The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series) (8 page)

BOOK: The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series)
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“Thank you for a wonderful afternoon. I don’t know when I’ve had so much fun.”

“No, thank you. Shopping was fun and not such a dreadful experience with you there to interpret for us.”

“Yes, I can’t wait to show Dmitry my new outfits.”

Jasmine laughed, “I thought you said those
, if they can actually be considered such, were for your honeymoon?”

“Well, I’ll of course have to try them out to make sure they’re comfortable and such.” Julia laughed at the expression on Jasmine’s face. “Don’t worry, Dmitry has purchased me much more revealing garments himself. Now, where is that sweet baby of yours? He’s going to look so cute in his new clothes.”

Julia and Desi had taken over the task of outfitting her son, purchasing him an entire wardrobe that she had tried to tell them he would outgrow within a few months, if not weeks. But the women were like tornadoes once they hit the children’s section of the shopping district. Jasmine looked around as Sergei finished bringing in their purchases and shook her head. She’d never purchased as much stuff at one time in her life. Ever!

Misha walked in holding Mikhail, who promptly held his hands out to her and started babbling. She took him, bussing his cheek before handing him to Julia who demanded a turn. “Come here, little man. You’re going to like what Aunt Julia bought you.”

Julia pulled a stuffed truck from one of the bags, removing the tag with her teeth before handing it to the little boy. He squeezed it in his hands before promptly putting it his mouth and biting down.

Julia looked on, a question in her eyes, “Is he hungry?”

Jasmine laughed, “No. He’s teething. Believe me, there’s a difference.” Such a difference that she had stopped nursing him several weeks back because he kept biting her. Afraid that he would do some permanent damage to her, she had cut him off and switched over to nothing but bottles and a sippy cup that Dasha had given her.

Desi took him, tickling his ribs and causing him to laugh. “You like that truck? Does it taste good?”

Mikhail loved all of the attention, and as Jasmine watched the women interact with her son, she suddenly realized what Misha had been trying to tell and show her. She wasn’t alone! Her son would never know the heartache of being lonely and having no one. These people had already opened their hearts to him – and to her. Today’s adventure had shown her that.

Looking at Misha, she saw him watching her and mouthed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Misha relaxed and nodded at her across the room. He could see the truth in her eyes; she had finally accepted that this wasn’t just a dream that would vanish when the sun came out. It was real and it was hers for the taking.

Chapter 16


Saturday morning arrived and Jasmine found herself shaking at the thought of what she was about to do. She nervously dressed Mikhail in the new, little blue suit Julia and Desi had insisted she buy.

Misha could tell she was nervous, but chalked it up to wedding day jitters and tried to be as calm and steady for her, as he knew how to be. Taking Mikhail off her hands, he murmured to her, “Get yourself ready.  We need to leave in thirty minutes or we’ll be late to our own wedding.” He smiled at her and then started up a one-sided conversation with their son as he left the room.

Jasmine sank down onto the bed, Misha’s bed, one they had yet to share, and pondered her future. She chastised herself for always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Going to the mirror in the bathroom, she lectured herself on not having enough faith.

She applied her makeup carefully, wanting to make a good first impression on Misha’s mother. She knew very little about the woman. Misha had told her she would be fine and that his mother would love her, but Jasmine wasn’t so confident.

Years of being shuffled from one foster home to another had taught her there wasn’t much about her that people wanted to keep around. At least that was her perspective. She had hardened her heart and mind, becoming impervious to what others thought of her.

Well, she had been impervious to what others thought of her. Now, she so desperately wanted everyone to accept her so that this dream she was currently living could continue, she was amazed at herself. 
Please don’t let me mess this up!

She finished dressing, looking at herself in the mirror with a critical eye. She was too thin, but the dress that Desi had picked out for her hid that, emphasizing her other features, including her long legs, and the long line of her neck.

The emerald green color brought out flecks of the green in her eyes, and offset the blondeness of her hair. She donned the three-inch heels, trying to remember how to walk in them. It had been a while since she’d worn anything but tennis shoes.

When she emerged from the bedroom several minutes later, she nervously smoothed down the short skirt. Misha was standing in front of the large stone fireplace holding a picture of his father and talking to Mikhail in a low voice.

“I wish he could have met him in person,” she stated quietly.

Misha looked over his shoulder, and then slowly placed the picture back upon the mantle, his eyes never leaving her. “Wow!” He turned and walked towards her, grabbing Mikhail’s hand covered in mushed cookie before he could grab a hold of her shoulder.

“Not today, little man. Momma’s gorgeous and we don’t want to mess up her pretty dress.” Mikhail grabbed a towel sitting nearby and wiped Mikhail’s hand before setting him down on the blanket that had been spread over the carpet.

Making a twirling motion with his hand, he watched as Jasmine did a slow turn for his inspection. When her back was fully to him, he stepped in, halting her progress, wrapping his hands around her shoulders.

“You are beautiful,
moya dorogaya
. Absolutely stunning,
milaya moya
.” He placed a kiss upon her neck and she tipped her head to the side, giving him better access and silently urging him not to stop.

Jasmine inhaled, taking his cologne in and felt her insides start to melt.
What this man did to her!
How had she lived the last eighteen months without his touch?
She felt the hardness of his body behind her, a physical reminder of how much he desired her against her lower back.

Misha felt her surrender to his touch and closed his eyes briefly. They needed to leave in a few minutes, but he longed for the chance to explore her body once again.
Tonight! Patience man!

Giving her shoulders one last squeeze, he inquired, “Are you ready?”

Jasmine nodded, “I am.”

“No more doubts?” Misha asked, having seen the struggle within her earlier.

“No. I can do this. I…I deserve this.” She said it in her mind repeatedly, convincing herself that the dream was about to become reality.

“You most certainly do and I’m glad you’re finally realizing it.”

“Well, it sounds good, anyways.”

“I’ll keep reminding you as often as you need it.” Misha stepped away from her, adjusting his pants before picking up his son and heading towards the door. He waited for her to exit the house, locking it behind him before escorting her to the waiting car.

He had asked Sergei to drive them again today. Misha’s lifestyle would need some adjustments before it was completely family ready. He didn’t own a normal vehicle. Instead, he normally drove a military Humvee. When he was on his own, he rode a Ducati motorbike he had purchased several years prior while in Italy.  Neither mode of transportation was suitable for a wife and small infant. He would remedy that situation first thing Monday morning. Until then, Sergei would take them back and forth.

“Good morning, Miss Jasmine. Good morning, sir.”

Misha scowled at him, “Stop with the sir stuff already. You’ve been calling me Misha for years.”

Sergei nodded his head, “Yes, si- Misha.” Sergei smirked; he loved messing with Misha because the man gave as good as he got.

“Dmitry called a few minutes ago to warn you that Antonia is in residence and will be attending the festivities.”

Misha cursed.

Jasmine looked between Sergei and Misha, “Who is Antonia and why don’t you want her at our wedding?”

“Do me a favor, will you?” Misha asked, not answering the question.

“Okay. What?”

“Stay away from her. Whatever mischief she suggests, just say ‘No’. Loudly and repeatedly. Encourage Julia and Desi to do the same.”

“Like that will stop them. You know they’re planning a girls’ night out before their weddings, right? Jasmine will certainly be expected to attend.” Sergei was enjoying the look on Misha’s face.

Misha started shaking his head vehemently, “No! I won’t allow it! You aren’t going!”

Jasmine laughed, “What are you talking about? Sergei, who is Antonia?”

Sergei laughed, “Her sister is Mrs. Fedosov’s housekeeper and cook. Dmitry and Alexey’s mother. She’s also an international super model and keeps a lifestyle that is not necessarily one the Fedosov men wish their women to engage in.”

“She a party girl and sleeps around. Don’t beat around the bush, man. She was after Alexey for a while, but he wasn’t wild enough for her.”

Sergei laughed, “I think they were after each other, from what I observed. Alexey liked to party as well. So much so that Dmitry actually sent him to Moscow to sow his wild oats, hoping the board of directors wouldn’t hear about his antics.”

When Jasmine looked at Misha with a raised eyebrow, he explained, “What Sergei is trying to say is that the board of directors for DAV Mining are old-school men who believe women should be seen and not heard, and not seen much. Although, I must say, I’m always amazed at how quickly Julia wrapped them around her little finger. They all treat her like their favorite daughter.”

Sergei laughed. Misha shook his head in disgust. Jasmine laughed, “Good for her. It sounds like someone needed to shake them up a bit. So, I take it Alexey has changed his wild ways?”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far, but he’s certainly contained them to only including Desi these days.”

Misha nodded in agreement, “I’m glad to see it. I was tired of seeing his mug spread across the tabloids. My troops took great pleasure in pointing out his escapades to me.”

Jasmine looked at Misha, “Do I detect a hint of jealousy in there? Did you secretly want to be the party boy?”

Misha looked so shocked and thoroughly turned off she started laughing. Mikhail looked at his mother and then started babbling as well. Misha nodded to their son, “He’s as appalled at that statement as I am. Alexey just needed to grow up a bit…”

“Misha, tell her about the pranks you and Alexey used to pull.”

“Shut. Up. I don’t need your assistance right now.” Misha pretended to glare at Sergei but lost it. Sergei had helped on more than one occasion as Alexey and Misha worked their mischief. He was as guilty as they were.

“I think Sergei and I need to sit down and have a long talk,” Jasmine stated.

“Not today. Not next week. Sergei’s schedule is very full. I doubt he’ll have time for that discuss any time in the next say… forever.” Misha dared Sergei to speak up, smiling when Sergei smirked at him. There were some things Jasmine didn’t need to know about. Actually, there were a lot of things she didn’t need to know about. At least not right now. Maybe later. Hopefully not.

Chapter 17


Sergei pulled the car up in front of the Fedosov estate and watched as Jasmine’s eyes widened.
She’s finally starting to understand who’s she’s dealing with.
He smiled at her as he opened the door and assisted her from the car.

Misha unbuckled Mikhail from his newly acquired car seat and then stepped out himself. The front door opened and a bevy of people emerged to welcome them.

Jasmine watched as one person after another greeted her warmly, hugging her, and kissing her cheeks in the traditional Russian greeting. Julia and Desi were the first ones to reach her. They both squealed and grabbed her for hugs, remarking over Mikhail as if they’d never seen a baby before.

They had a gorgeous woman with them who they introduced as Antonia Padrov. The woman smiled at Jasmine and then gave her a brief hug, “Whatever Misha told you about me, don’t believe a word of it. He’s just jealous because the press like me more than him.”

Jasmine started to reply, but Misha beat her to it. Leaning over her shoulder, he looked Antonia in the eye before saying lightheartedly, “The press like your antics more. If I’d done half the things you have, I would have been run out of the Army on a rail.” He smiled as he said the words and Jasmine relaxed, realizing the two of them were teasing each other.
I haven’t seen this side of him. I like it!

Their husbands were next – Dmitry and Alexey. “Shame on you for not finding us sooner,
milaya moya
. You should have come to us as soon as you knew how to find us.” The reprimand came from Dmitry, but was delivered at the same time he pulled her to himself for a hug, so she assumed he wasn’t really upset with her.

This was confirmed when he pulled away and gave her a big brotherly smile. Never having had a brother to interact with before, she discovered she could get used to having them. Surprisingly, in the midst of these virtual strangers, she felt safe, warm and loved.
Wow! If this is what family is, I could definitely get used to it!

The interactions she’d had while in the foster care system hadn’t been anything like this. She’d spent the first five years of her life in the state orphanage. As she had entered public school, they had farmed her out to whichever foster home had room. None of them had been stellar, but she hadn’t been abused either. She had always been one of many kids in the homes, especially as she got older.

Jasmine had lived for school, finding it a means of escape from her living situation which pointed out to her each and every moment of every day that she was alone in this world. She had obtained a job as soon as she could, which served to keep her busy another twenty hours a week.

When she turned eighteen, she moved out, got a small apartment, and finished high school. Her peers at school had never understood her, but they hadn’t walked a mile in her shoes either. Applying for federal grant money, she had started her education. Taking as many classes each semester as she could, working on campus, and then off. She had managed to get by and been well on her way and then she had come to Russia.

BOOK: The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series)
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