This Tangled Thing Called Love: A Contemporary Romance Novel (34 page)

BOOK: This Tangled Thing Called Love: A Contemporary Romance Novel
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“Claire and Lindsay. We have a five-thirty appointment.” Lindsay informed the spa receptionist.

“Excellent. Please have a seat. The manicurist will be right with you.” The spa attendant motioned to plush couches in the waiting area.

Claire perched herself at the edge of a couch. A table water fountain making soothing burbling noises, along with the lavender aroma hovering the air, were clearly intended to help visitors relax, but relaxation was the last thing on her mind.

“So, what color are you going to get?” Lindsay fumbled through a fashion magazine.

“I was thinking of doing a French manicure maybe.”

“French? You’re going to a tango club, honey, not an accountant convention. How about burgundy?”

Indeed, burgundy had been Claire’s original pick, but now that her evening would not be going as planned, she saw no reason to waste a manicure, so she might as well pick a practical color and tell her friend the truth. Lindsay wa
s bound to find out eventually.

“Lindsay, I’m not going out with Alec tonight.”

“I knew it - I knew it! What happened? What did the poor guy do now that’s not to your likening?”

“Only happened to have a girlfriend he forgot to mention.”

“What?” Lindsay’s eyes grew twice their size. “Tell me everything.”

“I saw him with her last night when I was coming back from the store. She’s blond, about five foot five, got a perfect dancer’s body. He had his arm around her; they were laughing the whole time.”

“What did Alec say when he saw you?”

“He didn’t say anything: they didn’t see me. I was in the mailroom, hiding.”

“So how do you know she’s his girlfriend? She could be just his friend or dance partner.”

“Yeah, sure, a friend coming out of his apartment with his arms wrapped around her, and she also happens to be insanely good-looking.”

“Would you stop being so bitter? I’m telling you, you don’t have enough evidence to condemn the guy.”

“I saw her with him a few weeks back. They were in the elevator together. The way they acted around each other was so intimate, they had to be dating.”

“And Alec never mentioned her to you?”

I guess he thinks that it’s completely acceptable to date several women at the same time. Unless you’re going to tell me that he only wants to be friends with me too.”

Lindsay waved off Claire’s last remark. “Sarcasm is best served in small quantities. So, let’s get the facts straight: you saw him with this girl before, but did you ever see them kiss or display any PDA?”

“I just told you, he had his arm around her.”

“Yes, but was he merely casually hugging her shoulder, or did his hand reach past her waist, all the way to her ass?”

Claire closed her eyes, trying to recall the scene from yesterday, conjuring up the image that she would much rather forget for good.

“He had his arm around her shoulder.”

“Well, that’s harmless enough. They could be just friends.”

“But how do you explain the fact that she keeps hanging out in his apartment?”

“I told you – she’s probably his dance partner or student.”

“He didn’t say anything about having a dance partner. I don’t even know if he’s competing.”

“See – there are lots of things you don’t know about the guy. Just give him a chance. Have you cancelled on him already?”

“No.” Claire lowered her eyes. “I was going to bail out by hiding out at the office.”

“That’s it. You’re going, and that’s final. What’s the worst thing that could happen? Even if he does happen to be the evil womanizer you paint him out to be, you’ll have a night out instead of sitting cooped up in your apartment - correction, office.”

“But don’t you think it would be wrong? Think of that poor girl. I’m the other woman now, and I’ve just been on the receiving end of it with David.”

“It sounds to me like that ‘poor girl’ can take care of herself. Do you really think that if Alec planned to cheat on his girlfriend, he would do it with his neighbor?”

“You’ve got a point there.”

Just then a spa attendant entered the waiting room.

“So sorry
for the delay. Please follow me
. Have you decided on the color for your manicure?”

Claire already knew the answer. It was going to be burgundy,
hell or high water.


Claire surveyed her reflection in the foyer mirror of her apartment. She looked stunning, even if she did say so herself, and even if she were about to go out with a man who was completely unavailable. The red dress framed her hourglass figure, making her waist look extra slim and showing off her legs. Her hair had been blow-dried at the spa, and now it framed her face and neck in soft waves. Claire had wanted to put it up, but Lindsay had insisted that she leave it down, claiming that men liked women’s hair long and loose. Well, if tonight’s date were going to go nowhere, that would be through no fault of Claire’s. She could not remember the last time she had put so much effort into primping herself for a man.
Perhaps that was the reason why David looked elsewhere,
a treacherous thought crept into her mind.
top it,
Claire shook her head. Now was not the time to examine the motivations behind David Lawson’s infidelity. Tonight was going to be her night, even if she were stealing it from another woman. For one evening, Claire would permit herself not to care - or at least pretend not to.

At eight o’clock sharp, the doorbell rang. The shrill sound jarred through the air, sending Claire’s heartbeat into overtime. She took a deep breath
. H
ere goes nothing
, she thought and flung open the door.

“Hello, Claire.” Alec greeted her. He looked positively dapper in a tailored, navy pinstriped suit that showed off his broad shoulders and tight waist.

“Hi.” Claire blushed. Her heart was beating a million beats a minute. Was Alec going to kiss her? She would be a liar if she said that she did not want him to, but there was the matter of the other woman to consider.

“I’m so looking forward to our evening.” Alec handed her a tiger orchid. “This is for you.”

“It’s beautiful. Thank you. Please, come on in.” Claire rushed to get a vase for the flower.

“If I had known that you are such a flower lover, I would have gotten a larger arrangement,” Alec’s voice rang with chagrin.

“Oh, these are from work - people congratulating me on finishing my report to the Landmarks Preservation Commission.” There she was, barely five minutes into their date, lying already. Did she really have the right to blame Alec after that?

“Sounds like your colleagues are very appreciative of you.”

“They are,” Claire mumbled. She filled the vase with water and put the orchid into it. It was a gorgeous purple color. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Then let’s go.” Alec held out his hand, and just like a blushing heroine out of a Jane Austen’s novel, Claire followed her Mr. Darcy.

Chapter 34



When Claire walked inside
The Red Carnation
, she had to instantly agree with Lindsay – saloon was the perfect word to describe the lofty establishment. The lights were dimmed, with red plush upholstery chairs and numerous tables framing the polished, parquet dance floor that loomed in the middle of the room. Claire felt her throat constrict. There was no way she was setting her foot on that dance floor.

Alec smiled at her, as though reading her thoughts. “I’ve reserved a table for us for dinner. The dance performance starts at nine.”

“Great.” Claire hoped that relief was not too obvious on her face.

“Alec, how wonderful to see you here!” exclaimed the hostess, a lanky brunette in a lace sheath that fit her like a second skin. “I was beginning to think that you’ve forgotten us.”

“Hello, Katrina.” Alec nodded. “I hope you’ll forgive me. I haven’t been neglecting you. I was just really busy with work.”

“Of course, you’re forgiven!” The brunette smooched Alec on both cheeks. “And who is your gorgeous lady friend?”

“This is Claire.”

“We are neighbors,” Claire cut in to save Alec the awkwardness of characterizing their relationship.

“Pleasure to meet you.”

The hostess led them to their table. “Your waiter will be right with you.” The hostess cast a scarlet-lipped smile at Alec and made her way back to her station, her hips swaying.

“That was Katrina Dolores. She and her husband, Victor, were international tango champions for five years straight. Now they run this place.”

“She’s stunning,” said Claire, thinking that if this were the company Alec kept, she did not stand a chance, even if by some miraculous chance Alec did turn out to be single.

“You should have seen her on the dance floor. She’s electric. It’s a shame Katrina and Victor don’t compete anymore, but then I’m not one to talk. I’m thinking of hanging up my own dance shoes.”

“You’re not to going to abandon tango?”

“No.” Alec grinned. “That would be akin to torture, but I want to focus more on teaching instead of competing. In fact, that’s part of the reason I brought you here tonight. I’ve got something to celebrate.” Alec flashed a mysterious smile.

As if on cue, the waiter brought a bottle of champagne to their table.

“I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of ordering champagne,” Alec smiled.

“Not in the least. I love champagne. So what are we celebrating?”

“As of today, I am the proud owner of Dance Steps.” Alec held up his glass. “My own dance studio.”

“That’s wonderful. Congratulations!”

“Thank you. I’ve been working on it for a while, building up my reputation in the dance industry and, now, I think I’m finally ready. Well, you’re never one hundred percent ready,” Alec retracted. “But I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be.”

“I know you’ll be great at it,” Claire assured him.

“Great enough for you to let me teach you?”

Claire lowered her eyes. She had no comeback for a line like that.

“I’ve got some good news too. The date for the
exhibition has been set. Once I have the invites, you can have as many as you need, in case you’d like to invite your family,” Claire added and reddened immediately. There she was again, butting into Alec’s personal business when he had made it clear that his family was a sore conversation topic for him.

“Thank you, Claire.” To Claire’s relief, Alec’s voice was not strained. “I’m sure they’d love to come.”

“Alec!” A female voice snapped Claire to attention. A gorgeous blonde with cat-like green eyes was beaming at Alec as though he were the next best thing since sliced bread. She was wearing a stunning black dress
shutter-pleated chiffon skirt
that hugged every curve of her killer body; the lace top of the dress framed her breasts, leaving very little to the imagination. Her golden hair was done up in a razor-sharp French twist.

“Sabina!” Alec jerked his chair back.

Immediately, Claire regretted not putting her hair up. At least she would have looked more sophisticated instead of being outshined by Sabina’s perfectly coiffed hairdo.

“I just wanted to say hi before the show,” Sabina’s accent laced the innocuous phrase with mystique.

“Shouldn’t you be warming up?” Alec asked. “The show is about to start.”

Claire felt her heart literally sink. No doubt Alec wanted to “warm up” Sabina personally. What kind of sick pervert brought his girlfriend along to a date with another girl? She had always heard that it took two to tango, but apparently Alec thought that the number could he extended to three. Not that Claire had even the slightest interest in such a notion.

“Oh, hello, Claire. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Sabina glanced at Claire.

“You’re not interrupting anything.” Claire tried to sound as chirpy as possible. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I have to run – I’m up next. Wish me luck.”

“Break a leg.” Alec grinned.

“Good luck,” Claire murmured into Sabina’s lacy back.

“Sabina’s really good,” Alec said. “I think you’ll enjoy the show.”

Now this was getting to be too much. Claire had to have her answer once and for all, but she could not just ask Alec flat out what his relationship with Sabina was, could she? No, there had to be a subtler way.

“Sabina is my student. I’ve taught her for two years. She won two championships last year, and I think I deserve some credit for that.” Alec grinned.

Claire bit her lip to prevent her jaw from dropping. Had she been thinking out loud or was Alec reading minds? But then she knew that the real answer was much simpler. She simply had the worst poker face in the world.

“I just thought you might want to know.” Alec shrugged.

“So you’re not dating?”

“Me and Sabina?” Alec smirked. “She’s just a kid, and, if you must know, she’s married, although she’s barely twenty. In fact, her husband will be dancing with her tonight. He finally got his visa approved.”

BOOK: This Tangled Thing Called Love: A Contemporary Romance Novel
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