Thick: A Stepbrother Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Thick: A Stepbrother Romance
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              “What do you want, Brad?”

              He shrugged nervously. “I was just trying to wipe off the mascara that was running down your face.”

              I dropped my arms, walking over to the mirror next to the back door. Seeing that he was right, that my mascara had run when a few tears escaped my eyes earlier. It was stupid to think that he had come in here to apologize. That somewhere deep down in his heart it truly killed him for the way he treated me all those years ago. When there was no trace left of my running makeup, I turned away from the mirror to face him.

              “There, all gone,” I giggled out.

              He frowned looking down at the floor, shaking his head back and forth. “You don’t have to play with me Claire. It wasn’t just your makeup; your eyes are puffy. I would say that it was from crying, but don’t take my word for it.”

              I chuckled. “Your right. I won’t take your word for it,” I quipped.

              I went to grab for the desert and the plates, but felt Brad’s hand wrap around my wrist before I could. I glared at him, jerking my hand back. That was the third time that he touched me, and the third time that he would get punished for it. I wasn’t doing this to be a bitch. Well, mainly it wasn’t. He just needed to get through his thick skull that he revoked the right to touch me all those years ago. If I let him once, it would be easier to give in each time he did it after. That was something that I just couldn’t do.

              “Dammit Claire. I’m just trying to show that I care, shit fire,” he whisper-yelled at me.

              That broke the camel’s back. At that point I saw red at his harsh words. I was going to show him that nothing came from being mean. This would so put him back in his place. He thought I wanted him to care. No I just wanted him to want to apologize. That was it. Walking up to him, I asked the most random question. According to his puzzled expression he had no frigging idea where I was going with this.

              “Brad, I have a question. Do you like scrambled eggs,” I asked with a secret smile on my face.

              His confusion turned into laughter. A laughter that I would soon put a stop too. “Um…Random question Claire. But yes, I do like scrambled eggs. You asking for future reference? You know… so you’ll know what to cook me in the morning?” He asked raising his eyebrow in question.

              I shook my head, pressing my upper body into his. I instantly regretted my decision to get so close to him. I could feel the muscle he had under the t shirt he was wearing.
Damn, momma like.
I inwardly chastised myself for such a thought. His arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me closer to him. Even though it felt absolutely perfect to be pressed up against his hard chest, I had to get back to what I was going to do. With a quick jerk motion, I brought my knee right all up in his balls.

              I stepped back quick as he dropped to the ground with a girly scream, holding his groin. Picking up the desert and plates, I leaned down next to him and snickered.

              “Now you see how I scramble eggs, love. The next time you taunt me you’ll find out how I peel a sausage.” I stood up and back, watching him roll on the floor.

              As I passed him he growled low in his throat, jumping up from the floor. I screamed, running the rest of the way back to the table. My heart was beating a million miles a minute, as he chased me. It was kind of fun, I laughed getting back to the side of the table. Safe territory, there was no way for him to retaliate now. At least not without getting reprimanded by our parents. Punishment was so sweet. Henry looked at me with a knowing smile, and mom looked at me cocking her head to the side. A disapproving frown marring her face.

              Well what a Debbie downer, sheesh.

              “What happened?” She asked dryly, looking between the two of us.

              “He stubbed his toe,” the lie rolling off my tongue with ease. “That was the girly scream you heard.” I giggled.

              Brad glared at me before turning to my mother. “She’s right. Those cabinets are a bitch.”

              Ha. Score three for me, zero for the douche. Damn it felt good.

Chapter Ten


After finished desert we went to the family room, to get better acquainted. I probably knew these two men better than my mother did, but she had insisted. So like the good little daughter I am, I went with it. We had been talking for some time, well most of us. Brad mostly just sat there and glared at me over his beer. I thought it was the funniest thing ever. A couple times I stuck my tongue out at him like an adolescent child. He could help but chuckle at me. He never could control himself around me.

              I asked the question that had been plaguing me all night. “Henry, how did you not know that Meredith was my mother?”

              He cleared his throat and smiled politely at my mom. “In all honesty. This is the first time I am seeing the inside of your mother’s house.”

              I was taken aback by what he said. The first time being in the house. That was just crazy. I knew that my mother was a bit over protective over this place, but damn, I didn’t think she was that bad.

              “No way.”

              He nodded. “Yes way. We’ve been staying at my house. She only comes here three to four times a week to keep the place aired out and clean of cob webs.”

              I looked at my mother who had a rose color staining her cheeks. “Seriously mom? He’s never been here? Did you even tell him about me?”

              She cackled with laughter. “Of course I told him about you, Gabriella.”

              I was so confused. She just used my middle name. When the answer dawned on me, my eyes widened. “You little snake. You used my middle name this whole time? Wow mom…just wow.”

              So that was how she did it. From the look on Henry’s face he didn’t mind at all that my mother told a fat lie. In fact he never looked happier. Wow, they were a real piece of work. If someone told me a lie like that, even if out of context, I would be pissed. However, the fact that she used my middle name was so far out in left field. I bet Brad had a kick out of my mom referring me to Gabriella. He used to always pick on me for having a middle name like that. Where I was a petite white girl, that name just screamed Spanish heritage.

              He drove me absolutely crazy with it when he found out. I could never make fun of his name, because he was name after his father. Bradley Shawn Titan. Where I respected Henry so much, I never dared make fun of it. He knew this and tortured me with the fact for months. When we finally made a truce, he did so very reluctantly. He would always make a reference to having to different girls at the same time. A Spanish rose, and a spicy white girl.

              “I know. I eventually told him that your first name was Claire, but he didn’t put two and two together.”

              “But Brad knew who you were the entire time. So why didn’t he…” I stopped when it hit me. He knew all along that if this went great he would see me again. Oh that sneaky little shit.

              I rounded on a smirking Brad. “You devious little shit.”

              He shrugged and held his arms out, a shit eating grin on his face the whole time. “The heart wants, what the heart wants. Who am I to get in the middle of those two love birds.”

              I scoffed, taking a drink of my coffee. “Original Brad. Simply original.”

              We set there talking about the wedding that I now knew would be held ad Good Baptist, just up the road. It was a big church, with the most beautiful stained glass. It was the perfect site for a wedding. The church held more than two hundred people in its pews, the walls colored in a deep red, with hardwood flooring. I had to give my mother props on picking such a lovely location for the wedding. The reception however would be held at the local hotels ball room. With a full wet bar. I loved the idea of this wedding happening more and more.

              “Oh before I forget…I need to get you your itineraries,” she squealed excitedly, getting up from the couch to jog down the hall.

              I raised an eyebrow at that. “Itineraries?”

              Henry chuckled. “Yes dear. Your mother has everything schedule out from tomorrow morning all the way until the reception on Sunday.”

              I groaned. “You’re kidding, right?”

              “I wish I was,” he said sympathetically.

              I was about to open my mouth to object, but at that moment she came running up the hallway. Giving me packet, I began reading it, my eyes widening with every word I read.

Titan and James: July 6, 2014 Wedding Itinerary

Claire: Maid of Honor

Friday: July 4, 2014

  • Final Dress Fitting with Best Man: 8:30 AM Sharp

Details: Wear minimal makeup; as not to get stains on the dress. Hair needs to be in a bun; so if dresses needs any last minute alterations, hair is not going to be in the way. Shower needs to be taken before trying on dress; so that no oil from skin seeps into it. Be sure to follow each instructions as they are important to not ruining the gown.

  • Bonding Time with Family (Lunch) at Rossetti’s: 12 PM Sharp

Details: Wear a flowy summer dress; our dining area will be outside and away from others. Heels are a must; do not forget. Light makeup is required, hair should be kept in a bun.

  • Waxing Appointment with Best Man: 1:30 PM Sharp

Details: Eyebrows and any facial hair. Legs, and toes as well. Bikini area; wouldn’t want to have a bush outline in the satin gown I chose. Last but certainly not least, underarm.

  • Hair Appointment with Best Man: 4 PM Sharp

Details: Your hair will be cut, dyed, and styled for dinner; this is a preliminary for our hair appointment on the wedding day.

  • Nail Appointment with Best Man: 6 PM Sharp

Details: All nails will be done in a white French tip, squared at the tips. No exceptions.

  • Bonding Time with Family (Dinner) Country Club: 8 PM Sharp

Details. Must dress in a gown, floor length if available. Emerald in color. Henry gave me a Black AmEx card for you, please pick this up before you leave in the morning.


That is all for Friday.


Was she being for real right now? I would be spending the whole frigging day with Brad tomorrow. Was she trying to kill me? There was no way that I would be able to do any of this stuff with him being there. For one, the dress fitting I would be partially naked throughout it. The second being the damn waxing appointment. Was she fucking crazy? I could not get my girl parts waxed with him there. I knew that he wasn’t going to be in the same room as me, but damn. Just him being in the same building as me while that’s being done is overstepping so, so many boundaries.

After I finished reading, Brad bellowed with laughter. I glared at him before pining my mother with a death glare. “There is no way I am going to spend all damn day with that heathen.”

She sighed. “Claire, be sensible. It makes perfect sense. Your appointments are at the same time. So, why not? Just be a good girl and follow the itinerary word for word.” 

              I flopped down against the back of the couch, sulking. She was personally trying to send me to my grave early, I was sure of it. She knew that I wouldn’t be able to say no to her. I could see that she was still looking at me, waiting for an answer. I groaned, nodding my head. She clapped her hands together happily. I laid my head against the back of the couch, closing my eyes. This day was just getting to be too much. I really wanted a long soak in my bath and then pass out in my old bed.

              I felt the couch dip, telling me that Brad was inching closer. I opened my eyes when he finished settling in. He looked at me and smiled. “Looks like you’re stuck with me tomorrow, Claire. I wonder what we can get into.”

              I rolled my eyes. “Hmm. Probably our wedding clothes. That’s what we’re going to be getting into.”

              “Ok, smart ass. That’s not what I meant.”

              “You didn’t specify, stink ass,” I fired back.

              “Stink ass? Hell, it’s been forever since I heard that,” he chuckled.

              I laughed, getting up from the couch. I was tired of sitting here while my mother and Henry talked about the wedding. I was all tuckered out from going on and on about it. I was happy for her, but there was only so much to talk about before you ran it in the ground; and that had been hours ago. I took my cup to the kitchen, slipping out the back door as I did. Locating the swing that was at the edge of the wood line facing the house, I made me way to it.

              I smiled when I sat down, swinging for the first time. It had been so long since I’ve simply just let go and had a nice swing. There was something soothing about the steady rocking back and forth motion. Like you were being transported back in time to when your parents took you to the park to have some fun. There had been many times I wanted to visit a park in New York, and just swing to my little hearts content.

              But I never found the time. I was always working, hanging out with Alex, or hell, working. Being in the hustle and bustle of the city, you hardly found time for yourself, just to let go and relax. If only for this one moment in time, I was glad that I made the trip down here. It gave me a chance to unwind from the city. To slow down and just be. It felt liberating.

              I was so lost in thought basking in the warm night air blowing through my hair, that I almost didn’t hear the heavy footsteps of someone coming closer. My swinging instantly ceased as I narrowed my eyes in the direction it was coming from. I could see nothing but the distant glow of the lights inside the house, as a silhouette of a man came toward me. I inwardly groaned. He was not going to give me one ounce of peace while I was here.

              “I figured this was where you ran off too,” he whispered, coming to a stop in front of me. “Mind if I sit?”

              I knew that sooner or later him and I would have to have a discussion as adults, and now was a good a time as any. We were going to be step-siblings after all. I shuddered at the thought of Brad being my Stepbrother. So much had happened between us. I didn’t think this was going to work. But I had to make an effort, if not for myself, than my mother and Henry.

              “Sure,” I breathed.

              I slid over, making room for him. He sat without a word, crossing one leg and resting it on his knee. We sat in silence, listening to the sounds of the wildlife around us. Out of the last ten years, this was the last thing I expected would happen. That Brad and I could sit next to each other over an extended period of time, not killing each other. Hell, the thought never even went through my mind. I was still upset about the way that he handled things back then, but who was I to judge.

              We had both done things back then that we regretted. At least I hoped he regretted what he did. I barely made out through the night, the house lights shutting off one by one. It seemed that my mom and Henry were retiring for the night. She hadn’t told me that he was staying, but that was a given. However, I did think once or twice that since she stayed with him that that is where she would be staying.

              At that point in time I considered getting a hotel, because there was no way I was going to listen to my mother and Henry pork all night. She may be my partner in crime, but she was still my mother. That would just be too gross. I was about to head inside when Brad let out a troubled sigh. Leaning back, I waited for him to say something, anything that would give me a reason to talk with him. I know it was pathetic really. But I wanted answers to questions that had went a decade without being answered.

              “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

              I cocked my head to the side, teasingly. “Huh? I didn’t quite hear that.”

              He chuckled. “I said, I’m sorry.”

              I feigned ignorance. “About what?”

              “You’re going to make this difficult, aren’t you?” he groaned, shifting on the swing next to me.

              “That depends. Does it have to be difficult?”

              We sat there for a few more minutes in comfortable silence. It felt so weird being this close to him and not having the urge to strangle the very life from him. I found that the advice Henry gave me that day I left, help me tremendously. After enacting my revenge on him, three times. I didn’t feel the need to hurt him anymore. I just wanted all this to be over; and the only way to do that would be to forgive him for what he did to me all those years ago. However, that would never happen unless he admitted that what he did to me was wrong.

              “I suppose not,” he tipped his head to the side, then turned to face me. “I’m just going to come right out and say it. I was an asshole the last time we saw each other. Instead of believing you, I believed someone that was just looking out for herself. Damn, I’m just so sorry.” I was about to speak when he waved his hand for me not to. Any other time I would have said what I felt, but what I felt right now was that he needed to get this out.

              “So much happened in such a short time, that I was scared. I had no idea how to act. I was constantly afraid of losing you. But I guess when the opportunity had risen that I could get a clean break, I took it. It didn’t matter that it was wrong, and boy was it fucking wrong as hell. I still took it. I betrayed the woman I loved, all because I was scared shitless.” His voice breaking at the end of his explanation.

BOOK: Thick: A Stepbrother Romance
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