Read The Pet Shop Online

Authors: K D Grace

The Pet Shop (2 page)

BOOK: The Pet Shop
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Chapter Two

kitchen table was an instruction manual from the Pet Shop entitled,
On Keeping Pets.

She opened it to the first chapter and read.

Get to know your Pet

Your experience will be more enjoyable if you take time to get to know each other, to get comfortable with each other before you initiate sexual contact. Pets, like people, have different personalities. Some may be shy and in need of some gentle coaxing before they get comfortable with their keeper. If your Pet is shy, do make sure he or she is comfortably acquainted with you before you initiate sexual contact.

If, however, your Pet is not shy,
may try to initiate sexual contact. DO NOT ALLOW THIS. It is the keeper who must choose when sex takes place. Your Pet must never be led to believe she or he is the alpha in the relationship. You must maintain control. No matter how aroused and uncomfortable your Pet may appear to be, do not allow even masturbation without your explicit permission. Your Pet is there for your pleasure. Even if your pleasures are voyeuristic, you must always be the initiator of the sex act. Permission is yours to grant or deny.

All Pets arrive at their keeper’s highly aroused and ready for sex play – the males with erections, the females well lubricated and ready to accommodate a penis or a dildo. But they are also well-trained to control themselves. Make sure that they do. This will enhance your pleasure as well as theirs.

Pets experience the world through their sense of smell, and they will get to know their keepers through that sense. Do not be nervous. Assume a relaxed position, preferably in a chair or on a sofa, with your legs open.

Note: This should be done fully clothed.

Command your pet to sit on the floor next to you then allow her or him to sniff you and touch you. Some pets will also want to lick and taste you. Remember, this contact is essential for your Pet to get to know you as PETS DO NOT TALK. Keep the mood light. Do not allow anything more than this initial contact until you and your Pet feel comfortable with each other. Only after this occurs should your interaction be of a sexual nature.

Stella felt something warm and wet against her hand and looked down to see Tino kneeling next to her, his tongue flicking over her fingertips, his eyes locked on her face.

‘I’m sorry, Tino. It’s just I’ve never had a Pet before.’ She reached out and stroked his head.

Still holding her gaze, he stood and led her back to the lounge. When she sat in the recliner, he sat on the floor in front of her, watching her expectantly, shifting uncomfortably around the weight of his distended penis, clenching his buttocks and rocking his hips. She couldn’t take her eyes off such blatant, insinuating sexuality. With a little gasp of surprise, she realised her own hips were rocking, rubbing her swollen cunt against the chair.

‘I’m sorry, Tino,’ she shoved to her feet, tearing her gaze away from the gorgeously horny man sitting on the floor by her chair. ‘But I just can’t do this. If I had known what Anne – what Strigida – had planned for me, I would have never consented, surely Anne knew that. Anyway, I feel really bad that I’ve wasted your time, but this is just not something I can do.’

The pet only looked up at her with adoring and expectant eyes.

‘I’ll gladly give you taxi fare home, of course. I mean that’s the least I can do. None of this is your fault, after all. Anne told me that you were a gift, so I assume you’ve already been paid.’ She raced through the last sentence breathlessly, her face burning at the very thought that the company had paid for a prostitute for her.

Did they really think she was that desperate? And never mind how desperate she was, surely she had worked at Strigida long enough for them to realise this was not the gift for her. And she was bloody well certain Anne knew that. There would definitely be words when she returned from Bath. ‘Is that all right, if we do that? If we just call it even and I get you a cab home?’

Tino made no response. Instead, he rubbed his cheek affectionately against her leg and moved to sit back on his haunches, a position that made his erection look even more enormous, bulging heavily against his thigh. At the sight, her stomach muscles tensed low and tight and her pussy clenched and half convulsed.

‘I forgot,’ she looked down at the manual still gripped in one hand, ‘Pets don’t talk. But since I really don’t want a Pet, couldn’t you break the rules just this once?’

He brushed her leg again with his cheek, then with his lips, making delicious shivers run up her spine.

‘Guess not. OK. Well, I realise this is an awkward situation, Tino, and I’m really sorry about that. I know you’re expected to stay here. I appreciate your position. Really I do. I’m sure we’ll get through this if we work together.’ She nodded down the hall. ‘I have a guestroom. You’re welcome to sleep there. It’s small but comfortable.’ He followed her on silent feet, and looked on as she showed him the guestroom.

‘The closet’s there.’ She pointed. ‘Though I guess you won’t need that. Extra toiletries are on the dressing table there. Those you might need. And the remote for the telly, well it’s a little tetchy. Here let me show you.’ Suddenly she realised he wasn’t paying any attention. His gaze was locked on her – more specifically on her crotch. She blushed hard and forced a smile. ‘Never mind. I imagine you can figure it out if you decide you want to watch telly. Anyway, make yourself at home. Are you hungry? Can I get you something to drink?’

Again, he plopped down on the floor. This time he wrapped his arms around her leg and began to rub his cheek against her thigh.

‘Tino, really. I don’t think I can ...’

He made little grunting sounds and shifted his hips forward and back. If anything, his erection seemed still bigger. She suddenly remembered the manual said the Pet Shop kept their Pets horny. Hadn’t Anne said he usually didn’t have to wait this long before he came?

She found herself blushing again at the sight of his heavy hard-on. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t think about how ... uncomfortable you must be. I know you’re not allowed to touch yourself unless your keeper gives you permission, and, well, since we can’t, since we’re not going to ...’ She nodded to his cock. ‘It’s all right with me if you do what you need to do. You know, for some relief.’ She felt like her face would burst into flames.

For a long moment he looked up at her with his bottomless cinnamon eyes, as though he couldn’t quite comprehend what she wanted of him. Then, slowly, carefully, holding her gaze, he laid a hand against his cock and ran a curled palm up the length of it. A shudder ascended his spine. He threw back his head and released a trembling breath that ended in a deep animal groan at the back of his throat.

Almost before she realised it, she replied with a little whimper of her own that slipped between her lips. Her nipples pearled through the thin silk of her blouse, and her pussy felt slick and giddy. She closed her eyes only for a split second, but the next thing she knew, Tino was standing beside her, so close that her hand, resting low against her belly brushed his cock, and they both gasped at the feel of it. Before she could do more than marvel at the velvety softness that felt like it sheathed granite, he pushed in closer, and his large hand engulfed hers easing it gently against his cock with just enough pressure to encourage her fingers to wrap around the girth of him.

She should have stepped back, she should have commanded him to stay in the room and do what he needed to do and not come out until he was done. But she didn’t. Instead she curled her fingers around him and felt his hand tighten over hers. She expected him to hump like a dog, but he only stepped closer, engulfing her in a feral scent not unlike cat fur on a sunny day.

The shifting of his hips was almost invisible but for the tensing of the muscles low in his hard belly, tightening and lifting until his soft pubic curls just grazed the inside of her wrist. Instead of the blatant sexuality she expected, he simply laid his head on her shoulder, his warm breath raising the fine hair along the back of her neck. His heart hammered a heavy drumbeat that matched her own, and her nipples seemed to be pressing ever forward to get nearer to it.

His free arm encircled her, resting just above her hip, where his hand moved in a gentle caress up and down her ribs, almost tickling. The sensation of it all accumulated warm and heavy just below her belly. The heat of his lips rested close to the pulse of her neck. They were slightly parted, his breath coming in fast little puffs.

She knew she should be pushing him away, making him bend over for the spanking a misbehaving Pet deserved. She hadn’t asked him to touch her, and she hadn’t volunteered her services. ‘You’re a very naughty Pet, Tino.’ She barely managed to gasp before he tensed, and a strangled groan escaped his throat just as his cock twitched and she felt the silky slick heat of his come spill over both of their hands and against his bare belly. Then his whole body convulsed, and involuntarily he pulled her tight against him, an act which sent her into her own convulsions. She let out a startled cry. She hadn’t expected to come. She hadn’t intended to come, and yet there she stood quivering out her pleasure against the Pet, who held her in a powerful, sex-stimulated bear-hug.

It was only when her own body had calmed to after-shocks and tremors that her brain began to reassert itself, and she pulled away and gasped. ‘Bad Tino! Bad Pet!’ She grabbed the guest towel from the foot of the bed, wiped her hands and offered it to Tino, but he only stood there, hand, belly and cock pearlescent with his come. She groaned a frustrated sigh, moved forward and began to wipe him briskly. ‘You’re a very bad boy. That wasn’t what I asked you to do. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this all is for me?’

The Pet hung his head, turned his back to her and braced himself bent over the bed, bottom up.

‘No! I don’t want to spank you! That would only make matters worse, damn it!’ She shook the manual she still held in one hand. ‘And they’re already bad enough.’ She paced the floor, her heart racing in her chest, still unable to believe what had just happened. Tino was a glorified prostitute, she reminded herself. Jesus, had she gotten so desperate? She forced herself to calm down as Tino turned a questioning gaze to her over his shoulder. ‘The bathroom is down the hall to your left if you want to clean up.’ Then she turned on her heels and quickly fled to her own room, shutting the door soundly behind her.

The whole weekend yawned before her like an abyss. The power of her own desires frightened her almost as much as having Tino’s naked sexuality ever present, almost as much as the fact that they had no way of communicating other than her giving orders and spanking his lovely bottom when he disobeyed.

Use only your open palm to punish your Pet, and only on his or her presented bare buttocks. You will also find a special leather spanker in the rucksack that arrived with your Pet. You may safely use this, but only on buttocks and upper thighs. If your Pet is female, you may use this and your hands to produce a gentle sting on your Pet’s breasts. Alternatively, for punishment, you may use a rolled-up newspaper on other areas of the body. Never use anything else unless special dispensation has been granted by the Pet Shop.

If special dispensation is granted for rough play, you must remember that your Pet has a safe word. It is the only word any Pet will ever utter in the presence of his or her keeper, and only then when play is too rough for her or him. It is of interest to note that in the Pet Shop’s history, no Pet has ever had to use the safe word.

If, on the other hand, a keeper chooses a Pet who likes to play rough, it is important the keeper let the Pet know her or his safe word at the beginning of the visit. The safety of Pets and keepers is paramount in rough play.

She blushed at the thought of punishing Tino properly for his transgression, a thought there was no denying her pussy was fond of. She reminded herself again that she didn’t need to resort to sex with prostitutes. She knew how to use a vibrator. Sex for one was a good thing, the perfect tool for busy women, for women in control of their own lives. God, why was maintaining control in the presence of a man pretending to be an animal so difficult?

It could have something to do with the fact that he was running around her flat gorgeously naked with a huge hard-on, she reminded herself.

She cleaned her teeth, took off her make-up, and changed into her tracksuit. She always had work to do, since she took the position at Strigida, but her laptop was in the lounge. The thought of being in the same room with Tino made her heart race and her hands shake.

She sat down on the bench in front of her vanity and stared at her face in the mirror. Her cheeks were still flushed and her dark hair was coming loose from the knot in which she’d worn it all day. She tried to remember the last time she’d had any kind of interaction with a male she didn’t work with. It was better that way, she reminded herself. Her working skills were always a lot better than her social skills.

She supposed it must be obvious, even at Strigida. Why else would they offer her a prostitute? She took out the clip and shook her hair free around her shoulders. She wondered if Tino would like her hair down. Furious at herself, she forced the thought out of her head. She stood and paced back and forth at the foot of the bed. What difference did it make what Tino thought? And why was she letting this situation get to her? She didn’t ask for it. Her behaviour wasn’t in question here.

She squared her shoulders and blew out a nervous breath. Tomorrow she would take him down town and check him into a hotel. He could wait it out there. She didn’t have to allow this. Gift or not. Plus, surely it must be illegal. First thing tomorrow that’s what she would do. In the meantime, she’d get her laptop and tell Tino she had work to do and ... She opened the door a crack to find him sitting on the floor in front of her.

He looked up at her, eyes bright, questioning.

‘Um, I’m really tired,’ she blurted. ‘I’m going to sleep now. Make yourself at home in the guestroom. Good night.’ She jerked the door shut between them and leant back against it, heart racing, ignoring the gnaw of guilt below her sternum at being so rude. It didn’t matter, she told herself. He’d get paid anyway, and he wouldn’t even have to work for his money. She undressed and plopped into bed. It was a little past ten, and thanks also to Strigida, she was always under-slept. This would give her a chance to catch up on some much-needed rest.

BOOK: The Pet Shop
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