The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Wynter gasped. “That’s so unfair. You couldn’t possibly know it gets bad at night.”

“It’s a shame we’ve already packed your spare bedding. You can’t sleep in these damp sheets, and your pillow is even worse from your tears. Here, let me go get my bedding and remake your bed,” said Rainer.

Quinn scooped her up in his arms and carried her out to the living room and placed her on the couch. The room was almost empty now as the U-Haul trailer was packed except for her bed and the last-minute things. They’d planned to leave early tomorrow morning. Well, today now, she guessed. She watched as Rainer picked up his sheets and pillow and took them into her bedroom, returning with a bundle of linen he placed by the front door.

“Take off that damp sleep shirt. You can’t stay in it. You’ll catch a chill,” said Quinn.

“But I’ve only got my clothes for tomorrow left out,” she objected.

Quinn pulled his own T-shirt off. “Here, that’ll more than cover your sexy bits.”

She hadn’t felt sexy since she’d hurt her leg, but she had to smile at his words. And at his chest.
My oh my, what lovely, defined muscles he has
. That was the nicest six-pack she’d seen in a long time, and she lived at the beach and got to see lots of them.

Mumbling her thanks, she pulled her sleep shirt off over her head and tugged his T-shirt on. It felt warm and smelled of hot man. Really, both of them were so good to look at. She was incredibly lucky about that. And as well, they genuinely cared for her. Right now Rainer was remaking her bed, having given up his for her. All her spare sheets were packed in the trailer already. “Where is Rainer going to sleep for the rest of the night?”

“He’ll be fine. He’s still got his blanket. It’s much more important that you’re comfortable,” said Quinn.

Quinn carried her back to bed, and Rainer tucked the sheet around her. It’d felt so good to be held in a man’s arms. It was way too long since she’d felt cared for like this. She knew she was just their job, but she couldn’t help asking, “Will you both stay with me for a little while, please? Just ’til I fall asleep.”

“Of course, sweetie,” said Rainer, gently stroking her hair and her shoulders.

The painkillers were starting to take effect now, and Wynter wiggled around in her bed until she was comfortable. It was so good to have sheets that were cool and fresh against her skin, and a shirt that smelled of Quinn. She buried her nose into the pillow and thought she might have scented Rainer on it. For the first time in many years she felt cherished and protected. Of course it was just their job to look after her, but she could pretend they cared about her as a person as well as a patient. She could imagine they were sitting beside her now out of love as well as duty.

Rainer’s hands in her hair were so gentle and relaxing. Quinn’s chest was a hard wall of strong muscles protecting her, keeping her safe.

She rested her face against Quinn’s naked chest, breathing in his all-male scent as deeply as she could, getting to know him by his smell. He seemed earthy, woodsy even to her, which was unusual to smell for a shark used to oceans, salt water, and sand. But his aroma tugged at her senses and seemed right somehow, perfect for him.

Behind her, Rainer continued to massage her head and shoulders, helping her tense muscles to relax. She hadn’t been aware how very stressed she’d become until he started to soothe her. Now she could feel him unraveling knot after knot in her back and shoulders, leaving behind him peace and the knowledge that she’d soon be sleeping better than she had since she’d injured herself.

“Thank you. That feels so much better.”

“Relax, sweetie. Go back to sleep now.”

She did relax. Wrapped in the arms of two men, two complete strangers, she felt safe, cared for, cherished, wanted, and as her pain eased and her muscles were soothed, she drifted into sleep.
I wish this was real. I wish you were both mine.


* * * *


Rainer stared over Wynter’s sleeping body at Quinn. “I don’t dare leave her. She could wake up in pain again,” he said very softly.

“Poor little critter. She’s been doing it tough,” agreed Quinn.

Rainer wasn’t sure that a great white shark could be termed a “little critter,” but she’d certainly been in far too much pain for one woman to have to deal with alone. He slid his legs into her bed under the blanket and pressed against her back. She seemed to snuggle against him. She was now sandwiched between the two of them, her face buried in Quinn’s naked chest. Rainer watched as Quinn carefully moved his legs under the bedclothes, then pulled them up over his chest. The bed wasn’t really meant for three people, but since they were all lying on their sides they seemed to fit okay, and if anyone fell out it wouldn’t be Wynter, so the system would work for the rest of the night.

Rainer hadn’t looked at the time, but it felt like two or three in the morning to him, and that made sense as her painkillers would have worn off by then, too.

He breathed the scent of her hair deep into his lungs. She smelled of the ocean, fresh and salty. He liked that. He petted her arms, the skin feeling slightly rough under his hands. Oh fuck, they hadn’t taken her swimming before bed. They’d have to go early in the morning before they left. They couldn’t leave until eight because she had to hand in her apartment key and get her deposit back. It was all organized, but the apartment block manager didn’t start work until eight, so it couldn’t happen until then. Hmm. Perhaps one of them could take her down to the beach while the other loaded the last of the things into the U-Haul trailer. Although it would require both of them to carry the bed. Damn. Why hadn’t they remembered to take her for a swim?

He was the care attendant. It was his job to put her needs as the top priority and already he was failing. Likely lying in bed with her stroking her hair and skin wasn’t totally professional either, but it had soothed her and put her to sleep, so he wasn’t going to stop now.

Of course he wouldn’t mind touching her other places, too, but that really would be unprofessional. And talking about unprofessional, the size of his erection fit that category as well. But she was so sweet and beautiful he couldn’t blame his cock for thinking about the parts of her hidden under Quinn’s T-shirt. He’d seen her breasts through that damp sleep shirt she’d been wearing, and they’d looked exactly the right size to fill his hands—and his mouth.

Cautiously he spread his legs wider apart. His cock was huge and aching with need. Need for her, his patient. Not happening unfortunately. But once she wasn’t his patient he’d be more than ready to fuck her. She might even be willing to play with him and Quinn in the dungeon. Rainer had been wondering how to tell Quinn he’d like to be his sub again. Quinn had punished him absolutely perfectly and sent him flying to subspace. Quinn was the right Dom for him. He couldn’t become Quinn’s permanent sub because he only fucked women, but if he could add Wynter to the mix that would be the perfect solution. He wouldn’t even mind sharing her with such a caring man as Quinn. But that was all a long way ahead. About two and a half thousand miles and a week ahead, to be precise.

Very carefully he rested his hand on her right hip, relishing the feel of her slightly rough skin under his palm. He could hear her breathing, soft and light, and Quinn’s, deeper and heavier, and guessed they were both asleep. Quietly he lowered his head to the pillow and lay still, basking in the pure joy of holding a beautiful woman in his arms.

He must have fallen asleep because it was starting to grow light when he opened his eyes next. Wynter was grinding her ass against his cock, and his cock was loving it. He loved it, too, but his brain was trying to remind him it wasn’t necessarily a good idea.

Before he could say anything, she lifted Quinn’s T-shirt off and threw it on the floor, then reached behind her and grabbed his cock out of his boxers in a determined fist.

“Wynter?” he gulped.

“Fuck me, please. Take me from behind so it doesn’t hurt my knee. Do it, Rainer, please, please, please. I need you to fuck me right now.”

She let go of his cock and placed her hands on her panties, trying to tug them down. His brain was out to lunch right now, but his hands instantly cooperated in sliding the tiny garment down her legs and off over her feet.

“Quinn, suck my breasts. Lick them, bite them, help me to come,” she ordered.

Rainer’s cock was already trying to push into her pussy from behind, but with his last functioning brain cell he managed to ask, “Wynter, are you sure about this? Are you sure you want us to fuck you?”

“Yes, yes, now, please. Fuck me now.”

Rainer couldn’t wait any longer. It was what he wanted above all things anyway. He pressed his cock between her legs into her hot and welcoming cunt. She was very wet, very ready for him, and he held her hips and began to pump into her, his mouth pressing kisses to her shoulder as he did.

On the other side of her, Quinn was groaning, his mouth on her breasts. Well, Quinn wasn’t holding back saying it wasn’t professional either.

Rainer stopped thinking and started feeling. Feeling her skin pushing back against him, her ass cheeks no longer soft, but rough and scratchy now, her back the same. Feeling the tightness and heat of her gripping his cock in a warm, firm, wet fist, more wonderful than he could ever have imagined.

He pressed his chest to her back, holding her shoulders, kissing her skin, pumping into her with his hips working hard, wanting to pleasure her with everything he could offer her.

Wynter was making little whimpering noises now, her butt pushing back against him, her hips rotating and driving him wild. Quinn’s face was against her skin, and over Wynter’s happy little noises he could hear Quinn’s murmurs of appreciation, too.

He slid one hand down her side, stroking and petting her every inch of the way until he reached her hip. For long moments he drew circles on her skin with his fingertips, gradually working his way closer and closer to her pussy, until finally he could touch her clit. It was burning hot and engorged. Happily, he stroked it while he continued to thrust into her strongly, trying to penetrate her as deeply as he could with his cock, to pleasure her to the utmost.

Quinn’s face was buried between her breasts, and he had one hand on each, playing with the nipples. Rainer could see how huge her nipples were, could feel how aroused her clit was, and could hear more of the happy noises she was making. She was still pressing back onto his cock, driving him wild with need.

It didn’t last, it couldn’t. He was far too aroused, and she was much too animated and frantic in her movements for him to slow the action down.

She gasped, shook, and collapsed between them, and his cock exploded without him being aware of doing anything extra.

To his surprise she leaned forward, grabbed Quinn’s erection and sucked him down her throat. Rainer withdrew from her to give them a bit more space, but Wynter used her hands and mouth on Quinn so fast that only a few minutes later Quinn warned, “I’m coming,” as she held him in her mouth and swallowed.

Wynter lay down again, and Rainer rested his head on her back. Her skin was hot and rough. They really needed to get her to the beach soon, but he was curious to know why she wanted them to make love to her. How did a man ask a woman that? Wasn’t it supposed to be the man who seduced the woman?

She didn’t say anything, so as a gentleman, he supposed that meant he shouldn’t say anything either.

He must have fallen asleep, because it was a while later when he slid off the bed, pulled his boxers back up, and went into the bathroom. After a really quick shower, he got dressed in the living room. Quinn followed him out only five minutes later.

Rainer was wearing his board shorts, flip-flops, and a T-shirt.

Quinn nodded at him. “Yeah, I was thinking we need to get her into the ocean pretty fast.”

“I heard that. I’m ready.” Wynter walked into the room, once again moving very slowly and upright. She was wearing a bikini with a sarong over it, sandals on her feet.

Rainer rushed forward. “You’re all tense again. You’re going to be knotted up in pain like last time if you keep doing that. Here, let me carry you.”

“When we get in the water I’ll take off my bikini before I change into my shark. You’ll have to hold it until I transform again. It’s the only way I can swim in public.”

“I’ll look after everything for you. Let me get us some towels.” Quinn went back to the bathroom and snatched up the towels they’d just used, the only ones not already packed, and picked up the car keys from the coffee table where the men had left them last night after loading the trailer.

“I’ll carry her, you drive,” said Rainer.

“Okay, where’s the beach?” asked Quinn.

And sometime soon, maybe as we travel today, I need to know what drove her crazy in bed. Not that I’m complaining, I loved it. But I need to know.


* * * *


Wynter was still having trouble believing that she, meek and mild, careful Wynter, had seduced two men into fucking her in her own bed! Two men she’d only met the day before. But two men who drove her wild with desire with their scents and actions. Well, too bad. After somewhere between three days and a week in her car with them crossing from one side of the country to the other, then she’d never see them again. It was rather like a summer romance. Except the only one romancing here was her, in her head.

BOOK: The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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