were still above her head, resting in the waves of blonde hair fanned out on his pillow. Allowing his eyes to wander over her exposed flesh soon had his mouth watering with his need to taste her.

She smelled so sweet, like honeysuckle and sex, and he had to kiss her again.

* * * *

Sarah held herself together by sheer force of will. She was naked and needy, but he seemed determined to take his time. She was new to this, still being a virgin, and by no means knew what to expect, so having him lay a tender kiss to her navel shocked her.

Eyes wide now, she looked down to find him kissing his way over her feverish flesh, down to her most private place. His nostrils flared as he took in her scent, and she felt more heat pooling low in her belly. Erik’s eyes left hers and focused on her swollen sex. The hunger raging in his silvery-blue gaze was scorching.

His head dipped, and she cried out when his tongue parted her feminine folds, slowly moving toward her throbbing center. Her thighs quaked as he continued his oral assault. Never had she thought that a man might kiss her
! Dear lord, but the man had a devilish tongue. Long languid strokes, deep thrusting plunges and wet, suckling kisses to her clit left her writhing.

Sarah felt her orgasm approaching, gathering strength then crashing over her. She cried out as her back arched off the bed. Her body shuddered with the release it had so desperately needed.

As she slowly came back to herself, she realized two things. One, Erik had received nothing from the experience. And two, she was shaking like a leaf.

“I’ve got you. Don’t worry.” Erik stood and removed his shirt and jeans, leaving him clad in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs that currently showcased an impressive erection. “Your body’s burned off the narcotic, but now you need warmth. Try not to let your teeth chatter too much. You could break a tooth.”

“B-but you d-didn’t…”
Good grief!
She couldn’t even talk for all the chattering.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about.” He gathered the comforter and lay next to her, pulling her to his side as he wrapped it around them. “Just try to rest. You’ve had a hell of a day. Later, maybe we can go for a run if you feel up to it.”

“That would b-be w-wonderful.” The frustrated sound she made was half moan, half whine. “S-sorry.”

He laughed. “Are you kidding? I enjoyed helping you. And I’ll bet your wolf is every bit as beautiful as you are.”

Hugging her to him, Erik combed his fingers through her hair. It was such a sweetly innocent caress, and Sarah felt her defenses weakening. He’d forgone his own satisfaction to help her, to take care of her. He was so selfless and caring, how could she defend against that? Why would she want to?

Sarah decided then and there she
give this mate thing a try. He wouldn’t push for anything she wasn’t ready for, of that she was certain. And who could be better suited for her? She was naïve in so many ways when it came to the things that went on between a man and a woman, but she wasn’t completely ignorant, by any means. She knew the basics. She just wasn’t as vastly educated as some women in areas like foreplay.

She’d been shocked by his loving moments ago, but the pure pleasure gained from the act robbed her of any objections that may have arisen. Hell, she’d satisfied herself plenty of times, but never before had her orgasm been so…explosive.

* * * *

Sarah’s trembling had eased. The deep, even breaths against his chest told him she slept. Erik, however, was wound so tightly he thought he might fly apart. But feeling her relax against him, entrusting him with her safety, humbled him.


He’d known she liked him and was coming to somewhat trust him, but this was different. One was vulnerable in sleep. She may not be aware of it, but Sarah had just given him a wonderful gift, and one that he would be sure she didn’t regret. A man always longed to protect his woman and make sure she felt confident in his ability to do so. With Sarah, however, he might not get the chance. She was a strong woman, capable of taking care of herself, and not likely to ask for assistance often.

For now though, she was lying with him. All soft and warm, she fit perfectly in his arms. Her head was tucked under his chin, resting on his chest, while her breaths teased the hair there.

Unwilling to disturb her or risk missing the opportunity to hold her, he settled himself in for a nap.


Chapter Six



Sarah awoke cocooned in warmth and more rested than she ever remembered being. Erik was at her side with one arm tucked under her head and the other draped over her waist. Their legs were tangled together, and it was the most intimate moment she’d ever experienced…besides what had happened earlier. That had been drug-induced, and he had done what he’d done out of necessity.


But right now, the way he held her brought forth feelings and emotions she wasn’t quite ready for. She’d known the man for less that twenty-four hours, but they’d already been through so much. He was exactly the type of man she dreamed of having as her mate, and now, he was a reality. She longed to lay with him and rest a little longer, but her body had other ideas.

When Sarah had successfully disentangled herself from his slumbering form, she hesitated. Her clothes had been tossed, and she had no clue where they may have landed.

Well, it’s not as if he hasn’t seen everything anyway
, she thought and made her way to the adjoining bathroom.

After relieving herself, she finger-brushed her teeth, washed her face and tried to tame her tangled hair as best she could. She really wanted a shower, but a quick glance showed her that this bathroom wasn’t really stocked past toilet paper, hand soap and the remnants of a travel-sized tube of toothpaste.

Before she’d slept, Erik had mentioned going for a run. Sarah examined her knee and, sure enough, the swelling was gone, so it appeared that her advanced healing had kicked in after all. She felt as if she could run for miles. Being a werewolf sure had its perks.

Anxious to cut loose and sprint through the woods, she returned to the bedroom and noticed the time was still before dawn. Her wolf, already excited for the coming run, showed a healthy interest in the half-naked man who watched her from the bed.

“Hi,” was all she managed. The sight of all that muscular, tanned flesh effectively blocked all her thoughts.

BOOK: To Tame His Mate
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