Read The Huntsmen Online

Authors: Honor James

The Huntsmen (10 page)

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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"You'd do it anyway," he said getting up. Running a hand over her hair, he moved around the table and headed toward the small table under a window. Sitting, he pulled out a sheet of parchment, an inkwell, and pen. Staring out the window a moment, he began to write.

"Well, while he's doing that I'm going to go and check the perimeter on the other side of us," Dierk said, getting to his feet with a stretch. Leaning over the table, he pressed a kiss to Snow's lips, "Be good," he murmured with a wicked grin on his lips. Brushing his lips over her cheek to her ear, he kept his voice low, "Get to know Baldric while we're out, love.” Pushing away, he winked and, collecting his bag, he headed for the door.

Snow smiled at Dierk and then looked to Baldric, feeling a little unsure. When they were alone she settled down at his side. “So he wants me to get to know you. Do you want that?” she asked. “I’d very much like to become a part of all three of your lives, what do you want?” He was so quiet in comparison to the other two that, beyond the hug he’d given her and some encouraging words, she knew next to nothing of his character.

"Of course I want that," Baldric said quietly as he looked at her. Leaning in, he lowered his voice, "But it's often hard to get a word in edgewise with Nik and Dierk around, they’re very talkative people," he whispered. Grinning, he sat back and looked at her with a slight wariness to his own gaze, she noted. Maybe he was as worried as she was. "How are you doing? I know a lot has been going on and everything seems to be coming to a head quickly in the kingdom, how are you handling all this?"

“As well as can be expected I guess,” Snow admitted to him. “I’m free, I’m in a place where I feel like I’m actually cared for, and I’m happy. Those are all things I haven’t had in so long, Baldric.” Laying her head on his shoulder, a chance she knew she was taking, she added, “And yeah, sometimes it is a little hard to get a word in edgewise with those two. That means you should just come up, sweep me into your arms, and take me away so you can have your chance.”

It took a moment before he was wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her hair. "Good advice," he murmured softly. Rubbing his cheek to her hair, he gave her a squeeze, "But I have my time with you now, save for Nik over there." He turned his head to look at the man who was alternately muttering and chuckling. "I really think we should read that before he leaves to deliver it."

“You’re likely right. We don’t want the Elven Royal Guard waiting with axes to chop off our heads.” Snuggling in closer to Baldric, she sighed happily, “Or you could take me to your room and we could make love. I would so not be against that in the least.”

"We’ll do that once we're sure we're not walking into a death trap because of Nik," he murmured, tipping up her chin. Dropping a kiss to her lips, he smiled ever so slightly and hesitantly. "I have this little thing about going somewhere I know impending death awaits."

“Yeah I’d really rather not walk into death right now either. That’s going to come soon enough when I have to face the bitch who killed my father, but that’s for then and this is for now.” She looked to Nik and shook her head, “He’s having far too much fun with this.”

"Which worries me greatly," he said getting to his feet. "Wait here, I'm going to investigate what has him giggling like a three year old.” Moving over to Niklaus, he bent over the back of the chair and read slowly. Snatching the sheet away despite the complaints, Baldric shook his head. "You cannot address the Elven Queen as ‘the freaky chick with great legs’ you asshole. Are you trying to get us all killed?" He kept reading as he fended off Niklaus's attempts to retrieve the parchment, "And asking her what she plans on doing with Snow and if we can watch is not conducive either. Get out of here, I'll write the damned note."

Snow laughed and had a seat, watching both Baldric and Niklaus she shook her head. “You did that on purpose didn’t you, Niklaus?” she asked the man when he walked to her and settled in at her side. “That was very naughty of you, but you knew that right?”

"I can't help it. Besides, she is a freaky chick with great legs. Have you seen her legs? They just never seem to stop," he grinned at her. "How are you doing, Snow? You need anything, want anything, desire anything?" he asked in a low tone as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Snow smiled, “I need and want and desire a lot of things.” More than she could voice at the moment. “I really do want a lot of things, the question is however, what do you want, Niklaus? What are your needs and desires in life?”

"A gorgeous woman who adores me as much as I do her and loves my friends unconditionally," he said with a shrug. "Pretty simple really. I don't ask for much and expect even less," he murmured softly.

“Well look at this, here you have me,” she told him with a smile. “I adore you all. I think I could also love you all completely, fully, unconditionally.” Moving so she could lay her head on his shoulder, she rested her hand on his thigh.

Wrapping an arm around her, he gave a quick squeeze, "So you got Dierk to agree to be King I hear," he murmured. Nodding when she looked up, he grinned, "He told us and apparently we’re not permitted to ride his ass about it, but since I doubt any kingdom could survive me being King and Baldric would never take the spot, I have to say he's the best one for it."

“I think it was more him realizing that if he didn’t take up the mantel my uncles would demand I wed a prince. Then you three would have to share me with him as well. I don’t think he minds sharing with you two, but I really think he’d mind sharing me with another.”

"He'd have slit the poor guy’s throat," Baldric commented, coming over, rolling up the parchment. "Here you are, Nik, a message you can pass to the Queen that won't have us all killed."

"You’re just no fun at all," Niklaus said, tucking the scroll into his jacket. Pressing a kiss to Snow's lips, he grinned, "Behave yourself," he chuckled as he got up.

Snow shook her head and watched him leave. Grabbing Baldric’s hand, she tugged him onto the couch with her and smiled. “Do you know just how much I adore you? Nik is a tease isn’t he? He’s a man who’ll either make us grey prematurely or he’ll have us laughing for a very long time.”

"He’s a smart ass," Baldric said, shaking his head. "That’s the term you were looking for.” Lifting her legs up and over his, he looked to her, "It's best to ignore him in almost every situation; otherwise, you will be a nervous wreck."

“Well whatever he is I’m happy that he’s a part of our lives too.” Snow watched him carefully and then with a smile asked, “Do I make you nervous, Baldric? I’ve barely even received a kiss from you. Are you nervous or do you just not want the kind of life with me the others do?” Saying that now, she was also nervous,

"You definitely make me nervous," he told her honestly with a crooked grin. "You're pretty much the most important person that's ever been in our lives. Not just because of what you mean to us three as a group but because of who you are, Snow.” Baldric rubbed a hand over his neck and looked at her, "I lost someone I cared about a lot when I was young and it made me very wary to ever give my heart to another person. I think if you ever truly wanted to you could hurt me a lot more than that incident did. I don't mean to be standoffish or anything, I've just learned to be careful."

“Then be careful. I’ll be here when you’re ready to be a part of my life too. Right now I’m just enjoying being with you,” she admitted to him. “Do you want to talk about it? Your past and what happened?”

Swallowing, he shrugged and looked down at his hands in his lap. "Her name was Marissa," he murmured. "I met her when I was six and ten summers, barely old enough to know anything and yet feeling like I knew it all. I was an idiot and then some," he let out a breath. Dropping his head onto the back of the couch, he closed his eyes. "I’ll spare you all the gory details but she left me thinking she was having my child to marry a Duke or some such thing. The child wasn’t mine or his; it was the baby of some other man she'd used to get a little closer to what she wanted. Wealth and power, those were her goals in life."

“I’m so sorry,” Snow whispered. “Even though I’m fighting for my throne, it’s not for power but rather to save my people. I’ve never wanted power but as soon as that woman killed my father, I knew that I’d have to take it from her. I’m not happy about it but such is life.”

"Your reasons are just and right and for the betterment of all peoples within your kingdom, Snow. Entirely different," he told her, rolling his head and opening his eyes to stare into hers. "You’re thinking of others before yourself and always have been. I know you’re nothing like Marissa but my heart cautions me to go slowly and take care. Once burned and all that," he murmured quietly.

Snow nodded and laid her head on Baldric’s shoulder, "I understand. Do what you need to do to ensure your comfort. I’ll be here when you’re ready for me, and if that day never comes, at least we’ll always be friends, won’t we?”

"We're already friends, Snow, but I do want more with you," he said softly. Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her in closer, "Maybe not today but definitely soon," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her hair. Stroking his hand up and down her arm, he squeezed her closer.

“When you’re ready I’ll be here for you, Baldric. In the meantime, I’m very happy where I am. I happen to really love being held by you like this. It’s comforting and relaxing. I like both of those things, a great deal.”

"I'm glad," he said, resting his cheek to her hair. "I used to be like Nik and Dierk, open and easy going, but Marissa killed that from inside and left me reserved and suspicious. Considering their pasts, I don't know how Nik and Dierk did it, but they obviously found something that gave them the push to get beyond the lessons."

“Well whatever their reasons, I’m happy they found them. I’m happy they’re able to accept me into their lives as they are. I’m just honestly happy to be here. A lot of ‘happys’ I know, but there you have it. I’m happy and that’s the only word I can come up with.” She was stumbling over her words because she wasn’t sure what to say to Baldric.

"You’re acting very nervous," he commented softly, leaning back so they could see one another. "Why are you acting so nervous around me now?" he asked quietly. Lifting a hand, he stroked his fingertips down her cheek.

“I have no idea,” she admitted softly. “I really don’t know why I’m acting the way I am but I do feel a little nervous, a lot nervous actually,” Snow stumbled over her words. “It’s not that I don’t trust you because I do. Goodness I trust you with my very life but for some reason I’m very nervous.”

Frowning, he rubbed his thumb to her lower lip, "Would you feel better if I kissed you? I have to say I might feel better if I kissed you too. You have a gloriously shaped mouth that just begs to be kissed for hours."

“I’d feel much better if you were to kiss me,” Snow whispered softly to Baldric. “I really do think you should kiss me. You should spend hours kissing me,” she whispered softly to him and pulled him closer to her as she spoke those words.

Smiling, he laid them down, tucking her under him with care, "I'm sure we could arrange something," he whispered. Brushing his lips slowly to hers, he nibbled and nipped with care, sliding his tongue over her full lips slowly.

His kiss was so much different from Niklaus or Dierk’s kisses. She held onto him as she kissed him, loving the slow and sensual movement of his lips over hers, and moaning as she did. “So good,” she whispered when he pulled back from her slightly. Smiling up at him, she pleaded, “Please tell me you aren’t done.”

"Not at all," he smiled. "Just giving you a moment to catch your breath is all.” Stroking his hand over her arm slowly, he caught her hand and pulled it to his lips. Pressing a kiss to each finger and her palm, he nipped the center and chuckled when she twitched.

“That’s so very nice,” she whispered quietly. “I really love being kissed and touched by you.” By all of them honestly. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you. Not just you, but the others as well.”

"I hope not, Princess," he murmured, brushing his lips to her wrist lightly. Nipping the flesh gently, he began to drop kisses along her arm. Moving slowly, he kept his eyes on her face as he teased her flesh.

She all but moaned as he kissed and nipped at her flesh. Licking her lips, she whimpered, “Never.” She vowed knowing without a shadow of a doubt she’d be able to keep that promise. She would always need this man.

Shifting over her slightly, he pressed a kiss to her jaw, "Never is a long time," he murmured quietly. "I know better than most that feelings can change," Baldric looked down at her. Stroking his fingers over her cheek slowly, "I just pray you’re right, Snow, because I don't think I could survive a second heartbreak."

“Then you won’t have to worry about one. I’m here. I’m in your life for as long as possible, as long as you want me. I adore you already, Baldric. You’re quiet, insightful, intelligent, and loyal. I have a feeling you’re the one I’ll turn to when I simply need to be held, loved.”

"I'll always hold you, Snow," he promised softly with a smile. "But we’ll all love you, in our own ways. I'm very sure you’ll never want for love. That much I can tell you for sure," Baldric murmured, sliding his fingers over her throat.

“That makes me very happy.” Snow lifted her chin for him to have better access and added very quietly, “Just as I’ll always love you. The three of you have become my everything.” Turning serious, she looked him in the eyes, “When it’s time to fight, and we will have to fight to free my kingdom, promise me that you three will remain safe.”

"I promise you I’ll be perfectly safe under the largest and sturdiest piece of furniture available or up the highest tree depending on where we might be. The others," Baldric snorted, "are on their own. They can find their own places to hide their hairy asses."

Snow smiled and nodded, “Good. As long as I know you’re all safe, the happier I will be.” She would be on the front lines, sword in hand and leading her uncle's men. She wouldn’t and couldn’t ask anyone to do what she was not able to do herself. She was ready to die for her cause if necessary.

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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