The Prince and the Working Woman (Desert Prince Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Prince and the Working Woman (Desert Prince Book 1)
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"No hands. Don’t make me tie you up," she whispered in his ear.

The warm breath on his neck sent ripples along his spine. He sucked in a deep breath, hoping to retain his tentative self-control.

Who was he kidding? He had no control of this situation. Right now the lady was in control and not likely to give it up. He would have to take it back.

The tantalizing tip of her tongue, circled his nipple. His body jerked involuntarily. Mandy looked up and smiled. "You are so easy."

"Actually I’m quite hard and I am not sure how much more I can take," he choked out.

"Well hold on. I am just getting started." Mandy continued her seductive exploration of his body. She reached for the button on the trousers, unfastening it with trembling fingers. She slipped a tentative hand inside, her fingers tangling in the hair below his navel.

Hamid gasped for breath. She raised her head, and her beautiful green eyes reflected her triumphant amusement. She knew what she was doing to him, and she enjoyed the power she had over him. It was time to take back control.


* * * *


“My turn,” Hamid warned. “And I don’t get mad, I get even.”

His raspy voice, heavy with a passion, brought a tremor of excitement. Mandy knew what she did to him and willingly prayed for payback. This time when he reached for her, she did not fight. He ran his hand along the outside of her embroidered shirt. She quivered with anticipation. He slipped his hand under the shirt and pulled it over her head. It landed in a heap on the floor.  Her bra followed with practiced speed.

He explored every inch of her neck and shoulders, covering her in hot, urgent kisses. Her body swayed and she grabbed his arms for support. He took her breast into his hot mouth, flicking his tongue over the taut nipple.  She arched closer to him and threw her head back. He teased her, sucking and releasing the hard peaks until she thought she would cry out. She wanted more.

She clawed at the hook at her waistband. Hamid took her hands in his. Slowly, as if to torment her further, he removed the last of her clothing very slowly and lowered her onto the bed. His pants followed, landing on the pile on the floor.

She reached for him. He knelt down next to her. Parting her legs with one hand, he caressed the inside of her thigh and pressed probing fingers inside her moist vagina. Her body writhed in response.  He knew just where to touch her.

He stroked her cheek with his other hand and pushed her hair away from her face. "You are so easy."

Molten heat burned in her belly. She opened her mouth to answer, but all that came out was a strangled cry. He moved his finger to her sweet spot, intimately caressing the velvety soft folds of skin. Her body shuddered.

"Hamid, please." she begged, unable to stand the waiting another second.

“One more minute.”

One more minute might kill her. When she saw him take the condom from his wallet she didn’t know whether to laugh or tell him to screw it. She wanted him inside of her. Now! In seconds he was back, lowering his body over her. Her body tensed slightly. It had been longer than she realized. Surprisingly he seemed to notice the hesitation. He gave a moment to adjust.

"Are you all right now?"

Mandy pushed her hips against his and murmured, "Oh yeah. Carry on.”

She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him. Starting slowly at first they moved together in an ever increasing rhythm. They were one, joined in an erotic hunger that consumed them. She matched his every move as if they were life-long partners.  Her body gave in to the release and she grabbed on to him while she was rocked with delightful spasms.

Hamid closed his eyes. As her muscles closed repeatedly around him, it snapped the last thread of his control. He entered deeply one last time, filling her completely, and gave in to his own release.

Balanced above her on his elbows, Hamid stared wordlessly as they both fought to get their breathing under control. He started to lower himself onto the bed, but Mandy wrapped her arms around his waist to stop him from moving.

"Not yet."

He rolled onto his back, pulling Mandy on top of him. She kissed him, then folded her arms on his chest and laid her head down. "Hamid?”


“Definitely better than the appliances.”

“I wasn’t worried."

"Arrogant right to the end."

“You wouldn’t want me any other way.”

She laughed and rolled off of him. Muscles she didn't even know she had ached. She inhaled deeply, making a memory of the smells around her. “One thing…”

He sat up and gazed warily. “What?”

“I did miss you while you were gone.”

He pulled her in his arms and held her close. “Oh Praise Allah. You finally admitted to something.”

“You’re still not going to spend the night.”

“I figured. That’s why I asked them to put a rush on your apartment.” Although she smiled, it made her think. He really did have more control over her life than she wanted.  Her purely sexual affair was changing. In a direction she wasn’t ready to go yet.


* * * *


Hamid held onto Mandy, as she lay naked in his arms. Soft skin pressed against his chest. Finally asleep. He didn't blame her. He only marveled that it took her so long. If she had reached for him a fourth time he might have needed a defibrillator to restart his heart.

The bedside alarm clock read one o’clock. Would it really matter at this point if he stayed?
his body said.
his head warned. She did not want him to spend the night until she moved to her own flat. Not that he worried about the press. But his twin brothers Tarik and Caliph had been making the tabloids with alarming frequency and Mandy read the English version newspapers religiously.

He gently pulled his arm free and slid off to bed. A sleepy sigh escaped her lips. She snuggled deeper into the covers but didn't wake. He dressed in the living room to let her sleep. Before he left he took a small gift he had picked up in Paris from his suit pocket and placed it on the pillow. He fought the desire to crawl back into bed with her and instead left the apartment.

While he waited for the elevator the front door flew open. Mandy dressed only in a T-shirt raised a finger and motioned for him to return. However, the thunderous expression on her face didn't instill a good feeling. He crossed the hall but she blocked the entrance back inside.

She held the delicate necklace in two fingers. "What is this?"

"A present."

She shook her head angrily. "It's a freaking diamond necklace."

"I know."

"What's it for?"

"It's for you." What the hell was going on? Women loved jewelry or so his older brother had assured him. He’d never bought it for a woman before.

"Why?" she asked.

"What do you mean why?" Did he need a reason?

"It's not my birthday. It's not a holiday as far as I know. And our relationship hasn't even reached the point that we would be celebrating an anniversary. What does it mean?"

"What do you think it means?"

"You think I’m your whore? If you feel the need to pay for sex why not leave money. It's more honest."

His jaw dropped. Had she really just said that? "I never thought that. You are overreacting. It is a souvenir I brought you back from France."

"A souvenir is a little doll with a beret on its head or a brass Eiffel Tower. This is about two months of salary for me."

It amounted to about five minutes of salary for him but she would not appreciate the comparison right now. She dropped the jewelry into his pocket.

Hamid could not understand her response. He tried to urge her inside but she stood firm in the doorway. "Can we talk about this?"



"Good night." The door closed in his face.

What the hell just happened? The sales clerk suggested a larger piece than the platinum and diamond choker he chose. Judging by her unexpected reaction he’d bet a bigger necklace would not have helped.



Chapter Eight


The long weekend remained cell phone silent for Mandy. Hamid wasn’t going to call her because she refused his gift? Apparently.

You didn’t call him either.

Shut up!

Her conscience had mocked her for the past two days. Was she wrong? 

On Sunday morning she got the keys for the new compound. At least work would keep her mind occupied. The Mediterranean architecture made a perfect backdrop for the center. Although a relatively new building of less than three years, she preferred it to the new construction with the gardens still bare and sparse. Bright red flowers with a heavenly scent covered the outer walls and bloomed year-round due to the warm temperatures. Before she could even start to design the inside, she had to empty the building of junk left by the former tenants. A salvage company gave her a price and a promise to get everything removed within three days.

Although she was warned not to expect anything to be on time in the Middle East she sat in a folding chair inside the compound every day watching the workers. They didn't slack off and she rewarded them with daily lunch and cold drinks flowing hourly.

She would like to take credit for the brilliant idea but she had to admit the suggestion came from her driver, Adel. Luckily, she listened to the man. On the last day a group of angry men came by to lodge their protests about the center. Hamid had told her to expect opposition but she was still frightened. The confrontation could have gotten sticky. Between Adel and the workers, she was protected and safe. The verbal shouting match ended in two minutes. She wished she understood the exchange but at least the protesters left. Her driver would not translate for her.

By Thursday the building was empty and broom swept. She took a walk through the rooms just to check one last time. When she returned outside she found a tiny kitten sitting on the half wall that would enclose a small flower bed. The ball of fur was probably white at one time but was so covered in dust it appeared gray. Big blue eyes moved between her and the sandwich she had left on the stone wall. Unfortunately the little beast could not lift the food and kept tripping over the bread as it tried to make a getaway.

"Hey Ali Baba. You're stealing my lunch you little thief."

He backed away but the cries of hunger touched her heart. She broke the cheese into small pieces and left it on the wall.

Ali Baba pranced forward, grabbed a piece and retreated to the end to eat. When he finished he returned for another. The process continued until the cheese was gone.

After he finished he boldly came over and jumped on her leg. Claws gripped her through the cotton slacks. The big eyed beggar wanted more.

Obviously the animal was either lost or abandoned. Should she take him home?
Walk away
her head told her but Ali Baba followed her around the garden like a child crying for its mother. A cardboard box with a towel made a comfortable bed but the kitten hopped out every time she tried to leave.

She called her friend for advice. "Do you think I'm allowed to have a cat?"

Mona chuckled. "You want an animal? Well it's really up to the landlord. Did you ask Hamid?"


Mandy’s terse reply raised the princess’s suspicion. "And you don't want to?"

"I will be moving in just a couple of weeks. I guess I should check with the rental company."

“They are most likely going to say yes. Most Americans abroad have pets. You can ask at the office tomorrow."

"Meow," Ali Baba cried out.

Mona chuckled again. "You didn't say it was a fate accompli."

"What can I do? It keeps following me."

"You fed it," her friend accused.

"A little cheese. He was starving."

“And you called me a sap for taking in Zuzu?"

What could she say? "I…"

"Call Hamid."

Mandy wasn’t sure he’d take her call. "I'll text him."

A pause lingered. "Are you two fighting?"

"We would need to be talking to be fighting."

"What did he do?"

To say that she got angry because the fool tried to give her an expensive piece of jewelry sounded ridiculous to her own ears. What woman wouldn't want a Cartier necklace?
A woman who knew nothing was ever free.
What would it cost her? She might have overreacted but so had he.

After a lengthy debate with her conscience she finally placed the text.


Thirty seconds later she got her answer.


“Damn,” she muttered. She reached down to pet the kitten sleeping at her feet. Swallowing her stubborn pride she dialed the number. She gritted her teeth and grunted in frustration when his voicemail answered. The louse told her to call and then ignored her?

BOOK: The Prince and the Working Woman (Desert Prince Book 1)
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