The Reluctant Duke (Love's Pride Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Duke (Love's Pride Book 1)
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Slowly, his hand traveled up her leg, over the outside of her firm, feminine thighs and up over her hips. He remembered that delicious rump swaying back and forth the first day they met. God, he wanted this woman so much, it felt like a power out of his control.

She’d pushed his coat off and was rubbing her hands over his back as he continued to kiss her breast. Slowly his hand moved to the insides of her thighs. He felt her hesitate before parting her legs giving him access to her core.

His mouth tugged at her nipple as his fingers found her soft folds. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck. Every muscle tensed up at his touch but slowly relaxed. She was oh so wet, ready for him already.

Not yet, he told himself.

He lightly began to rub up and down her cleft as she squirmed and pushed back with her unspoken demand for more. He shifted his lips to her other breast and nipple as his finger found the magic button.

A soft touch was all he needed to lift her out of her chair.

“Oh Thomas, please,” she whispered as her body began to vibrate with anticipation.

Slowly he increased the pressure as he circled her core. Slow, firm pressure moving her onwards, higher.

He heard her take a breath in preparation for a scream and quickly covered her mouth with his as she exploded in his arms. She arched her back and grabbed his hand to hold in place. Her entire body shook, and her eyes sprang open as she tried to come to grips with what was happening to her.

He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest while he continued to rub between her legs.

“I’ve got you, Gwen, I’ve got you,” he whispered into her hair as she continued to shake.

Finally, it ended. Letting go of his hand she went limp in his arms. He continued to hold her to him, letting her gather herself.

She looked up into his eyes and said, “I didn’t know.”

She seemed to realize what exactly had gone on, she blushed and looked down.

“Nobody ever said it could be like that. No one told me.” She said in a soft amazed voice, her face still in shock.

“Oh, my love, that is just the beginning, there is so much more,” he said, smiling down at her.

Somehow he was kneeling next to the small couch and while she still clutched him to her chest with her hands around his neck. He felt a pang of guilt, but deep down, he knew this was not a young woman pressured into something she didn’t want. She needed him as much as he needed her.

He lowered her back down to the settee and covered her ruby lips. Her breath tasted so sweet, reminding him of a summer’s day. Her sweet woman smell had been added to the normal Lavender and rose scent.

He felt his hand running over her soft belly when he heard a click and the parlor door open. My god, Woods had discovered them.

The butler stood at the door with a quizzical look. “Your Grace, is everything all right?” He asked.

Thomas realized that the butler couldn’t see Gwen, the back of the couch blocked his view. Gently placing a hand on her shoulder to keep her in place, The Duke rose,

“Yes Woods, everything is fine. I dropped a cufflink.” He held up a hand to show the found link.

Woods nodded and started to step into the room. Thomas was frantic, desperate to halt his progress.

“Can you please ask someone in the kitchen to prepare me some warm milk? I am having difficulty sleeping.” The Duke said, praying it would work. He could see Gwen out of the corner of his eyes, she’d pulled her shift up to cover her breasts. Her eyes big with fright. Their discovery would hurt her so much more than him. It wasn’t fair, but it was reality.

“Of course, Your Grace, right away.” The butler said with a puzzled look on his face. Stepping back ,he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Thomas breathed a huge sigh of relief but indicated Gwen should stay down until he had checked the door to make sure everything was clear. After ensuring that no one else remained outside, he threw the bolt and turned to find Gwen fully dressed, clutching her robe tight to her throat. Her eyes as big as saucers as she looked at him, frightened and beet red.

“Gwen, I’m…..” He stopped himself from saying he was sorry and saw her relax a little and smile at his close call. She peeked at him from under her brow as he held out his arms. She walked into his hug.

“You are the sweetest thing I have ever known Miss Gwen. But for now, you need to get to your room without being seen.”

He stepped out of the room and confirmed that no one was around; obviously Mr. Woods was still in the kitchen, probably trying to find someone to start a fire in the stove so that they could warm up some milk, cursing under their breaths the whole time.

The Duke gestured for Gwen to leave the room. She started to scamper across the entry way when he reached out and caught her arm and pulled her in for a quick kiss. She melted into him, then pushed on his chest so that she could step back. She looked into his eyes as if she wanted to say something, but she shook her head and turned to run down the stairs.

Chapter Ten


Gwen was being torn apart. She couldn’t get the events of the other night out of her mind. Every time she thought about it, which seemed to be every other minute, she’d want to die of mortification. Then grow hot with desire for more.

It had taken a lot of effort to avoid the Duke for two days. But what really bothered her was the idea that it might never happen again. Her insides grew cold at the mere thought. The Duke’s damn sense of honor might very well keep him from ever attempting anything again.

Her mind pondered all aspects of what they had done, and what more they could do. She thought about what it would mean to her future. But none of it mattered. She just knew that it had to happen. She couldn’t live without taking the next step.

She walked down the dimly lit hall, carrying a small candle in a holder. Her pure white nightgown and crimson robe didn’t keep the cold at bay but let a chill rub against her shins. A shudder ran across her shoulders as she thought about how irrevocable an action she was taking. There was no going back after this.

Stopping at the top of the back stairs, she waited.

His valet stepped out and closed the door behind him, a set of the Duke’s trousers over his arm. He’d use the main stairs vice the servant stairs to go down to the kitchen for a late night snack before retiring for the evening.

Walking towards the Duke’s door, Gwen felt a tug in two directions. Her mind was trying to hold her back, telling her to wait, delay. Her body pushed her on, demanding, desiring, determined to see it through. She didn’t knock, but gently opened the door and stepped inside the room.

His bedroom was larger than the parlor downstairs, dominated by a big four poster bed. Candles were placed on a side table and on his dresser, throwing shadows and reflecting off a large mirror. Gwen eyes frantically scanned the room, her heart racing and skin flushed with embarrassment.

Gritting her teeth she refused to leave.

A side door opened, and the Duke walked in from a dressing room wearing only a long silk robe. He stopped immediately when he saw her standing there, his hands still on the knob. Raising one eyebrow, he pushed the door closed and slowly walked towards her, stopping just out of reach.

Her head tilted as she scanned his face, remembering the taste of those lips. She stepped forward and reached out and held his hand.

“I want more,” she said. Surely her heart would explode.

He pulled her into his arms, cradling her head against his chest. Then stepping back he gazed into her eyes as if to make sure she really wanted to give what she was offering. She couldn’t hesitate, didn’t dare risk changing her mind. The rest of her life wouldn’t be worth anything if she didn’t do this.

Her hands went to the throat of her robe and undid the simple knot. Letting the garment fall to the floor, she stepped away and in front of the fire. She knew that the light would highlight everything through her shift. His eyes grew to saucers as they burned with desire.

Gwen’s stomach clenched in need as she grew ready. Her insides throbbed with anticipation. Reaching up, she pulled the nightgown off one shoulder and then the other. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it over her breasts and let it slip to the floor next to the robe.

She stood before him, naked, and exposed. A wicked feeling of wantonness traveled throughout her body. What if he didn’t want her? The burning desire in his eyes reassured her that she was right, this was right.

His gaze ran over her lips, down her neck to devour her breasts. Both eyes narrowed and focused, memorizing every aspect. His stare gently caressed her, making her skin warm wherever they lingered.

She continued to stand there as he examined her. Her pink nipples grew tight and hardened in anticipation.

Eventually, his penetrating look left her breasts and continued on, halting at the curve of her waist. His hands clenched with a need to hold and possess. Leaving her waist, his fierce gaze skimmed over her belly and then to her sex at the junction of her legs. She had to fight not to cover herself. No man had ever seen her like this.

Untying the belt of his robe, he let it fall to the floor and peered into her eyes. He stood there fully naked and fully erect.

It will never fit was her first thought. She couldn’t take her eyes off his large cock. It was so enthralling she couldn’t take her eyes away. Unconsciously licking her lips, a flush spread across her face and down her chest. She looked into his compelling eyes and felt a rush of adrenaline run through her entire body, a rush of unbelievable need.

Offensive round red scars marred his perfect form, both at his shoulder and again low on his side. She cringed thinking about the enemies shot violating his body. A surprising feeling of hate towards the French became her focus for a moment.

His wide shoulders narrowed down to delectable thin hips. He was so male looking. It made her feel feminine, small and in his thrall.

Without thinking, she stepped towards him, keeping her eyes on his gorgeous cock. She hesitantly reached out and touched it. Her hand wrapping itself around the solid shaft sheathed in velvet, it jumped in her hand making her heart skip a beat, and her mouth go dry.

He gasped at her touch then bent down and scooped her up. His arm slid behind her knees and the other around her shoulders. He effortlessly picked her up and carried her to his bed. She briefly worried about his leg. He wasn’t limping as much as he used to but carrying her couldn’t be doing it any good.

Staring into her eyes, he gently laid her down and then joined her. Within seconds they were in each other’s arms, their hands roaming and caressing. Her fingers explored his body, sliding over his broad, hard shoulders. Finding his scars, she gently traced each wound, learning and feeling as she went.

He was all angles and hard surfaces, his muscles felt like bands of steel wrapped around iron bars. Her mind soared with desire and a little pride that such a man could want her. She felt him take a nipple into his mouth and let out a long deep moan as an electric shock pulsed through her.

His hands glided along the inside of her thighs and gently spread her legs to find her core, his fingers caressed the fold at the apex of her legs as they had only nights before. She was wet with need and arched her hips into his fingers as she moaned for him to give her more.

His need and desire matched hers, pushing her onward. She couldn’t wait any longer he was driving her crazy, she pulled at him, trying to get him to cover her. Her body and instincts had taken over; she was no longer able to think or plan, only to experience and feel.

He followed her guidance and settled between her legs, his sex poking at hers. He stopped and gazed into her eyes as if to make sure she was ready and that she still needed this final, irrevocable step.

An overwhelming need washed through her as she pushed herself into him.

“Please,” she moaned, her eyes begging him for more. A moment of fear coursed through her, but the anticipation only drove her to a higher place.

He reached between them and positioned himself then slowly pushed, starting to enter her. Spreading her folds with the head of his cock. She gasped and took in a deep breath in preparation. It felt like a warm invasion, his hard to her soft. Trying to relax, she put her arms around his hips and urged him to go further.

He chuckled under his breath and continued to enter her until he came to her maidenhead, then stopped.

“I’m sorry honey, it will hurt for only a moment,” he said before thrusting hard to fully impale her.

She felt like she split in two. A sharp pain followed by an ache throughout her lower region.

He didn’t move, resting there, giving her time to recover. Gwen didn’t know if she would ever recover. It felt so good to have him inside her; it felt like this what life was supposed to be like. The most natural and wonderful feelings.

He began to move, sliding back and forth, his slow movements teaching her the true meaning of pleasure. Every thrust sent a buzz of joy through her. She could feel her sex, swollen and pulsing with need. Her body instinctively started to move her hips in time with his thrusts, driving her to new heights.

Thomas’s throat rumbled, making her think of a male lion devouring his prey and sent a warm tingle down her spine, making her smile. The idea that she was having an impact on him like he was having on her made her feel like her heart was going to burst.

Continuing to thrust, he changed his angle reaching a new place inside her, making her come even more alive. Every nerve was on fire, throbbing and pulsing, reaching for some unknown high. She remembered the evening two nights earlier. Could she repeat that explosion?

“Of god, Thomas,” she said, wrapping her legs around him, not even aware the words had been spoken.

His face was locked in pain, his eyes closed and brow scrunched up. He continued to thrust, pushing her higher, so close, almost there, up, onwards.

He grunted then let out a mighty roar and released himself inside her, flooding her womb with his seed. She felt the warmth fill her, felt his throbbing maleness release itself pushing her all the way over the top. Her insides clenched around him, all control lost, she screamed as her world exploded around her. Lights, and sparks shot into her very soul. Her body quivered as wave after wave washed over her.

A bark of laughter escaped her before she could hold it back.

Thomas collapsed on her, his ragged breaths pulsing into her ear. His weight was delicious and made her feel like she wanted to stay this way forever. Her body continued to shake and tingle. Would it ever end? Wrapping her hands around his back she hugged him to her body. Trying to take him into her chest. Her heart felt like it would expand and take in the whole world.

Finally, he slowly backed out of her. She felt a loss as if part of her soul had been removed. Lying next to her he pulled her into an embrace, her head resting on his chest, listening to his racing heart.

“Oh Gwen, my Gwen, you are a truly amazing woman.”

Gwen felt like all was right with the world, she could die happy tomorrow, knowing that she had had this time with the man she loved.


Thomas rolled over, his hand searching for the soft, warm body sharing his bed. His body was ready for another taste of heaven.

They had made love three times last night, and he wanted her again before the servants were up and about. His hand slid back and forth, but he couldn’t find her. Sitting up, he grabbed the candle from the side table and lifted it over the bed. She was gone, a faint indentation on her pillow and the faint whiff of lavender the only evidence she had ever been there. His head whipped around, peering into the dark room trying to find her. She couldn’t have slipped out, could she?

The Duke was halfway out the room before he changed his mind. If she wanted to leave his bed, that was her right, she wasn’t his property. But still, the thought of her leaving angered him. A fierce sense of protectiveness and concern flushed through his body.

He desperately needed to make sure she was all right. That he hadn’t done something to upset her.

She seemed to have enjoyed the evening immensely. It had been her first time, and he had taken pain to make it enjoyable. There was no reason for her to leave. They had hours yet before the servants were about.

To hell with it, he thought, slipping back into bed. We will discuss it in the morning. One thing was for sure. This would be the last time she left his bed early.

The Duke placed his hands behind his head and stared at the oak ceiling. A satisfied smile appeared on his face to be followed by a furrowed frown as he began to think about the future and all of the problems they would have.

Turning over, he grabbed her pillow and hugged it to his chest, but sleep would not come. After several minutes of tossing and turning, he got up and got himself dressed. His valet would not be surprised. He kept ungodly hours and had trained his man to expect the unexpected.

Slipping down the hall, he opened the door to the servant’s stairwell and hesitated. Taking a deep breath, he pulled the door all the way open and quietly tiptoed down the stairs. Gwen’s room was the first on the right. On their second day in the London house, he had overheard one of the younger maids giving directions to another maid. Thank god for talkative servants.

He approached the plain wooden door. He wanted to open it and walk in, hadn’t she done that to his door earlier. Instead, he knocked quietly, being careful not to waken any of the other servants. She couldn’t be asleep already. How could she sleep at a time like this? He knocked again.

The door opened, and Gwen peaked around the edge, her eyes covered in shadows. She stepped back and turned away, leaving the door open for him to step in.

A small valise was on the bed, and it was obvious that Gwen was packing to leave. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried to gather himself. He looked at her, their eyes locking in place.

Her eyes were red, and her cheeks stained with tears. What had he done this time? Without thinking, he pulled a handkerchief out and offered it to her.

She gave a little laugh at his gesture and took the offering to wipe her eyes. The action seemed to give her some strength as she stood up straight and looked him in the eye.

BOOK: The Reluctant Duke (Love's Pride Book 1)
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