Read To Say I Love You Online

Authors: Anna Martin

To Say I Love You (11 page)

BOOK: To Say I Love You
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“Plugged, gagged, and tied up. My favorite way to keep my boy,” he said happily and pushed the blunt end of a butt plug against my hole.

I gasped around the gag, then took a deep breath, pushing back against the plug until it slid neatly inside me.

“Good boy,” Master said, and tapped me lightly on the ass, forcing me to straighten up again.

As we got settled, I was vaguely aware of people filing into the room. I could only just see them in my peripheral vision: men of all shapes and sizes, in all kinds of dress and undress. Being watched wasn’t anything new to me; we’d done this many times before. Even so, I made sure to ride the thrill it brought.

“Flogger first, Jesse,” Master murmured close to my cheek. I nodded to let him know I’d heard. He’d warm me up with that, possibly stick with it as we crested through the session. It was a good place to start, though.

The flogger struck my shoulder, licking me gently.

From there, my mind started to flutter and float away as my Master built up the layers of pleasure and pain, keeping my skin singing with each sharp snap of the leather. I breathed hard through my nose, not wanting to dry my mouth out if I could help it.

He worked down over my back, bringing heat to the surface with each swish of the flogger. When he settled on my ass, the strokes got harder—he knew what I could take here. The soft leather flogger was nothing compared to some of the harsher implements I’d been on the receiving end of over the years.

I wasn’t even aware of my cock until Master paused in the flogging and ran his hands over me, pinching my nipples, then trailing his fingers over my belly, whisper-light.

“How you doing there, Jesse?” he asked as he took hold of my cock and gave it a few smooth tugs. I bucked into his hand and groaned. Normally I was better behaved than that. He’d trained me well to work against impulses that were so instinctive, I didn’t even think about them. It had been a while since I’d been given this level of stimulation—that was my only defense.

Master only bit my shoulder. It was an affectionate sort of gesture, so I guessed he wasn’t about to punish me.

“Clamps,” Master whispered.

Or maybe not.

He rummaged in the bag and held up a pair of steel nipple clamps so I could see. I knew from experience they would give a nice, firm pinch.

All I could do was breathe as he rolled each of my nipples in turn between thumb and forefinger, then groan as the clamps were attached to my chest. When he tugged on the chain, I grunted deeply, my cock twitching in response.

When he resumed whipping me, it was with a new flogger. This was one of our newer toys, one Master had commissioned from a friend who ran a side business making floggers to exact specifications. It wasn’t as well-worn as some of our other toys and packed a hell of a punch.

It didn’t take long before my ass and thighs were on fire—he was concentrating on my bottom half rather than my shoulders, since that area of my body got sore quicker.

He didn’t take me too far, not this time, probably because it had been so long since I’d been on the receiving end of a decent flogging. I had a certain amount of resistance, but with time that lessened.

The flogger hit the floor with a solid

“Good boy,” Master said, pressing his chest to my warm back and kissing my neck hard. “Good boy.”

He removed the nipple clamps one at a time, pressing down hard and rubbing the abused flesh as the blood coursed back through it. This was delicious pain, and I squirmed in his embrace, feeling the weight of the butt plug moving inside me.

“When you’re ready,” he said.

When he grabbed hold of my cock this time, it was to bring me off, there was little doubt about that. Still, with people watching, I wanted to give them a show, to show off. I held back for as long as I could with Master working my cock expertly, until the pressure was too much, and I orgasmed explosively, spilling into his hand.

He held me as I shook and shuddered, then moved away for a moment to clean his hand before he was untying all my bonds. Bit gag first, then wrists, then ankles, rubbing any sore spots as he went.

“If you’ll excuse us, gentlemen,” he said in a soft voice. “I’m going to take some time to take care of my boy.”

There was a general mumbling among the men who were still watching, and I heard the last person shut the door with a soft click.

Having a bed in the room was more than just happy coincidence. It meant we could stretch out together, me on my stomach while Master rubbed soothing lotion into my skin, then side by side while I stretched and relaxed.

After a few moments of blissful quiet, I reached for his fly.

“You didn’t come,” I said softly, my words an offer to make that happen if he wanted.

Carefully, he removed my hand from his pants. “I don’t need to come every time. Just watching you was enough tonight.”

“You’re too good to me.”

He grinned. “I know.”

One of the DMs came in while Will was gently stroking my hair back from my face and making goo-goo eyes at me. I saw the door open in my peripheral vision but didn’t look away from him, even when he glanced up and over my shoulder.

“Just checking everything’s okay in here,” the guy I decided was probably Aiden said in a low voice.

“We’re good,” Will said with a smile. “Thanks for coming by.”

It was a clear dismissal, and I giggled when the door closed behind our intruder.

“What?” Will demanded, tickling me hard in the ribs.

“Nothing. Nothing!” I said as I squirmed away. “You’re just so… commanding. You’ve got the guys who run the place falling at your word, for fuck’s sake.”

He snorted at that, then seemed to consider my words before nodding. “Yeah. Did I tell you yet you were beautiful tonight?”

“Yes. But tell me again.”

“You were incredible, Jesse. I promised myself we’d go slow, give you time to get back into the swing of things again, but you push me forward.”

“I most definitely do not. You run this show.”

“Okay, maybe those weren’t the right words. I run off your energy. Wherever you want to go, I follow, maybe guide you there.”

We fell into another round of slow, easy kissing after that, his hands still roaming possessively over my exposed skin. I was sore but not in pain, the best kind of feeling post-session.

“Fuck me,” I said in a low voice when he pulled away.

“Excuse me?”

“Fuck me,” I repeated, hoping I wasn’t getting the wrong kind of vibes from him. “Open the door first, though.”

Watching his eyebrows rise almost to his hairline was amusing.

“I know you’re an exhibitionist and a total slut, but that’s a whole other level, baby.”

“Yeah. Will you?”

The fingers on my ass tightened, pressing in hard and causing me to hiss. Then he spanked me hard, rolled off the bed, and opened the door.

In most BDSM clubs, the rules were pretty simple: if the door’s closed, you need to have permission to go in unless you’re in charge. If the door’s open, go on in, but you need permission to touch. I knew no one would get involved with us unless they were asked. It seemed like the organizers of this event made everyone aware of the rules of play.

Master had jerked me off in front of a crowd before; I’d been bound then, helpless as he used his hand and his voice to make me come. That had been different, though. It had been a scene. This was just sex.

There were a few people milling about in the hallway who looked over when the door opened, like they were interested in taking our place. I wondered if we should give up on the sex and just move out. We had pretty much commandeered the room for the past hour or so. I had no idea how much time had passed when we were in session.

No one looked particularly bothered though, especially when I spread my knees and gave them a good view of my naked body as Will crawled up it.

It was important that he was Will now. I had a pretty good distinction between Will, my sexy-ass lover who liked to do naughty things from time to time, and Master Will, whom I served. We would do this because it was fun and hot and we wanted to, not because I had to or because he’d ordered it of me. This wasn’t the sort of thing that could be ordered.

I kept eye contact with one guy as Will sucked the head of my cock into his mouth and hummed as he licked my flavor away. I arched from the bed, completely involuntarily, and bit down on my bottom lip. That part was for effect.

Gently and carefully, he tapped on the plug in my ass.

“Almost forgot that was there,” he said in a low voice. “Doesn’t matter. Means you’ll be nice and open for me.”

I groaned. “I thought you weren’t supposed to forget things like that.”

“Cheeky. If you wanted it out, you should have just asked.”

“I didn’t want it out.”

He was gently rocking the plug back and forth inside me, its own exquisite torture, before pulling it out and setting it aside. When I looked up, there were a few people standing in the doorway, watching.

Will grabbed the tube of KY from his bag, and I spread my legs, propping my feet up on the bed to give him better access.

“Dude,” someone whispered from the doorway. “Are they seriously gonna fuck?”

“Looks like it.”

For some reason I couldn’t name, this time it hurt. He’d been inside me more times than I could count, we made love all the time, and I was used to relaxing to make sure it was easy for him. I twisted in pain as he breached me, and I gripped his biceps with tense fingers, breathing hard next to his ear as he pushed forward slowly.

The moan that escaped from my throat was deep, guttural, the pain blending with the pleasure physical and sweetly psychological. He was


“It’s okay,” he said softly. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

He held me carefully as I tried to accept him. It was an inevitability rather than a fight, and a few moments later the edge of pain wore away into something much more satisfying.

“Okay now?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I grunted as he thrust against my prostate. “Good.”

He pulled out nearly all the way and poured more lube on his cock, slickening the way for when he thrust into me again.

It was rough. And hot. The room smelled like leather and sweat and man, and I liked it. The fact that I’d come once already that evening didn’t seem to matter—my cock was hard and sticky as Will pounded away, and I moaned and whimpered around him.

The little group of people had spilled inside the room to make space for the others who wanted to watch. I didn’t mind. Will moved my arms so he could pin my wrists above my head, and I hooked my ankles more securely over the curve of his ass.

“Shit, Jesse,” he groaned, then bit down on my shoulder, sucking a bruise into my skin.

I’d be wearing those marks for days.

Determined not to be the passive partner, not this time, not while we were doing this, I kissed him hard and bucked my hips up into his thrusts.

His fingers tightened around my wrists, and I imagined bruises blooming there too.

Will’s lips moved roughly over my own, then he nibbled on my bottom lip, pulling it away and forcing my head up to meet his kisses. I’d kept my eyes open ever since the pain eased away, and I could tell, from years of watching him, he was close.

I glanced to the side where one of the other Doms had his sub on his knees, sucking his cock while they watched us. I locked on to the Dom’s gaze until Will bit my throat, drawing my attention back to him.

“Jess,” he groaned, and his fingers flexed and loosened around my wrists as he came inside me. I wriggled one of my hands free and tugged on my own cock hard, too turned-on to let this one go without coming too. Will was still inside me when my eyes rolled back and I blissed out once again.

Chapter 9


but carried me back to the locker room and held on to me as the steaming-hot shower poured over us both. I ached
. In the best possible way.

“How are you feeling, baby?” he asked when I was finally clean of lube and come.

I stretched my neck from side to side while I roughly dried my hair. “Good.”

“Wanna go back out there? I don’t mind taking you home to bed if you want.”

“Nah. I’m buzzing right now.”

He grinned and pressed his lips to mine in a quick, hard kiss.

I dressed in jeans and a loose T-shirt, unable to get the leather pants back on even if I’d wanted to. Will wore black jeans and a button-down shirt, making him look a bit more authoritative than I did. We held hands as we walked back to the bar.

“I’ll get drinks,” I said. “You go sit down.”

“Okay. Good boy.”

There were a lot of people in line—more than I’d anticipated—so it made sense for Will to sit down out of the way and let me do something for him. My submissive mindset was lingering.

While I waited for the person who was serving to be free, I tuned in to the conversations around me. It was always interesting to hear what other people thought of the sessions that had been going on through the evening. After collecting two bottles of water, I walked over to Will and silently passed him his. I sat on the floor at his feet, my ass thrumming nicely, and laid my head on his knee. I was only just paying attention to the conversation he was having with another Dom. After a few moments, he started to stroke my hair absentmindedly.

BOOK: To Say I Love You
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