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Authors: John L'Heureux

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The Medici Boy (41 page)

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Pagno di Lapo Portigiani
(1408–1470) worked as an assistant in the
of Donatello and later became a minor decorative sculptor in Bologna. His one undisputed work is the marble relief of the Madonna and Child in the Museo del Duomo in Florence.

Piero di Jacopo
, a coppersmith from Bologna, was found guilty of sodomizing and committing violence upon a ten-year-old boy. He was burned at the stake in the district of Santa Croce on October 1, 1429.

Rinaldo degli Albizzi
(1370–1442) belonged to the Florentine nobility. With assistance from Palla Strozzi, he waged a lifelong conspiracy against Cosimo de’ Medici, whom he saw as an upstart and potential dictator. He sought Cosimo’s death but managed to get only his exile. Cosimo, upon his return from exile, dealt softly but swiftly with the Albizzi conspirators.

Alberti, della Robbia, della Quercia, Fra Angelico, Filippo Lippi, Masaccio, Uccello
, contemporaries and friends of Donatello, were among the principal artists of the Italian Renaissance. They appear only nominally in
The Medici Boy

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