Read TheOneandOnly Online

Authors: Tori Carson

TheOneandOnly (10 page)

BOOK: TheOneandOnly
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While his hands moved down to her ribs, his mouth replaced
his fingers. His tongue laved her aching nipple with liquid heat.

“Sean, please.” She shook her head.

He scraped his teeth along her nipple. “If you want me to
stop, just say your safeword.” His warm breath caused her to shiver.

“No. More. Please, more.” He couldn’t stop. She’d die or at
the very least she’d burst into tears.

“Michelle, you’re killing me, baby. I’m hanging on by my
fingertips here.” He laid a light kiss across her lips. “Lay perfectly still
and don’t make a sound unless it’s to answer a question or say your safeword.
You can do this for me.” With his left hand, he nudged her legs further apart.

She couldn’t. Didn’t he know she was trying? When his hand
brushed against her clit, she whimpered.

“Good girl. Let me spend some time making you happy.” His
hand lightly brushed her thighs and circled her clit without giving it the
attention she wanted.

Happy? She wasn’t happy. She was being tortured with the
pleasure he was giving her. A tear trickled down her face. Her body was on fire
and more alive than ever before. When Sean’s finger slid along her pussy then
plunged inside, she screamed. Without thinking, she tried to cover her mouth.
The ropes tugged her wrists, reminding her she was truly bound and at his
mercy. She couldn’t take any more.

“Please, Sean, I’m begging you. Make love to me.”

“Believe me, Michelle, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Every
touch is me loving you.” He pushed a second finger inside her pussy. “You’re so
hot and wet, honey.”

“Yes. I need you inside me. Don’t make me wait.” His mouth
continued to shower her breasts with kisses and bites. She was going to
spontaneously combust if he didn’t do something soon. Her clit throbbed and
more tears trailed down her face.

“You’re disobeying me. I told you not to move, not to make a
sound. You need to learn control, subbie.” His voice was lower than normal and
unyielding, nothing like his normal purring tone.

Her breathing quickened. What was he going to do? Would he
punish her? At the idea, her pussy clenched.

“You told me you’ve never been spanked. I had so hoped your
first swats would be erotic, not a discipline.” His voice was full of regret.

Michelle didn’t like disappointing him. She wanted to say
she was sorry, that she’d try harder, but he’d told her not to speak, not to
make a sound. When she felt rope circling her thigh, she wanted so badly to
just enjoy the feeling and let it take her away. Knowing she’d never be quiet,
she renewed her efforts to focus and stay silent and still.

“I’m going to paddle your ass to help remind you to follow
my instructions. If you’re quiet and take your discipline like a good girl,
I’ll fuck you afterward.”

She nodded.
Yes, do it. Anything.
Just put out the
fire burning between her legs. The ropes winding around each of her thighs sent
the flames scorching her clit.

“This isn’t the easiest position to hold and I’ll get you
out of it as soon as your paddling is over.”

He drew her thigh toward her arms and secured the knot. The
stretch along her free leg was too intense. She curled her back and brought it
upward as well. Damn, she wanted so badly to open her eyes, but she refused to
disobey him again. Not because she feared his punishment—she didn’t believe for
a minute that he would really hurt her. She just didn’t want to disappoint him

He quickly secured her other thigh. “This will hurt,
Michelle. Since this is your first time, we’ll stop at two as long as you stay
silent and still. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” He had to get it over with. She’d never been so
exposed in her life. If he didn’t get on with it she’d die from embarrassment.

The first swat rang loudly in her ears.
Oh God, it hurt
She couldn’t stop the intake of air as she fought to breathe through it.

“Good girl, Michelle. I’m proud of you.” His hand massaged
her stinging cheeks.

As the pain turned to a delicious heat, she bit her tongue
to keep from letting out a sigh. Michelle reveled in the feeling. His hands
were strong and she loved them touching her. Once his hand moved away, she knew
another swat was coming and tensed.

“Don’t do that, baby. Just relax. The tighter your muscles,
the worse it hurts.”

She noticed his voice had returned to the smooth purring.
They were a team getting through this together. It didn’t matter that he was
the one delivering the blows. The instant Michelle forced herself to relax,
Sean swatted her the final time. She heard the paddle clatter on the wood
floor. His hands quickly turned the pain to pleasure.

Sean kneeled on the bed and leaned in giving her legs
support while he untied them. Once she was freed, he slid two fingers into her
pussy. “So perfect, Michelle.”

She heard foil tearing and then his cock was at her

“I’m wearing a condom this time, Michelle, but soon we need
to work it out so that I can be in here without one. I don’t want anything
between us.”

Slowly he pushed inside her and slow was the last thing she
wanted. She tried to rock her hips forward to take more of him. His hands
wrapped around her hips, holding her still. “You’re so tight, Michelle. We need
to go slow. It’s killing me too, but I don’t want to hurt you and I don’t want
you sore either. I want to be here often.”

He slid in a bit farther. “Almost there, baby. Thank you for
following my orders and staying quiet during your discipline. You pleased me
very much. Now I want to hear you. Let me know what you’re feeling.”

“More,” she moaned. He fit her perfectly, so full, so hot
and thick.

“Greedy. I feel the same way, baby.” He began rocking in and
out of her channel.

Arousal had never felt like this—all-consuming, a fire
burning out of control. Each stroke took her higher and her clit throbbed.

“Look at me, baby. Open your eyes. You’re so hot, Michelle.
You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

Tears wet her eyelashes. She’d never cried from too much
pleasure before. If they made this work, she knew it wouldn’t be the last time
she did so.

Each time he pounded deep inside her the ropes holding her
arms went slack, then tightened again as he withdrew. His cock was stretching
her, filling her completely as she rocked her hips to meet his every stroke.

Sean leaned forward, making contact along her clit as he
squeezed and pinched her nipples.

“Oh God, Sean.” She screamed his name as the orgasm of her
life ripped through her. Over and over, the sensations flooded her. She was
pulling on the ropes that bound her wrists as she rocked from side to side,
unable to handle the feelings swamping her. Knowing she was restrained, that
she couldn’t move her arms, couldn’t get free, had her arousal peaking again.
“Sean,” she begged.

Sean continued to take her higher. Refusing to have mercy on
her, he reached down with his thumb and stroked her clit, once then twice.

Michelle’s scream mingled with Sean’s as they came together—so
perfectly she floated away.


Sean untied her as quickly as he could. He needed to cradle
her and keep her there forever. He’d never had such an experience in his life.
Brushing the tears away from her face, he knew he’d pushed her too hard. She
wasn’t ready for that kind of sex.
Too young, too innocent
. Hell, he
hadn’t been prepared for the emotions she’d brought out in him. So intense. He
felt something on his cheek and fisted it away, refusing to acknowledge they
were his own tears.

Leaning against the headboard, he took her in his arms and
rocked her back and forth as he whispered in her ear. Red abrasions along her
wrists caught his eye.
He cupped her hands in his and kissed the
marks away. He needed silk rope. Before he’d never bothered. Hell, a little
bite to the rope added to the experience. But not with Michelle. The
indentations along her skin were sexy, an erotic reminder, but not the
abrasions. He never wanted to hurt her.

When she opened her eyes and looked up at him, he felt ten
feet tall.

“Sean, I…that was…”

He kissed her cheek. “Yeah, for me too.” They both started
laughing as he rested his chin on the top of her head and drew the covers
around her.

He knew she’d fallen back to sleep when her breathing slowed
to a steady, even pace. There were so many things they had to find common
ground on. It scared the hell out of him to think he could lose Michelle. She’d
been so uncomfortable at the club and her refusal to scene publicly could get
awkward. If it came down to it, he’d sell the club if it was the only way to
keep Michelle—but then what would he do for a living?

Shaking his head, he pushed the worry from his mind. He was
getting ahead of himself. As usual, he wanted it all. They’d find a way to make
it all work. This was too important not to.

“Come on, sleepyhead. If we don’t get you into a bath,
you’re going to be sore.” Maybe there they could begin to sort through some of

“I’m comfy here,” she murmured into his chest with her
delicate hand pressed over his heart.

He drew her hand to his mouth and kissed her. “Okay, honey,
you sleep a little bit longer while I run the water.” Sean laid her head on his
pillow and tucked the covers around her. She was so beautiful with her auburn
locks splayed out across his bed. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her
temple before he dragged his butt into the bathroom.

Sean started filling the bath, then went to the vanity and
pulled out some eucalyptus and spearmint salts. The scent was refreshing and
soothing. As Sean entered his room, he paused to look at Michelle. The sun
glinted off his collar around her neck and his heart skipped a beat. He vowed
then that she’d wear it for all time.

He bent down, wiped off the paddle and placed it back in his
toy bag. A fine layer of dust covered the outside of his satchel. When had he
last used it? In his closet at the office he had the one he used for demos and
training at the club. He made a mental note to talk to Brian about a few
special toys just for Michelle.

Ropes were lying everywhere. He smiled, remembering how
quickly she’d relaxed and enjoyed the play. She’d been teetering on rope space
and he couldn’t wait to explore it more with her. As soon as he had a moment,
he’d place an order for silk rope. He didn’t trust it for suspension, but for
floor or bed play it would be perfect.

Careful not to disturb Michelle, he began winding the rope
back into bundles.

How could he learn what aspects of D/s enticed her when she
wasn’t comfortable sharing her fantasies with him? That was the first thing
they’d need to work on. Open communication was a must in D/s. If she’d tell him
the titles of the books she’d enjoyed, he’d read them. That would work.

Michelle rolled over and gave him a shy smile. Damn, his gut
clenched just looking at her.

“Hey you.”

“Hey you. Are you ready for that bath?” He knew he was
wearing a goofy smile. What the hell happened to his stoic Dom face? Shit, this
girl was ruining him.

“If I gotta.” She looked at the clock then hit herself in
the forehead and sank back onto the bed. “I’ve got an essay due at midnight.

“Midnight? What the hell kinda school are you going to?”

She laughed. “One where the assignments are turned in online
so they can make sure they aren’t plagiarized. It’s as paperless as possible.” She
shrugged. “Better for the environment.”

“Okay, I’m feeling old now. Thanks, Michelle.” Jumping on
the bed, he started tickling her. Michelle grabbed a pillow and retaliated. As
she tried to squirm away from him, her head and shoulders swung off the bed.
Holding onto the sheets and slipping, Sean slid his arm around her waist and
pulled her on top of him. “You’re dangerous, girl. You could have fallen.”

“Worse things could happen.” She shrugged and kissed his
cheek. “Thanks for saving me.”

He rolled his eyes, picked her up and carried her to the
bathroom. After setting her in the middle of the tub, he joined her.

“Oh, I like that scent.” She cupped her hands and brought
the water closer to her face. As the water spilled through her fingers, she
took a moment to look around.

“I’m glad. It’s one of my favorites.”

“You have a gorgeous view.” She sank a little farther into the
tub. “But please tell me your windows are coated or something so people can’t
see in. Otherwise, we put on a helluva show for anyone on the water.”

Most of the east side of his house was glass. The view of
the lagoon was too beautiful to hide.

He shook his head at her overactive modesty. “People would
pay good money for entertainment like that,” he teased her. When her eyes got to
be the size of saucers, he let her off the hook. “The glass is one-way only in
the bedroom and bath area.”

“A girl could get used to this, Sean. You’re totally
spoiling me.” She snuggled against him.

The brushing of her ass cheeks across his cock was breathing
life into him again. He tried to push the sensations from his mind. It was too
soon to take her again. “Oh Michelle, I’m just getting started.”


He wrapped his arms around her and just waited, hoping she
would share what was on her mind.

“You realize you’re so far out of my league I can’t even
compete, don’t you?”

“I don’t want to compete with you. I think we should
complement one another, not be on opposite teams.” If she focused on their
differences they were sunk. He felt her pulling away. Not physically, but

“We live in different worlds. You’ve moved beyond mine and I
don’t think I can survive in yours.”

Sean’s stomach knotted and he locked his arms even tighter
around Michelle without realizing it. “What do you mean?”

BOOK: TheOneandOnly
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