Read The Rogue Prince Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

The Rogue Prince (4 page)

BOOK: The Rogue Prince
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Jasmine took a deep breath, choosing to ignore him as she tried to get the conversation back on topic. “Ambassador, I’m giving you the new booth because I wish to commission your services.”

A smile again lit his handsome face, making his dark eyes sparkle. When she looked at him, she sometimes swore his eyes were dark brown and at other times they looked almost black. Whatever the color, they were gorgeous.

“Ambassador again is it? You like men in power?”

“Ah,” she shook her head. This man was impossible!

Reid tilted his head to the side and leaned toward her. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was trying to kiss her.

“I need a ride,” Jasmine stated, pulling back. “On your ship. Off this planet.”

She suppressed a moan of disgust. That wasn’t the most elegant phrasing, but already she’d spent too long on the docks. Chad would be wondering where she’d gone off to. And when Chad began to wonder, things got bad--real bad.

, but we aren’t a shuttle service. Why don’t you ask one of these rich doctors? I’m sure they’ll have accommodations more to your liking. Besides, wouldn’t you be more comfortable with other women on board the ship?”

Jasmine felt as if her heart dropped, which really wasn’t a good thing in her case. She swallowed, trying not to shake. She couldn’t ask anyone else. There was no one else. Anyone else would tell Chad. She was desperate. Who knew how many more years would pass before an opportunity like this came up? Dabbing her sleeve on her forehead, she said, “I can’t ask anyone else. I want to commission you. Please, if the medical booth isn’t payment enough, I do have--”

“Listen, Jasmine.” Reid lifted his hand, moving as if to touch her arm. She artfully shifted her weight, staying out of his reach. His hand fell to the side. “Can we be blunt here?”

Jasmine nodded, feeling a sense of relief. She preferred blunt. It was so much easier, not always possible, but easier.

“I know you’re getting around to asking me to bed you.” Reid winked audaciously.

Jasmine’s relief left her until all she felt was the raw sting of apprehension, which in turn became utter and complete dismay. Could this primitive really be that arrogant?

“I’m fine with that. In fact, if you like, I’ll arrange for some privacy on the ship for us. I can be very discreet. But that’s all I can offer,
. I’m not taking you with me. I’m flattered that you’d think to like me so much that you’d want to come away with me for an exotic flight of pure, rapturous pleasure, but I’m not the commitment type. So, what do you say? Want to go have sex real quick and--?”

Jasmine felt the blood drain from her face at his words. He was serious. Hissing between her teeth, she hotly declared, “I do
want to have sex with you!”

, it’s fine. Don’t be embarrassed.” Reid reached out as if he’d touch her. She took a step back. “I’m not rejecting you.”

Lifting her chin proudly, she asked, “Will you give me the ride or not, Ambassador? I can pay you well and won’t be a burden. You won’t even know I’m on board.”

“No,” Reid said. “We don’t have time to take care of a woman in space. We have many important things to do. We’re very busy men.”

“Have it your way,” Jasmine said, turning on her heel. She left without another word. She’d already wasted a lot of time on the docks. Chad would be sure to notice her prolonged absence. She could only hope he wouldn’t be mad or jealous.

Reid watched the lovely Jasmine stomp off and shook his head. Sacred Cats! She was beautiful, even with the bruise. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand why a woman as beautiful as Jasmine would want to fight. With her looks she could easily find a man to defend her honor for her. Though, Queen Ulyssa often sparred with Falke. She was skilled with a sword as well as pretty to look at.

Reid shook his head in regret. Too bad this Jasmine was so painfully shy. It was obvious she’d come to him because she wanted to sleep with him. Why else ask for him and not Jarek? Jarek was Captain and would be the one to grant passage. However, after seeing how the men looked at her and knowing firsthand how lonely deep space nights could be--how endless--he knew it was for her own good to find a different crew. Perhaps one equipped for female passengers. Jarek would’ve no doubt told her no as well.

Grabbing his jacket, he slung it over his shoulder. It was really too bad she was so shy. His body was aroused, his shaft hard and ready for action. He glanced down at his erection. He was rather big in that area. Women often were apprehensive of his size and she was a mere slip of a thing. Maybe that’s what had scared her off. It would make sense.

Walking back to the ship, Reid thought of Jasmine’s beautiful face. He frowned in disappointment. It really was too bad. That was one memory he’d like to have made.

* * * *

Jasmine’s hand shook as she lifted it up to the door scanner. The light shone over her hand, reading her palm. Why was she so shaky? This wasn’t like her. All she could think about was Reid’s face, his roguish smile. But that was all she thought of him. She couldn’t feel anything else. It was impossible.

Maybe her heart really was getting worse. The door slid up and she stepped inside. Maybe she should take another pill.

“Where have you been, darling?” Chad said as soon as the door slid shut. His voice was calm, pleasant, but there was a hard edge to his words that Jasmine knew well. “I’ve been worried sick about you.”

Jasmine swallowed. The room was dim and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darker light. The corridor outside their room had been bright.

The suite was nice, rich. They always stayed in such places. As far as the material side was concerned, she had a great life. The front room had thick red carpet and a matching red couch. She found Chad sitting on it, a martini in his hand, almost empty.

“I won the door prize,” Jasmine said. She walked over to the food simulator built into the wall. “Dr. Lowenstein stopped me and asked where I wanted it delivered. I had to give them directions.”

“You won?” Chad asked. “The medical booth, was it?”

“Yes,” Jasmine said. She pushed a button on the food simulator and said, “Earth Martini, dry, two olives, one onion.”

The machine dinged and Jasmine opened the door. She took the drink out and turned to Chad. His eyes were narrowed in on her. Only from years of practice was she able to keep her face expressionless. She met his eyes.

“And where is this medical booth?” he asked. “If you won it, where did they put it? I’d like to see it.”

“I….” Jasmine hesitated. Chad looked a little drunk. Knowing it was better she didn’t point that out, she took a step toward him. “I donated it. I said that is what you’d want me to do, since you’re normally so generous. I thought it would look good for you if we did that. It’s not like we needed it or anything.”

Jasmine knew she lied. Chad wasn’t generous, unless it suited his purpose. She bit her lip, handing the martini forward. He finished off the drink he had and placed the empty glass on the low cherry wood coffee table.

“Did you,” Chad said. It wasn’t a question.

“Yes.” Jasmine tired to force a smile, but it was hard. Chad didn’t seem to notice. “Many of the doctors were there. They were very impressed by your generosity. One even said that a generous, giving spirit was the mark of a true doctor.”

Chad reached for the drink. Jasmine started to pull back but his hand darted out to grab her by the wrist. He jerked her forward, moving to stand as he did so. Squeezing her in his grip, he took a slow drink of his martini. When he finished the entire thing, he set the glass down by the other empty one.

“And just who did you donate it to?” he asked.

“The … the savage men who Dr. Martens …
….” Chad squeezed tighter and her words died with a yelp.

“You like him,” Chad accused. “Is that where you were, Jasmine? With the savage man?”

She gasped, shaking her head frantically. “No, no, of course not! Why would you think I liked him--them?”

“Him?” Chad repeated, pulling her arm so she was forced closer. Her wrist hurt from the strain, but she didn’t complain.

“Chad, please, no,” she said. “You know I can’t do anything like that. It’s impossible. Besides, they’re … they’re
! They’re primitive.... Don’t look at me like that. You know I can’t do--”

“Ah, but nobody else knows your damning secret, wife,” he said, his tone low. “Do you think I was the only one who noticed you staring at them? What do you think the other doctors thought? Your tongue was practically hanging out of your head like a whore in heat.”

“No,” Jasmine answered. “No, Chad, darling, you know that’s not true. I was appalled by them. They’re frightening primitives. I must have forgotten my pill, what with the excitement of your speech being today. I know how big it was for you. You did a really good job by the way.”

Chad pulled her closer to his chest and she felt the entire length of his body against her. She shivered. “I counted your pills. They are as they should be. You’ve taken your pill today.”

“Oh,” Jasmine said, looking at his jaw. “Then maybe you need to check my dosage? I haven’t been feeling well. Maybe it’s all the excitement, or maybe I’m coming down with something. I did feel a little dizzy earlier.”

“You look beautiful today,” Chad said.

Jasmine tensed. His tone had lowered. She knew what that meant. Her voice a whisper, she managed, “Don’t you have to go meet with the doctors? I wouldn’t want you to miss out on anything. You--”

“I think it’s time I reminded you who your husband is,” Chad said. He leaned over and tenderly kissed her temple. She flinched. “It’s been awhile.”

“I haven’t forgotten.” Jasmine tried to keep the begging out of her voice. “You don’t have to do this. I know who my husband is.”

“Shhh, honey,” he soothed. “Now, go undress and turn out the lights. I’ll be in the bedroom in a second.”

* * * *

Jasmine hated herself even as she undressed. Sex was an unfortunate part of marriage, a part she had no interest in. Luckily for her, it was something they didn’t do too often. It was the same reason she let him go to other women. She much preferred it that way.

It wasn’t that Chad hurt her, or that she had anything particular to complain about. In fact, in a strange way, she felt sorry for him. He’d married a frigid woman. That couldn’t be an easy thing for a man to face.

When they were first married, she’d tried to connect to him. In fact, she’d felt the stirrings of attraction to him, but then they went on their honeymoon and the attraction never blossomed. In fact, it was as if she were dead inside. He touched her and she felt nothing. Any man touched her and she felt nothing--not that she’d let other men touch her. Jasmine couldn’t blame her husband for his anger that first honeymoon night.

Jasmine thought of Ambassador Reid. She felt nothing physical for him, no real longing. Her heartbeat picked up. She pressed her hand to her chest. It was a strange sensation and it was beginning to scare her.

Hearing voices in the front room, she crawled out of the bed and slid on a robe. It was almost with a sense of relief that she heard someone with Chad. Hopefully, he’d be distracted and would forget all about wanting to connect with her. Going to the door, she sat down and listened.

“Dr. Ellington, please, do come in,” Chad’s voice said. “I’m honored….”

Jasmine lay on the floor in front of the door, wincing as she put weight on her sore wrist. Chad had squeezed it really tight and she could tell it was going to bruise. Luckily, she had brought her long sleeve dresses and a pair of white gloves. They’d cover it without a problem.

Looking through the narrow space between the floor and the bottom edge of the door, she couldn’t really see anything but the legs of furniture. She heard a muffled greeting. There was some talk back and forth. She turned her ear to the crack of space. The food simulator dinged once, then once again. Chad was fixing drinks. Then, she heard a creaking sound that made her think of the men taking a seat on the couch. When they again spoke, their voices were clearer.

“We at the Medical Alliance were very impressed by your speech today, Dr. St. Claire. We like your ideas,” Dr. Ellington said.

“Oh, please, do call me Chad,” Chad said, affecting a fake laugh Jasmine hated.

“Chad, I’m going to come straight to the point. We’ve had our eye on you for quite some time, ever since you worked with Doc Francis in Zigar,” Dr. Ellington said. “I’m sure you have some assumptions about what we do, but you don’t know the half of it.”

Chad was silent. Jasmine frowned. Doc Francis? Doc Francis? She was pretty sure she’d never met him.

“How’s your wife?” Dr. Ellington asked.

“My wife?” Chad repeated. “She’s sleeping. Why do you ask?”

“Family is very important to us at the Alliance. If you were to be brought in, we’d want to make sure you had a good solid family life. A man is only as good as the order in his home.”

“You have nothing to worry about with Jasmine. I have her well in hand,” Chad said. Jasmine frowned. The way he said it, it was so cold, heartless. “She’s a good wife.”

“Can she bear children?” Dr. Ellington asked. “Surprisingly, we don’t have much in the way of her medical records. Either she’s very healthy, or she never uses a medical unit when she’s sick. I notice from your file you don’t have any children.”

“Actually, my wife is surprisingly healthy, not a thing wrong with her,” Chad said. “In fact, I can’t remember her ever having need of a medical booth since we’ve been married.”

Jasmine frowned. All right, she could see not wanting anyone to know his wife was frigid, but to say she was healthy? It was a boldfaced lie. She was far from healthy. Her heart started beating funny again.

“And we were just talking about having a baby tonight,” Chad added.

A cold, icy grip squeezed over her heart, nearly choking her at his words. A baby? With Chad? No. She couldn’t bring another life into this marriage. She … no. No. If she had any doubts as to what she was going to do, Chad’s words gave her the final bit of strength she needed. Ambassador Reid might have said no, but she was going to go with him whether he liked it or not. Thank goodness she’d heard his plans to leave tonight, or else she’d miss her only chance.

BOOK: The Rogue Prince
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