Read The Ultimate Betrayal Online

Authors: Annette Mori

Tags: #Romance

The Ultimate Betrayal (8 page)

BOOK: The Ultimate Betrayal
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Lara stepped behind Sophia and caressed her shoulders. She moved her thick, wavy hair to the side to give her unencumbered access to Sophia’s neck. Kissing her neck, Lara turned her around and sought out Sophia’s generous, inviting lips. The kiss grew more intense as Lara explored every inch of her mouth, pushing her tongue inside and stroking her in an ancient dance of passion. Sophia opened to her like a flower in the springtime soaking up the energy of the sun.

When Lara broke apart and looked at her wife, Sophia took the opportunity to warn her. “Don’t start anything just yet. I expect a knock on the door within the next ten minutes. What do you do to those poor hotel workers? I swear the guy on the other end was falling all over himself to apologize because it would take ten minutes. I could almost hear him wetting his pants on the other end of the phone. Please tell me you don’t terrorize the staff,” Sophia joked.

Lara laughed. “I do not terrorize the staff. I just like things done a certain way and you know that patience was never a strong quality of mine. Speaking of patience, you’re really going to make me wait to ravage your body?”

“Yes, I am. It will be so much sweeter if I let the anticipation build.”

Lara groaned. “It’s been so long, I don’t know if I can wait. I’ve been terribly neglectful lately and I intend to rectify that tonight. I’m sorry that I’ve let business distract me from what’s truly important in my life. I promise that when I am with you from now on, you will have my undivided attention—especially since I probably won’t be able to spend every night with you while you’re here visiting. I’ll make sure that when we are together, you won’t be left hanging.”

“Oh, darling, that is music to my ears. Shall we sit and you can tell me who your hot prospect was this afternoon?” Sophia headed to the sofa to sit and took Lara’s hand when she joined her on the couch.

“Hot prospect?”

“Yes. Your assistant or receptionist, Chandra, mentioned that you had a business meeting all afternoon. I assumed that it must be a hot prospect if you needed to spend all afternoon with your client,” Sophia replied.

Lara calmed her breathing and forced herself to ask the question that she hoped would not reveal a certain answer. “Did you call or meet Chandra in person?”

Sophia quirked her head. “We went directly to your office after we landed. Chandra is very protective of your schedule. She would only tell me that you were not available. It was an odd exchange. Joy was her normal abrasive self and raked the poor girl over the coals. She has some archaic notion that I should be given special privilege to information since I’m your wife. I shut her down before she could do any permanent damage. I’m sorry. I don’t think it would be a good idea to visit your office anymore. I don’t want to scare your employees away.”

Rachel often showed up around lunchtime on the off chance that Lara was available. Sometimes they were even able to eat lunch. Lara smiled as she thought about some of her more adventuresome lunches with Rachel. The ice in her veins allowed the practiced response to Sophia “Yes, it would probably be a good idea to avoid the office, especially when you have your attack dog with you.”

A light knock on the door interrupted their conversation and for that, Lara was thankful. She jumped up to answer the door.

A young man in a crisp uniform carried the tray into the room. “Where would you like me to put this, Ms. Beck?”

Lara pointed to the table in the small kitchen area. “You can set it there.”

Sophia frowned. “Oh, damn, I guess I forgot to ask you to bring up my bags.” She waved her hand. “No worries, you can bring them up tomorrow morning. I’ll call when I’m ready.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, just let us know when you want those bags.”

When he handed Lara the bill, she glanced at the amount, scribbled her signature, and added a generous tip. She lifted the silver lids and managed to react positively to the choice. “Copper River Salmon, a wonderful selection.”

Lara was not about to reveal that she’d just had the same meal at lunch. It wouldn’t kill her to enjoy the salmon for dinner and Sophia would be able to enjoy a Pacific Northwest treat.

“When I called down, this was highly recommended. I guess the Copper River Salmon only run for a short time in the spring. They assured me it was a Northwest specialty that I shouldn’t miss.”

Lara smiled. “They’re right.”

Lara re-focused her energies on her wife and opened the wine that Sophia had ordered to complement the meal. She poured two glasses and raised one in the air. When Sophia touched her glass, Lara offered a toast. “To my beautiful wife and delightful surprises.”


Chapter Thirteen


Rachel slumped in the overstuffed chair. Disappointment was an understatement. With one phone call, Lara had blown her plans to smithereens.

Espresso jumped in her lap and rolled on his back, showing his stomach. Rachel rubbed his tummy and he started purring loudly.

“I guess it’s just you and me tonight, my little furry buddy. I suppose I could start working on her surprise party, or….”

Rachel picked up Espresso and set him on the floor. She removed her shirt and unzipped her jeans. She kept her lace bra on. “I think mommy needs a little inspiration tonight.”

Rachel shoved her hand into her jeans, picked up her phone from the side table, held her phone in front of her, posed seductively for a picture, and pressed the button. “That should do it. I’ll bet I get a call tonight. I suppose phone sex is better than no sex.”

She typed the short message and hit send.

Rachel walked into the master bedroom with her jeans still undone, and set the phone on the nightstand. After stepping out of her jeans, she tossed them on the chair across from the bed. She unfastened her bra and added it to the pile of clothes on the chair. The only item of clothing that remained was her blue thong.

Espresso followed her into the bedroom and jumped up on the bed.

“What do you think, Espresso, do you think stating, I wish her hand was here to take over, was too direct? Maybe I should have devised a more subtle message. I guess we’ll have to wait patiently for her response. In the meantime, I think that book I started is calling to me.”

Rachel read the same paragraph three times. Lara hadn’t responded to her text and that was unusual. She never stayed overnight at the office, at least not when she was at her Seattle office. Granted, she had no idea what her work patterns were when she was in New York, but when she was in Seattle, she always came home eventually.

Rachel started to worry that something was drastically different. She decided that if Chelsea Martin was this demanding and it affected Rachel’s limited time with her wife, perhaps she wasn’t worth securing as a client.

Unfortunately, Rachel couldn’t talk about this with her wife tonight because she was still at the office. She decided it would be a good time to make a surprise visit tomorrow in the hopes that she would catch her wife during lunch. Sometimes Rachel wasn’t able to connect with Lara and she ended up taking the food back to the hospital where it always found a home with her hungry colleagues.

Rachel settled into the bed, now that she had a plan, and quickly acquiesced to the sudden drowsiness that hit her body. Since they hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the night before, she fell asleep with the reader resting on top of her body.

Espresso wormed his way under the covers and nestled against her bare midriff.

Rachel dreamed about Lara and all the delectable things she would do to her body when her wife finally came home.



Sophia moaned in appreciation as she took a final bite of her meal. “
, the final perfect bite. If I'd known how wonderful Pacific salmon tasted, I would have traveled out here a lot earlier.”

When Sophia first arrived, she had panicked when Lara's reaction was not what she had hoped for, but after the initial shock that her surprise arrival had caused, the look of love and desire returned. It was like when they’d first met. Sophia was looking forward to the rest of the evening.

Lara pushed the tray away, stood up, and pulled Sophia into her arms. Her movements were slow and precise as she led Sophia to the bedroom and undid each button on her blouse. Sophia's shirt hung loosely on her body until Lara carefully slipped it off her shoulders.

Sophia began to unzip her slacks, until Lara covered her hand. “Let me do the honors.”

Sophia could feel Lara's hand brush lightly against her silk panties. It sent a rush of arousal through her body as goosebumps magically appeared on her arms.

Sophia stepped out of her pants and stood before Lara in her bra and underwear. As Lara moved each bra strap down Sophia's arms, her corresponding touch hit a few of Sophia's erogenous zones. The need to feel Lara move above her was overwhelming.

She thought it was odd that the bed covers seemed askew because Lara was such a stickler about making the bed every morning. Maybe housekeeping wasn’t able to get to the room before her business meeting. She wrinkled her nose and thought she smelled an unfamiliar perfume in the room. Maybe the client she was entertaining at the penthouse bathed in the stuff and it somehow permeated into the bedroom.

Sophia smiled to herself as she noted another smell. The room smelled of sex. She wondered if Lara was also pleasuring herself. Maybe they were doing the exact same things thousands of miles away. She would have to remember that and perhaps coordinate their schedules so they might be able to video call one another to make it more exciting.

“I need to feel your naked body move on top of me,” Sophia pleaded.

“Not yet. Who is in control here?” Lara asked.

“You are.”

“Get in the bed, but leave your panties on,” Lara directed.

Sophia pulled the covers down and positioned herself for her wife. She licked her lips as she saw the feral look on Lara’s face. The lust in her eyes was evident. She missed that look and now that it was back, she was going to take full advantage.

“Aren’t you afraid of ruining your outfit? I can smell your arousal and soon I’ll be able to see the wet spot. You’d better take off your clothes before that happens,” Sophia suggested.

“Cheeky little minx, aren’t you? I thought I’d made it clear that I was in charge. If you aren’t good, I’ll make you wait longer,” Lara threatened.

“I take it all back. I want to see the wet spot.”

Lara laughed. “You are pushing it. Wait there and don’t move. I need a few items.”

Lara moved to the dresser and pulled out the leather and lambskin restraints and eye mask.

Sophia squirmed on the bed, waiting for Lara to secure her hands above her head. It was freeing to know that she could lay back and allow Lara to take control. There would be nothing to distract her. Although Sophia enjoyed the times when Lara and she would reach simultaneous orgasm as they stroked or licked one another at the same time, there was nothing like being the recipient of Lara’s complete focus. She didn’t have to worry about whether Lara was getting close.

Lara carefully secured the leather mask and restraints. Sophia felt vulnerable, yet excited. She ached to feel Lara’s hands and mouth on her body. She didn’t know what Lara was doing because the mask covered her eyes, but she heard the refrigerator door open.

After what seemed like an eternity, she felt a cool drop of something hit her nipple, then another hit her bellybutton.

, dessert is served. I just needed to add some whipped cream,” Lara murmured.

Sophia squirmed as she waited for Lara’s inevitable tongue. She felt the tip lick her right nipple and circle it. A light bite sent her nearly over the edge. Her left breast ached for the same treatment and before long, Lara rewarded her with the same love bite.

Sophia’s clit was throbbing in anticipation. She felt Lara’s hands stroke her stomach and brush lightly across her panties. She could feel Lara make her way down to her sex with a momentary side trip to her bellybutton as Lara sucked the sticky cream that pooled in the small indent.

Finally, Lara brought her hands to Sophia’s hips and Sophia could feel her move the silk underwear down her legs. After Lara removed her panties, Sophia felt Lara sucking her toes and pressing down on her arches.

As Lara’s hand made its way back up her calf and inner thigh, Sophia cried out.
“Please, touch me where I need you.”

“Where would that be, love? You have to be more specific.”

“Oh, God, Lara. Stop teasing me,” Sophia begged.

“You have to tell me and I’ll walk out the door if you use overly clinical terms, my prim and proper professor. I’ll give you a hint. It starts with a P.”

Sophia could hear the smirk in Lara’s words.

“My pussy, please, touch my pussy,” Sophia cried out.

“Well, now that you’ve asked so nicely, I suppose I can do that,” Lara responded.

It didn’t take long for Sophia to buck in an effort to meet Lara’s mouth. She needed to feel Lara’s tongue on her clit. She wanted to feel Lara suck the engorged area and let her teeth graze across the hood. Sophia got her wish, but not until after an additional ten minutes of teasing.

When Sophia’s orgasm hit, she was more than ready to feel the pulsations ripple up and down her body. She hoped that Lara would allow her to return the favor and she got her wish.



Lara was thankful that Sophia was in the throes of passion when she heard the buzz of her cellphone. It was enough to distract her, but fortunately, Lara had an uncanny ability to block out everything and narrowly focus her attentions on the task at hand. Not that she considered making love to her wife a task, but she was an expert in the art of making love.

A plan for how to deal with this new wrinkle began forming in her mind. There was no way she could allow Sophia to hang around Seattle. Even though Sophia indicated that she would not visit the office again, Joy might talk her into it. She assumed that Joy might try to hit on her receptionist, Chandra. The temptation was too great for Joy. She knew Joy would egg her on. She would probably say something like “Lara has to eat, so you might as well visit her at lunch”. There was no way she would be able to keep her from visiting for the next three weeks and she wouldn’t risk a chance meeting of her two wives.

Lara just needed a couple of days to set things up. She would tell Sophia that she needed to work hard and probably stay at the office for the next couple of days to get everything done and then she would take Sophia away for a second honeymoon. She would make reservations at Rosario Resort on Orcas Island and then whisk her away for another week in Victoria, the charming city on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. She’d spend the next few days with Rachel and explain that an emergency came up and she had to return to New York for a few weeks.

As Sophia slept soundly beside her, Lara slipped from her bed to respond to the message on her phone that she knew Rachel sent.

Lara creeped out to the living room and glanced at the message on her phone. She groaned as the picture of Rachel lounging in her chair with her hand in her pants popped up.

It was such an appealing picture she almost saved it, but thought better of it. It would be careless to keep it on the off chance that Sophia picked up her phone and read any of the messages. Sophia wasn’t one to nose around on her phone or her private affairs, but Lara wasn’t willing to take the risk. She’d managed to keep her two lives separate thus far mainly because she was excruciatingly careful not to let the two worlds collide.

She would call Rachel first thing in the morning and ask her to come to the office so they could have lunch together. That should appease Rachel. She imagined that she might suffer a few consequences for not returning the text message right away. In her experience, Rachel was not someone you toyed with. She demanded her fair share of attention and this recent turn of events would not sit well with her. In many ways, Sophia was a lot easier to manage, because she accepted things more readily and was far less demanding.

BOOK: The Ultimate Betrayal
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