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Authors: Angela Stevens

The Wolf You Feed Arc (35 page)

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Angela Stevens, is British born but moved to the United States eight years ago. Always a keen traveler, she has enjoyed spending time living outside of her native country. She is an ex-teacher and the mother of two children. When empty nest syndrome threatened, Angela turned to writing novels to fill her growing free time. As her hobby grew she found storytelling began to fill her waking hours.

Her first novel, Lemon Drops and Love grew out of her voracious appetite for reading. After one particularly momentous year, when she consumed over one hundred paper backs. Since then Angela Stevens has written seven novels across the contemporary romance and urban fantasy genres. She has also written a children’s book.

You can find out more about the authors work and when her novels will be released, on her website

You can also find her on Facebook
and Twitter.

The Vargr Trilogy continues…

Hold On- to be released January 2015

Part two in the emotional Vargr Clan Trilogy. After the tragic events of 1997, Tore Vargr is consumed by hatred and despair. As he battles once more with the two wolves within him, he is in danger of losing everything he holds dear.

Hold on to what is good,

Even if it’s a handful of earth

Hold on to what you believe,

Even if it’s a tree that stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do,

Even if it’s a long way from here.

Hold on to your life,

Even if it’s easier to let go.

Hold on to my hand,

Even if someday, I’ll be gone away from you.

Pueblo Prayer

An Unbreakable Will- to be released March 2015

Join Tore and his children in this dramatic conclusion to the emotionally charged Vargr Trilogy.

“When you know who you are, when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will.

No cold can touch your heart, no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.”

— Chief Seattle,  1780

Other books available by this author…

Lemon Drops And Love: Cocktail Series

For years, Jude loved Maya from afar. When she falls into his arms at his sister’s wedding, Jude decides he’s waited long enough. But it’s complicated. Maya’s no longer the carefree, self-assured woman he once knew. Frightened, vulnerable, her confidence crushed, Maya is unable to see a way out of an abusive relationship. But Jude Holland is not going to stand back and watch this happen. After rescuing her from Carl’s clutches, he plans to stay and pick up the pieces, but he didn’t bank on Carl’s unwillingness to let go.

This book is recommended for Adult readers due to its mature content and theme.

Ice Cold Mint Juleps: Book 2 Cocktail Series

Coming soon, the second book in the Cocktail Series.

When Ash Cooper finds his boss, Jude Holland, wrapped in the arms of someone other than his wife, Ash is seriously pissed. But when he realizes that somebody, is London Sinclair his pissed-off-ometer goes off the scale!

Seeing London with Jude, gives Ash one more reason to hate her. In other circumstances, Ash could have fallen for this girl but her fiery nature and his ice cold attitude always leads to misunderstandings. As fate keeps throwing them together, Ash begins to wonder if he has London pegged all wrong.

This book is recommended for Adult readers due to its mature content and theme.

BOOK: The Wolf You Feed Arc
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