The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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“Grace is waiting for you; I will see you at dinner.”

With that, I part from the Queen and go to join my Princess.

Dinner was to be eaten privately tonight, which I was looking forward to because Father allowed my Ladies to attend. While we ate, I noticed that George had a great interest in my Lady Jane. They both seemed to have been looking to one another. As we leave the hall, Arthur joins us, escorting us to my chambers. 

“Are you not attending the party?” He asks me.

“No,” I shake my head. “I do not want to.”

There is a small gathering in the ballroom, I do not have to go so I decide to retire to bed early.

“I have decided to have a night off also,” Arthur laughs. “These parties are not my type of parties.”

“Oh really?” I laugh.

“Did you have a good time today?” I ask Jane and I see the surprise register on her face.

“Yes thank you,” She smiles.

“What did you say to your mother?” Asks Beatrice.

“Oh you know, just the usual begging for forgiveness,” Jane laughs.

We round the corner and come face to face with Antonio, “Leaving so soon?”

“I’m tired,” is all I say, but Arthur disagrees.

“There’s no need to answer him, Grace,” Arthur frowns at Antonio. My brothers do not care for Antonio and they let it clearly show. They heard about his proposal and despise him for it.

Prince Antonio looks to Arthur with disgust, “Do not look at me, you bastard scum!”

I gasp as Antonio spits down to Arthurs feet.

“How dare you talk to him like that,” I step beside Arthur. “You had better leave.”

“What is going on here?” George suddenly appears.

“Antonio was just leaving,” Arthur looks from George to Antonio who now looks defeated.

“Then why are you still here?” He asks Antonio. “I hope you are not being unpleasant in the company of the Princess and her Ladies?”

“Of course not,” Prince Antonio replies. “Goodbye.”

We all watch Antonio leave and it’s not until I can’t see him any longer that I actually let out a sigh of relief. I hate that Arthur and Bridget have to put up with talk like that.

“Are you all ok?” George asks both me and my Ladies. I notice his eyes travel behind me to where Jane is standing.

“Yes thank you,” I smile. “But I had better get to bed.”



I let Grace’s hair down and begin to brush through it. Beatrice, Catherine and Louisa are putting her things away before we leave her for bed. All prepared, we say our goodnights to Grace but as I leave, she stops me. “Jane, can I have a word?” She asks.

“Of course,” I agree and we wait for the girls to leave us.

“I am going to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with me. You are one of my best friends and I care for you,” Grace begins when we are alone. “Were you alone while I was at the stables?” She asks and my whole body freezes.

I don’t know what to say to her, so I don’t say anything at all. I stand still and look to Grace with wide eyes. Does she know?

“There is nothing to worry about Jane, I just want to know the truth. Like I said before, I care for you,” she places her hand over mine. “Were you with George?”

I swallow the huge lump in my throat, and then nod my head very slowly, “Yes.”

Grace sadly nods, “I thought so.”

“Are you mad?” I ask, worried I have upset my friend. “He wanted to meet me and I accepted, nothing happened, we only spoke.” I insist, only that is not entirely true.

“Not at you, but I am with George,” she confesses. “He should know better than to lead you on. I am worried for you Jane and that is because I know all too well what George is like. I am no stranger to the rumours that spread around the castle. I don’t want you a part of his games.”

It wasn’t like that at all, but I do not know how to explain this. I don’t know the Prince very well, but I do know I have a connection with him that I have never felt with anyone else before. Grace is a best friend of mine, but there’s even some things you cannot tell your friends.

“I saw the way you were looking at each other while we were eating, he needs to be careful because if I easily saw it, there’s a chance my mother will too,” I don’t like the sound of that. If the Queen learnt of my feelings for the Prince, she would have me removed from court quickly as to not distract him. She has not kept it a secret that George needs to find his future Queen. Grace then turns to face me again, I still haven’t spoken a single word. “Do not fret, I am not mad but I am worried for you Jane. I simply do not want you hurt. If you develop feelings for my brother, you will have to watch him rise to become King with a Queen on his arm. I don’t want that for you.”

Tears gather in my eyes at her words and she stands to hold me in her arms, “I’m sorry.”

I laugh whilst tears drop down my face, “I don’t know why I am crying.”

“I do,” She looks at me with a sad expression. “You have already fallen for him haven’t you?”

I bite down hard on my lip and nod. I feel so stupid admitting this.

“Promise me you won’t spend time alone again Jane?” She asks me. “I don’t want anything happening to you, or you having your heart broken. George has his future planned already, as the future King, he has a lot of responsibilities and I don’t want you caught up in that.”

Her eyes are wide as she develops tears of her own.

“I promise,” I answer. “I do.”

As Grace holds me, I get the feeling that I have lied to my best friend.


My Ladies are helping me dress for the day when Beatrice and Catherine burst into the room. A look of excitement on their faces.

“Grace,” Beatrice gasps, her hand over her heart.

“What is the matter?” I ask as Louisa makes quick to finish my hair.

“The horns are announcing a royal visitor!” Catherine jumps.

“Have your parents mentioned anyone?” Asks Jane.

“No, I did not think we are expecting visitors,” I reply, my friends excitement becoming contagious. “I wonder who is could be.”

Living at court means that you have live amongst a lot of people. Many people come and go, visiting the country and the royal family, some of them are invited or have sent a letter beforehand, however some do not. My Ladies quickly finish to help me get ready and I’m shocked when my mother barges in.

“Oh I’m so glad to see you ready!” She shouts. “The French are here.”

“The French?” I ask, casting a side glance to Jane. I hope it is not her parents.

“Yes! The King of France is here Gracey and he is here for you!” My mother gushes, looking very happy.

“King Louis is here?” Asks Jane.

“How do you know he is here for me?” I ask my mother.

The Queen widens her eyes at me, “Well of course he is here for you! He is an unmarried King and everyone is talking about how gorgeous you are. He is here to consider you for his bride. Now, live up to your name and be graceful.”

I stand in shock as my mother checks my hair is presentable and that the dress Catherine picked out for me this morning is the right one. The horns that were announcing the guests, have now stopped. My mother loves me and adores her children but when it comes to occasions such as this one, she can become very pushy.

“Do as your father asks of you my dear, even if it means giving the French King a tour, or having a conversation. You must be polite and keep smiling. Keep your back straight and if he asks for a walk, you have to accept,” My mother continues her pestering the whole time.

“Honestly mother,” I sigh. “You talk as if I have not been preparing my whole life for this. I have been in the presence of important people before.”

She then turns to me, looking me over, “I know, but this is important. You could be meeting your future husband.”

Her words make me feel terribly nervous.
Thank you Mother

“You do realise you are ordering me to entertain a man I have never met before, or even you for that matter,” I add as we continue to walk.

“Grace, this man is the King of France. It does not matter that you have never met him, he is King and you could be Queen of France,” she insists.

As we near the throne room, my mother turns quiet and I’m relieved. Whenever visitors come to the castle my father insists that they be taken to the throne room. Most likely to show them exactly who is in charge while intimidates them. Mother walks in and I follow right behind her.

“Ah, here is my wife and our beautiful daughter,” I hear my father’s voice boom across the room as we enter. I see George standing beside father as my mother goes to greet him and then stands by my father, leaving me standing alone as I face the surprisingly young and very attractive King of France.

“King Louis, this is my daughter, Princess Grace of England,” my father announces as King Louis bows his head and takes my hand in his, kissing the top ever so softly.

“Princess Grace,” he greets me. “The rumours do not do your beauty justice.”

“Why thank you King Louis, your flattery does you well,” I smile, making sure to curtsey out of respect. He is a King after all.

“It is not flattery if I speak the truth, Princess,” he stands straight again, smiling down at me.

My cheeks burn from his charm and we smile at each other.

“What brings you here King Louis?” My mother then asks.

“Since becoming King of France, I haven’t visited nearby countries and introduced myself. Now that I heard about your daughter attending court, I thought it the perfect timing,” King Louis answers and I have to admit, I’m pleased with his choice of words.

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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