Read TICEES Online

Authors: Shae Mills

TICEES (48 page)

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She took in a deep calming breath and let her hands travel back up to his shoulders. Clearing her senses, she was once again struck by his size, the breadth and power of his shoulders awe-inspiring. She marveled at how far her hands had to roam just to completely cover one shoulder. Almost absently, her hands trailed down his arm once more, and she watched as her fingers encircled his bicep, realizing with amazement that she would need another set of hands if she wanted to encompass them completely. He was huge.

Then she stopped momentarily and shuffled even closer to him. She reached for his face and began her slow manipulations of his temples, her fingers brushing over his head and face tenderly.

Ticees transcended to another time and place, one that included her. Her soft breath warming his skin, her sweet scent permeating his senses, and her sensual touch on his body causing him to quiver from within. When she stopped, he opened his eyes, and she smiled down at him sweetly.

She folded her hands in her lap and whispered. “I thought you had dozed off.”

He did not know if he dared, but before he could help himself, he raised up, kissing her tentatively. But she flinched and looked down, her skin reddening. “I’m sorry, my Lord.”

His fingers traced along her jaw. “Lie with me.”

Chelan looked at him with remorse in her eyes. “Please don’t ruin this.”

Her soft request cut him to the bone, but he would not be so easily dissuaded. Her innocent manipulations of his flesh left him on the edge of madness, and he wanted her now, Breeders or not. The evening would simply assure her insemination. He reached for her soft cheek, her eyes closing to his touch. “Please, my Lady. You know our ways. Let me pleasure you.”

Chelan knew that she had ultimate control, and that he was correct. There was nothing wrong with her lying with him, but she did not wish to, not even now after their wonderful afternoon.

He sat up straighter and reached for her chin, gazing into her deep brown eyes. “I would like you to stay with me. We will go slow, and you can stop at any time.”

Chelan stared at him, something in his voice causing ice crystals to form in her veins. Did she actually have the power? After all, he ruled the galaxy and all those in it. And suddenly it became ruthlessly clear:
, he did indeed have it ... all of it. There was no one above him for accountability, absolutely no one.

The all-too-familiar, deep foreboding settled in the pit of her stomach, but this time it urged her to appease him for reasons she couldn’t hope to understand. The only power she truly had was that which he granted to her.

His fingers smoothed over her satin cheek. “Just lie with me, Chelan. I want to feel you next to me. And after a time, if you are not comfortable, you may leave.”

Chelan was torn, almost rendered numb by dread. Her female intuition told her to run, her logical thoughts telling her that turning him down would only bring her grief … and worse, devastation to those she loved.

She turned troubled eyes to him. She studied his handsome features, his broad chest, his coiled abdomen, his massive shoulders, and all the male beauty before her as if to convince herself that she should acquiesce. He was magnificent. But something was just not right. She rose and tried to leave the bed, but his hand shot out, capturing hers. He pulled her back down, his urging gentle, but firm enough that she knew it was unwise to resist. She sat again, her body rigid.

Ticees smiled as he lay back against the pillows, his grip on her trembling hand intensifying. Chelan looked down at the contact, his thumb gently caressing her. Somehow she knew she was not going anywhere, her wishes secondary to his. Then she looked into his face, hoping against all odds that she could bargain. “I will only lie with you, Sire,” she offered with trepidation. “Nothing more.”

He instantly drew her down to him and tucked her in against his chest, his arms encircling her. “You make me very happy, Chelan. You know that, don’t you?”

Chelan bit her lip. She felt as though she were a piece of straw between the jaws of a vice. “Yes, my Lord. I know.”

He kissed the top of her head, his lips lingering. “You know that I would do anything for you.”

Chelan listened to his heartbeat, his hand slowly and tenderly stroking her back and shoulder. “Yes, my Lord.”

He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, savoring her. Then he placed her palm on his chest, his hand over hers and pressed it to him. He held her a long time.

Chelan looked at his hand, its size completely concealing her own, and she involuntarily flinched. He gave her a little squeeze in response, but was then still.

Finally he spoke. “I’ve been thinking about your planet, Chelan.”

Her eyes widened. She looked up at him with surprise, his choice of topic instantly catapulting her out of her fears of him and into her past.

He smiled. “At first I was thinking of sending a small crew out that way to supplement my garden with a few of your Earthly delights of the flowering variety, but then I had another thought.”

Chelan pushed herself away from his chest and peered down at him, her concerns held momentarily in check.

His hand caressed the side of her face. “I still want some flowers for my collection, but if I’m going to send someone there, why not pick a few things up for you?”

Chelan’s eyes searched his. “You would do that?”

“I told you I would do anything for you, my Lady. What is it that you would desire most that I could procure for you?”

Chelan looked back to his chest. “I … I don’t know, my Lord. I mean, I never thought …” She looked up at him. “I would have to think. What could you bring back?”

He shrugged and then took her hand in his again, raising her fingers to his lips. He began tasting them one at a time as he spoke slowly, seductively, his voice deep. “Anything you desire.”

Chelan wavered as she watched him savor her fingers. But her thoughts were back home. “Anything?” she whispered.

Ticees smiled. “Anything.”

Chelan looked about her as her mind worked to process what had been granted to her. But she was too excited to think straight.

Ticees reached for her hair, stroking it lovingly. “How about your family?”

Chelan ceased all motion, shock spreading over her features. At the same time her heart skipped several beats. “Oh my god, that would be wonderful!” Chelan could feel the sting behind her eyes, and her breathing started coming in muted sobs. Imagine that, to be reunited with her family.

But just as quickly as her imagination took flight, her heart stumbled. There was no way she could rip them from their lives as she had been ripped from hers. That was beyond cruel. And it was beyond selfish.

Before she could react, his hand slipped behind her head and he drew her to him, kissing her deeply. She tensed and attempted to withdraw, but he held her firmly to him, giving her no choice.

Then he released her lips. “Tell me what you wish for and it will be granted,” he said, his words husky with desire.

Chelan’s thoughts were mired in confusion and dismay. She wanted to wipe his kiss from her mouth, but first she needed to concentrate on his question. “I…” She hesitated, trying to focus on anything other than her mounting dread. “I couldn’t do that to my family,” she finally uttered. “Maybe if you could bring them word, tell them somehow that I am well.”

“Granted. But what may I get for you, something special, something unique to your world, something you have always wanted.”

All Chelan really wanted was to leave. “I … I would require some time to think about this, my Lord.”

Ticees chuckled. “Of course. After all, Earth is not exactly just around the corner.”

She smiled nervously. “No, it isn’t, is it?” She tried once again to rise from him, but he held her fast, halting any thought she may have entertained about escaping. She looked back to his chest, hoping to distract him with conversation. “On Earth, we keep animals as pets. That is never done here. Maybe … I mean, if it’s allowed …”

Ticees wiped a strand of hair away from her pretty face. “Whatever pleases you, my Lady. Any of your world’s comforts, any of your world’s treasures.”

Chelan bit her lip. “I don’t want treasures, my Lord.”

“What about this thing you call a pet? I could acquire several of whatever species you desire. You could breed them.”

Chelan shook her head. “That’s a grueling trip for all involved. Please don’t send anyone on my account.”

Ticees shook his head at her. “It will be fine. A long trip, yes, but hardly grueling. I have sent people out many times before. And I will use civilian personnel, not military. There are many people within my service who would jump at such an intriguing venture.”

“Honestly, my Lord, there is nothing I require.”

Ticees sighed. “I’m sending the men regardless. You might as well come up with something. Why waste the opportunity? And in the end, the trip will be worth it just to put your family’s fears to rest.”

Chelan nodded. “That is all that I require, my Lord. That would be the most precious gift you could give to me.”

Ticees started into her eyes. “You are pleased by such small gifts, my Lady.”

Chelan pinked. “Thank you, Sire. This means the world to me.”

Ticees’ expression turned serious. “I think I deserve at least another a little kiss for this.”

Chelan froze. Her insides turned.
surged through her brain. She needed to grasp onto what few tendrils of it she felt she still had. Placate him and then leave. Her chest hurt with breaths held. “I should leave, Sire.”

“One more,” he rumbled.

Chelan hesitated and then leaned forward, her eyes closed, every fiber of her being telling her she was but a fly trapped in his web. Her lips touched his tentatively, her body coiled for flight.

Ticees’ response was tempered, but only for a moment. He moaned as his hand flowed over her slim waist while his tongue searched every hidden corner of her soft mouth. Suddenly, he flipped her to her back, his hand tracing over her thigh and up to her hip. She was his.

Chelan was instantly paralyzed by fright, her ability to leave the bed thwarted by his sudden move. Now she was on her back, her options diminishing by the second.

Ticees smiled to himself. Though he could feel her tremble, she was not resisting. Finally he released her sweet lips and looked down at the beauty below him. He could see the fear in her eyes, but he knew it would be short-lived. He smiled, his hand tracing up and down her long, slender leg.

Chelan swallowed hard and her voice cracked. “One kiss … you said one kiss, my Lord.”

His hand slipped up her side, and he drew her arms over her head, his body leaping into flames. He held her wrists with one hand as his other slid down her arm and to her breast, her fullness filling his hand, and instantly driving him beyond reason. He hardened and rose onto her, pressing himself to her.

Chelan moved her head away from him, attempting to catch her breath. “I’m sorry, my Lord. Please …”

“Chelan,” he called as he nuzzled her neck. “Please let me make love to you, pretty lady.”

Dar’s term of endearment for her uttered by Ticees cut her to her soul. She tried to loosen his grip on her arms, but his grasp bound her as sure as chains. “My Lord, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to go this far. Please, I’m sorry.”

“Chelan. Hey. Take it easy,” he soothed as his hand went to her soft cheek. “Please, Chelan, I won’t hurt you. I promise you. If you just relax and give me a chance, you will enjoy our bonding, I promise. You know what I can do for you, my Lady. I assure you, I am every bit as accomplished as your men.”

Chelan’s chest heaved as she tried to get her wind, but he was crushing her, and finally she lay very still.

Ticees stared at her pretty face, her full breasts pressed into his chest. His one hand kept her arms pinned above her head while he moved his other to her leg. He shifted his weight off her slightly as his hand slid up her silky body, lifting her white gown over her hips.

Chelan looked up at him, his eye’s fire fueled by lust, the thought of his Earthly offer plaguing her with guilt. She had fallen into his trap, a mistake she would have never made on Earth. But here … she had hoped …

He continued to stare at her as she felt his fingers leave her and move to himself as he released his throbbing penis from his uniform. She felt its lustful weight fall upon her, eagerly awaiting its reward. She was well aware that struggling would only assure her lot. He was just as much a predator as her men, and control was measured in such tiny increments that she knew she had only to press him one tiny bit too far and her fate would be sealed. She closed her eyes against the tears that were forming, and she convulsed. “Oh, please, no,” she whimpered.

But Ticees was so close to his goal he couldn’t help himself, and he reached between her legs, running his fingers into her softness.

Chelan gasped and cried out. “Ticees! Please, oh god, I beg of you. Please stop.”

Ticees froze, her use of his given name and her desperate plea finally hitting him as though he had been slapped. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, her face red, her eyes swollen, her agony and terror plainly written on her soft features. Immediately he withdrew.

Chelan tried to be calm as he moved off her, her body aching from his pressure. But she felt deathly sick. She rolled to her side, her chest heaving painfully for oxygen. She curled up into a ball, hugging her knees tightly. She felt guilty for turning him down, ashamed for falling for his ruse, and terrible for letting everything get this far. This was a mess, a completely avoidable mess, and in her mind, it was all her fault right from the beginning.

Ticees sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hands through his hair. His body burned, his thoughts dispersed, and his stomach knotted. Then he straightened and roared with pent-up frustration, his fists clenched.

Chelan scrambled to the far side of the bed, his outpouring of anger scaring her to death. “I’m sorry!” she cried as she hugged herself tightly.

Ticees’ head snapped around at her, his eyes ablaze. “What is wrong with you?” he shouted.

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