Read The Vampire's Kiss Online

Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

The Vampire's Kiss (5 page)

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss
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Amarinda Jones

* * * *

“My pleasure.” Richard’s eyes were soft on the woman he held close to his heart.

For the first time in a very long time, Richard felt an emotion he had tried to avoid most of his life. Love. It was a complicated feeling that humans enjoyed but vampires found difficult to deal with. They were not looking for relationships. There was no point. They outlived everyone they came across. And yet, looking down in Memphis’ eyes, Richard knew the feeling that had come over him was not as alien as he once may have thought it. That she needed to feel his touch, his body and his mouth on her neck made Richard feel stronger and more alive than he had in his one hundred and seventy-five years.

His mouth moved down her neck. Richard felt the strong life pulse in her jugular. That Memphis willingly wanted to share this with him meant everything. As his fangs sliced into her flesh and the first sweet rush of blood touched his tongue, Richard felt a joy that overwhelmed him. They may have only just met. They may not know everything about each other, but that didn’t matter.

I want this woman for life.

“Oh, R-R-Richard.”

He loved the way she stammered his name. It told him this was not just a one-sided thing on his part. That Richard could give Memphis pleasure made him feel powerful. He continued the deep, hard pace of his cock inside her. That and the flow of her blood made this the sweetest, most exciting fuck that Richard had ever experienced.

I never want this to end.

But it would. The best things always did.

He felt her body shake and shudder as the orgasm took hold of her. That Memphis clutched Richard closer to him made his heart swell. Her long, loud shriek of release would no doubt be heard throughout that house but Richard didn’t care. He was giving his

The Vampire’s Kiss


woman satisfaction and that’s all that mattered to him. Other people could think what they liked. As he came in her arms, his fangs disengaged from her neck and Richard kissed the wound.

“Bloody hell. Pardon the pun,” Memphis murmured against his shoulder as she sought calm.

“You have to kiss me after that.” Richard longed for her mouth on his. Never before had a kiss been so important to him.


“Why not?” Richard knew Memphis was holding back. But why?

What more did he have to do? Whatever it was Richard would give it gladly to her.

“You don’t deserve it.”

That made him laugh. Memphis sounded so prissy and so like a woman who was confused. Richard knew part of why she declined was due to self-preservation. Being told she had to kiss someone was not a normal situation for anyone. The need to rebel against it was instinctual. Humans and immortals alike wanted to make their own decisions.

“So, you allow me inside your body, but I’m not allowed your lips?”


Richard sighed and rolled away from her. “You’re going to drive me mad.”

“Possibly, but you can always let me go home.”

“I can’t do that.”
I need you in my life
. Richard had never realized how lonely he was until he met Memphis.

“Why not?”

His eyes met hers.
How would she handle the truth of what I feel?

Will she believe me? Is she feeling the same way?
“Because for some strange reason, Mem sweetheart, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“Whoa!” Memphis jerked upright in response. “Really?”

At least she hasn’t run screaming out of the room.



Amarinda Jones

“Yeah.” Richard knew this was going to be a tough sell.

‘Well, er…”

“Exactly.” Indecision was not what he wanted to hear. Richard was used to being in control.

Memphis pulled her legs up to her body and wrapped her arms around them. “I need time to think.”

“Me, too.” And Richard knew exactly where to do it. Love was screwing with his mind.
I need to feel in control again.

* * * *

Richard went from Memphis to find Josephine in the bedroom she shared with his cousin. He knew it was the wrong thing to do, but the need to be in control of a woman and not feel like he was losing his own overwhelmed him. No woman had ever made him so confused.

Josephine moaned softly as Richard fastened her hands behind her head. Her legs were already wide open and held up and back against the rough wood of the chair he was strapping her hands to. She was totally exposed and completely at his mercy. Richard could do what he wanted with her. But that was his history with his cousin Alaric’s wife. There was no love between them. Each fed off the needs of the other. Richard liked to dominate, and after the pretense of fighting him, Josephine submitted to him. Alaric knew of their games and let them play as long as Josephine always came back to him.

Richard stood between her legs. His cock was stiff with need.

Domination always excited him. He pictured Memphis trussed up like this. Would she allow that? “What do women want?”

“Huh?” Josephine looked perplexed as this was not what she expected from their usual play.

“What do you see in Alaric?” Richard edged forward until his cock was in line with her anus. He always took Josephine in the ass.

He had her backside prodded up with cushions in such a way that he

The Vampire’s Kiss


could slide right in. Richard did not need her to move or touch him.

Josephine was as much to him as he was to her. They were fuck toys.

“I love him.” She wriggled against the padding beneath.

Richard could see the need in her eyes and the slick wetness dripping down from her cunt. He was going to fill and use her in his frustration. “How is that possible when you have sex with me?”
can I love Memphis when I’m planning to fuck another woman?

“You know why.”

Richard fisted his cock and placed the head at the tight, puckered hole of her ass. He knew it would hurt her. He also knew Josephine needed that. “Because you like rough sex.”

Her eyes strayed to the array of dildos on the table beside her.


As he pushed inside her body, Josephine whimpered and cried out in pain, but Richard didn’t stop. They had played this game too many times before to know that Josephine needed whatever he did to her.

The tightness that gripped his cock made Richard groan out loud. He wanted to fuck her hard and fast and try to obliterate thoughts of Memphis from his mind. She had only just come into his life. It was not like she had to stay in it.

Do I even want a woman who refuses to kiss me?

Richard pulled out part way and slammed back in. Josephine wailed in excitement. In so many ways this was more what he needed in his life. Love just screwed with a person’s mind.

“Go faster,” begged Josephine.

Richard pinched one of her nipples hard between his fingers.

“Shut up. You’re not in control here.”

“But I want—”

Richard pulled his cock out from her ass.

“No, don’t do that.”

“Well, be a good girl and say nothing.” He thrust back into her once more. Richard reached over and grabbed the largest dildo. He placed it at the entrance to her cunt.


Amarinda Jones

“Oh, God, don’t do that.”

Richard knew it was exactly what she wanted him to do. “Why not?”

“It’s just wrong and bad.”

“Good.” He pushed the vibrator inside her vagina and flicked on the switch. Josephine’s pelvis pushed forward for more. She was filled, and she loved it. There were no secrets to this woman.

Josephine was simple in her wants and desires.

If only I could work out what makes Memphis tick.

Richard plowed cock and toy away inside her until Josephine came screaming.

“Please come on me,” she panted as she tried to come down from her high.

Richard removed his cock but he left the dildo vibrating inside her. He never came inside Josephine. Neither of them wanted that. He knew she liked the feel of sticky cum shooting onto her skin. It was a degradation she craved.

“Please, Richard.”

He fisted his cock and milked his shaft with a fast motion. As the jets of cum released, he aimed at her breasts and stomach, knowing that was what Josephine liked. Once spent, Richard pulled on his discarded trousers.

“You can’t leave me like this,” Josephine wailed.

He always left her exposed and vulnerable. Richard knew Polly would come soon and release her. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m in control.” Even as he said the words, Richard knew this was the last time he would ever do this. Memphis was now in control of him.

The Vampire’s Kiss


Chapter Five

“Hello.” A tall, dark man appeared behind her Memphis jumped in surprise. “Crap!” Her plan was to walk out of the house without anyone noticing, even though she had a feeling not a lot went unnoticed in this house as was the case now.

The dark-haired man looked at her with a smile. “Crap?”

“I mean, er—sorry—I, um—who are you?” Two handsome men in the same house. What were the odds?


Memphis nodded in understanding. “Ah, you’re the cousin.” That made sense. These men had good genes.

“And you are?”

“I’m trying to get the hell out of here.” The door was so near yet so far.

“Nice swimsuit.”

Memphis tugged at the bottom near her ass hoping the fabric was not riding up too much. “Er, thanks.”

“Did Richard bring you here?”

“Yeah, we sorta popped in.”
Had sex, I got confused with all the
falling in love talk, and now I’m making a break for it.

“I see.” Again Alaric smiled.

“Do you?”
I sure as hell don’t.

“Yeah, he’s my cousin.”

“Of course.”
Duh, forehead slap.
He would know Richard better than anyone. “So you’re another vampire?”

“Yeah.” Alaric opened his mouth and showed his fangs.


Amarinda Jones

“Nice.” It was probably not the right word but it was the only one she could think of standing exposed and vulnerable in her swimsuit.

“Have you seen Richard?” After the awkward moment when the

“love” word was mentioned, he’d disappeared. That was when Memphis decided to make good on her escape before he found her and persuaded her to change her mind.

“He’s playing with my wife.”

“Huh?” Memphis listened as Alaric explained the relationship between Richard and Josephine. She was agog and angry. How could he profess love to her then go screw his cousin’s wife? That was just wrong to Memphis. Was that permissible in the vampire world? “And you allow him to do her ? I mean, er, have um—”

Alaric helped her out. “Have sex with my cousin?”

“Well, yeah.”
If Richard was mine that cock would belong to me
and no one else—fetishes or not.

“I’ve lived a very long time. I understand passion and needs. What Josephine and I have is passion and love, but yet I know there’s a darker side that she needs to let loose every so often,” Alaric explained to her. “How do you feel about him and her together?”

Jealous as hell.
“It’s none of my business,” Memphis responded primly.

Alaric chuckled. “Liar.”

“Look this is just a one night—I mean one day—well, not even a full day—stand with your cousin. What he does has nothing to do with me
.” But if I see him again I will be letting him know that I share
no man.

“Do you really believe that?”

Oh hell, I don’t know what to believe anymore
. So much had happened in such a swift period of time.

Alaric didn’t look convinced. “What scares you?”

Lots of things did but she wasn’t about to tell supernatural beings her weaknesses. “Nothing.”

“Come on, tell me. I have no agenda with you.”

The Vampire’s Kiss


That was true. Memphis knew of nothing Alaric had to gain from her. “Okay, it’s Richard’s preoccupation to kiss me.” Memphis loved to be kissed by the right person. However kissing for personal gain did not install confidence in her abilities as a woman.

Alaric laughed. “That’s not unusual for a man to want to kiss a woman.”

“He said he needs to kiss me to win this house.” The house was okay but there appeared to be too many rooms for Memphis’ liking.

She hated cleaning.

“Ah, the house.” Alaric didn’t look surprised. “We both want Maverick House. I had a feeling getting married was not the end to the ownership battle.” He explained to Memphis about the witch and her words to Polly, their housekeeper, about the first cousin to find true love and marry would win the house.

That sounded a little odd to Memphis. Why was this Polly the only one who saw this witch? Did she have an agenda of her own?

This is all most curious
. “What’s so important about this place?”

“It’s not only magical but it’s our heritage.” He sized up the woman before him. “Richard must need to kiss you in order to get it.”

“I don’t kiss people unless I want to.”

“Do you want to?”

“Yes.” Why lie? Memphis had a feeling Alaric could see straight through her defenses. “But I’m not doing it for him to win a prize and then he dumps me.”

“That’s fair enough,” Alaric responded. “How do you feel about Richard?”

“I barely know him.”

The vampire sighed. “We’re a weird family. Maybe you should leave before we mess you up.”

Good idea. She needed time to think. “I will. I am. I’m going to.”

Memphis marched to the front door and pulled at the handle. It didn’t budge. She pulled again. It held fast.


Amarinda Jones

“Oh, yeah, you’re the one for Richard. The house knows what’s right.”

It was then a woman came along. “My name is Polly, and I’m the housekeeper here. Let’s find you some clothes, my dear.”

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss
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