Read Three to Tango Online

Authors: Emma;Lauren Dane;Megan Hart;Bethany Kane Holly

Three to Tango (9 page)

BOOK: Three to Tango
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Kerry only laughed and spun, moving her feet in some complicated pattern he couldn’t keep up with. Her skirt belled around her thighs, and when she turned back to him, she reached for his hand. “You’re not.”

Brian laughed, too. “I know. I suck.”

She lifted a brow at that but said nothing. She moved closer to him. She smiled.

And they danced.

At least until the DJ broke in to tell everyone it was time to take their seats for dinner. Kerry winked at him. In an inspired bit of choreography, Brian spun her out at the end of his arm, then back in, right up against him.

“I guess we need to sit down.” Brian licked his mouth and tasted sweat. The hollow of her throat gleamed with it, and he had a sudden vision of himself leaning down to lick it. That didn’t help the pressure in his pants at all.

“Tell you what,” Kerry said with another smile. “I have a better idea.”


aybe it
the dress.

Maybe it was just the night. The music, the booze. Nostalgia. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Brian had followed Kerry upstairs to the room she’d rented for just one night.

Kerry twirled just inside the door, so her dress flared around her thighs. She’d passed up sexy stockings and garters for the freedom of bare flesh, though despite Jeremy’s wicked suggestion, she hadn’t gone without panties. Her dress fell against her legs as she held out her hand to Brian, who’d hesitated just inside the doorway.

“Com’ere,” Kerry said.

He took a few steps forward to take her hand. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

She linked her fingers with his, tipping her face toward him. God, he was so freaking tall. Even in her heels she barely reached his chin. “You think so, huh?”

Brian eased her closer. “Yeah.”

He smelled good. Something faintly soapy and fresh, not like cologne. The thought of him in the shower, washing, those big hands moving over his chest and under his armpits, between his legs … Kerry shivered a little. She put her hand on his shoulder, the other still caught tight in his.

“You wanna dance again?” Brian asked in a low voice.

“No.” She pushed up on her toes to offer her mouth to him, though she didn’t kiss him. Not yet. Strong, tall, broad male pressed all along the front of her, and she balanced herself against him. She looked him straight in the eye. No point in being coy. “Do you remember the night of Jackson’s party?”

He drew in a breath and his fingers tightened in hers. “Yeah. Well … most of it, anyway.”

“You were pretty drunk.”

He winced. “I know. I remember that.”

“Do you remember kissing me?”

“Yeah.” He grinned, suddenly not seeming so shy.

Brilliant. He’d always had a great smile. It was even better now that his face had some time on it.

“Do you know how long I’d wanted to kiss you before that?” Kerry asked, answering before he could reply. “A long time, Brian. A really long time. I wanted you so much, Brian. It was like … burning.”

She thought he might laugh at that and wouldn’t have blamed him if he had. He didn’t even grin. Just blinked, that lovely, perfect mouth glistening as he ran his tongue along it.

“But you never said anything.”

“I was in high school,” Kerry said. “I was stupid and shy.”

“But you had that boyfriend …”

“Because you didn’t ask me out.” They were dancing now, though there was no music. Slowly circling, the hotel room’s smooth carpet snagging only slightly now and then on her heels. “And he did. So that night at the party, I was determined not to let the opportunity pass me up.”

“And I blew it.” Brian stopped moving. He shook his head and that gorgeous dark hair fell over his forehead. “I guess I passed out or something.”

“Or something like that, yeah. Do you know how many times I’ve wondered what it might’ve been like if you hadn’t?”

“A lot?” he said, sounding hopeful. “I did, anyway.”

“A lot,” she agreed in a low voice, thick with desire.

This time she did kiss him.

He kissed her, too, mouth already open, tongue stroking along hers. She pressed herself against him, feeling the heat of his crotch on her belly through the thin material of her dress. The thought he might already be hard sent a shiver of anticipation rippling through her, and her clit throbbed. When his hands slid down her back to cup her ass, Kerry sighed into his mouth and pulled away.

“You used to sit behind me in that stupid trig class. Every so often you’d stretch out your legs and bump my chair or the backs of my calves. All I could think about was the fact you were touching me. I almost failed that class, thanks to you,” she said.

Brian looked down at her. “I’m such a jerk. I never knew.”

Kerry laughed and kissed him again, softer this time. “I know. It wasn’t something I could exactly just blurt out, you know? ‘Hey, Brian, by the way, I totally make myself come every night thinking about you and also, I’d really like to lose my virginity to you.’ ”

She knew she could be surprisingly blunt, but she still didn’t expect Brian’s reaction to her lightly said words. He blinked rapidly, his hands tightening on her butt, and his jaw dropped. She thought he might be trying to speak, but could only stutter, instead.

“Too much information?” she asked with another laugh.

Heat flared in his gaze, and it was Brian’s turn to surprise her. He kissed her, hard, then bent his knees just enough to scoop an arm beneath her thighs and lift her. Kerry cried out, giggling into his kiss, and clung to him as he cradled her against his very broad chest. Four or so steps took them to the giant bed with its thick comforter and half a dozen pillows. When he laid her on it and crawled up over her, Kerry lost the breath for giggles.

“I used to jerk off in the shower every morning,” Brian murmured against her throat as he kissed her, “hoping it would be enough to get me through first period trig without popping a boner right there. Every morning, Kerry. It never worked. All you had to do was give me that sideways smile over your shoulder, like you knew just what I was thinking, and I’d nearly tear a hole in my jeans.”

“We were stupid,” Kerry said.

Brian pushed up on his hands, denting the mattress beneath her as he moved between her legs to press his thigh against her. He stripped her bare with his gaze, and Kerry arched beneath that look as though he’d actually taken off her clothes. Everything about this had become a little hazy, a little blurred. Like some kind of dream. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to slow down and savor every moment or simply take it for the roller-coaster ride it was. She wasn’t sure she
slow down.

“I’m still stupid,” Brian said. “Just warning you.”

A sense of humor on a dude was so fucking sexy she wanted to eat him up right then and there. “Com’ere.”

She pulled him by the tie down to kiss her again. Brian settled his weight carefully on her, one hand cradling the back of her head. He rolled them just enough to tangle her skirt around her thighs, but that was all right because in the next moment his hand was sliding up her bare flesh to cup her silk-covered ass. His belt buckle was cold on her suddenly exposed belly.

She already knew he was a good kisser, but now unlike that long-ago summer night when alcohol had both fueled and derailed them, Kerry could really appreciate Brian’s talent. That, or like everything else about him, he’d simply gotten better with time. He skimmed her mouth before turning the kiss deep. Never too much tongue, never sloppy.

Without taking her mouth from his, Kerry tugged on Brian’s tie to loosen it. Next came the buttons of his shirt, one by one, until she could run her hands over his chest. He had more muscles than she remembered. More chest hair, too. Brian Jordan had grown up … and deliciously. She skimmed her hands over his nipples, feeling the heat of his skin and the beat of his heart under her palms. At last she had to break the kiss long enough to look down and figure out how to wrestle him out of his suit jacket.

“I want you naked,” she murmured and looked up at the sound of Brian’s indrawn breath. “What?”

“Just … you’re so …”

She paused to lick her lips, studying him. “I’m so what?”

Brian shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes as he sat up a little. “This is all like something out of my teenage stroke fantasies. That’s all. Women don’t … I mean, I haven’t been with any who …”

A little alarmed, Kerry sat up, too. “Any who what?”

“Any who just go for what they want like this.” His hand slid over her hip, pushing her dress up higher. “It’s always such a dance. What do I do for a living, what kind of car do I drive, where am I taking them on a date … They have to fuck with the lights off so I don’t have to see the size of their thighs.”

“Sounds like you’ve been dating the wrong kinds of women,” Kerry said against his mouth as she kissed him again.

It was Brian’s turn to laugh, albeit sheepishly. “I guess so.”

She rolled him onto his back and straddled him, pinning his wrists next to his ears and giving him a grin. Under her, Brian’s cock felt thick and hard, shielded by the fabric of his pants. Kerry rubbed against him, watching every twitch of his expression. Brian licked his lips, pupils dilating. His hips bumped up a fraction of an inch when she slid back and forth, but he didn’t try to pull his wrists from her grip.

Kerry drew in a long, slow breath. “Tell the truth and shame the devil,” her grandma had always said. “Brian Jordan, I’ve wanted to fuck you since I was in tenth grade. I’m not going to miss a second chance at it. Okay?”

He nodded. “Okay.”

She leaned to kiss him, taking her time. Grinding her cunt down on his bulge. Already her heartbeat was picking up, her pussy hot and slick with wanting. The muscles of her belly jumped as he sucked gently on her tongue.

Kerry sat up and gathered her dress in her fists. She pulled it up over her hips and belly, then her breasts. Finally over her head, leaving her in nothing but her tiny silk panties. Her skin pebbled and her nipples peaked at once, though the room wasn’t cold. She put her hands on his chest, watching his face. Everything she’d ever wanted was right there in front of her. The only question was, where to start first?

She glanced between them, thinking of the nights she’d spent imagining Brian’s cock. How long? How thick? How would he feel on her tongue, how would he taste when he came in her mouth? In the beginning her fantasies had been formless and vague, but sexual experience had given her something more distinct to imagine. She licked her lips thinking about it, then slid over his thighs and undid the button and zip on his pants before he could even move.

With another grin, Kerry tugged his pants and briefs down over his nicely muscled thighs and calves, over his ankles and feet. Fuck, he had pretty toes. She tossed his pants on the floor and looked up at him, gauging his reaction. He looked a little stunned, but his prick didn’t seem to mind … and oh, it was as long and thick and beautiful as she’d always imagined it would be. Her heart stuttered as she shifted on the bed.

Something about how he was still half dressed, tie askew over his open shirt and jacket, made his other nakedness so much sexier. The way he’d propped himself on one elbow to watch her helped, too. He looked like a cover model, especially with the hair falling over his eye, and Kerry, determined to savor and memorize every single second of this night, leaned back to look him over.

“Perfect,” she murmured. Brian sat up to shrug out of his jacket, but she shook her head. “Leave it on. I like it. It looks like I’m seducing you so fast you can’t keep up.”

“You are seducing me so fast I can’t keep up,” Brian said, but his hands stilled in their efforts to remove the rest of his clothes.

She slid her hands up his calves, then his thighs, noticing every ripple of muscle, every crisp, curling hair. She felt the heat of his crotch before she touched him, and she made her caress gentle, feathery, drifting fingertips across the sweet, heavy sac of his balls to finally curl around the base of his cock. His heart beat there, keeping good time. He groaned, and she drew in another breath, quicker than the last.

She stroked him, up and down, palming the head of his cock even as she leaned to nuzzle against his belly. Her lips traced a pattern over his abs. She closed her eyes, drinking this in, for the first time feeling a little nervous.

In her fantasies he’d pulled her hair, shouted her name. In her fantasies she gave him the best blow job he’d ever had … but what if she couldn’t deliver? Sure, she had a lot more experience than she’d had back then, but so did he. What if she didn’t live up not just to his expectations … but her own?

Brian touched her hair. His fingers tangled. Not pulling, not that, but a soft tug that nevertheless shot electric fire through all her nerves. That was it. One small, tender tug.

She could do this.

Kerry opened her eyes. She drew her tongue along his belly. She took Brian’s cock into her mouth inch by delicious inch. Her hand came up to meet her mouth as it came down. She left his cock slick with her spit. When she pulled back, she sucked a little hard at the tip and found the tender divot beneath the head with her tongue. A scratch of teeth, just the tiniest bit, and her lips closed tight around him again.

When Brian touched her, one big hand slipping between her legs to settle his thumb on the front of her panties, Kerry didn’t even pause. She just opened her legs enough to give him full access. In the next minute, Brian’s fingers slid beneath the leg band of her panties and found her heat. He sank so easily into her with one finger he added another right away, even as his thumb kept up the steady pressure on her clit. It was nothing like her fantasies had ever been.

It was better.

Her cunt was molten from the attention he’d been paying her clit, and it wasn’t going to take much longer for her to come. Keeping a hand on his cock, Kerry moved up Brian’s body to kiss him. He slipped his hand from between her legs and surprised her by rolling them both so she was under him. Tables turned, Kerry lay back with a laugh and put her arms over her head, arching as Brian’s mouth moved from hers to her throat, over her breasts.

When he tongued one nipple and then the other, adding a gentle suck, she murmured his name. Brian paused, one hand on her belly, where it had once again been on its way down. When he bent back to her skin, wet from his mouth, he blew hot breath across it. His fingers slid beneath her panties, finding her clit as unerringly as he’d done before, but only for a second or two. Next he was up to slide her panties down, leaving her entirely bare before him.

She’d imagined this, too. Somehow even without the lit candles and flowing curtains, it was still pretty damn good. It got better when Brian kissed his way down her body and centered his mouth, finally, on her clit.

Kerry tensed at the touch of his tongue against her. Too much, too little … she was already so close to orgasm he didn’t have to do too much to send her over, and she really didn’t want it to end. Not so fast. Not before they’d spent hours naked and sweaty, living out every single dream either one of them had ever had.

BOOK: Three to Tango
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