Thirty-Six and a Half Motives: Rose Gardner Mystery #9 (Rose Gardner Mystery Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Thirty-Six and a Half Motives: Rose Gardner Mystery #9 (Rose Gardner Mystery Series)
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That seemed drastic, too, but the Rivers family
have a reputation. And while the police chief seemed fair, a good portion of the officers were judgmental pricks. “Have you thought about . . . ending it?”

She looked up at me with big blue eyes. “You mean stop seeing him?”

“That too, but I was talking about, you know, the baby.”

“Oh.” Her eyes flicked down before rising again to meet mine. “No. Have you ever wanted someone to love you for you? A baby don’t know any better. They just love you. You’re their everything and they don’t leave.” She shook her head and took another bite of her cake. “No. I want this baby.”

“How old are you, Jenny Lynn?”


“Are you still in school?”

She nodded. “I’m a senior.”

“What about your hopes and dreams?” I asked. “Don’t you want to go to college?”

She released a bitter laugh. “I can’t afford no college. He says he could pay for it, but I’m too stupid to go.”

I gasped. “He? Your boyfriend? Jenny Lynn, don’t let
boy get away with telling you something like that.”

“He’s a man, not a boy,” she said defensively, lifting her chin. “And he’s a successful business man. So he knows what he’s talking about.”

I took a moment to glance over at Neely Kate. She was twenty-four with a birthday coming up, which made the timing right. She’d already pulled into a parking spot in front of our landscaping office. Her hands gripped the steering wheel, and her face was pale.

“Go on,” she said, her chin trembling. “Finish it.”

I took a breath and tried to quell my nausea as I continued reading, knowing this wouldn’t end well.

A successful business man
A shiver ran down my back, but I forced myself to ask, “Does he live around here?”

“No,” she said. “He lives in El Dorado, but he comes here every few weeks for business and I stay with him then. He has an apartment.” Tears filled her eyes. “He gave me money for birth control pills, but I used it for something else. He doesn’t want to use condoms. And now . . .”

“How far along are you?” I asked.

“Not far.” She shrugged, trying to look nonchalant, but I could see the fear in her eyes. “Maybe two months.”

“It’s not too late to—”

“No.” Her tone made it clear she wouldn’t tolerate discussing it. “I’m keeping my baby.”

“Okay,” I said quietly. “He’s gonna find out eventually. What’s your plan?”

“I know a guy. He’s in a band and he’s about to go on tour.” She looked up at me with a sad smile. “He has a thing for me. He asked me to go.”

“Do you like this guy?”

She sighed, looking indifferent. “They’re all the same. That’s why I like being with
.” A wicked grin lit up her eyes. “He ain’t no boy. He’s all man. And he’s powerful.”

“But he’ll kill you if he finds out about the baby?”


“So why not just leave this man? What’s his name?”

She shook her head. “It’s a secret. I’m not allowed to tell anyone. He likes his women young, and he says people just don’t understand.”

“But you stay with him when he comes to town? You skip school?” When she nodded, I asked, “What if you just stopped going to his apartment when he comes to town?”

Fear filled her eyes. “No one tells him no. He’d have one of Steyer’s men hunt me down. I’ll have to run far away if I want to stop seeing, J—” The horror in her voice as she cut herself off broke my heart. “I didn’t tell you his name.” Her eyes were wide with fear.

I tried to keep calm now that I was 99% certain I knew the father of her baby. “Jenny Lynn, you didn’t tell me anything, but I think I know who it is. I’m trying to get him arrested. Let me help you.”

“No!” She shook her head violently. “You’ll only make it worse.”

“You can’t just do nothing.”

She took a breath and her eyes hardened. “Dustin’s leaving at the end of the week. And I’m going with him. He’s heading out to Virginia. He’ll never think to look for me there.”

I considered trying to talk her out of it, but I knew it was wasted breath. Besides, if I was right about her baby’s father, running was probably for the best. “So what were you doin’ in the parking lot at the factory?”

Tears filled her eyes. “I wanted to see the place that changed my life. I never would have met him if it weren’t for that place.”

Then she got up and left. I heard at church the next Sunday that she’d run away with Dustin Hargrove. And her momma never even tried to hunt her down.

I swear I’ll do better by my baby girl.

But I can’t stop the wave of guilt swallowing me whole. Jenny Lynn Rivers is just one more casualty from the mess I created. And I’m clueless about how to fix it.

I stopped reading and looked over at Neely Kate. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Neely Kate, you don’t know that he’s your father.”

“I’m not sure we need much more proof,” she said. Then she wiped her face and opened the car door. “We don’t have time for this. Let’s go see my half-sister.”

Chapter 26

to catch up with Neely Kate, who seemed remarkably calm after hearing such earth-shattering news. Like she’d just stepped into her next role.

“Neely Kate, I think you goin’ in to meet Kate right now is a bad idea.”

She stopped in her tracks. “Why?”

I sighed in exasperation. “Because you just found out something life-altering. When I found out about Dora, I fell to pieces.”

“With all due respect, Rose,” she said in a tight voice, “I’m much stronger than you were then.”

I gasped.

Her eyes softened. “You have no idea what my life has been like. I’ve hardly told a soul any of it, especially the two years I left after high school, but I promise you that finding out that boll weevil is my father changes nothin’.”

I didn’t believe her for a second. “Do you think Kate knows?”

It was her turn to gasp. “Why would she know?”

“Think about it. Whenever we see her, she’s really taken with you.”

Neely Kate looked stunned.

“Plus, she insisted that you come to this meeting.” I studied her face. “Are you planning on saying something to her?”

She sucked in her bottom lip, suddenly looking more vulnerable. “I don’t know yet.”

I pulled her into a hug. “Just think about it for a spell, okay? Don’t rush into anything. Let this sit for a bit.”

She backed up and looked me in the eye, her mask of indifference back in place. “We have far bigger things to worry about than who provided half of my DNA.”

“Maybe or maybe not, but you’re entitled to your feelings.”

She ignored me, hustling across the street and leaving me to trail behind her.

“Neely Kate!”

“We’re late.” She didn’t slow down until she stepped into the restaurant.

Kate was already sitting at a table for four by the window, wearing her trademark sarcastic grin. Her dark hair had grown since she’d come to town, but she’d touched up the blue streaks. She was dressed in a long-sleeved black T-shirt, jeans, and boots. Her canvas jacket hung on the back of her chair. A plate with half a sandwich and some chips sat in front of her, along with a glass of water. “You two were having a heartfelt moment out there.”

“It’s called friendship,” Neely Kate spat out as she sat across from her. “You might want to try it sometime.”

Kate’s grin spread, and she made a scratching motion with her curled fingers. “Someone’s feeling bitchy today. I like it. It’s a good look on you.”

“Cut the shit, Kate,” my friend said with more venom than I’d ever heard in her voice. “Why are we here?”

She leaned back in her chair and slightly tilted her head, her smile gone. “We’re
because your friend said she has questions. So I’m letting her ask them.”

Neely Kate started to say something, but I grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed. I could only imagine what was going through her head right now. I should have made her stay in the office.

A waitress walked over with her order pad. “What can I get for you two girls?”

“Water for me,” I said, then glanced at Neely Kate before adding, “And a sweet tea for Neely Kate.”

When the waitress walked away, I turned my attention to Joe’s sister. “Why did you come to Henryetta?”

Kate laughed and sat up. “No beatin’ around the bush for you, Rosie. Just get right to it. Good for you.”

“Answer the question.”

She gave me a pouty look. “I missed my brother.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Am I supposed to care that you don’t?”

Crap. This was going to be a waste of time. I had to figure out why she was interested in me. I thought it was because of my past relationship with Joe, but what if she was trying to get to Neely Kate through me? What if her sudden appearance in town was really all about Neely Kate? I had to be smart with my questions. It was best to start with the obvious. “Do you really want me and Joe back together?”

She burst out laughing. When she settled down, she asked, “Of all the questions you could come up with, that’s the one you ask?” She shook her head. “Maybe I pegged you wrong. Maybe you’re just like that cow after all.”


She rolled her eyes. “How many cows do you know?”

Neely Kate narrowed her eyes. “I’m looking at one right now.”

Oh, crap on a cracker. This was going downhill fast.

But Kate just laughed. “What’s eatin’ you today, NK? You upset about your man leavin’ you?” She laughed at Neely Kate’s look of surprise. “Yeah. I know about that. Chin up. No man’s worth the grief.”

“You ever been in love, Kate?” I asked.

She groaned and placed her palms on the table with a bang. “What is your obsession with love, Rose Gardner? This isn’t some damn romance novel.”

“You said I could ask anything I wanted. So I’m asking.” I leaned forward. “Have you ever been in love?”

Her eyes softened for a split second, and she sat up taller in her seat but didn’t answer.

I pressed on anyway. “What happened?”

“Who said anything happened?”

“It’s obvious you’re a free agent,” I said, sweeping my hand over the table. “No man in sight, but you’re obsessed with your brother’s love life. Trying to live vicariously through him?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she spat out.

“What’s your obsession with Mason?” I asked.

She released a short laugh. “Who said I’m obsessed with your
-boyfriend?” She gave me a mocking grin. “Yeah, I know about that, too.”

“Wow,” Neely Kate said, “You’re awfully tuned in to Fenton County gossip for a newcomer. Who’s your source?”

Kate wagged her finger tsking. “A lady never talks.”

“True,” Neely Kate drawled. “So why aren’t you talkin’?”

Kate burst out laughing. “You two have a lot of piss water and vinegar for two girls on the defensive.”

“Well,” I said, giving her a cold stare, “let’s get a few things straight. First, we’re women, not girls. And second, we are not on the
.” The moment the last sentence left my mouth, a shiver ran down my back. Shoot. I’d just played a hand I hadn’t meant to reveal. We needed to let J.R. think we were walking into his trap. But we’d probably played our hand anyway—the very fact that we were here questioning Kate was an admission that we weren’t taking this lying down. “Let’s cut the bull, Kate. I know you have a more-than-healthy interest in Mason Deveraux.”

“You’re barking up the wrong tree, sweetie pie.”

“What’s that mean?” Neely Kate asked.

She shrugged. “Figure it out for yourself.”

The waitress brought our drinks and asked if we wanted to order any food, but we told her we were good.

As soon as she walked away, Neely Kate asked, “So you’re denying you’re interested in Mason?”

Kate laughed. “I wasn’t, but maybe I’ll take a stab at him now that he’s unshackled.” Her eyes lit up as a wicked grin spread across her face. “The straight-laced ones tend to be a bit dark and wild in the bedroom. Did you find that to be true, Rose Petal?”

My face burned.

She leaned forward. “I had the perfect view of him in his office. I thought about dropping in on him and paying him a visit . . .” Her eyes danced. “Kind of like you used to do, but it looked pretty vanilla. I’d show him what it’s like with a

I gasped, but Neely Kate jumped in. “What’s your father’s end goal?”

” Kate shook her head. “Have you suffered a traumatic brain injury recently? Any fool can figure out what he wants. Freedom. Revenge. The usual.”

“Who did you fall in love with?” I asked.

Both women looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“We’re back to that?” Kate asked in disbelief, but the look in her eyes confirmed I was on the right track.

“Come on, it’s girl talk. I share, you share. Isn’t that how it works?” I asked.

Kate chuckled. “You’re really going to share your sexy times with me?

I hoped to God I didn’t regret this. “How about we take turns asking questions? But we have to answer truthfully.”

Kate rested her forearms on the table, grinning from ear to ear. “It’s like our own truth or dare, only just the truth. Too bad we don’t have any tequila.”

I didn’t share that sentiment. I suspected I’d never drink tequila again after my experience with Daniel Crocker eight months ago. But the memory only confirmed that I wasn’t the same blushing virgin who’d feared her own shadow. I could do this. I
do this if it helped us survive. After all, talking about intimate matters with Kate paled in comparison to the other challenges I’d faced.

I leaned forward and asked again, “How many times have you been in love?”

She gave me a haughty grin. “Once. Now my turn.” Her grin turned wicked. “What’s Mason’s favorite position?”

“You don’t want to ask me how many times I’ve been in love?” I countered, trying to stall.

She snorted. “Hell, no. Why would I ask you a question that I could answer myself?”

“Do you think I was in love with Joe?”

She lifted her finger and wagged it at me. “It’s not your turn. You answer
question now.” She grinned. “Mason’s favorite position.”

I took a breath. “I don’t know that he has one.” I felt my face getting hot. “We often switch.”

“Do tell.” She grinned. “What are they?”

I fought to hold her gaze. “Me on top and missionary.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “What about a reverse cowgirl?”

I was going to die of embarrassment. “No.”

She shook her head, tsking. “Note to self: Show Mason Deveraux a reverse cowgirl and ride him

Jealously struck fast and furious, but Neely Kate put her hand on my knee and squeezed hard.

I had to phrase my next question carefully, because it didn’t take a genius to see that the closer I got to her secret, the more she would try to shake me up with humiliating questions. “Why did you break up with the man you loved?”

Her eyes were guarded. “Difference of opinion.”

“Sorry,” Neely Kate said, “you’ll need to expand on who had the difference of opinion.”

Anger washed over Kate’s face before she finally spat out, “My father.”

I wasn’t sure why that caught me by surprise. Her father hadn’t approved of Joe’s previous girlfriends. It made sense he’d be just as critical of Kate’s choices. Especially if she’d found someone more fringe like her. He would have been an embarrassment.

“My turn,” she said, not trying to disguise her desire to hurt me. “How big is he?”

“Excuse me?” I choked out.

“How big is Mason. I suspect he’s got a python under those sexy pants.”

I shot a quick glance at Neely Kate. Her face said it all.
Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.
But it was. I suspected Kate’s involvement in this whole mess was tied up with her lost love. All I had to do was get through this answer, and then I could ask my final question, and we could start researching the rest without her.

I channeled some inner strength and gave her a sexy smile. “Oh, he’s big. Plenty big enough to get the job done
again.” When she started to protest, I added. “Let’s just say your reverse cowgirl would leave you sore—but satisfied—for days.”

A wicked grin spread across her face. “Something to look forward to.”

Not if I had anything to do with it.

I gave her a coy smile. “The man you were in love with—what was his name?”

She blinked, the only sign I’d gotten to her. “Why would you want to know his name?”

“I don’t know . . . Maybe so I’ll know what to call him when I start asking about his sexual preferences.”

She grinned, but her eyes were cold. “He liked it rough and kinky. If you’d like, I can demonstrate later. I have a pair of handcuffs and a dildo that survived the fire.”

I couldn’t hide my shock, but her belligerence only proved I was digging into something she didn’t want to share.

“While that sounds fun,” Neely Kate said in a dry voice, “you’ll have to pencil us in for later this week. We can’t be double-booked for tonight.”

She tapped her fingernail on the table. “What could be more pressing than learning kinky ways to be sexually satisfied?”

Was she serious? I forced myself to hold my gaze on her. Did she really not know about her father’s little get-together tonight? Had J.R. double-crossed her? Or was she just bluffing?

“You didn’t answer my question,” I said. “His name.”

She broke eye contact and glanced down at the table.

“His name,” Neely Kate barked.

Kate glanced up with a defiant look in her eyes. “I could lie.”

“But you won’t,” Neely Kate said in a low voice. “Rose was honest with her answers, and you will be, too. Otherwise, you’ll be walking away without those blue streaks in your hair, and I won’t use scissors to take ’em off.”

I expected Kate to get even angrier, but it was like all the fight oozed out of her, leaving her in a puddle of sadness. “Nick.”

“Nick what?” Neely Kate asked in a softer voice.

“Nick Thorn.”

“What happened?” Neely Kate asked. “What did your father do to him?”

Her gaze shot up. “Who said my father did something to him?”

“It’s pretty obvious.”

Tears shimmered in Kate’s eyes. “He thought he could buy Nick off, that Nick would take money over me. Because my father only value things based on their monetary worth. Everything has a price tag for him. He couldn’t fathom that a man would pick
over a few hundred thousand dollars. So when Nick didn’t take the deal, it only confirmed to Daddy Dearest that he was unworthy of a
.” She spat the name in disgust. “And things that are defective must be eliminated.” She turned her gaze to me. “Surely, you’ve figured that out by now.”

J.R. had killed Kate’s boyfriend. No wonder she’d taken off. No wonder she was bitter. But how could she be working for her father?

“So what did trying to get me and Joe back together have to do with it?”

Anger filled her eyes. “Because you were my one shot at getting even with the bastard. You were the only one with the guts to stand up to him and tell him to fuck off. But you wouldn’t leave that stuck-up prick in the courthouse. You just kept falling deeper and deeper into my father’s trap.”

BOOK: Thirty-Six and a Half Motives: Rose Gardner Mystery #9 (Rose Gardner Mystery Series)
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