Read The Vintage Girl Online

Authors: Hester Browne

Tags: #Fiction, #General

The Vintage Girl (28 page)

BOOK: The Vintage Girl
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If you're in Scotland, you need warming up. And there's nothing better on a chilly night than a good and strong Hot Toddy - also surprisingly effective at soothing wintery colds with its killer punch of Vitamin C and honey.

Hot Toddy

  1. Take a strong glass or mug, and add 1tsp of
    , 2
    , and stir in a good slug of
    . (Heather honey and Scottish whisky, if you have it!)
  2. Top up with just-off-the-boil
    , and add a couple of slices of freshly cut
  3. Add
    lemon juice
    to taste, if you prefer a less sweet version, or half a
    cinnamon stick
    for a spicier one
  4. Retire to the fireside, and drink

A hot toddy kit - bottle of Scotch, a jar of local honey, unwaxed lemons and the right spices - also makes a welcome New Year house party gift.


Ginger Fling

Never leave out the noble souls manning the drive home, or those who don't drink - here's a refreshingly Scottish mocktail for them too. (No Iron Bru required.)

  1. Put some fresh
    into a tall glass, add a couple of generous squeezes of fresh
    lime juice
    and some
    crushed ice
  2. Muddle it around to release the mint and mix with the lime
  3. Top up with a good quality (non-alcoholic!)
    ginger beer
    like Fentiman's or Fever Tree

If you enjoyed
The Vintage Girl
Then you’ll love
The Runaway Princess
, out now.

If Amy Wilde’s new boyfriend, Leo, treats her like a queen, that’s because he’s secretly a prince himself: Leopold William Victor Wolfsburg of Nirona, the ninth most eligible bachelor in the world. When events push Leo closer to the throne, the Wolfsburgs decide to step up Amy’s transformation from gardener to princess-in-waiting; is finding her Prince Charming worth the price of losing herself?

“A delicious, entertaining book. I loved it!” Sophie Kinsella

“Enchanting romantic comedy” Company

BOOK: The Vintage Girl
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