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Authors: Zelda Popkin

Time Off for Murder (31 page)

BOOK: Time Off for Murder
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  She smiled at him: "I had delusions of grandeur, I guess."
  Behind her, Chris Whittaker's voice said: "That's my line. I said it first."
  The detectives turned together. "Oh Chris, but I never believed it when you said it."
  Chris Whittaker bent over her chair, put an arm around her shoulder, kissed her. "Have to break every bone in your body to convince you. I never saw such a woman. 'Sfunny, Reese, she's stubborn as all hell, and conceited and sassy and sometimes just plain dumb, but good gawsh, how I love her."
  "Me too," said Johnny Reese.
  "Oh yeh? I got here first, youngster. You scram. I'm visiting my girl."
  Johnny Reese stood up. He grinned broadly. He extended his hand to Mary. "Well, so long, sister," he said. "It was nice knowing you. Any time you have a fight with the store dick, call me up. I'll take you to the movies."


BOOK: Time Off for Murder
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