Read To Right a Wrong Online

Authors: Abby Wood

Tags: #werewolf, #Werewolves, #werewolf romance, #Paranormal Shape-shifter

To Right a Wrong (5 page)

BOOK: To Right a Wrong
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She should have had Jordan the night her mother was slain instead of believing her mother was strong enough to take over for one night. If she would have stayed with her mom, and if she’d had her wolf, maybe she could have fought long enough for someone to notice or hear her screams.
Woulda, shoulda, coulda…be damned.

Jordan was somewhere without a person who loved him the way she did. Was he hungry?

Had he learned to walk? Say his first word? Did someone hug him, kiss him, and make his world secure so he had no worries? She picked up her pace. It was past time to get back what was wrongfully taken from her.

She continued to run in her hurry to get back and start on their plan. Without missing a step, she shifted into her human form by the time she reached the edge of the woods where she had piled her clothes. “

“Yes, little one.”

“I want to go now.”
She zipped her jeans, checked to find her knife in its sheath, then leaned over to tie her shoelaces.

“I’m already ahead of you. I’ve got everything
we need packed in your car.”

She smiled.
“I love you. No matter what

“Come to me, Dani.”

* * *

Ethan gazed around the small cabin, positive he’d stripped the inside clean. No proof of his stay remained. He’d called this area home for the last six years, and yet, he didn’t feel as if he was losing a part of his past, but forging into the future. Drover had always been home to him even when he’d turned his back on everything he loved. His heart remained in the territory he’d once claimed.

He had fallen comfortably into his job as a county forest ranger. He’d hid from his troubles, finding sanctuary within the cabin and the surrounding woods. It had been a good life, satisfying to an extent. Only when Dani had showed up had he realized how lonely he’d been and how wrong he was about staying away.

The pack needed him, and he’d do his best to make things right even if he died trying. Too many years had gone by. From what Dani told him, the safety and close-knit community from his childhood was long gone. The pack was in more danger than ever.


He dropped the backpack and hurried to the door.
“Dani, what’s wrong?”

The door swung open, bouncing off the hard wooden wall. Dani stood in the doorway, a giant smile lighting her face. “You’ll never believe what I remembered coming back to the house.” He let his head fall back, stared up at the ceiling, and willed his heart to slow down. “Don’t ever yell like that. I thought you were in danger.” He straightened, inhaled, and grabbed her shoulders, tugging her close. “I can’t survive if something were to happen to you.”

“I’m sorry.” She pulled on his arm. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but I remembered something I overheard my father tell Butch Danielson. Do you remember him…he’s married to the human who runs the convenience store at Third and Alder?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I know him.”

“Dad and Butch were talking outside the house…I must have been around seventeen, eighteen years old.” She shook her head. “I’m not positive, but it was years ago—”

“And?” He clasped her upper arms to keep her from pacing. “What did you hear?”

“Dad said that the only way to bring Greggoire down was to get rid of Loren.” She scoffed. “I didn’t listen to anymore of their talk.

At the time, I didn’t concern myself with the way the pack was run, but I knew my dad was always unhappy with Greggoire and his family.

Do you know who Loren is? Is he important?” Ethan let Dani go, rubbed his jaw, and frowned. “That doesn’t make sense. Are you sure you were that old?”

Her brows drew together in thought. He waited, also remembering. But what she recalled wasn’t possible. There was no way she’d heard right, unless… He counted the years back.
No, it
doesn’t add up. It was before Dani was born.

“I was eighteen.” She nodded. “I’m positive.” His blood roared in his ears. He shook his head.
“Impossible, little one.”

“It’s true. Why would I make something like that up?” She ran her hand along his arm.

He jerked. “Tell me what you were doing that day you overheard your father and Butch Danielson.”

“O-kay.” She felt his forehead. “You don’t look so well. What are you thinking? Do you think I remembered something important?”

“Please, Dani. Tell me what you were doing before you overheard.” He clasped her shoulder.

“Don’t leave anything out.”

“I-I had just arrived home from work. I worked at the bowling alley that summer after I graduated high school.” She swallowed. “Mom was somewhere else…I don’t remember. She was probably over at Butch’s house down the street.

Mrs. Danielson was her closest friend and lives down the street from our house. They’d visit each other almost every afternoon.” His hand tightened.
My God, if this is true…

“Go on.”

“I grabbed an apple to eat out of the kitchen, and went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. The window above where I was sitting was open, because it was a really warm day. Butch’s voice rose, and my dad told him to quiet. That’s what drew my attention. I was curious to find out what was so secret that my dad would tell his friend to hush. The next thing he said was they’d need to get rid of Loren if they were going to succeed at bringing Greggoire down.” Dani wrinkled her nose. “My dad was easy going, he never got angry, but I could hear the frustration in his voice and it confused me.”

“Okay…okay.” Ethan let Dani go, turned, and headed out the door.

“What is it? Do you know who Loren is?”
She followed him outside and sat on the step.

“Let me figure this out, little one.”
He paced back and forth. Why would Dani’s father mention Loren? Loren was dead. He’d died many years ago… She must have the names mixed up.

“You’re making me nervous.” She wrapped her arms around her legs and set her chin on her knee. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No.” He stopped and shoved his hands deep in his pockets. “I just can’t figure out why the name Loren would even come up in your dad’s conversation.”

“Who is he? Is he someone you remember?

There’s no one in Drover with that name that I know of, unless it’s someone who comes from the pack down in Shiloh. Heck, it might not even be a werewolf, but some guy who my dad knew.”

“I know who it is. Loren is…was…Greggoire’s twin brother.” He paused. “His deceased brother.”

Chapter Six

The car sat idle outside of Drover with Dani in the driver’s seat. Ethan paced between the vehicle and the road that would lead them into the small rural town. She drummed her fingers against the steering wheel.

Before she’d left to find Ethan, her plans to get her brother back had been only a dream.

This time, she and Ethan would wage war against the alpha. That was unheard of within the werewolves. Challenges for the lead position were done in an organized manner. What they planned was premeditated murder.

The passenger door opened and Ethan slid into the seat. “It’s time.” He reached into the backseat and removed two pistols from where Dani had hidden them under some blankets.

“From here on out, you’ll wear a pistol in the back waistband of your pants. Make sure you leave your shirt untucked. I’d rather no one know that you are armed. Do you have the knife in your boot?”

Leaning over, she lifted the hem of her jeans.

The wooden handle lay visible against her skin, the silver-coated blade nestled between two pairs of socks to keep it off her skin. “I thought the plan was to lay low.”

“It is.” He peered out the car window. “My arrival is going to cause Greggoire to see blood.

You have to be prepared for him. No telling what he’ll do to save his position in the pack. It’s going to piss him off that you came back with my scent all over you.”

She shuddered. “Ew. I think that’s one thing that won’t faze him. He’s never sniffed around me. In fact, none of the men have ever sought my attention. Maybe I’m unappealing.” He snorted. “You are the most beautiful woman…she-wolf, I have ever known.” She leaned over and kissed him. “You’re sweet, but it doesn’t count. You’re my life mate.

You didn’t stand a chance of getting away from me. The other guys… She rolled her eyes and shrugged off her concern. “I didn’t get a second look.”

“That had more to do with your dad, little one.” He slid his seatbelt on and motioned for her to go. “He was a respected elder. It is my job to protect you now that your father is gone.”

“My dad would have been a great leader, if…” She sighed and pulled out onto the main road.

“Do I drive right to my house?”

“Yeah.” He reached back and grabbed another pistol. Pulling out a handful of silver bullets, he packed the weapon before loading another gun. “Tonight, we’ll prepare. In the morning, the fun will start.”

Less than fifteen minutes later, Ethan rushed Dani into the house and shut the door behind them. She tossed her bag over in the corner of the living room and plopped down on the couch. “Home, sweet home. Come here. I’ve missed having you hold me.” She patted the cushion.

He stood with his back against the door, the large duffle bag full of weapons hanging off his shoulder. He compressed his lips together, and his eyes shifted to the yellow shade of his wolf.

He stared at the room as if any moment someone would jump out and want to fight.


“It reeks.”

“I was gone for over a week.”
She pushed herself off the sofa and stepped toward the window.
“I’ll open some windows. It’ll be aired
out in—”

Ethan moved across the room, sniffed, and headed down the hallway.
“Stay in
the living room.”

“What’s wrong?”
Dani rubbed her bare arm.

Moments later, he came back into the room frowning. “I can smell Greggoire all over the house. He's marked your home, you, as belonging to him.”

A shiver traveled up her back. “He’s never set foot in here. Not when my father was alive and definitely not afterwards either. Are you saying he came in here when I was gone? I can't smell anything different.” She turned to open the hutch near the kitchen and removed her grandmother’s porcelain cookie jar. Reaching inside, she sagged in relief. “Oh, thank you, God.

The savings bonds from my parents are still here.”

“He wasn’t after your money.” Ethan took the container and put it back on the shelf. He gathered her hand in his, led her to the couch and sat beside her. He pulled her close. “You’re not safe here, little one. I want you away from Drover. Let me take care of Greggoire, get your brother back, and win my place back within the pack. You mean too much to me to put you in danger.”

“You want me to go away?” Heaviness settled around her heart. They’d fallen in love, mated, became closer than any human ever could…and he wanted to send her away? She stared at her hands clasped together in her lap. “Just leave it all up to you? I would never give up finding Jordan. I don’t plan on giving up even with your help. No.”


“Don’t Dani me, Ethan Tolene.” She turned and seized the front of his shirt. “Do you know how hard I worked at keeping myself hidden in this house while my body craved to mate? It drove me insane, but there were two reasons why I succeeded. One…If I could save myself for you, I knew it would be the answer to finding my brother. Two…Somehow, I knew you were my mate without even meeting you. I love you, but I won’t give up bringing my brother home where he belongs. I owe my parents, I owe Jordan and without him, I’d never be content.”

“I can bring him back to you.”

“I can’t let you do it alone. Most days it feels as if someone is pulling my heart out of my chest. I miss the way his warm head used to lay against my chest when I rocked him to sleep.

Sometimes, I swear I can smell the sweet, moist scent of him and I panic. He’s out there, Ethan, and he’s all alone. He needs me as much as a child needs his mother. I…need…him. Don’t ask me to give up this fight.”

Ethan ran both hands through his hair. “I didn’t stand a chance, did I?”

“No.” She kissed his lips. “How about we slip outside and go for a run? You need to relax a little before all hell breaks loose tomorrow.”

“Too dangerous.” He pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled her neck. “I have something else that’ll help.”

She smiled. He caressed the base of her throat with his tongue. She squirmed against him. Her lower stomach quivered, and juice rushed to the surface of her pussy. “Mmm. I think I really like your other idea. We’ve worked too hard the last few days. I need you.”

“I don’t even know where your bed is, little one.” He cupped her sex. His gaze softened.

“You’re all warm.”

“Bed. Down the hall. Right door.” Tugging his hair, she pulled his mouth off her throat.

“Please. I need…” She whined and clung to his shoulders.

Ethan marched down the hall with Dani in his arms. Kicking the door open, he set her on her feet and took off his shirt. She turned on the lamp beside the bed, squinting as the light filled the room. Having her wolf’s vision made her forget such ordinary things, like that she could see in the dark as well as the daylight.

“Let’s keep the light off, little one. The fewer who learn that you’ve returned to Drover with a mate, the better it’ll be.” Ethan stepped out of his jeans. He stripped out of his clothes and stood in front of her in all his splendor.

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

She lowered her gaze to his chest, following the narrow path of hair down to his flat stomach to his cock. She reached out. “Can I taste you? Like you did to me the other night. Please.” She dropped to her knees.

A simple nod answered her question. She wet her lips. Leaning forward, she gently licked the slit at the end of his engorged cock. His hips twitched, and he growled. Encouraged, she sucked more length into her mouth.

Ethan’s hardness covered in smooth, baby-soft skin glided in and out over her moist lips.

She swallowed, tightening her hold, and he sank his hands into her hair. She marveled at how big, tough, and strong he was; yet, the very part of him that brought her so much pleasure was a mix of power and gentleness.

BOOK: To Right a Wrong
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