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Authors: Kim Vogel Sawyer

Through the Deep Waters (52 page)

BOOK: Through the Deep Waters
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4. Dinah places great emphasis on becoming one of Mr. Harvey’s servers. Why is this so important to her? Have you ever set a goal that proved to be out of reach? How did you handle the failure? Was Dinah’s failure to become a server a loss or was it a victory? Why do you view it that way?

5. Ruthie wants to help her family financially and to honor her minister father by living according to God’s Word. At the same time, she dreams of having her own family. How do her wants complement one another? How do they collide? How do Ruthie’s desires change when she realizes she has put more focus on earthly relationships than on the one with her heavenly Father?

6. Dinah’s treatment at the hands of the gentleman who used her for his pleasure leaves a mark that haunts her dreams and hinders her from formulating relationships. She holds the secret inside, fearing people’s reaction if they discover the “dirtiness” of her soul. When did the secret lose its power? What brought about her healing from the past? What did Ruthie mean when she told Dinah she shouldn’t feel guilty over what the gentleman had done? Do we sometimes carry responsibility for someone else’s actions? How can we release a shame that isn’t ours to bear?

7. Amos put great stock in building a successful chicken farm. Was he right to put so much focus on increasing his flock and making more money? Why or why not? How can we be certain the goals we set for ourselves are God-honoring rather than self-honoring?

Can one woman’s fight for the poor and destitute lead to the love she has never known?

What Once Was Lost
, Kim Vogel Sawyer captivates readers with a hopeful romance set in a rural Kansas community in the late 1800s where a Mennonite woman and a bitter mill owner find that debilitating loneliness melts away through ministering to the needs of those around them.

Check out the e-exclusive prequel,
The Grace That Leads Us Home

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Sometimes a secret must be kept for the truth to be revealed.

Echoes of Mercy
follows investigator Caroline Lang into a Kansas chocolate factory where her resolve to end child labor involves keeping her true identity hidden. When she meets Oliver, who has also assumed an alias, her feelings for him challenge her to keep her secret and complete her calling.

Check out the e-exclusive prequel,
Just As I Am

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BOOK: Through the Deep Waters
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