The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance (6 page)

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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It’ll be too risky to fly.” Cole started the engine and pulled away from the curb. “We’ll have to drive there.”

How long do you think it will take?” she asked, watching his tanned fingers punch in the co-ordinates for Pierre.

According to the GPS, eleven hours.” His mouth twisted wryly.

I’m sorry, Cole.”

Don’t be. This is what I signed up for when I offered to help you.” He glanced at her swiftly before returning his attention to the road. “And if we need to see this expert, then that’s what we’re going to do.”

A warm glow wrapped itself around her. She was so lucky it had been Cole’s vehicle she’d scrambled into yesterday. Although her actions could be described as foolhardy and dangerous, at the time she didn’t think she’d had any other choice. Not if she wanted to escape Victor.

She still couldn’t believe her boss had tried to blackmail her over the whole situation.
That’s because he’s a crook.

Not only had she lucked out with Cole being a P.I., but also the fact that he was - well - Cole. The longer she spent in his company, the more attracted to him she became. She felt safe with him, while at the same time, a frisson of awareness ran through her just being in his company, noticing little things about him, like how strong and tanned his fingers were. How courteous he’d been to Mr. Dawson. And how last night, his three o’clock shadow had turned into even sexier
stubble that reminded her of a swashbuckler. A super sexy swashbuckler.

And then there had been their almost kiss ten minutes ago. Why hadn’t he denied they were romantically involved? Did that mean he wanted them to be? Was he actually attracted to her or had he been swept up in the momentary excitement when her mentor had confirmed her hunch about the coin?

“Phoebe?” Cole’s rich, masculine voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

Hmm?” Blinking, she realized he’d just asked her a question.

I thought we could get something to eat soon.”

Sounds good.” In fact, it sounded great. Breakfast seemed a long time ago and she’d only had a cup of tea at Mr. Dawson’s.

We’ll stop for gas then as well.”

She nodded, then a thought struck her. “Let me pay for gas. You’ve paid for everything so far.” Rummaging in her purse, she pulled out her wallet. “I’ve got thirty-nine dollars.”

He cast her a quick glance of amusement. “Put your money away. I’ve got it covered. I always carry a few hundred in case of emergencies.”

Oh.” She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding and smiled at him.

They stopped for lunch at another fast food place off the highway. Although she tried to choose the healthiest item on the menu, if she kept eating this kind of food non-stop for the next couple of days, she knew she’d gain some extra pounds that she could certainly do without. Cole looked perfectly content munching his burger and fries, and Phoebe scrutinized his muscular form clad in jeans and a t-shirt. She bet he could eat anything he wanted and not put on a single ounce.
So unfair.

Cole drove swiftly all afternoon, keeping just under the speed limit. She caught glimpses of the Bighorn Mountains in the distance, but by six p.m. she found it hard to keep her eyes open, and wondered if Cole felt the same.

Thirty minutes later, they pulled into a motel off the highway. Cole clenched and unclenched his hands a few times. “I think we should stay here tonight and leave early tomorrow morning.”

Good idea.“ Phoebe stifled a yawn.

Back in a minute.”

She watched him stride him to the motel office. Although the motel was a two-story building and didn’t have the charm of the cabin they stayed in last night, the outside of the building looked clean and modern. As long as the bed was comfortable, she didn’t care where she slept tonight.

Bed. Cole.

Straightening up in the leather seat
Phoebe wondered how many beds would be in their room. Or would they have separate rooms? Last night, the motel only had one cabin vacant. Perhaps they could rent two rooms tonight. Twisting around, she tried to spy a vacancy sign when Cole returned to the vehicle, dangling a key.

Top floor. We can park in the back.”

One room key. Did that mean …
She told herself to control her wayward thoughts. There was sure to be a simple explanation for the one key. And
the explanation she’d been fantasizing about all day. That Cole wanted her.

Once he parked the car, they made their way up the stairs to their room. Phoebe watched him unlock the door and followed him inside. Two large beds covered in white comforters took up most of the floor space. Blond wooden furniture consisting of a closet, four chairs, and a long counter that seemed to double as a table completed the decor. Beige drapes hung at the window.

“I thought one room would be best,” he said, placing the key on the counter. Then he grinned. “But we’ve each got a bed tonight.”

She couldn’t help smiling back at him, still feeling guilty that he’d slept on the floor last night without complaint.
She didn’t think many men would be so gallant. At least, not the few she’d dated in the past. Especially Scott.

See? Cole didn’t want to ravish you tonight.
  Her lips drooped as she reminded herself that theirs was a purely professional relationship.

What’s wrong?” He looked at her in concern.

Nothing.” She summoned a bright smile. “Just tired.”

I’ll set the alarm for six.” He crossed over to the nightstand and fiddled with the alarm clock. “We should make it to Pierre by lunchtime.”

Great.” Although she just wanted to lie down and relax on one of the inviting looking beds, she felt a stirring of excitement. Tomorrow the coin expert would authenticate Mrs. Miller’s coin, and the whole journey would have been worth it.

And then … and then they would go back to Cheyenne and she would never see Cole again. Shoving that depressing thought to the back of her mind, she watched Cole pick up a pizza menu from the table.

“What do you think?” He held out the menu to her. “We can get it delivered.”

Her stomach growled. “Can we order it now?”

Cole grinned and picked up the phone.

After eating their large pepperoni pizza, Cole turned on the TV, becoming engrossed in the local news. Phoebe crossed to the window and looked out at the view of the parking lot and highway. She’d spied a vending machine on the way to their room, and she wondered if it held her favorite candy. Just nibbling a little something sweet might help take the edge off her nerves. She couldn’t stop thinking about that almost kiss at Mr. Dawson’s. And tonight, she’d be sharing a room with Cole once more.

“I’m going downstairs to the vending machine,” she announced, picking up her purse. “Would you like anything?”

No, I’m good,” he answered, lifting his eyes from the television screen. “Do you want me to come with you?”

I’ll be fine.” She tried to smile at him. A breath of fresh air on her own would be sure to tamp down her simmering awareness of this man.

Phoebe headed down the stairs to the ground floor. The vending machine’s lights sparkled, and she browsed the tempting display, searching for a box of Junior Mints. Digging out her purse, she put in some coins and pressed the button. Seconds later, she picked up the box and started to open it.

Footsteps crunched on the gravel of the parking lot. “Are you sure she’s not here?” A man’s low voice reached her ears.

She froze. The voice sounded remarkably like Victor’s.
He can’t be here!
Her heart hammered.

Yeah, I’m sure.” The new voice was muffled, and she couldn’t tell if it sounded like Kurt, Victor’s crony.

Letting out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding, Phoebe peeped around the doorway near the vending machine. The two men had moved out of earshot, but she caught a glimpse of a dark haired male wearing a black suit.

she whispered. How had he tracked her down? She and Cole had been so careful. Waiting until the two men were out of sight, she shoved the candy into her purse and raced up the stairs to their room.

Cole!” She burst into the room.

What is it?” He was at her side in an instant.

She placed a hand over her chest, sure she could feel her heart pumping. “Victor - in the parking lot.”

He gently caught hold of her shoulders. “Are you sure, sweetheart? Tell me exactly what you saw.”

Phoebe caught her breath, then rapidly told him what she‘d just witnessed. “He sounded just like Victor,” she finished, “but I couldn’t tell if the other guy sounded like Kurt.”

“What does your boss look like?”

He’s short, and has black hair that he puts pomade on and it’s very shiny and …” she shuddered. “I only saw this man from the back but he wore a dark suit and his hair was black.” She clasped her hands together, trying to stop them shaking.

How about Kurt?”

Big, hulking, blond hair . . . ” She could hardly get the words past her suddenly tight throat.

Stay here and lock the door behind me,” he commanded.

Phoebe nodded, taking in a deep breath of air to steady herself.

“Don’t let anyone in except me.”

Okay.” She tried to smile.

Once Cole left the room, she flopped on the bed, her legs like jelly. What was she going to do if it was Victor? She unzipped her purse and clutched the tissue-wrapped coin, feeling its hard shape through the layers of soft paper, reassuring herself that nothing had happened to it - yet. But that could all change if her boss discovered she was here.

Thank goodness she had Cole.
At the thought of her sexy P.I., the incipient panic receded. If Victor was here, Cole would know what to do.

Phoebe turned off the TV and tried to wait patiently for Cole to return. Glancing at her watch, she noted he’d only left the room five minutes ago. The chocolate in her purse tempted her, but she was too keyed up to let the melting smoothness of the chocolate and mint soothe her. All she wanted was for Cole to come back and tell her everything was okay.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. “It‘s Cole.” His gruff voice came through the wooden door.

She squinted through the peephole, noticing his short dark hair was slightly ruffled as though he’d run his fingers through it. “Well?” The question tumbled from her lips as she unlocked the door. “Was it him?”

Cole closed the door behind him, setting the lock. “I didn’t see anyone matching his description. I even asked at the front desk, pretending he was a friend I was catching up with, but the clerk said a man fitting his description hadn’t checked in.”

Relief shuddered through her. “Did you look in the parking lot?”

“Of course. I even hung around for a few minutes and got a strange look from an elderly couple staying on the ground floor.” He grimaced. “But if it was Blackwood, he’s gone by now.”

I’m sorry I panicked,” she whispered.

You had every right to be concerned, Phoebe.” He gathered her in his arms, his dark brown eyes glinting with tenderness. “And I’m glad you told me. We need to be on our guard until we return the coin to Mrs. Miller.”

She nodded, unable to find her voice. His strong arms felt so good around her. She just wished she could stay in his embrace for hours, instead of mere seconds.

“I’ve been paying for the motel rooms with cash, and Blackwood doesn’t know about my brother’s SUV. I think we’re pretty safe as long as we keep using cash for everything.”

You’re the expert.” She tried to summon a smile.

It’ll be okay, sweetheart.” He cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Shivers of excitement raced down her spine.
Cole’s arms remained wrapped around her, his eyes still on her upturned face. She held her breath, their almost kiss earlier that day flashing through her mind. Was he thinking about that too?

Phoebe didn’t think she could stand the suspense one split-second longer. Rising on her tiptoes, she brought her lips closer to his. Now, less than a
quarter inch separated them.

His lips descended oh-so-slowly, and then they caressed hers. Touching, tasting. Her arms stole around his neck as her nerve endings sparked like fireworks. This was even better than her fantasies.

All too soon, he lifted his mouth from hers and slowly stepped away. “Sorry.” His voice was low.

No, I’m sorry.“ Her lips still tingled from his amazing kiss
. She wasn’t sorry at all.

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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